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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> f?rd irian. ce r 32 <br /> Page ;t` -13 <br /> <br /> SECT ~G~ 94 HourS of Qperation. No sa1e of intoxicatinp <br /> liquor s a be made af er ; T r? olA4 on Su.ndavfl befcare 3:00 P 6Mo <br /> an any Memorial Dayp or be.fore 8:00 Ye1,11p an any eIection da7 in <br /> the Vizla;ee No "on sale" shall be made betti,reen the of <br /> I6n0 i}ni:'io and 8:00 A.M. on any weekdaya NQ of'f'-sale shall be <br /> made before 8:00 F+ Q-Me or after} 8s00 on weekdays or a€°ter <br /> 10:00 P.M. Qn Satu.rd~~~. NO of'f'-sale shal1 be rnada on Nedf Year°s <br /> Day9 January 1, Memarial Dayg Ilay 30; Independence DaYg Ju?Y 4; <br /> Thanksgiving Day; cr Ch.ristmas Day9 Dc;~ember 25; and nc affGsale <br /> ~ shall be made after 8: 00 Y ayf1o nn Decem-ber 24 0 <br /> SECT'iON 10n G1ubs. 11a c1ub halding a special club license <br /> sha1l selTl~.~uor excep - to membersa No a#,her 1icensed club <br /> shall sel7. 1.iquor except ta members an.d ta guests in the company <br /> of mumbers. <br /> SEC'I'ION 110 RestrictiQns an Purchase or Consum.ptiono <br /> <br /> Suladivisian 1. No-nimr sha1l misrc;pr«sent his are for <br /> trs gux~pose of abtaini-ng 1iquor or 342 <br /> beer nar sY? all he enter an,y premise s <br /> 1.icensed under this orci_in?=e in order <br /> to proCUre stxch be trerage s s or to con- <br /> sta,m.e- or purchase or attempt to pur- <br /> chase, or have another purchase for <br /> him$ such bev°erage on licensed pre7nisese <br /> Subdivision 2a No person shall induce a zninor to pur- <br /> chase or procure 1,iqucrQ <br /> Subdi v ision 3o No person shall ~ive 9 or <br /> purchase liquor f'ar any r,inor or other <br /> person to i=rhom f;he sa1_e of in.taxicat- <br /> 1.iqu,ar~ is for'bidden b~~ l~~;rA <br /> Subdi-%rision 4a No persor? shall mi.x csr prepare Iiquor <br /> for in any publie p1ace <br /> of bu.sine ss not licensed to sell <br /> IicauQr "on-sale " an.d no person snall <br /> cansume liqLior in an_y st]ch place a <br /> Subdivisivn 50 Nfl 1,iquor shaIl be scsld or consiamed <br /> an a pu,blic hi~hi~ray or in an autamobile o <br /> <br /> SEC'.z"ION 12Q Revocationo The Gauncil may suspend or revo"Ike <br /> any liquQr icense_T-orv`T=ion of any pro-~,risian or condition of <br /> this prdinance or axry state law regulating the sale of intoxica- <br /> ting liqucr and s1ha1l rz voke such license if the licensee wil- <br /> fl:1l1y ViOZatE~' S aZ7.y pY'E) 1TiS1C3Yl of TlI.YlI7P.S £3ta St`d.tu~'s8S gSvGt1CY1 340 a v,7 <br /> to 340o4Os Except in the case of asuspension pending a hearing <br /> on revocation, revocatian or suspension by the Ccuncil shall be <br /> ~ preceded by written natice tc the grantee ana a public hearings <br /> The notice shal]_ give at least eight days' notice of the time <br /> and place of the hearing and shall sta-te the nature of the cnarges <br /> the licensee a The Cfluncil ma~~,, 77ithout ara._y advance r!atice, <br /> suspend any 1.icense pending a hearing on revacat3on far a pzricd <br /> of no t exceeding thirty (30) days, <br />