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L x iy J Y <br /> .L~"~_} <br /> ~ i <br /> ¦C8: <br /> . . <br /> . . • ' . <br /> . <br /> ~ <br /> ~ § 84.90 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES CO`vSERVAr <br /> s <br /> hide used tor recreattonal purposes, including bnt not limited to snowmobile, CHAPTER 84A. U <br /> trx31 bike or other all-ferrain N-ehicle, hovercraft, or motor veliicle licenseil <br /> for hlgbwny operntion wLich fa being usecl for ofi-road recreational puiposes. <br /> (b) "8nowmobile" has the same meanins given Uy aectlon 84.81, subdivision 3. S~A.Of Red Lake game p~ <br /> anbd. 2. 1Vithin the se~•en count metropolitau area, no person shxll ~ I•:~wY 19!~:i, c. 541, uuthorl: <br /> S' c,•~anc.• nf the ti\YJ/4 of :31 <br /> and operate a recreatioi?al motor vehicle on lnncis iiot liis own, except whfre ~ iivii 21. 'rwp. 1.;9, Hange <br /> otherwjse aliowed by luw, withoeit the writteii or oral perini9sion of the own- <br /> er, occupant, or lessee of such lands. Written permission may be given 6y 83A.03 Red Lake gama ps <br /> a_poatecl notice of uny kind or, description that the owner, occuparat, or lessee ~ LrtwY 19ss, c. 51, 1 10. <br /> prefers, so long as it specifies the l:int] of cehlcles allowed, such 85 Uy say'ing ":+~•~'tion c•• for "section 7•• <br /> "Recreational Vehicles Allow•ed", "SnowmoUilea Allowed", "Trail Bikes Al- f., 84A.41 List of lands. <br /> lowed", "All=rerrain Vehicles Aliowed", or worda 9ubstantiiilly similar. •rnw ••con,misssoner of tt <br /> Subd. 3. Outside the seven county metropolttan area, no person shull en- snbytlruted tur tne "atui <br /> ter on any land not his o~vn fox tt?e Pu?'Pose of operatiug a recreational motor %~'1 ~l~~n tF<<s secrton us ~c <br /> F \1inn.Stats.t774 folluwirg I <br /> vet?icle atter being notilled, either ornlly or by written or posted notice, by ; t~utn~~ricy ~,r t,x%v. 1~7:~, c. 48: <br /> + <br /> the oRner, occupant, or lessee not to do so. «here postcd notice is used, ~ ~ccet~~n is.~.oi ec seq. <br /> eigns shall bear letters not less than tNvo inches higb and 311Hl1 AtALB Ol]8 OL 84A.07 Tltle ta land in sto <br /> the following: "Becreationnl Vehiclea ProhIbited", "Snowmobiles Prohibited", ~ T1w ritle' to 3111 P+ircO:s 01 <br /> "Tratl Rikes Prohibited", "All-Terrnin Vehicles Prohibtted", or w•orcis suU- ,~<ti•~~t l:~u~ls l~•ln~• wit4in i <br /> stantially siinilar. In lieu of the above not[ee an owner, occupnnt or lessee lH, :Acrruired bti- the st.itr <br /> muy post uny sign prohibiting recreational motor vehicles which has been .ha11 1o hF1A by the ,;t:ite. <br /> ~ adopted by rule or regulation o1 the commissloner of nataral resourceK. speci[icd thereiu, and si?xtt <br /> The notlce or sign shall be gostecl at corners and ordlnary ingress and egress th~~ ~~rosi~lo~~~ of T,awr ]!i~ <br /> ~ to the Property`and when so posted shall serve so as to ralac a conclusive pl,,,.11410d tip ],nwti 7973, e. <br /> presumption that a person operatlng a recrentional motor veh[cle thereon hnd ~Sect[ons Sa 4.U! to 84A.11. <br /> knowledge that he had entered apon such posted lunds. Failure to post no-.