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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ordin.ance -~,Tumber 32 <br /> Page #7 <br /> <br /> Section 4.License Fees (eontinued) <br /> <br /> Subdivision 3. (continu.ed) <br /> a cre dit , against the f irst Twe nty- <br /> Four Thousan.d Dollars ($24 9000,00) <br /> of the grass liquor sal,es during <br /> the Zicense period9 and accordingly <br /> no fee shall be paid upon tre basis <br /> of a quarterI.y repflrt, until tha <br /> ~ gross ].iquor saies f'or the period <br /> covered by tre license exceed <br /> Twenty-Fpur Thousand Dollars <br /> ($24q000e0p)a and then the qu«rter- <br /> Iy payment s shall be upon gross <br /> 1.iquor sale s in exce s s of T&=Tenty- <br /> Foia.r Thousand Dollars (L 24,OOOo04) e <br /> Subdivision 4. Auditing of Report,sa <br /> The Cauncil sha11 have the right to an <br /> audit of the books and records of an <br /> "on saIe" liquor licensee by a certi- <br /> f ied public accountant of its own <br /> chaosing for the purpose of determining <br /> whether the af'oresaid reports and paya <br /> me ntsre q3a ire d o f the 1i ce nse e ane <br /> praperly c;alculatedo The Gouncil may <br /> exercise thi s riQht b;r gi ving twa (2) <br /> days vrritten notice to the licensee o <br /> The re af te r the audi. t rnay be t ake n duri ng <br /> reasonable business hozirs an.d on the <br /> premises of the licensee or sucn other <br /> p1ace wit-hin the Village of -rden y ills <br /> as the Cauncil may desiE~,7natea The <br /> Iicensee shall promptiy grant permission <br /> to examine a11 0f his bcoks and records <br /> f'or this purpose an.d shall conperate <br /> with the auditor selected b7l r the Council <br /> for the pur°pose of f'acilitatin~ tb-is <br /> audit e In the event that the wadit re - <br /> port indicates that the payments made by <br /> the licensee under the pr~ovisions of <br /> thi s ordinance t~v,er;; 1es s than require d. <br /> for the period covered Ly the license fl <br /> tren the licensee sha11 pay the cost <br /> of such audit a If the audit report <br /> irzdicates that the ra;ments made by <br /> the 1icensee under this ordi-nm. ce ti,,,ere <br /> in accordance v-rith the prpvisions of <br /> this ordinar?ce g then the z.Tf l1age sha11 <br /> be ar the e xpe nse of the audi t o <br /> • Su.bdizision 5. rrOff Sale" Liquar License Feeso <br /> e annua ee ar 7n"of-P s~e F' liquor <br /> license shalz be ene Hundred Dollars <br /> , ($100o00) e The anriual fee f or aspecial <br /> club license sha71 be One Htandred. Dollars <br /> ($1OOQ00)e <br /> Subdivision 6s Disposition of Fees, <br /> Til app ca ions or "off sa~e" licenses <br /> or special club licenses sha11 be ace <br /> eompanied by eertified check or money <br /> order ta the Village Treasurer f or pay- <br /> ment in fu1.I of such fe e s a A11 fee s <br />