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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance Number 32 <br /> Page #'9 <br /> <br /> Section 5. (continued) <br /> <br /> SubdiJision ld (continued) <br /> <br /> sale" license shall become effecti-re <br /> until it, -Eogether with the bond furn- <br /> ished by the applieant$ has been apv <br /> pro-red by the liquor control co-mi-riism <br /> sioner a <br /> • Subdivisi.on 2 e Each license shall be issued ta the ap- <br /> plicant anlye Each license shall be <br /> issued on1y for the premises descoibed <br /> in the ap"olication. No license may be <br /> transferred to another person or ta <br /> another place withgut the appro-val of <br /> the Village Counei'Le s:pnlication for <br /> transfer shall be made in vrriting to <br /> t11e Vil1.age C lerk and sh all be ac- <br /> companied by certif ied check or money <br /> order in the amaunt pf Gne Hundred <br /> (07.OOo00)payable to the Vil- <br /> lage Treasurer,, whivh amaant is fixed <br /> as the transfer fee e The Couneil <br /> shal.l or cause to be made sucYi <br /> i.nve stigation as it deems apx~ropria~,e <br /> regardin.o- the tr-cmsferee ar the pro- <br /> posed locations This prcvision shall <br /> alsa apply in the e-Tent of ap7,1ic ation <br /> by a corpQrate lieensee for tr~)nsfer <br /> af stack in the eorporat3.on, provided <br /> that no transf er fee shall be char ge d <br /> if the transfer is the first within <br /> the period p#` the license and the stack <br /> saught to be transf erred dae s not con- <br /> stitute fif°ty percent (50; ) or mcare of <br /> the putstanding comm.on s#,ock Qf the <br /> corporationo <br /> Subdivision 30 The Clerk, shaIl~ vTith3n ten (10) days <br /> after the issuanee of any "an sale" <br /> li cense undert-his ardiy-iarice, s?abmit <br /> to the Iiquor^ cantrol corLmissioner the <br /> fu11 name and_ address of each person <br /> granted a lacense a the trade r~ame, the <br /> effecti'v-e license date, and thG date <br /> of expiratifln of the 1i ce nse o He sb-all <br /> alsa submit to the liqu,or control com- <br /> missianer any change of adaress9 trar_s- <br /> ferg cancellation9 or revocation of <br /> any r'on sale" or "off sale" l.ic ense <br /> ~ by the Council during the license period.o <br /> SECTION 6.*. Persans Ineligi.ble for License o <br /> N0 license sh.a1l be granted ta or held by an.y persona <br /> (1) Unde r 21 year sof age ; <br /> (2) liFTho is not nf good maral character ar <br /> repute 9 <br /> (3) Who,~ if ar-,y indi v idual , i s an alien; <br /> (4) k, o is or has been convicted after <br /> January 69 1934 af any wilfu,l .riQla- <br /> tion of ary law of the iJni.ted Stat:. s <br /> ar the State of Minne sata or of any <br />