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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> heater,anaddiTionalfeeof .................._..._51,25 pipes, chimneys, and venfs are compleTe. Occupancy iheretor as provided herein. <br /> (m) Incinerator Permit Fees. The permiT fee for the (3) Lath and-or Wallboard Inspection. To be made (b) Change in Use. Changes in the characTer or useof <br /> installation of any incinerator shall be as follows: afleralllaThing and -orwalfboard,interior and exterior, a building or structure shal! not be made except as <br /> For the installation or repair of each domestic in- is in place; buT before any plasTpr is applied or before speclfied in Section 502 of the Uniform Building Code of <br /> cineraTOr. $5.00 wallboard joinTS and tasteners are faped and finished; 1973, as amended. <br /> For the installation or repair of a commercial in- provided, however, ThaT ihis inspection may be omitTed (c) Certificate Issued. After final inspecTion when it is <br /> cinerator....... ._.._..,_.....520.00 for buildings of Occupancy Groups I antl J- found thaT the buildin9 or siructure complies with the <br /> (n) Air CondiTioning antl Refrigeration Permit Fees. (e) Other Inspettions. In addition to the cailed in- provisionsof fhis Ordinance, the provisions of anyother <br /> Thepermitfeeforiheinstallation,alterafionand repair spections specified above, the Building Inspector may applicable Ordinance, and any other applicable laws <br /> of ar,y air conditioning or refrigeratirg system shall be make or require any oTher inspections of any cor- and rules and regulations, the Builtling Inspector 5hall <br /> as follows: sTruction work to ascerTain compliance with the i,ssue a Certificate of Occupancy which 5hall ConTain the <br /> For the first five (5) tons involved on any air con- provisions of this Ordinance, the provisions of any other following: <br /> ditioning or refrigeration project $10.00 applicable Ordinances of the Ci}y of Arden Hills, and (ll The Building Permi} number. <br /> • For each additional Ton or fracTion thereof over and any oTher laws and rules and regulations. For the (2) The address of the building. <br /> above the original five (5) tons involved on such air purpose of determining compliance with Section 104(h) (3) The name ard address of the owner. <br /> condiTioning or refrigeration prolecT, an addiTionalfee of the Uniform Building Code of 1973, the Building In- (4) A description of fhat porTion of the building for <br /> of . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ _ . ..g1.00 spector may cause any siructure or building to be which the certificate is issued. <br /> In addition To the foregoing fees, for the firsi five (5) reinspected. (5) A siatement ihat the described portion of the <br /> Tons of cooling duct work with respect to an air con- Wiih respect to any screening, landscapiny, planting building complies wiTh the requiremenis of ihis Or- <br /> ditioning proiect only _ $15.00 or other exterior improvemenT required in cnnnection dinance for group and division of occupancy and The use <br /> For each additional Ton or a fraciion Thereof over the wiTh the construdion of a principal building for which a for which the proposetl occupancy is classified. <br /> original five (5) tons of cooling ductwork with respeci To performance bond has been filed with the City pursuant (6) The name of the Builtling Inspector. <br /> an air conditioning projectonty, an addiTional fee to Seciion 9, subsecTion (i) hereof, the Landscape Irn (d) Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. A tem- <br /> of, ....................,.51.50 spector shall conduct such inspecYions and rein- porary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued by the <br /> In no event shall the permiT fee exceed a maximum of spections as are necessary To ascerTain compl iance with Bullding I nspector for the use of a portion or portions of <br /> One Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($175.00) per unit. the parTicular plans antl specifications iherefor, or abuilding or structure prior to the completion of the <br /> Permits for work to be done in or upon privaTe requiremenis of any other applicable Ordinances or entire builtling or siructure. <br /> residences by the resident or owner thereof shall be Resolutions of the City of Arden Hills. Before said (e) Posting. The Certificate of Occupancy shall be <br /> granted by the Clerk-Adminisirator only after the performance bond can be released by the City Council, a posted in a conspicuoUS place on the premises and shall <br /> Heating Inspector has saTisfied himself, upon proper final inspection by the Landscape Inspector shall have not be removed except by the Builtling Inspector. <br /> inquiry, ihat the applicani is compefent fo perform the been made and a wriTTen report ihereof, containi.r,g his Section 13. Licensing Requiremenis lor Elecirical <br /> workwhichistobethesubjectofthepermiT. approval, shall have been submitted to the f.lerk- Wiring. No person shall construct, enlarge, alTer, <br /> Notwithstanding anyThing herein to the conirary, an Adminisirator. repair, remove, converT, install, wire or rewire any <br /> air conditioning and refrigeration permiT shall not be (f) ReinspecTions. A reinspecTion fee, as provided elecTrical equipmenT, apparatus, IighT, heaT, fixiure, or <br /> required in the following cases: hereinabove, may be assessed Por each inspection or device unless he is licensed by the S1aTe Board of <br /> 1. A domestic insTallaTion of 16 