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<br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance Eumber 32 <br /> <br /> Paga I2 <br /> <br /> Sectian 8.(cantinued) <br /> <br /> Subdiv-ision 10. No paol or billiard table shall be kept <br /> or used in any "on sale" premises ex- <br /> cept a clubo <br /> Subdi-vision lle No equipment or f3.xture in any licensed <br /> place sha11 be awned in whole or in <br /> part la~T any manu~'dcturer or distiller <br /> ~ of° intoxicatin.g liquoro <br /> Subdivision 12Q Any peace afiicer, heal,th officer, or <br /> any properly designated oificer or em- <br /> ployee of the v311 age shall havi~) the <br /> unqi:ialified rzght ta enter, inspect, <br /> and search the premises of the licensee <br /> d.urin.g business haurs vi~Tithout a ZF,rarrant. <br /> Subdivision 13a No Zicen,see shall sel19 offer for sale, <br /> or keep for sale, intoxicat,inJ lic~luors <br /> in anir- ariginal package which has been <br /> refilled or partly ref illedo No 1i- <br /> ce nsee shal 1 d. ir°e c; t? y or througheny <br /> other pe rson dilute or in any manne r <br /> tamper with the contents of ara. -I ariw <br /> ginal package so as to crange its <br /> compositioh or alcQholic content vrhile <br /> in t;he original package o Fo sse ssion <br /> Qn the 3.icensed prerzises by any li- <br /> censee af any intoxicating liqu.or in <br /> the origina1 package dif°f°ering in com- <br /> position or aZcohal.ic cantent f'r$om <br /> the liquor d;rhen reGeived from the <br /> manufaeturar or whole saler from i~rhor3 <br /> it was purchase d shall be prima fl-Ic ie <br /> t;vidence that the contents of the <br /> original packaqe haVe been dzluted.,, <br /> changed, or tampered ~Tit he <br /> Subdi-Tision lga No "an saler" °?_a.quor establishment <br /> shal1, d.isplair liqu~r vrhen flpera to the <br /> publ.ic during hours t:rhen the saIe a#' <br /> Iiqvor is Drohibited b-y this ordinanue o <br /> Subdivision 15a No persesn sY!all se11 intaxicating <br /> liqiaor to any spendthrif't or im- <br /> provident persan a.~'ter written riotice <br /> nnt to do sa has been served ar him <br /> by a p are nt ~ husb anr~ , wif'e,, ad.uI. t <br /> child, or guardian of such person or <br /> by the chief of palice. 6r any cauncil- <br /> ~ rnen of the Vi1J.agea `_1'he prohibation <br /> of this s;abd.ivisian shall ext ;nci. fpr <br /> one year f°rom date of the serv ice <br /> of the nati ceo TIThe-n noti ve is ser~\red <br /> by an autharized persan not a Vill age <br /> off ici al acopy Qf the notice shall <br /> also be senkred upQn the Village Clerk9 <br /> bvt the proh3.bition of this ordinance <br /> shal1be effe cti ve ~iithout such adc7i A <br /> tional, serl-vice a <br /> Subdivision 16o Ne, 1icense~ sha11 keep ethyl, alcohol <br /> or neutral spirits on the licensed <br /> premi se s or perms. t the ir use on the <br /> premzses either alcne or mixPd with <br /> any o tY? e r be ve r ageo <br />