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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> applicable Ordinance, the SiaTe Building Code or other ihereby is suspended or abandoned at any time after Fences. The permit fee for the installation and con- <br /> re!evant laws or rules and regulations. work is commcncetl for a periotl of one hundred twen?y siruction of a fence shall be Five Dollars (S5.00) for the <br /> Computatlons, s}ress diagrams, antl other data (120) days. Before such work can be rerommenced, a initial one hundred lineal feet (100 lin, ft.) or fraction <br /> sufiicient to show the correcTness of the plans, shall be new oermit shall be first obtained so ip do, and the fee Thereof, and for each additional one hundred lineal feeT <br /> submitted when required by the Building Inspector, Thereforshall beone -haif the amount required for a r3ew (100 lin. !T.) or fraction ihereof, it will be Two Dollars <br /> oiher Inspectors, or their respective Deputies. permit for =.uch work, providing no changes have been (y2,00). <br /> (g) Issuance of ?ermits. The applicaTion and plans made or wiu be madF in the original plans and (g) Permit Fees for ConsTruction and Installation of <br /> and specifications (if required) filed by an applicant for specificatiorrs for sucn work; and provitled, fu; ther, Sidewalks and Driveways. The permit tee for the <br /> a permi} shall be checked by the InspecTOr, or his ihat such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded cons?ruction and installaTion of blacktop or concrete <br /> Deputy, under whose juristliction the application has one (ll year. sidewalks and driveways shall be Six Dollars ($6.00) for <br /> been made. Such application and plans antl ThetaregoinglimelimitsrnaybeextendedbythaCi7y the initial one thousand square feeT (1,000 sq. ft.) or <br /> specifications shall also be reviewed by other depart- Council provided that a writien applicatiori for such fraction thereof, and Two Dollars ($2.00) for each ad- <br /> menis, officials, commissions and commiTtees of the extension be submitted to fhe Clerk-Administrator ar di?ional one ihousand square feet (1,000 sq. ft.) or <br /> CiTy of Arden Hills To check compliance wiTh the Inspector under vrhose ;urisdir,Tion the pernrit falls sracTion thereof. <br /> provisions of This Ordinance and the provisions of any prior To the daTe or, which it7e perrn's';would o4herwise ;h) Electrical Permit Fees. An applicant for a permit <br /> other applicable Ordinances under Their jurisdiction. If expire. to wire, alter, or add to ihe wiring of any building or fOr <br /> • The pariicular Inspector, or his Deputy, is ,atisfied that (p) Suspension or Revowtion of PermiBS. Any permit the placing of any elecTrical lighis, motors, heating <br /> the work described in an apptication for a permit and issuetl under ihis Ordinance is subject to suspensior: or devices or any apparafus requiring the use of elecirical <br /> the plans and specifications filed therewith conform *o revocation by the Cliy Council or the par°lcEilar Incurrent shall pay the same fees as are set forth in Rule <br /> the requiremenTS o( ihis Ordinance, the provisicns of spector under whose iurisd;ction it was issucd if there is Elec 4 of Chapter One of the State Board of Eleciricity's <br /> any other applicable Ortlinances, and other pertinert any unapproved deviation from the work as eutlined :n Laws and Rules Regulating Licensing of ElecTricians <br /> laws and rules and regulations, and the fee iherefor the application or in approved plans and spe.ifis,a?iuns;. and InspecTion of Elec}rical InstallaTions, revised July <br /> specified hereinbelow has been paid, he shali issue the Any such deviation, it under consideration by the 1, 1474, as now constiTuted and as hereafTer amended. <br /> permif to the applicant except as otherwise provided in Council, may be referred by the Council, prior !o i?s ;i) Plumbing Permit Fees. The permit fee for any <br /> the nexT Two (2) subsections hereof. determinaTion, to the Planring Commis>ion for study alterations or addition in the existing plumbing in any <br /> (h) Exceptions to Issuance of Builtling Permits. No and recommendaTion. Amy perrriit is also sa;bjeci iv boildiny, the insTallation of plumbing in any building, <br /> Building Permit for the erection, consiruction or suspension or revocation when2ver it is issvec+. in eir:)r !riP cansTrucTion of any sewage disposal system, the <br /> enlargement of a builqing or siructure oTher Than a or on the basis of incorrect informaTion supplie+i'o tne construction or major reconsiruction of a well, and the <br /> sin9le family residence shall