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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> COUiVT`r` OF RAt~!S EY <br /> <br /> VILLAGE 0F Af2DEN H I LlS <br /> <br /> ORDItJANCE NO. 101 <br /> APJ ORDiNANCE AMEN04NG ORDlNANCE NO. 92, RELATtNG TO THE SALE AND <br /> CON SUMP I ON OF I NTOX! CAT I NG L iOUORS , TO AUTHOR i ZE GRANT I NG OF <br /> SPECIAL LICENSES FOR SALE OF LiQUOR Oh! SUNDAYS, ArJD SE7TING TNE <br /> LICEN:;E FEE THEREFO.R. <br /> <br /> The Counc i 9 0# the V 1 1 I aqe of Pli°cien !i i I i s does hereby orda i n as fo i I ows : <br /> Secti on 1. Amendment cf Ord'e nance Plo. 92. <br /> <br /> (a) Section 2 of Ordinance No. 92 of the Village of Arden Hilis is here- <br /> <br /> by amended to add thereto the fofiawinq as Subdivision 5: <br /> Subdlvision~5. Sp ecial Sur~da Y~On_Sale License. <br /> SpECial on-sale licenses far the saie of intnxicating liquor <br /> on Sunday shal{ be issued only ta hotels and restaurants as <br /> defined in Laws 1967, Chapter 19, Sec. t and Chapter 691, and <br /> as permitted in Arden Hitls oy oi-her applicable provisions <br /> of law. AIl saies of liquor hy such esfiablashments shall be <br /> in accordance with Laws 1967, f.;hapter 691, <br /> (b) Section 4 of said Ordinance No. 92 is hereby amended to add the fol- <br /> <br /> lowing as Subdivision 3 a, 1-o be inserted between Subdivision 3 and Sub- <br /> <br /> division 4 thereot, which Subdivision 3 a is as fallows, to-wit: <br /> Subdivision_3 a. License Fees For S~ecia! Sund~_On-Sale Licenses. <br /> License tees for special Sunday~on-sale+licenses issued pursuant r <br /> to Sec. 2, Subd. 5 hereofp as authorized by Laws 1967, Chapter <br /> 691 shall be $200.00. <br /> <br /> (c) Secfiion 9 of said Ordinance fVo. 92 is hereby amended by changing <br /> the first senterce fihereof to read as fol{ows, to-wit: <br /> <br /> No sale cf intoxicating liquar shall be made after 1 am. on <br /> Sunday, nor between the haur-s of 1 a.m. and 3 o'clock p.m. on <br /> any Memor i a f Day, nor be-tween the hours ofi 1 a. m. and 8 0' c I ock <br /> p.m. on any Election Day, excepi- hotPls, restaurants, ar other <br /> permi-9-ted establishments having special Sunday on-sale liquor <br /> licenses, which establishments may serve ini-oxicating liquor <br /> be'ween the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 12 o'clock midnight on <br /> Sunday. <br /> Section 2. Etfective Date. This Ordinance shali be in full force and <br /> <br /> effect from and aftsr if's passagE and pubficatPon accordtng to law. <br /> Passed by the Councif of Arden Fiidls this 31 day of July, 1967. <br /> <br /> /S/ Robert E. Nethercut <br /> Attest : ~ ~Robert E. Nethercufi,~Playor <br /> <br /> <br /> /S/ Lorraine Stromgutst <br /> ~ Lorra;ne E. St'romquist <br /> Admiriisfirative Clerk <br />