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<br /> <br /> <br /> . ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> Gj <br /> P;SPARTMENT OF IVATURAL RE~iOi;a~~',~, ' <br /> fere v;itli or endaziger the Iaw euPorcem2nt ofiicer or any other ger5on or ve- hiele, or (c) increase his speed or attempt te ilee or e:nde the oPficer. Addec7 by 1973, c_ 672, ~ 1. <br /> <br /> j Library references <br /> 1lutornob9les 0=3349. <br /> C.T.S. _Motor Vehicles § 593. <br /> ~ 84.118 Penal4ias Subclivision l. Anyperson who shall -vzolxte any pro-visiai7 of seciions 84.81 <br /> to £4.59 or any reglilation of the commzssioner of iiatural resonrces or of the commissioner of public saEetv promu1gatet3 pursuant to law shall be guilty of, <br /> a niisdenletinor. _ Subcl. 2. A person registered as owiier of a sriowinobile may be fuled noY. ~ -to exceed $300 if a sno«•mobile bearing his registratiori YiwnbPr ia operatetl <br /> <br /> contrar~ to the provisions of lIinnesc,ta Statutes, Sections 84.81 Y,o 54.88, 10026, SnbdIvisioTi 1, or 100.29, Subdivisions 28 or 29. Tlie rea'sstered, <br /> - <br /> niay not be so fined if (fl) the snowmobile was z•eported as stolen to the corn- missioner or a law enforceizient agencv at the tiine of the allegetl unlakvftzl act, or if (b) the registered owner denioristrates that the snowniobile e,ither was stolen or tvas iaor in use at the time of the alleged rznl<xwfial nct, ar if <br /> <br /> (c) tbe regiatered owncr furnishes to law enforcement otncers upan request tlie icleiitiT.y of the pez•son in actrzal phys:cnl coFitrol of the snotivmobile aG the ~ time of such violation. The provisioiis of thi;; subclivlsion do not apply to uny <br /> <br /> person who rents or 7ea~es a snowmobile if such person keeps a recorci of ` <br /> ~ the name ancl acldress of the person-ar persons rcnting or leasing sixch snaw- <br /> ~ mobile, the registration nuznber thereof, the clepartiire tlate and time, and <br /> ~ expeeted time of retuni thereof. Sus:h record shall be preserveil ior at ]c,ast <br /> ~ six months a.nd shall he prima facie eviclerce that Y.Yle person riamed tbortiii <br /> ~ was the operator thereof at the tinie it was operated contrary to MinnESOta Statutes, Sections 84.81 to 84.88, 10026, Stibdivision or 100.39, Subdivisions ~ 28 oi• 29. The provisioiis of tliis subclivision do iiot prohibit or limit t.he prusecutioii of a snowinobile operator for violati»a any of the sections re- <br /> ferreti ta in this subdivisioii. <br /> ~ Laws 1967, c. 876, § 10. Amended Uy I,aavs 1369, c. 112~J, ar~ X, § 2; Laws <br /> ~1971, c. 23, g 10, eff. Marcli G, 1971; Laws 1971, c. 491, § 3, eff. 117ay 26, 1971; ~ • <br /> ; Ln_ws 1971, -c. 577, § 10, eff. July 1, 1971 ; 1973, c. 701, § 3. : <br /> ~ 1971 Amendments. 1571, a 23, Laws 1971, a 577 adc3e3 sabd.2 and ~was a. correction Uill deleting the speci- corrected citations iii subcl. 1. <br /> ~ fied penalty. See, now, section G09.031_ 1973 Amendment. Correcte.d a cita- ' <br /> Laws 1971 c. 491, transferred certain tion, <br /> of the funcYions of the comrnissioner of ` highways to the commissioner of puhlic ~ <br /> safety. <br /> 84.89 Coniiscation of snowmeblls used in burglary AX <br /> ~ A law eriforcement offiicer shall seize any snotivcuobile, as def.ined in 'Niiiiue- sota Statutes, Sectior. 84.81, nsed for the ptirpose of gaining a<ce," to prop- <br /> erty for tLe pl7rposc of committing the criine of burg.aiy, as clefinecl in i1iin- <br /> nesota Statutes, Section 609.55, Any snowmobile seized pursnant to this sec- 6 <br /> tiun sliall be held, subject to the order of Che district court of thE coimty in <br /> which the burglary was coznmitted, and shall be confiscateri af.ter conviction ~ of the tierson fro7n whom the snowniobile was seizeci atid disposcd of iri ac- ~ cordance with the procedui°e provided for equipnient nsed iia committing garue <br /> and fich violations bv Minnesota StaY,utes, Section 97.50, Subdivisiozz fi, ex- cept that the balance of the proceeds froiri tbe sale of a confisc.a*cd siiosvmollile which a.e paid iiito the state treasurp shall be credited to the general funei. <br /> Aclded by Lttws 1969, e. 176, § 1, off. April 24, 1369. Ami~ncle_d by LaNvs 1969, c. 391l, § 1, eff. July 1, 196 )9. <br /> ~ MJfl LimiYations on ths operation of recreational rno;or vehicles E ` <br /> ` Snbdivisitin 1. I!or the ptirpo,es of this section the following terms have ~ - . <br /> ~ the meaninp given tiYiem: (u) "Rocrentional iiiotor vehicle" marEns aas se1A- ~ <br /> propelled vehicle Znd any A-ehicle propellecl or drawn by a sc.if-pcopelled re- <br /> g 37 <br /> . <br /> <br /> b <br /> 1 <br />