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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance Number 32 <br /> Page #8 Section 4.License Fees (continued) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Subdi -vision 60 (continued) <br /> referred to in tris section shall be <br /> paid into the general fund of the <br /> Village o Upon rejection of any ap- <br /> plication for a license the !'reasurer <br /> sha].l refund the amount paid viith <br /> the applicatipne <br /> ~ Subdi-rision 7s Period of Licenses 4,%nd. Renewal 1?p- <br /> p ica ionsp <br /> A icenses referred to undcr this <br /> sectian shall expire on the last day <br /> of December of each yea.ra Each li- <br /> censc shall be issued for a period <br /> of one (1) year, but if a portian of <br /> the license year has elapsed vihen t,he <br /> appsication is made a Iicense may be <br /> issued f or the remainder of the year <br /> for a pro rata fee e in camputing <br /> such fee an.y unexpired fraction of a <br /> mon-th shall be counted as one (1)month, <br /> .Applicativns for renewal of an exist- <br /> ing license shall be filed with the <br /> Vi11age Clerk on or be#'ore December I <br /> o f the ye ar pre ce d i ng the ,year c o ve red <br /> by the appli cation. <br /> Subdivision 89 Refunding of Feese <br /> Na. par o ere-e paid for an.,y <br /> issued under this ordinance shall be <br /> refun.ded except in the specific in- <br /> stanees tre Council may refund a portion <br /> af the license fee on applic atian rnade <br /> witlzin thirt,y (30) days af'ter the <br /> happenin.g of the e\rents hereinafter <br /> referred to a In such c:zses, at the <br /> discretion of the Council, there may <br /> be refunded a pro rata partion of the <br /> fce for the unexpired period af the <br /> lieense a The Council may cflnsider <br /> such an appli cation -vihen the operation <br /> Qf the licBnSE;d buS131eSS ceaS2s fcg' <br /> the following reasans, tc vTit a <br /> (1) Destruction or damage of the <br /> 1.ieensed premise s by fire or <br /> other catastraphe g <br /> (2) Death of the licensee; <br /> • (3) A ch ange i n the li qu.o r s t atu s <br /> of the municipality which <br /> make s it unlawf u1 for the <br /> licensed business ta continue e <br /> SECTT ON 5,v Granting of Licensesa <br /> Subdisision lo The Village Ccuncil shall in;restigate <br /> a11 facts set out in tre applicatiane <br /> 4pportunit y shal 1 be c-i ve n t o any <br /> person ta be heard for or against the <br /> granting of the Iicense o After such <br /> investigation and hearing the Vi11age <br /> Council shall grant or refuse the ap- <br /> plication in its discretian. ITo "off <br />