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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ordinance Number 32 <br /> <br /> Fage ~ri'13 <br /> SECT`6Y, 9o Hours of Operat,ion. No sale of intoxicatino <br /> liquor sFia e made a er 1:00 AQIA a on Sundayg before 3; 00 P eT:.o <br /> on any MemoriaJ. 17ayg or before 8;00 Po1.1, on anl election day in <br /> the Vi 11 age e No " o n sc"1 e" sh al l be mad e be twe e n the hour s o f <br /> 1:00 A oMo and 8: 00 A.M. on any weekdayo ila of f-sale shall be <br /> m.ade before 8:00 A.M. or after 8a00 P.M. on weekdays or after <br /> 10 :00 P o11,1e on. Saturdays e No off-sale shall be made on PZew Ye are s <br /> nayq January l; 14emorial Day, L-lay 30; Independence Day9 JulY 43 <br /> Day, pr Cr.,.'r~istmas Dajsa Decev~.ber 25; anc~ ~.e flff-sale <br /> • sr al1 be made after 8: 00 P o11.17a on December 24o <br /> SEC'I'IQPI 10e C1Lkbsa Ya cltzb holding a special club license <br /> shall se a.F,,uor exee-p-T ta nem'bersa No other 1icensed c1ub <br /> shall sell liquor except ta member°s and ta guests in the campanyr <br /> of mem bers. <br /> SECTION llQ Restrictions on. Pu,rchase or Consvmpticri.o <br /> <br /> Subdivi.~ion 1. Na-minor~ shall misx~~~resent his age for^ <br /> the purpase of owtain i ng la.quar or 3a 2 <br /> beer^ iior shall he ::nter any prefniSes <br /> licensed under this ardin,:nve in ord_er <br /> to procure be ver°age s9 or t,o con- <br /> surne. or purchase or attempt td puru <br /> ehase , ar haF,-e anather purchase f or <br /> him, such beverage on l.icensed premisesa <br /> Subdi-Tision 2. iio persQn shall induce a minor ta pur- <br /> chase or procure liqu,oro <br /> SubdivisiQra 3n Iio persan shall to~ procu,reg or <br /> pur^chasa liquor for any m,inar or other <br /> person to ~,,rcoan the sale of intoxicat- <br /> i ng 1 i quor i sforbi d de n by laiuo <br /> Subdi-%ri.sion 4ti '11,o persan shall i--qix ar prepare liquar <br /> for consumption in aMr public place <br /> of bu,siness nat 1icensed ta s~ll <br /> liquor "on~~ale " and no per-son shall <br /> consume 1iqLitir in an;~,r sui;h p1.,ace a <br /> Su.bdivision. 50 No liquor shall be sold or consl.zmmed, <br /> on a public higrhway- or in an autQmabil e, <br /> <br /> SEGTION 12, Revpcatione The Gouncil may suspend or revoke <br /> any 1iquor icense i or -\715« ion af any provi sian or co-ridition of <br /> this ordinariee or arr~r state Iair regulating the sale of intoxica- <br /> ting 1.iqucr and shall revoke such license if fre licensee wil- <br /> ful1.y vialates any provision of Minnesota St.a~utes, Section 340a0" <br /> to 340 040 e Exeept in the c ase of asuspension pending a he aring <br /> ~ on revoeatian, revacation or suspension by the Caunci:L sha1l be <br /> preceded by written notice tc the grantee anei a pilblic hearingo <br /> The notice shall gi-v-e at least eigrt drys ~ rzotice of the time <br /> and place of tn.e hearing and shall stafe the rsature af the charges <br /> against the licensee a The Council rnay, .7ithaut an7r adva,n.cE r?otice, <br /> suspend any 1.ic,ense penc7ing a hearing on revocation far a period <br /> af not exceeding thirty (30) da;rso <br />