~ <br /> ~ 84A.08 Lands classlfied <br /> tlce as provide4l in this subdivision shall not deprive a person of the riBbt <br /> ~ to bring a cicil action for damage to his person or pmperty as otherwise Upoii recript by the con?r. <br /> provided by law. spocified iu tirction 84A.04. <br /> Subd. 4. It 1s unlawPul for n person to post, mutilate, or remove ang uo- - which -,;hall clnssify- nll sue <br /> tice or sign provided in this section upon auy ]anda or waters over whiCh he affurestutiun or reforcatatl <br /> hAS no right, title, interest, or license. It is imlxwtul tor a person other serviug, propngating, hrctird <br /> than a duly constituted legnl authorlty to so post any puLl[c lands, including in si•CrIOIl 94A.01, iuid utter <br /> but not linllted to tax forfeited lands, ns abose described. stxte, in tLe munncr provb <br /> Subd. 5. ro persoa Rhall euter or leave the lands of another with a rec- time. All snch l,mds ishfeL <br /> reHtional motor vehiCle, or pass irom one portion of such lands to anOther dh,r thc pruvi.ions o! sectia <br /> portion, through u closed gxte, without returning the gate to ite or[ginal tiuituhle for ngricultirre ant <br /> ; position. No person shnll enter or leave the jands of nnother with a recrca- ji-ct to sale Ly tlie stnte, aa <br /> tIonal motor vehicle by catting ciuy wire or tesring down or deatroyfng any AuienrlecJ Uy 1973, t: fence. <br /> ~ 84A.11 When bonds pald In <br /> Subd. 6. Nothing in this section shall limlt or otherwise qualify the power ~ <br /> 01 mun9cipalities, counties, schoal districta, or other polittc:il sulxlivislons of Auy toiinty whcrein a p <br /> the state or any agency of the etate to impose additional restrlctioue or pro- cated m, qy volunturily axxu <br /> hibitions on the operution of recreational motor vehlcles on pruperty not tLtit portion of thc rrrincipi <br /> awned Uy the operator Sn flccordance wSth ]aw: 'Whicli wi?y remain uupatd i <br /> in the count~~ antl wholly <br /> ' Subd. 7. A person violating the pmvisions of this aectton is guilty ot s Frouu(1, whicL portion lwan <br /> misdemeanor. ' princip;it nnd interest as tl <br /> Added Ly 7.aw9 1974, c. 48Ed, $ 1. hy • thc ktxtc <br /> s( <br /> Laws 1974, c. 468, ; 2, Drovided that property not owne(l by the oD¢rator; tp~Ctl La~,?cc Lo the totrtl 1~J'.~ <br /> thls act Is effective the day [ollnwing Ita provlc!Ing penalUes: amending Mfnne- <br /> final enactment. (Governor's apDroval, eota Statutes 1971. Chapter 84, by aJd- '1'his nstiumption sLall Ue el <br /> Aprtl 11, ]974] ing s aectlon. Iawa 1979, c. 488. <br /> ~ cuunty, a wpy of wLich sha <br /> Tltle of Act: Ltbrary referonens in one yexr after the pilb9A <br /> An Act relating to recreatlonal motor Automobllee (~10. <br /> vehicleA; Droviding 11mltaUons on the C.J.S. Motor Vehlcles 4 26 et seq• an)' of these bond3 eLtill !f <br /> oDerniion of auch vehlclea while on ~ upon demnnd of the goY![q <br /> Loldcr of nny such bonds, 1 <br /> ~ nssumet, nnd the couutr t <br /> propcrty of the county ther <br /> may bc needecl confonning i <br /> countp rcfnnding bonds. T <br /> 38 ~ <br /> ~ <br /> . <br /> - . . . . , . . . _ - ".'~"^Y,_.~~~ z'- - . . . - - . . . . . _ ~ . . . _ , <br />