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<br /> <br /> 1 1 <br /> <br /> Ordinance Num,ber 32 <br /> P a g e r;' 12 <br /> <br /> Section 8.(continued) <br /> <br /> Subdivision 10. No poo1 or billiard table shall be kept <br /> or used in an,y "on sale;" premises P.x- <br /> cept a elubo <br /> Subdi-visian 11a_ No equiprrient or in an;T licensed <br /> place shall be av;ned in Whole or in <br /> part by any rnanufzcturer ar distiller <br /> ~ af intoxicating liquorQ <br /> 5ubdivi.sion 12a Any peace officer, health officer, or <br /> any properly aesign.afed officer or emm <br /> ployee o~ the Vi11ag:; shall hatre the <br /> unqualzfied right to entwrg inspect, <br /> and search the pre;Qises of the licensee <br /> during business hours without a i,,iarranto <br /> Subdivision 134 Iva licensee shall sel_lg affer far saleg <br /> ar keep for sale, intoxicat,ing liquors <br /> in any original package 77hich has been <br /> ref illed ar partly refilleda No" 1i- <br /> censee shall dire ctly or any <br /> other pe rson dilutc or in an,r manne r <br /> tamger with the ccntents c~f an;~~ ori w <br /> ginal package so as to eh-ange 3ts <br /> composit,ion or alcoholic content while <br /> in the original packageo Passession <br /> on the Iicensed premises by any Iia <br /> censee of any Iiqu.or in <br /> thc, arigi.na1 packagc- differing in came <br /> pasition ~r alcohc~lic cQntent f rom <br /> the liquar v,b-en ree~eived from the <br /> TTIc`aI3U.iaC:ture:C° OY' ulhQleSalPYa 3'T'oIT3. 1RThOI'iI <br /> zt i,~Tas purchGtsed shall be prir,^La f acie <br /> evidence that fithe contents of the <br /> original package ha:7,e "been dilla.te d. fl <br /> chanaed, or tampererJ ~,xit ha <br /> Sza.bdivision 14Q No "on sale" liquor establishment <br /> shall ctispla;r 3.zc~Euar €~~=l~en apen to f,lze <br /> public dLtiring hours ti.rh.en the sa1e af <br /> 1iquor is proribited by thss cr-dinancea <br /> Subdivision 15. No persan shall se11, izZtaxicating <br /> liqu.or to any spendthrift or im- <br /> provident person a.fter writter natice <br /> not ta do so has be4n ser-v-ed Qr~ him <br /> by aparent9 husban~, 'v~,ifc R adult <br /> child, or guardian of person or <br /> by the chief of Fplice. or any ccuncil- <br /> • men of the Village o The prchibitian <br /> of this subdivisian shall eXtend for <br /> one ye ar from the c7 a.te af -the serv i ce <br /> of the noti cee "vli'hen noti ce is se~°4red <br /> by an authorized person rot a Village <br /> off ici alg acap jr of the notice shall <br /> also be sergtfed uron the Vsllage Clerk$ <br /> bu-t the prohibitzan of this ordznance <br /> shall be effe cti -vre withaut such addi U <br /> t ional se r-v i ce , <br /> Subdivision 16Q Na lieensee shall keep athyl alcohol <br /> cir neutral spirits on the licer?sed <br /> premises or permit their use on the <br /> either alone or mixed -vrith <br /> any otb-er beveragc o <br />