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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance ITamber 32 <br /> Page ,=6 <br /> <br /> Secti.on 4.License Fees(continued) <br /> <br /> Subdivisian 1a(continued) <br /> <br /> on a basis vshich has a direct relatian <br /> to the traffic and activitVr in such <br /> establishmentse sAccordingl;r "on sale" <br /> liquor re ce ipt s in such e st ab "L?shme nt s <br /> as herr>inafter specifica11y set forthe <br /> ~ Subdivis ion 2. Reparts Frpm "On Sa1e " Liquor L3c erlse s e <br /> Eac hole?cr To an or_ sa e l~`quor ~ <br /> license in this Village sra11 subrnit <br /> a report on or bc;f ore the fif th d ay of <br /> e ach month af t,er the end of the cale nc <br /> dar qu~ter d.uring the term of the <br /> li cense o ;aid report sha1l be submit ted <br /> ta the ViIT.age Clerk vg?on f'orms to be <br /> prepared and provided by t,he Village <br /> C le rk af ter appro val there of b7,, the <br /> Cc;uncil. Such report sr al1 st~te, amcng <br /> such other~ items as ma.y be rec,uired bTJ <br /> the Cauriczl, the g_r°oss liquor invUrtory <br /> at the close of such p~riod and the <br /> amounts 4f liquor purchased by the <br /> 1icensee as per invoices during such <br /> periocle ~~~ch report shall lUrther state <br /> the gross 1iquor sales of° the licensee <br /> durinc- the -quarter 3ust ended~ ~hich <br /> quarter^ is the repor±.ing pericad referred <br /> ta herein, ` <br /> Subdivision 3p License Fees for `tQn Sale" Lic~juar Licenseso <br /> Th~e~ense ~°ee f ar on ~a].e i.1quo~ <br /> license s in t,his Vill age is comp,:Lted in <br /> the fpllov~~ing T7tanne:c=, tao wita <br /> The minimum fee shall be Twelve :?un- <br /> dred Dol1.a-r°s " 200o00) ,which <br /> a.mount shall be paid bl' r certified <br /> check ar money ~rder° to the order of <br /> the Village Treasurer with each li- <br /> cense application f iled. with t~e <br /> Village Clcr°ke TI-le arnual fee shall <br /> be an a~:.ount which shall be five ~er- <br /> cent (5,,~) of tre first 'I'Vren+.,y-Five <br /> Thausan.d Do11ars (;25.000o00) of gros5 <br /> liqLzcr sale s durin~ t~.,_,e ;re ar cc -~fered <br /> b~,~ tne license, fpur percent {4,10 of <br /> the next 'I'4tqent~-Fi -,,Te T?-iousand Dol1ar=s <br /> (U5,,000o00) of gross liquar sales <br /> ~ of the 1.icensee d:urin-c, the periad of <br /> the licer?se and three percent of the <br /> gross 3iquor sales of the Zic ensee in <br /> excess of Fift;;r Thousand Dpllars <br /> (.(4r"50,,0{30o00) during tl-iP period of the <br /> 1icenseb T'he aforesaid auarterl;T re- <br /> ports of the licensee sha1l be ac- <br /> cor-:panied b;r a paytnent f ram the <br /> licensee to the Village Treasurer by <br /> certifi.ed check or mvney ord-er of the <br /> fee determined by acomputatian bzsed <br /> on the gross liquor sales da.ring the <br /> quarte r and the af oresaid pe -rcentage so <br /> The minimum f°ee shall be a1lowed as <br />