<br />
<br /> heat and pawer shall be coinputed ~
<br /> separately at $2.00 per uniT, plus l Ot . b
<br /> per KVA ar fraction thereof, for all
<br /> KVA up to and including 100 KVA,
<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA 101 KVA to 200 KVA Sc per KVA.
<br /> COUNTS' OF RAMSEY All in eaccess of 200 KVA shall be
<br /> IOc for each 1000 KVA thereafter.
<br /> VILL.4IGE OF ARDEN HILLS 5-In additian to the abave fees all
<br /> ORDINt6NCE NUMBER 51 transfarmers for signs and autline
<br /> AN OPDINANC£ AMENDING ORDI- lighting shall be camputed at $2.00
<br /> NANCE NUMBER 16, KNOWN AS THE for che first 500 VA or fraction there-
<br /> ARDEN HILLS BUILDING CODE, 'CU of per unit, plus 20c far each addi-
<br /> REPEAL FEE PROVISIONS RELATSVE tional 100 VA dr fraction theredF.
<br /> TO ELECTRIC WIRING PERMIT ANll Signs shall be inspected before erec-
<br /> TO ESTABLISH A NEW FEE SCHED- tion p2us final inspection after erec-
<br /> 11LE THEREFOR, tian,
<br /> The Village Cauncil of Arden Hills dces 6--In addition ta the above fees (ex-
<br /> hereby ordain as fCllows: cept or. dwellings) remote cdntrol,
<br /> SECTION L Sectipn 4-8 of Ordinance signal circuits and circuits of less
<br /> than 5
<br /> Number 16, known as the Arden Htills 0 volts shall be camputed at
<br /> Buildin Code, is hereb repealed. $2.00 per each ten ppenings or devic-
<br /> SECTION 2. The folIowin Section is es af eadh system plus SOc for each
<br /> g additional ten ar fraction thereof.
<br /> hereby incarporated intd Ordinance Num- P-For the installatian of appliances,
<br /> • ber 16, l:nown as the Arden Hills Build- motrrrs, ]ighting, etc., not atherwise
<br /> ing Code, in the place and in the stead wvered by this section and which
<br /> of former Section 4-8 thereof: cdnstitute a separate installation, the
<br /> 4-6 ELECTRIC WIRING PERMITS. fees ovUined in G-I shall apply ar.d
<br /> The following is hereby established as in no case less than the fees in Sub-
<br /> I the Electrical inspection Fee Schedule of division A.
<br /> the Village of Arden Hills, to-wit: D. Far the review of plans and speci-
<br /> A. Minimum fee for each separate in- iications of proposed installatians.
<br /> spection of an installation, addition, there shall be a minimum fee of
<br /> alteration or repair to a circuit up $20.00 up td and including $20',000
<br /> to 30 zmpere (iaclusive). ..32.00 of electiical estimate, plus 1/10 of
<br /> F.~ccept reparate inspecuonsof do- I q„± on any amount m excess of
<br /> mestic water heaters , ..33.00 $20,000, to be paid by Persons or
<br /> B. Services, change of services; tem- ,
<br /> parary services, additions, alterations firms reqv~sting the revierv.
<br /> r repairs on either primary or sec- E. For each re-inspectian requested
<br /> o
<br /> nndar services shall be com uted se- bY a correctidn order, a fee not ex-
<br /> Y P ceeding the ariginal fce and not to
<br /> parately. eec~ed $3.00 per inspection shall ap-
<br /> 0 ta and incltsding 60 ampere cap8:- pty ;mly when so specified oa said
<br /> city . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 correctian order. For requested sPecial
<br /> 61 ta and including 100 ampere ca- insp-ction not covered abave, the fee
<br /> pacity . $4•00 shal] be $5.00 per hovr minimnm,
<br /> 101 to and~includdng .200 ampere ca- including travel tirrYe, plus 7%c per
<br /> pacity , . . . . . . . E5.00 mile.
<br /> For esch additional 100 ampere ca- F. All electrical installatians which
<br /> pacity or fractipn thereof $2.00 involve the cancealmrnt of wiring or
<br /> C. I~ircuits, installation of, additiaas equipment shall have a"rough-in"
<br /> alteratioms or repairs aE each circuit or inspection, priar to concealment.
<br /> sub-feeder ghall be computed sepazately, wherein the inspector shall be duly
<br /> iacluding circEsits Fed from snb-feeders, notified in advance excluding Satur-
<br /> and iacluding the equipanent served, es- da~y. Sunday and Holidays.
<br /> cept as provided for in items T through 7. SECPION 3. Except as herein specifi-
<br /> Ot~ and including 30 ampere ea$':oo cally amended said Ordinance Nvmber
<br /> 16, subject to amendments ndt inconsis-
<br /> 31 to and~including 60~ampere capa- tmt with the provisions contained here-
<br /> city . $3.00 in, is in all thm¢s ahfirmed and ratified.
<br /> 61 to ~and~ineluding~ 100, ampere ca- SECI'ION 4. This OYdinance shall be
<br /> P acity , $4,00 in effect fram and after its passage aad
<br /> or each' addatiomal 100* ampere ca- pubticatian.
<br /> pacity or fractian thereaf $1.00 Adopted '~r the Village Co~al of Ar-
<br /> 2-Maximum fee on a farmstead 'shall den Hills this 30th day of November,
<br /> not exceed $15.00 if not over 200 1959.
<br /> ampere capacity service for siagle Rdbert O. Ashhach, Mayor of the
<br /> locations and is inspected as a sin- Villae., of Arden Hills
<br /> f le installatian. ,~;~T:
<br /> -Maacimum [ee on a siagle family '[,orraine E. Stromqnist, (`lerk
<br /> dwelling shall not rxceed $12.00 if of the VillaQe of Ardea Iiills
<br /> not over 100 ampere capacity aad in- Dec. 10, 1959 100 slips
<br /> spected as a single installatiow
<br /> 4-In aZdition to the abave fces, all • ~ • ITFM P-OSE •rRIBrLT" 0 40 •
<br /> transfdrmers 3nd gmerators for ]ight
<br /> , •
<br />