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<br /> ' . <br /> s ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> heater, an additional feeof ...51.25 pipes, chimneys, and venis are compVete. Occupancy iherefOr as provitled herein. <br /> (m) Incinerator Permit Fees. The permit fee for the (3) Lath and-or MJallboard Inspection. To be made (b) Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of <br /> installation of any incineraTor shall be as follows: afterall laihing and-or wallboard, interior and exterior, a building or s}rudure shall nof be made except as <br /> For the Installation or repair of each domesTic in- is in place; bui befcre any plasTer is applied or before specified in Section 502 of the Uniform Building Code of <br /> . <br /> cinerator . . . . . . . . . , , . ,$5.00 wallboard joints and fasTeners are taped and finished; 1973, as amended. <br /> For the installation or repair of a commercial in- provided, however, ihat }his inspection may be omitted (c) Certifiwte Issued. Aflerfinal inspection When iT is <br /> Cinerator....... . ..$20.00 for buildings of Occupancy Groups I and J. feund that the building or siructure complies wifh the <br /> (n) Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Permit Fees. (e) Other Inspec4ions. In addition to the cailed in- provisionsofThisOrdinance,iheprovisionsofanyoTher <br /> The permit fee for the insTallation,alteraTionand repair specTions specifietl abuve, the Building inspector rnay appllcable Ordinance, and any other applicable law5 <br /> of ary air condiTioning or refrigerating system shall be make or require any other inspections of any con- and rules and regulaTions, the Builtling InspectOr 5hall <br /> as follows: struction work to asceriain compliance m;ith the Issuea CertificaTe of Occupancy which shall contain the <br /> For the first five (5) bns involved on any air con- orovisionsof this Ordinance, the prnvisions of any other following - <br /> tlitioningorrefrigeralionproiecT . ................510.00 applicable Ordinances of the Ctty of Arden Hil1s, and (ll The Building Permit number. <br /> For each additional ton or fraction thereof over and any oTher laws and rules and reguiations. For the (2) The adtlress of the builtling. <br /> above the original five (5) tons involved on such air purpose of determining compliance with Sectlan 1,04(h) (3) The name and address of the owner. <br /> conditioning or refrigeration project, an additionalfee ot the Uniform Building Code of 1973, the BuiidinR In- (G) A description of ihaf portion of the building for <br /> °f . - . . . - - . . . . . ...............$7.00 specTor may cause any siructure or bui{diny to be which the cerTificate is issued. <br /> In addition To the foregoing fees, for the first five (5) reinspec?ed (5) A statemenf ihat the described porTion of the <br /> tons of cooling duct work with respect to an air con- W;ih respect to any screening, landscapiny, plan4ing building complies with the requirements of ihis Or- <br /> tlitioning prolect only .....$15.00 or other exTerior improvement requ iretl in cvr,reciion dinance for group and division of occupancy and the use <br /> For each addiTional ton or a fraction thereof over the wlth the consTruction of a principal buiiding for which a for which the proposed occupancy is classified. <br /> ~ originai five (5) tonsof cooling duciwork with respect to performance bond Fas been filed with the City pursuant (6) The name of the Building Inspector. anaircondifioningprojectonly,anaddStionalfee fo Section 9, subsection (i) hereof, iha Landscape In- (d) Temporery Certifiwte of Occupancy. A tem- <br /> of _,...$1.50 specTOr shall conducT such inspecf;qns and rein- Wrary Certiflcate of Occupancy may be is5ued by the <br /> I n no evenT shall the permit fee exceed a maximum of spedions as are necessary To ascertain compi ianr,e with Bu iIding I nspecTOr for the use of a poriion or portions of <br /> One Hundred SevenTy-five Dollars ($175.00) per unit. the particular plans and specificaTions there#or, or a building or sTructure prior to the completion ot the <br /> PermiTS for work To be done in or upon private requiremenis of any other applicable Ordinances or entire building or s}ructure. <br /> residences by the resident or owner ihereof shalt be Resoiutions of the City of Arden Hil!s. Betore said (e) Posting. The Certificate of Occupancy shall be <br /> granted by the Clerk-AdminisTrator only after the performance bond can be released by the City Councii, a PosTed in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall <br /> Neating Inspector has satisfied himself, upon proper final inspection by the Landscape Inspector sha!I have noT be removed except by the Building InspecTor. <br /> inquiry, That the applicant is compeTent to perform the been made and a wriTTen report fhereof, conTaininy his Section 13. Licensing RequiremenTS for Elecirical <br /> workwhichisTObeThesubjecTofThepermiT. approval, shall have been submiT?ed to the C:lerk- Wiring. No person shall consiruct, enlarge, alter, <br /> Notwiihstanding anything herein to the contrary, an Administrator. repair, remove, convert, install, wire or rewire any <br /> air condiTioning and refrigeraTion permit shall noi be (f) Reinspections. A reinspection fee, as provided elecirical equipment, apparatus, light, heat, fixture, or <br /> required in the following cases: h2reinabove, may be assessed for each inspec?ion or device unless he is licensed by the State Board Of <br /> l. A domestic installation