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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> COUfV"i'Y OF FiAPISEY <br /> <br /> VI LLAGE OF ARDEN H! LLS <br /> <br /> ORDINAidCE N0. 101 <br /> APJ ORD I NANCE Rh1END ! NG ORD i NANCE PdO. 92, RELAT ( NG TO THE SALE AND <br /> CON SUMP : i ON QF I NTOX I CAT f NG L 1 fJUORS , TO AUTHORI ZE GRANT 1 NG OF <br /> SPEC I AL L I CEtYSES FOR SALE OF L fQUOR OF! SUNDAYS, AND SETT t NG THE <br /> LICEfVSi FFE THEREFOR. <br /> The Counci9 of the Villaqe of Rrden Hills does hereby ordain as follows: <br /> <br /> Section 1. Amendment Gf Ordiriance No. 92. <br /> <br /> (a) Sectimn 2 of Ordinance No, 92 of the Village of Arden Hilis is here- <br /> <br /> by amended to add thereto the followinq as Subdivision 5: <br /> Subdivision_5. Special_Sundar_On-Saie_Ltcense. <br /> Special on-sale licensesiilor~the sale of in-foxicating Ilquor <br /> on Sunday shall be issued only to ho$els arsd restaurants as <br /> defined in 1967, Chaptet- 19, Sec. 1 and Chapter 691, and <br /> as permifited in Arden Hil1s by other applicable provisions <br /> of law. Ali sates of liquor by such establishments shall be <br /> in accordance with Laws 1967, C;hapter 691. <br /> (b) Section 4 ofi said Ordinance No. 92 is hereby amended to add the foi- <br /> <br /> lowing as Subdivision 3 a, to be inserted befiween Subdivision 3 and Sub- <br /> <br /> division 4 fhereof, whlch Subdivision 3 a(s as foifows, to-wit: <br /> Subdivision_3 a. License Fees For_Specia!_SundaZr_On_Sale Licenses. <br /> License~fees for specialiSunday on-sate licenses issued pursuant r <br /> to Sec. 2, Subd. 5 hereof, as authorized by Laws 1967, Chapter <br /> 691 . shall be $200.00. <br /> <br /> (c) Sec-tion 9 of said Ordinance fVo. 92 is hereby amended by changing <br /> the first sentence tfiereof to rea:i as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br /> No sale of intoxtcatinq iiquor shall be made after 1 am. on <br /> Sunday, nor between the hours of 1 a.m, and 3 o'ciock p.m. on <br /> anu Memor i a l Day, nor between the hours of 1 a. m. and 8 0' c I ock <br /> p.r~. on any Election Day, exeept hofiels, restaurants, or other <br /> permitted esfiablishments haaing spectal Sunday on-sale liquor <br /> licenses, whieh establishments may serve ini-oxicating liquor <br /> beJ'ween the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 12 o'cloek midnight on <br /> Sunday. <br /> Section 2. Etfective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full foree and <br /> <br /> effeet from and after its passaqe and publication accordinq to law. <br /> Passed by the Council of Arden Hitis this 31 day of July, 1967. <br /> <br /> /S/ Robert E. Pdethercut <br /> Attest: Robert E. Nethercut, M.ayor-__ <br /> <br /> /S! Lorraine S1-romguisfi-______--_- <br /> lorraine E. Stromquist <br /> Administi-ative Clerk <br />