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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance Number 32 <br /> Page #8 Section 4,Lieense Fees (continued) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Subdi vision 6 e(continue d) <br /> referred to in this seetion shall be <br /> paid into the general fund of the <br /> Village o Upon rejeetion of any apm <br /> plication for a license the T-re.asurer <br /> shall refund the amount paid with <br /> the applieatiQna <br /> ~ Subdivision 7. Period flf Licenses And Renewal Ap- <br /> p ica on.s a <br /> All licenses referred ta under this <br /> section shal.l expire on tk,,e last day <br /> of December of each yearo Eaeh li- <br /> cense sha11 be issued f'or a period <br /> of one (1) yearay but if a portion of <br /> tYie license year has elapsed when the <br /> appI.ication is made a license may be <br /> issued for the remaznder of the year <br /> for a pra rata fee a in computing <br /> such fee any unexpimd f'raction of a <br /> month sh aIl be eounte d as one (l)morith e <br /> Applications for renewal of an exist- <br /> ing license shall be filed with the <br /> V3.11age Cl.erk on or befare December I <br /> of the year preceding the year co-,rered <br /> by the appli catiane <br /> Subdi-vision 8* Refunding of Feesa <br /> -°o par a h~ e ee paid f'or an,y license <br /> i s sue d-ande r thi s or d inance Sh a11 be <br /> refunded except in the specific irza <br /> starices the Council ma,y refund a portian <br /> of the license fee an applic atidn made <br /> v,rithin thirty (30) da,ys af te r the <br /> happening of the cvents herPina.f'ter <br /> referred toa In such cases, at the <br /> discretion of the Gouncil, there ma-y <br /> be re#'un.ded a pro rata portian of the <br /> f~e for the unexpired period of the <br /> Iicense e The Council may consider <br /> such an appli cation when the operaf,ion <br /> of the licensed business ceases fcr <br /> the fo11o71ing reasons, tc v:rit e <br /> (1) 1?es#,nuction ar c?am.age of the <br /> licensed premises bzT fire ar <br /> a ther^ c at as trophe ; <br /> (2) De ath of the licensee ; <br /> ~ (3) A change in the liquor status <br /> of the munic3pality which <br /> make sit un1awf ul fpr the <br /> 3icensed buszness to continue e <br /> SECTION 5t Granting of Licensesa <br /> Subdivision l. The Vi].lage Gcuncil shAll in7~Testigate <br /> a11 facts set aut i.n the applicatione <br /> Opportunity shall be --i Lre n t o any <br /> pe rson ta be he ard fQr car against the <br /> granting of the Iicense o After such <br /> inv,e stigatian and hsaring the Village <br /> Council shall grant or refuse the apd <br /> plication in its discretipne Yio "off <br />