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<br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinarce Number 32 <br /> <br /> Page "'Zl <br /> <br /> SEGTION 8. Conditions of L,icense o <br /> <br /> Subdivision l. Every li.eense shall be granted subject <br /> to the conditions in the follawing <br /> su,bdivi sio ns and all othe r pro v is ions <br /> of this ordinan,ce and of any other <br /> applicable ordinance of the Village or <br /> State Lawo <br /> ~ Subdizrision 20 The license sb-all be posted in a eon- <br /> spicuous plakti°e on the licensed premises <br /> at all tim s. <br /> Subdivisfon 3a F-v.ery licensep- shall be resnonsible for <br /> t'he conduct vf his p1ace of business <br /> and the conditions of sobrie t;r and <br /> orcler in ite The act of any employee <br /> on the licensed prem.ises autrorized to <br /> sell or ser-Te intox3.cating 1 iquors shall <br /> be deemed to be the as t of tre Iic ensee <br /> as ti*rell and the licensee shall be liable <br /> for aII penalties provided 'by this ar- <br /> dinance equally with the employee'. <br /> Sttbdivision 4. No €'on sale" licensee shall se1l intoxim <br /> cating liqixor "off sale`i unless he also <br /> ho1ds an "of f sale" liquor lic e nse e No <br /> "off saIe" license-- shall selI "on sea].e" <br /> or perrnit the consumption of any liquor <br /> on the 1icensed pmrnise s a <br /> Subdisision 5a No license shall be effective beyond <br /> the compact and contiguoLis spa~e r-amed <br /> in the license for v-,hich it was grantPd. <br /> Subdivision 6o No liquar shall be sold or furnished <br /> - to axiy intoxieated persvr~, to any <br /> habitual drunkard, to anjr person under <br /> 21 ye ar s a f age, or to any I ndian who <br /> has nat adQpte d the 1ang;uage, ct.a.stoms 9 <br /> and habits of citirilizaf.,zor. <br /> Subdivision 74 Na person ande~ 21 ye-ars af a~~ sha11 <br /> be employed in any raoms iuhere "on <br /> sale s" are made and no such persQ.n. <br /> shall be alloviecl to be ar remair an <br /> any la.censed premises. <br /> Subdivisian 80 No licensee shall keep 9 possess, or' <br /> operate or permit t'r?e keeping, pos° <br /> sessiond or operaticn. of an,, s.i.ot <br /> • machine, diee, or anyr gamoling de- <br /> vice ar apparatus car, tl-ie, ? icensed. <br /> premises or in any room adjGining <br /> the licensed prU:nises ~.4nd_ he dial1 <br /> not permit an.y gwmbling thereino <br /> Subdivisian 9e Nn licensee shall permit the ?icensed <br /> premises ar any rovm in those premises <br /> or in anur adjoining buildin; directly <br /> or indirectly under his control te- be <br /> used as a re sor~t f ar prostitute s o <br />