of 16 cubic feetor less; reinspection when such porTion of work for which in- Eleciricity as a Class A Master Elecirician or as a Class <br /> 2. One or iwo family dwellings served by one con- specTion is called is not complete or when c.sriec'+ians a Journeyman Elecirician, or, unless he is under the <br /> densing unit where the combinetl gross cubic feeY of called for are not made. cirect on-the-job supervision of one so licenseq, except <br /> both cabineTS is lb cubic feeT or less; This subsection is not to be interpreted as requirirg the owner of a single famity dwelling residing or <br /> 3. Any refrigeration compressor under one-half (1/2) reinspectior. fees the first time a lob is reiected for Planning to reside in sUCh dwelling may install the <br /> H.P.; and fallure To comply with the requiremenTS of this Or- wiring in such dwelling wiThout a license. <br /> 4. Any plug-in package-?ype refrigeration or freezer dinance, the provisions of any oTher applicabte Or- No person shall order, direcT or insiruct a person who <br /> unit. dinance of the City ot Arden Hills, or any ether ap- is notproperlylicensed byThe State Board of Electricity <br /> (o) Ventilation Permit Fees. The permit fee for the plicable laws and rules and regulations, b u t as con- to perform eledrical work that requires a license, <br /> installation, al}eration or repair of any ventilating irolling the practice of calling for inspedions before the unless such person so ortlering, directing or insiructing <br /> sysTem shall be as follows: job is ready for such inspection or reinspection. is properly licensetl by the STate Board ot Electricity to <br /> Forihefirst2,000CFM . ..58.00 Reinspection fees may be assessed when the p?rmit perform the work himself. <br /> For each additional 1,000 CFM or fraction ihereof per card is not properly posted on the wo; k site, the ap- Section 14. Violations and Penalties. IT shall be <br /> uniT over and above the original 2,000 CFM, an ad- proved plans are noT readily available To the Inspecfor, unlawful for any person, parTnership, firm or cor- <br /> diTionalfee of.....................................53.00 for failure to provide access on the date fcr which in- WraTion to erect, consiruct, enlarge, alter, repair, <br /> For each bathroom exhausi fan furnishetl in a spection is requested, or for deviating from plans move, improve, converi, demolish, equip, use, occupy <br /> mulTipledwelling .$3.00 requiringTheapprovalofihe Building Inspectororany or mainTain any building or siructure in the CiTy of <br /> (p) Sheet Metal PermiT Fees. The permit fee for the ciher Inspector. Arden Hills or cause the same To be done conTrary to or <br /> performance of any sheet metal work shall be as To obtain a reinspection, the applicant shall file an in violafion of any of the provisions of ihis Ordinance. <br /> follows: application Therefor in wriTing upon a form furn;,hed Any person, parinership, firm or corporation <br /> For the firsT $500.00, or a fractional part Thereof, for That purpose, and pay the reinspediori fee as violating any o!the provisions of ihis Ordinance shall be <br /> probable cost of the insTallaTion of any sheet metal provided hereinabove. deemed guilty of a mistlemeanor, and each such person, <br /> work .$2.00 In instances where reinspection fees hi, been parTnership,firm or r_orporation shall be tleemed guilty <br /> For each additional $500.00, o; a fractionai part assessed, no additional inspecTion of the work will be of a separate offense for each and every day or portion <br /> thereof,probable costofsuch work, additional fee performed unTil the reauired fees have been paid. thereof during which any violation of the provisions of <br /> °f . ~ . - . ~ - . - ~ ~ . _ . ...$1.00 (g) Special Inspections. In addition to the inspec!ions this Code is committed, continued or permitted, each <br /> The "probable cosY" of the proposed work shall be Te be made as specified in ihis Sedion and iri the -'_'odes such person, pariner=_hip, firm or corporaTion shall be <br /> deTerminedonthebasisofThecosTOf maTerialsatretail made a parT of and incorporaTed in the State Builtlin9 punished by a fine of noT more than Three Hundred <br /> outlets in the Twin Cities area prevailing aT the time in Code, the permittee or his agent shail employ a soecial Doflars (5300.00) or by imprisonmeni of nof more ihan <br /> question plus the probable labor cost as deTermined in inspector who shall be presert aT all times during nineTy (90) days, or by both, for each and every day <br /> accordance with cost for hired labor in the particular consiruction on the folloN+ing types o' work: =uch vinlaTion exisis. <br /> trade in the Twin Cities area prevailing at the time in (1) Concrete. On cencreTe work when the strur_tural Sec4ion 15. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in <br /> question. design is based on a Yc in excess of 2,000 pounds. 'ull force and effecT from and after iTS passage and <br /> Section u. Inspections. (2) Masonry. Masanry vrork shall have special in- uublication according fo law. <br /> (a) General. All conslruction or work for which a speciion when required in Chapter 24 oF the Uniform Passed by iheCity Council of Arden Hills ihis llTh day <br /> permit is required shall be subiect To inspection by the Building Code o! 1973. of quyusT, 1975. <br /> appropriaTe Inspector in the manner and ai the stages (3) 1"121ding. vn ail sfructural welding. Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. <br /> specified for each such InspecTor in the applicable Code (4) Fx.intorced Gypsum Concrete. When castin-place Mayor <br /> made a part of and incorporated in the State Bi3ilding C!ass B re:nforced gypsum concrefe is being mixed or Attest: Cnarlotte McNiesh <br /> Code. CerTain types of consirucTion shali have con- deposit=d. Clerk~AdminisTrator <br /> tinuous inspection as specifietl in subsection (g) hereof. Speciai Casas. On special cons}ruction or work lbulletin: Aug. 21, 7975) <br /> a survey of the IoT may be requfred by the Building inrvoiving unusual hazards or requiring consiant in- <br /> InspecTOr to verify compliance of the sTructure ar sPer.tion; provided, however, }hat the Building iri- <br /> building wiTh approved plans and specifications. spec!or may waive the requ'rrement for the employme;;c <br /> (b) Inspection Record Card. Work requiriny a of a sper_ial inspector if he fintls ihat the consiructian cr <br /> Building Permit shall not be commenced until the work is such ihaT no unusual hazard exisis. <br /> permitTee or his agent shall have posTed an inspection I ne special inspector shall be a qualified person <br /> record card in a conspicuous place on the fronT of the approved by the Buildir,q Inspector. He shall furnish <br /> premises and in such position as to allow the Building continuous inspection on the consfruction and work <br /> Inspector and oTher Inspectors comenien}ly to make requiring his employment. He shall report to the <br /> the required entries Thereon regarding inspeciion of the Building Inspector !n writing, noting ali violaTions of <br /> work. This card shall be mainiained in such posiTion by This Ordinance, and the provisions of any other ap- <br /> ihe permittee until the Certificate of Occupancy has plicable Ordinance of the City of Arden Hills, and any <br /> been issued. oTher applicable laws and rWes and regulations, and <br /> (c) Approvals Required. Noworkshall be doneon any other informaTion as requiretl. <br /> part of the building or structure beyond the point in- Speral inspections required by this Section and <br /> dicated in each successive inspection wiThout first elsewhere in this Ordinance shall noT be required where <br /> obTaining ihewriTten approval of the Building Inspector the work is done on the premises of a fabricator ap- <br /> or other InspecTOr under whose jurisdiction the work is proved by the Building Inspector to perform such work <br /> being performed. Such written approval shall be given withoui special inspedion. The certificate of approval <br /> only after an inspection shall have been made of each shall be subiect to revocation by the Building Inspector <br /> successive sTep in the consiruction as indicated by each if it is found That any work qone pursuant to the ap- <br /> of the inspecTions required in applicable Codes made a proval ihereof is in violation of ihis Ordinance, the <br /> parTOf and incorporaTetl in the5tate Building Code or as provisions of any other applicable Ordinances of the <br /> • specifically set forTh in This Ordinance. City of Arden Hills, and any other appficable laws and <br /> Thef2 Shdll bB B tfndl inspectfon and approval of BII rU105 and rBgUlati0n5. <br /> buildings and siructures when compleTed and ready for (h) Electrical Inspections. In adcliTion to and not- <br /> occupancy. withstanding the foregoing provisions relating to in- <br /> (d) Required Inspections. Reinforcing steel or specfions, all elec?rical inspections shall be subject to <br /> strucfuraf framework of any part of any building or and governed by the procedures and requiremenis <br /> siructureshall not be covered or concealed without first therefor set forih in Rules Elec 1 and 2 of Chapter Ol of <br /> obiaining the approval of the Building Inspedor. the Laws and Rules Regula?ing Licensing of Elec- <br /> The Building Inspector, upon noTification from the iricians and Inspeciion ef Elecirical Installations, <br /> permitTee or his agent, shall make the following in- revised July 1, 1974, as now constitufed and as hereafter <br /> spections and shall either approve that portion of the amended. <br /> consirucTion as completed or shall notify the permittee (i) Landscaping and Screening Inspection Fees. <br /> or his agent wherein the same fails To comply wiTh This Where screening, landscaping, planting or oTher ex- <br /> Ordinance, the provisions of any other applicable Or- terior improvemeni to property other ihan the principal <br /> dinances of the CiTy of Arden Hills, and any other ap- building Itself is required, the permittee shall be <br /> plicable laws and rules and regulations. required fo pay such landscape inspection fee as is <br /> ( i) Foundation Inspection. To be made after irenches established from time to time by resolution(s) adopied <br /> are excavated and forms erected and when all by the Council, <br /> materials for the foundation are tlelivered on the job. 5ection 12. Certificate of Occupancy. <br /> Whereconcre}efromaceniral mixing plant (commonty (a) Use or Occupancy. No building or siructure in <br /> Termed "iransit mixed") is to be used, materials need Groups A to N, inclusive, shall be used or occupied, and <br /> npt be on the job. no change in the existing occupancy Uassification of a <br /> (2) Frame Inspection. To be made after the roof, all building or sfructure or porfion ihereof shall be made <br /> framing, fire-blocking, and bracing are in place and all unTil the Builtling Inspector has issued a Certiticate of <br />