be issued by the Building City or whenever such permit violaTes the provision, at conneeiiun To or Tapping of water or sanitary sewer <br /> Inspector unTil the applicant has foliowed the proper any other applicable Ordinances of The City o` ??rdcn mains shall be as follows: <br /> procedures with respecf ihereto set forTh in the Zoning Hills, or any other applicable laws, ruies and Far connections to or tapping of waTer or saniTary <br /> Ordinance and he has been authorized to issue the same regulaTions. sewer mains _ ..........512.00 <br /> by the City Council. Secfion 10. Permi4 Fees. Far cesspool, drain field or septic tank (any Two <br /> (i) Performance Bond Condi}ion Pretedent to (a) Building Permit Fees. A fee for each SuP;aing thereofl .....................................515.00 <br /> Issuance of Building Permits in Certain Cases. In a case Permit shali be paid to the Clerk-Adminis?ratcsr as sef For construction of new well or mafor reconsirucTion <br /> where screening, lantlscaping or other exTerior im- forTh in the table hereinbelow in ihis subsectian. ofexistin9 Well $8.00 <br /> provement to property other ihan the principal builtling The determination of value or valuatioii under any oP As amendmenTfeefOr ouTSide sewage disposal <br /> itself is required by any of the Ordinances of the Cify of the arovisions of this Ordinance shall 6e made bv the plant .56.00 <br /> Arden Hills, pians antl specifications as appraved for Duilding Inspector. The valuation to be user3 in c,m- For the repair or alteration of any sanitary plumbing <br /> building or other use of the property, or appropriate puTing the permii and plarncneck fees shall be thu• 5z,ra: systern ......................................53.00 <br /> Council resolution, a performance bond shall be value of all cons}ruUion work for which tna permi: ;s ForthefirsifixTureorfixtureopening........... $5.00 <br /> required as a condition precedent to the issuance of the issued, as well as all finlsh work, paieiiing, rcefiriy, For each additional fixtureor fixture opening ...$2.50 <br /> Building PermiT. The amount of such bond shall be elecirical, p{umbing, heating, air conditipning, For inspection of a changeover from cesspool or drain <br /> deTermined by the Council; provided, however, that in elevators, flre-extinguishing sysiems and any athzr !ieid sewage system to municipal sanitary sewer <br /> no event shall the Council require a bond less than one permanenT work or permanenT equipmenT. <br /> hundred fwenty-five percent (725 percent) of the <br /> required improvement as estimated by the Landscape TOTAL VALUATION FEE <br /> Inspector or other InspecTOr under whose iurisdicTion <br /> the improvement falls, or iheir respective Depu4ies. S1.00 toS500.00 ...._.........,g5.00 <br /> (I) Endorsement of plans and Specifications. When 5507.00 to 82,000.00..... $5.00 for the first 5500.00 pfus $1.00 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, To <br /> the appropriate Inspector issues the permit, he shall and induding g2,000. <br /> endorse in writing or s}amp on both sets of plans antl $2,001.00 To $25,000.00 , g20.00 for the first s2,000A0 plus $4.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fracTion ihereof, <br /> specifications (if requiretl) -"APPROVED". Such to and Indudiny 325,000.00. <br /> approvedplansandspecificationsshallnoTbechanged, S25,001.00 TOS50,00000 -....._.,$112.00 "r the flrst $25,000.06 plus $390 for each additional $1,000.00 or fracTion <br /> modified or altered without authorizaTion from such - Thereof, to and inciudiny S50A00.00 Inspector, and the City Council in the evenT the City S50,001.00toS100,000A0 ........g167.00 for the ':r=.r ^;~:r,.000.06 pVUS $200 for each addiTional $1,000.00 or fracTion <br /> Countil originally approved such plans and Thereof, to and dl00,000.00. <br /> specifications, and alf work shall be done in accordance $100,001.00toS500,000.00 g287.00 for the ~~r>f 3;00.000.00 plus $1.50 for each additional $7,000.00 or fracTion <br /> wifh approved plans antl specifications. thereof, to and '-,;"uaing S500,000.00 <br /> (k) Retention of Plans. One seT of approved ptans, S500,001.00 andup .............ggg7.00 for the I!