cubic feeT or less; reinspeciion when such portion of work for which in- EledriciTy as a Class A MasTer Elecirician or as a Class <br /> 2 One or iwo famity dwellings served by one con- spection is called is not compleTe or when corrections A Journeyman Electrician, or, unless he is under the <br /> densing uniT where the combined gross cubic feet of called for are not made. dlrecT on-ihe-iob supervision ot one so licensed, except <br /> both cabinets is 15 cubic feet or less; This subsection is not to be interpreted as requiring the owner of a single family dwelling residing or <br /> 3. Any refrigeration compressor under one-half (Vz) reinspection fees the firsT time a job is reiected for Planning to reside in such dwelling may install the <br /> H.P.; antl failure to comply wifh the requiremenis of ihis Or- wiring in such dwelling without a license. <br /> 4. Any plug-in package-type refrigeraTion or freezer dinance, the provisions of any other applicable Or- No person shall order, direcT or insiruct a person who <br /> unit. dinance of the City of Arden Hills, or any other ap- is not properly licensetl by the State Board of Electricity <br /> (o) Ventilation Permit Fees. The permiT fee for the plicable laws and rules and regulations, bu4 as con- to perform elecirical work That requires a license, <br /> installation, alteration or repair of any ventilaTing irolling the practiceof calling for inspections before the unless such person so ordering, directing or insiructing <br /> system shall be as follows: job is ready for such inspection or reinspection. is properly licensed by the Siafe Board of Elecfricity To <br /> ForihefirsT2,000CFM .........................58.00 Reinspection fees may be assessetl when the permit perform the work himself. <br /> For each addiTional 1,000 CFM or fraction Thereof per card is not properly posted on the work site, the ap- Section 14. Violations and Penalties. I} shall be <br /> unit over and above the original 2,000 CFM, an atl- proved plans are not readily available To the Inspedor, unlawful for any person, par}nership, firm or cor- <br /> ditionalfee of .....................................53.00 forfailure to provide access on the date tor which in- Poration to erect, consiruct, enlarge, alter, repair, <br /> For each bathroom exhausi fan furnished fn a spection is requested, or for deviaTing from plans move, improve, converT, demolish, equip, use, occupy <br /> multipledwelling $3.00 requiring iheapproval of the Building Inspector or any or maintain any building or s}ructUre in the City of <br /> (p) Sheet Metal Permit Fees. The permit fee for the other Inspector. Arden Hills or cause the same To be done conirary To or <br /> performance of any sheet meTal work shall be as To obtain a reinspection, the applicant shali file an in violation of any of the provisions of ihis Ordinance. <br /> follows: application fherefor in writing upon a form furnished Any person, parinership, firm or corporation <br /> For the firsT $500.00, or a tractional parT }hereof, for ThaT purpose, and pay the reinspectiori tee as violating any ofthe provisions ofihis Ordinance shall be <br /> probable cosT oi the installation of any sheet metal provided hereinabove. deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such person, <br /> work .............................................52.00 In instances where reinspection fees have been parTnership,firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty <br /> For each additional $500.00, o; a fractional part assessed, no additional inspection of the work w!li be of a separate offense for each and every day or portion <br /> Thereof,probablecosTOfsuchwork,additionalfee performed unTil the required fees have been paid. ihereof during which any violation of the provisions of <br /> of _ ...$1.00 (g) Special Inspections. In addition to the inspections ihis Code is committed, continued or permitted, each <br /> The "probable cost" of the proposed work shall be To be matle as specified in this Section and iri the Codes such person, parTner=_hip, firm or corporation shall be <br /> determinedonihebasisof Thecostof materials at retail made a part of and incorporated in the State Building punished by a fine of not more fhan Three Hundred <br /> ouTlets in the Twin Cities area prevailing at the Time in Code, the permitTee or his agent shall employ a special Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment of noT more Than <br /> quesfion plus the probable labor cost as determined in inspecTOr who shall be present at all Times during ninety (90) days, or by both, for each and every day <br /> accordance with cosT for hired labor in the particular construction on the tollowing types of work: such violaTion exisis. <br /> irade in the Twin Cities area prevailing at fhe time in (U ConcreTe. On concrete work when the structural Section 75. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in <br /> question. design is based on a f'c in excess of 2,000 pounds. full force and effect from and afTer iis passage and <br /> Section 11. Inspections. (2) Masonry. MasorrY Work shall have special in- oublicaTion according To law. <br /> (a) General. All construction or work for which a specTion when required in Chapter 24 of the Uniform Passed by the City Council of Arden Hills ihis l lih day <br /> permiT is required shall be subjecT to inspection by the Building Code of 1973. of August, 1975. <br /> appropriate Inspec?or in the manner and at the stages (3) Welding. Or, all siructural weltling. Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. <br /> specified for each such Inspector in the applicable Code (4) Reinforced Gypsum Concrete. When cast-in-place Mayor <br /> made a part of and incorporaTed in the STaTe Building Class B reinforced gypsum concrefe is being mixed or AttesT: Charlotte McNiesh <br /> Code. Certain types of consiruction shaii have con- deposited. Clerk-AdminisTrator <br /> tinuous inspection as specifietl in subseciion (9) hereof. (5) Special Cases. On special consTruction or work (Builetin: Aug. 21, 1975) <br /> A survey of the lot may be required by the Building involving unusual hazards or requiring constant in- <br /> Inspector to verify compliance of the sTrucTure or specrion; provided, however, Thai the Building In- <br /> building wiTh approved plans and specifications. spec*or n•,ay waive ihe requiremenT for the employment <br /> (b) Inspection Record Card. Work requirinq a ot a specia! inspector if he finds ihai the consiruction or <br /> Building Permit shall not be commenced until the Work is such ihat no unusuaf hazard exisTs. <br /> permi}Tee or his agent shall have posted an inspection The special inspector shall be a qualified person <br /> record card in a conspicuous place on the front of the apFroved by the Buildirg Inspector. He shali furnish <br /> premises and in such position as to allow the Building continuous inspection on the consiruciion and work <br /> Inspector and oTher InspecTOrs convenienTly to make requiring his employment. He shall report to the <br /> the required entries ihereon regarding inspection of the Building inspector in writing, no}ing all violations of <br /> work. This card shall be maintained in such position by this Ortlinance, and the provisions of any other ap- <br /> ihe permiitee uniil the Cerfificate of Occupancy has Plicable Ortlinance ot the City of Arden Hills, and any <br /> been issued. other applicable laws and rules and regulations, and <br /> (c) Approvals Required. No workshall be tlone on any oTher information as required. <br /> part of the building or sirucTUre beyond the poinT in- Special inspections required by This Section and <br /> dicated in each successive inspection wiThout first elsewherein ihis Ordinance shall not be requiretl where <br /> obtaining ihewritten approval of the Building Inspector the work is done on the premises of a fabricator ap- <br /> or other Inspector under whose iurisdiction the work is provetl by the Building Inspector to perform such work <br /> being performetl. Such wriTTen approval shall be given wiThout special inspection. The cerTificate of appreval <br /> only after an inspecTion shall have been made of each shall be subject to revocation by the Building Inspector <br /> successive step in the consiruction as indicaTetl by each if iT is found ihaT any work done pursuant To the ap- <br /> of the inspections required in applicable Codes made a proval Yhereof is in violaTion of ihis Ordinance, the <br /> partof and incorporaTed in ihe STaYe Builtling Code or as provisions oi any other applicable Ordinances of the <br /> specifically seT forth in ihis Ordinance. City of Arden Hills, and any other applicable laws and <br /> There shall be a tfnal inspeciion antl approval ot all rules and regulations. <br /> buildings and sTructures when completed and ready for (h) Electrical Inspections. In addiTion to and not- <br /> occupancy. wiihstanding the foregoing provisioos relating to in- <br /> (d) Required Inspections. Reinforcing steel or spections, all eledrical inspections shall be subject to <br /> sTrucTural framework of any part of any builtling or and governed by the procedures and requiremenis <br /> sTructure shall nof be covered or concealed without firsT Therefor seT forTh in Rules Elec 1 and 2 of ChapTer 01 of <br /> obtaining the approval of the Building Inspector. the Laws and Rules Regulating Licensing of Elec- <br /> The Building Inspector, upon notification from the tricians and Inspection of Elec}rical Insiallations, <br /> • permittee or his agent, shall make the following in- revised July 1, 1974, as now constiTuTed and as hereafter <br /> spections and shall either approve that portion of the amended. <br /> consiruction as compleTed or shall notify the permittee (i) Lantlscaping and Screening Inspection Fees. <br /> or his agent wherein the same fails To comply wiTh This Where screening, landscaping, planTing or other ex- <br /> Ordinance, the provisions of any other applicable Or- terior improvement to properTy other ihan the principal <br /> dinances of the CiTy ot Arden Hills, and any other ap- building i!self is required, the permittee shall be <br /> plicable laws and rules and regulations. required To pay such landscape inspecTion fee as is <br /> (1) Foundation Inspection. To be made afTer irenches established from time to time by resolution(s) adopTed <br /> are excavated and forms erected and when all by the Council. <br /> materials for the foundation are delivered on the iob. Section 72. Certificate of Occupancy. <br /> Where concrete from a cen}ral mixing plant (commonly (a) Use or Occupancy. No building or struciure in <br /> termed "Transit mixed") is to be used, materials need Groups A to H, inclusive, shall be used or occupied, and <br /> not be on the iob. no change in the existing occupancy classification of a <br /> (2) Frame Inspection. To be made after the roof, all building or s}ructure or porTion ihereof shall be made <br /> framing, fire-blocking, and bracing are in place and all until the Building Inspector has issued a Certificate of <br />