<br />
<br /> heat and pawer shall be computed
<br /> ~oi°n~ separately at $2.00 per unit, plus IO~C
<br /> ~e~ per KVA or fraction thereof for all
<br /> KVA up to and including I60 KVA,
<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA 101 KVA to 200 KVA Sc per KVA.
<br /> All in e4cess af 200 KVA shall be
<br /> COUNTY OF RAN6tiEY lOc for each 1000 KVA thereafter.
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS 5-In additio'n to the abave fees all
<br /> ORDINANCE NUMBER 51 transfarmers for signs and autline
<br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- lighting shall be computed at $2.00
<br /> NANCE NUMBER 16 KNOWN AS THE for che first 500 VA or fraction there-
<br /> ARDEN HILLS BUII.DING COllE, '10 of per unit, plus 20c foT each addi-
<br /> REPEAL FEE PROVISIONS RELATIVE tiona] IOOi VA ar fraction thereaf.
<br /> 'f0 ELECTRIC W[RING PERMIT ANU Signs shafl be inspected beEore erec-
<br /> TO ESTABLISH A NEW FEE SCFiED- tian plus final iaspection after erec-
<br /> IILE THEREFOR, tiaa.
<br /> The Villa e Courci] of Arden Hills dces 6--In addition ta the above fees (ex-
<br /> B cept oai dwellings) remote cdntrol,
<br /> hereby ordain as fallows: signal circvits and aircuits of less
<br /> SECTION I. Section 4-8 af Ordinance than 50 volts shall be computed at
<br /> Namber 16, known as the Arden HSlls $2,0~0 per each ten apenings or devic-
<br /> Building Code is hereby repealed. es af each system plus SOc for each
<br /> SECi'iON 1. The following Section is additional ten or fraMian thercof.
<br /> hereby incorporated inta Ordinance Num- T-For the installation of appliances,
<br /> ber 16, lsown as the Arden Hills Build- motcars, lighting, etc., not atherwise
<br /> ing Code, in the place and in the stead covered by this section and which
<br /> of [ozmer Section 4-8 thereof: cdnstitute a separate installation, the
<br /> 4-8 ELECTRIC WIRING PERMITS. fees outlined in Gl shall apply and
<br /> The following is hereby established as in no case less than the Eees in Sub-
<br /> the Electrical lnspection Fee Schedule df divisioa A.
<br /> the Village of Arden Hills, ta-witC D. Far the review of plans and speci-
<br /> A. Minimum fee for each separate in- ficatians af proposed installations,
<br /> spection of an installation, addition, there shall be a minimum fee of
<br /> alteratioa or repair to a circuit up $20.00 up ta and including 320,000
<br /> to 30 ampere (inclusive) .$2.00 of electrical estimate, plus 1/10 0!
<br /> Exeept aeparafe inspections arF do• I MI on any amount in access af
<br /> mestic water heaters , ..33.00 $20,000, to be paid by persons or
<br /> B. Seeoiceg,, change oi aeivites, tem- firnis reqntsting the review.
<br /> porary services, additions, alterations E. For each ro-insWtiem requested
<br /> or repairs on either primarp or sec- by a correctidn order, a fee not ex-
<br /> ondary servicee shall be camputed eo- ceeding the original fee and not to
<br /> parately. acc=ed $3.00 per inspection sha11 ap-
<br /> 0 to and ine1tu15n,Q 60 ampae eapa• ply ;mly wheu so snecified an said
<br /> citY . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 correction order. Fvr reqnested speeial
<br /> 61 to and including 100 ampere ca- insp-ction not covered abave, the fee
<br /> pacity 200 ..p.$4.OU shall be $5.0~0 per hour minimum,
<br /> 1 ity ~ 1IIeluddng .amere s5.00 including trave] time, plus 73/zc per
<br /> each addifional , 100 zmyerE mi]e.
<br /> mpacity or fractipn thereoi ~z,pp F. All electrical installatuons which
<br /> C. I-Circuits, installation ot`, additidns involve the camcealmmt of wiring or
<br /> eqnipmmt ~hall have a rough-in"
<br /> altuatiams or repaizs aF each circuit or inspectioa, priar to concealment.
<br /> svb-feeder shall be compu ted separately, wherein the inspector shall be dnle
<br /> iacluding circuita fed fmn sub-feeders, notified in advance e4cluding 3atur-
<br /> and including the eqnipment aerved, ex- da~y. Sundap and Halidays.
<br /> cept as provided £or in items 2 through 7. SECI"ION 3. Except as herein speciEi-
<br /> 0 td and includiag 30 ampeze capa- callp amended said Ordinance Number
<br /> ciTy . . . . . . . , $1.00 16, subject to amendments nut i~consis-
<br /> 31 ta and including 60 ampere eapa- tmt with the provisions cantained here-
<br /> city . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.00 in, is in all fhinc+s aEFirmed and ratified.
<br /> 61 to and including 166. avnpere ca- SECI"[ON i. This Ordinance shall be
<br /> ty , .$4.00 in eftect fram and afteF its passage aad
<br /> TV eacli additiamal I6O~ ampcre ca- publication,
<br /> pacity or fraction thereof . $1.00 Arlopted ~y the Village Council aE Ar-
<br /> 2-~daximtxm fee on a farmstead ~sha11 dm Hills this 30th day of November,
<br /> not exceed $I5.00 if npt over 200 1959.
<br /> ampere capacity service far single Rebert O. Ashbach, Mayor of the
<br /> ]ocations and is inspected as a sin- Villaee of Arden Hills
<br /> le installation. A;'FI'EST;
<br /> f-Maximum fee on a single family Uorraine E. Stmmquist, Clerk
<br /> dwelling shall aot rxceed $12.00 iE of the VillaQe of Arden I;i31s
<br /> not over 100 ampere capa«Ey and in- Dec. 10, 1949' 1eU slipm
<br /> spee;ed as a siagle insta}latian,
<br /> 4-In aZdition ta the above fees all TAE RpgE TRIBUNE •
<br /> trans[drmers and gcnerators for iight
<br />