-~ar °;50G,0O0A0 plus S1.00 for each additional $7,000.00 or fraction <br /> specifications and computaTions shall be retainerJ by the ihereo#. <br /> appropriate InspecTor for a periad of npt less ihan <br /> nir,ety (90) days from the date of the compleTion oT the (b) Plan-checking Fees. VWhen the valvatian o°' work covered Therein, and oneset of approved plans and proposed consirudion exceeds One Thcusarid C:r;I;wrS systerri or changeover from well to municipal water <br /> specificaTions shall be returned to the applicant, which (S1,000A0), and a plan is requirad fo be subrc0rec1 oy sy=_tem .............................g8.00 <br /> set shall be kepT on the premises on which the work is subseciion (e) of Section 4 hereui-, a plan-checkRr,7 fee Minor repair work requiring a Total of no more ihan <br /> being performed at all Times duriny which the work shall be paid To the Buiidiny Inspedor at the titre o# rhree Hundretl Dollars ($300.00) for labor and <br /> auThorized ihereby is in progress. submitting plans and spec:ficatiairs for r_hecking. ihe r-;a*eriais, with labor being based upon currenT charges <br /> Plans submitTed for checking, for which no permit is plan-checking f2e shall pe paid fc the Cierk~;f rriaver plumbers in the Twin CiTies area and <br /> issued, and on which no action is taken by the applicent AdminisTrator at the time c7 submitting plans an; rna;eriais oe:riy based upon the current reTail charges <br /> for ninety (90) days, shall be returned to the last known specifications for checking. The plan-checking fe~ ior therefor in the Twin CiTies area may be made withouT a <br /> address of the applicant. To renew action on said plans, huildinqs of ail accupancy types with the exception of 1-,er:rut. <br /> apaymentofanewplan-checkfeeshallberequired. buildingsotGroupslan:iJCccupanciesforwhichTherA (j) G,sw Appliance PermiT Fees. The permiT feefor <br /> (ll Issuance of Building Permit for Pari of Building. shatl be no pian-checking r'ees charged - shall be Gne- al4eratiens o` or additions To or original insTallaTions of <br /> The Building Inspec?or may issue a permit for the half (1/2) oT the 9uiidirrg Permit fees. ma( hirws, devices, heaters, ranges, refrigeraTOrs or <br /> consiruction of pertof a building or strucTUre before the Whare plans ai-e irrcomplete, or changed so as to other apr>i iances requiring the useof manufactured gas, <br /> eniire plans and specificaTions for the whole building or req!iire addiNOnal pian-rneckmg, zn atlditional plannafur;;! gay or fiquid petroleum gas shall be as follows: <br /> sTructure have been submitted or approved provided cher.kirrg ;e=: a;nai4 pe charged a4 a rafe established by f=:r, ~;:ch machine, device, heater, range, refrigerator <br /> adequate intormation and deTailed statemenis have the ??uilrling an<,pector. „x otFiyr dppliance requiring the use of manufactured <br /> been filed complyinq with ail pertinent requirercients of Any nu;-nl)er oi buiidings may be buil} from 2!n ap- ga*, r,;urai gas or liquid petroleum gas _....55.00 <br /> this drdinance, the provisions of any othrr applicable ;?ro,,ed slanprovldedThaTa Building Perrnit isobiaine(J !-c,r a,alua}ion of Five Hunqred Dollars ($500.00) Or <br /> Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, and any othFt, w;;thi„ one hundred eighty (180) daYS of the date o? iesL or+ the cost of repair or insTallation charged `or gas <br /> laws and rules and regulaTions relevant thereto, 7he aNprova4 and provided That this Orclinance shail not pi; i:i9 -c-r each additional branch pipe if such is required <br /> holder of such permit shall proceed at his own risk haoe b2eo cnanged or rr,odified in any way affec4ing t"e for the installation of any appliances included under the <br /> withoutassurancethatthepermilfor}heen?irep,;iiding pian i>eiween the date of such zpproval and the sub preceoing paragraphhereof ......................55.00 <br /> or structure wiVl be granted. scquent issuance of a permit. 3=0; each additional Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) <br /> (m) Validity of Issued Permit. The issuance or f;pp!icatians for wh;ch no Busiding Permit is issued vaiuation u: +he cosT of such repair or installation, an <br /> granting of a permit or approval of p!ans and within one hundred eighty (180) days following the date additiora: tee of ..........52.00 <br /> specificationsshall not be consTrued to be permitfar, or of application shall expire by limitation end plans (k) Gas and Oil Burner Permit Fees. The permiT fee <br /> an approval of, any violation of any of the crrovisions of submi!ted for checking may thereafter be reiurnad tr, ror any insia!lation, alteration or repair of gas burners, <br /> ihis Ordinance, the prnvisions of any other applicable the applicant or des+rayed by the Buildlny Inspector. Furnace or boiler equipmen}, or oil burners shall be as <br /> Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, ancf an•y other The Building Inspector may extend the time for action fcli ows. <br /> laws and rules and regulations applicable theraTo. No by the applicant for a period not exceeding one hundred For