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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinanee -Num.ber 32 <br /> Page ;'7 <br /> <br /> Section 4.License Fees (continued) <br /> <br /> Subdivision 3a (cantinued) <br /> a credit, against the first Tvirenty- <br /> Four Thousand Dollars Q,249000Q00) <br /> of the gr055 liquor sales during <br /> the license period, and accardingly <br /> no fee sha.Il be paid upon the basis <br /> of a quarterly repart un.til the <br /> • grass 7.iquor sales for the period <br /> eo-vered by the license exeeed. <br /> 'I'went;r-Faur Tho~.san d Dallars <br /> (,1,R",,24g000sOG),9 and then the quarter- <br /> ly payments shall be upon gross <br /> liquor sa1es in, excess of TwentyG <br /> Four Thou,sand Dollars (~t249000o00)e <br /> Subdivision 4e Auditing of Reportsa <br /> 'I'he Council sha11 have the riE,,ht to an <br /> audit of #,re baoks and record.s of an <br /> r,on sale" liquar Iicensee by a certim <br /> fied public accountant, of its oiFrn <br /> choasing for the purpose of determining <br /> vrhether the af'ore said repo rts md pay- <br /> rnents reauired of the licensee are <br /> properly calculateda The Council ?nay <br /> exerczse this right by two (2) <br /> days Td_rritteri notice to the licensee o <br /> The re af te r the audi t may be t aken d:uring <br /> reasona'bl.e business hours and an the <br /> premises of t,he licensee or such ather <br /> p1ace urithin the Village of -cirden Hills <br /> as the Council may desiSna-te o ThP <br /> licensee shall promptly gran.t permission <br /> to exarnine a11 of Ihi.s books and r°ecords <br /> for this pur•pase anel srall caoperate <br /> with the auditor su lected b;r the Council <br /> for the purapose of f acili'r,ating t,his <br /> audit, In the event that the audit re - <br /> port indieates that the payrnients mad.e by <br /> the licensee under the nrovisions of <br /> this flrdinance rrere less than reqtzired <br /> for the period covered b7, r tre license9 <br /> theri the licensee shall pay the cost <br /> of audit. If the audit x~e-port <br /> i e ates that the pa;nn.e nt s made b~T <br /> the licensee under this orc inm. oe were <br /> in accardance with the prQ visiorls of <br /> this ordina..~ce, then the Vi:l.lage shal1 <br /> bea;., the expense of tre audit, <br /> • Su.bdivision 5. "0ff Sale" Liquor License Feese <br /> e annua ee or_7nliqupr <br /> license shall bu Cne Hundred Dollars <br /> , ($I0GaQQ) a Tb-e annr-ual fee fpr a speeial <br /> club license shai.l be One Hundred. DQllars <br /> ($10Oe00)fl <br /> Subdivision 6. Disposita.on of Feeso <br /> A applica Ions or "of#' sale'° licenses <br /> or special elub 1.icenses sha1.1 be av- <br /> companied by certified check or money <br /> order ta tre Village Treasurer for pay9 <br /> ment in fu11 of such fee s Q. A1I fee s <br />