rach ;nstailaTion of oil and gas burners or <br /> permit presuming to give authority To vinlate or cancel eighty (180) days upon wriiTen request by the applicant alieratibns thereof which imolve a BTU input of 200,000 <br /> the provisions of this Ordinance,The provisions of any showing thai circumstances beyond the conirol of the orless $7.50 <br /> oTher applicable Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, applicant have prevenTed action from being taken. In For each additional 100,000 BTU's or tracfion ihereof <br /> and any laws and rules and regulations applicabfe order to renewacTion on ar appiicaTion atter expiration, beyorrd the original 200,000 BTU's, an additional fee <br /> thereto, shall be valid, except insofar as the work or use the appi icani shail resubmit plans and pay a new plan- of ..81.25 <br /> which it authorizes is lawful, checking fee. In no event shall the permiT fee exceed a maximum of <br /> The issuance of a permit based upon ptans antl (c) ReinspecTion Fee. Except as elsewhere prcvided One Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($175.00) for each <br /> specifications shall noT prevent an Inspector, or his herein to the conirary, whenever it becomes necessary unit proposed to be installed or altered. <br /> Deputy, from ihereafter r2quiriny the correction of for any Inspzctor, or his Depu*y, to reinsped any wOrk (I) Steam, Hot Water, or Warm Air Heating System <br /> 2rrors in said plans and specificaTiOns or from found to be faulty ordefec}ive during an earlier in- PermfT Fees. The permlt fee for any installation of or <br /> preveniing ihe worK befng carried on thereunder when spedion, a reinspec4ion fee of "r~e sum of Ten Dollars addiTions and alTerations to a steam or hot waTer system <br /> in violaTion of ihis Ortlinance, the provisions of any (S10.00) shall be paid by the permittee. or a unit heaTer shall be as follows: <br /> other applicable Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, (d) Double Permii FeeS. Any persnn who shall Fur the consiruction or installaTion of any warm air <br /> or any other laws and rules and regulaTions applicable commence work of any kird for which a permit is furnace duciworkwhich involvesa BTU inpuTOf 200,000 <br /> thereto. required by this Ordinancr:, the provisions of any other or less _..$15.00 <br /> (n) Permit PosTing Card. The permit posting card applicable Ordinanc?of the Cify of Arden Hills, or other For each additional 100,000 BTU's or fraction ihereof <br /> issued with the permiT shall be posted and con- applicable laws and rules and reyulations without firsT over and above the original 200,000 BTU's for the con- <br /> spicuously tlisplayed aT the lob location. In the event a obtaining the necessary permit therefor shall, when strudion or insiallation of such warm air furnace duct <br /> • permittee fails so to post and display such card, the subsequently securing such permiT, be required to pay work,additional feeof ...$2.00 <br /> Inspector, or his Deputy, shall order the stoppage of any double the fee required for such permiT. Por the installation or replacement of each sTeam or <br /> work being done pursuani to such permit. Upon the (e) PermiT Fees for Demolition, Wrecking, hotwatersys4emwhich involvesa BTU input of 200,000 <br /> issuance of such an ortler, such permit shall be RelowTion and Moving of Buildings. The permit fee for or less... ................$15.00 <br /> suspended until the card is properly posTed and the demolition, wrecking, relocation and moving of For each additional 100,000 BTU's or fraction Thereof <br /> displayed and a fee of Ten Dollars (510.00) shall have buildirgs shall be compuTed on the basis of One Dollar over and above the original 200,000 BTU's for the in- <br /> been paid. (51.00)foreachonethousandcubicfeet(1,000 CU. H.),or stallafion or replacement of such steam or hot water <br /> (o) Expiration of Permit. Every permi5 issued under part Thereof of enclosed space, with a minimum fee of sysTem, an additional fee of .........52.00 <br /> this Ordinance shall expire by limitation and become Twenfy-five Dollars ($25.00) for Occupancy Groups A For each unit heater which irnolves a BTU input of <br /> null and void if the work authorized Thereby is not through J, with the exception of I, and Ten Dollars 100,000orless .............._..........$7.50 <br /> commenced within one hundred Twenty (120) days from ($10.00) for Occupancy Grcup I. For each addiTional 100,000 B7U's or fracTion ihereof <br /> the date of such permit, or if the work auThorized (f) PermiT Fees for InsTallation and Consiruction of over and above the original 100,000 BTU's for such uniT <br />