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<br /> M <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> applicable Ordinance, the Stafe Builtlirg Code or oiher ihereby is suspended or abandoned at any Time a!ter Fences. The permif fee for the insiallaTion and con- <br /> relevant laws or rules and regulations. work +s commenced For a period of one hundred iwenty sirudion of a tence shall be Five Dollars ($5.00) for the <br /> ' <br /> Computations, siress diagrams, and other daTa (120) days. Before such work can be recommenced, a initlal one hundred lineal feet (100 lin, ft.) or fracTion <br /> sufficienT to show the correctness of the plans, shall be new permit sFall be first obtained so to do, and the fee ihereof, and for each additional one hundred lineal feeT <br /> submitted when required by the 8uilding Inspector, ihereforshall beone-haff the amount required tor a new (100 lin. ft.) or fraction thereof, it will be Two Dollars <br /> other Inspectors, or Their respecfive Deputies. permit for such work, providing no changes have been ($2,00). <br /> (g) Issuance of Permits. The application and plans matle or wili be maae in the original plans and (g) Permit Fees for Construction and Installation of and specifications (if required) filed by an applicanT for specifications for such work; and provided, further, Sitlewalks and Driveways. The permit fee for the <br /> a permif shall be checked by the Inspector, or his that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded consTruction and insTallaTion of blacktop or concrete DepuTy, untler whose jurisdiction the application has one (1) year. sitlewalks and driveways shall be Six Dollars ($6.00) for <br /> been made. Such application and plans and Theforegoing Time limits may be exTended by the CiTy the iniTial one ihousand square feet (1,000 sq. fiJ or <br /> specifications shall also be reviewetl by oTher depart- Council provided that a written application for such fraciion thereof, and Two Dollars (82.00) for each ad- <br /> menis, officials, commissions and commiTtees of the exfension be submitted To the Cierk-AdminisTrator or dl?ional one Thousand square feet (1,000 sq. ft.) or ' <br /> CiTy of Arden Hills to check compliance with the Inspector under whos=_• iurisdiction the permit falls fracTion thereof, <br /> provisions of ihis Ordinance and the provis'rons of any prior to the date on which the permii would otherwise (h) Elecirical PermiT Fees. An applicanT tor a permit <br /> other applicable Ordinances untler }heir jurisdiction. If expire, to wire, alter, or add fo the wiring ot any building or for <br /> the parTicular Inspector, or his Deputy, is safisfied That (p) Suspension or Revocation ot Permits. Any permi, the placing of any electrical lighis, motors, heating <br /> the work described in an applicatior, for a permit and issuetl under This Ordinance is subiec' To suspension or devices or any apparatus requiring the use of elecirical <br /> the plans and specifications filed iherewith conform to revocaTion by the CiTy Council or The parTicular In- current shall pay the same fees as are set forth in Rule <br /> the requiremenis of this Ordinance, the provisions of spector under whose jurisdiction it was issued if There is Elec4of ChapTer One of the State Board of ElecTricity'S <br /> any other applicable Ordinances, and other pertinent any unapproved deviation from the work as auifin:ed in Laws and Rules Regulafing Licensing oi ElecTricians <br /> laws and rules and regulations, antl the fee iherefor the applicaTion or in approved plans and specificaYorrs. and InspecTion of Elecirical InstallaTions, revised July <br /> specified hereinbelow has been paid, he shall issue The Any such deviaTion, if under consideraTion by the 1, 1974, as now consTituted and as hereafter amended. <br /> permit to ihe applicant except as oTherwise provided in Council, may be referred by the Council, prior To it5 Plumbing Permit Fees. The permiT fee for any <br /> ~ the next iwo (2) subsecTions hereof. determinaTion, to the PlanNng Commission for s?udy alteraTions or atldiTion in the exisTing pWmbing in any <br /> (h) Exceptions to Issuance of Building P2rmits. No and recommendation. Any permit is also subjer..i to building, the installation of plumbing in any building, <br /> Building Permit for the erection, cons}ruction or suspension or revocation whenever it is issued '+n etrror the consTruction of any sewage disposal system, the <br /> enlargemeni of a building or siructure other +han a or on the basis oi incorrect information siipplied ;n The con;trudion or maior reconsiruction of a well, and the <br /> single family residence shall be issued by the Builtling CiTy or whenever such permit violaTes the provisions os connection to or Tapping of water or sanitary sewer <br /> InspecTOr un}il the applicant has followed the proper any other applicable Ordinances of the CiTy of Arden rnains =hall be as follows: <br /> procedures with respect ihereto seT for}h in the Zoning Hills, or any other applicable iaws, rufes and For connections To or tapping of water or sanitary <br /> Ortlinance and he has 6een authorized to issue the same regulaTions. sewer mains .............512.00 <br /> by the City Council. Section 10. Permit Fees. For cesspool, drain field or septic Tank (any Two <br /> (i) Performance Bond Condition PrecedenT to (a) 8uilding PermiT Fees. A fee for each Building thereof) 575.00 <br /> Issuance of Building Permits in Certain Cases. In a case Permit shall be paid to the Clerk-Administrator as seP For consYruction of new well or major reconstrucfion <br /> where screening, lantlscaping or oTher exTerior im- forTh in the Table hereinbelow in ihis subsection. of existing well ...................................58.00 <br /> provemenT to property other 7han the principal building The deTerminaTion of value or valua"ion under any of qs amendmenf feefor outside sewage disposal <br /> iTSelf is required by any of the Ordinances of the City of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be made by the planT ..................................56.00 <br /> Arden Hills, plans antl specifications as approvetl for Building InspecTOr. The valuation To be used in cnm- For the rapair or alteration of any saniTary plumbing <br /> building or other use of the properTy, or appropriate puTing the permit and plan-check fees shall t,e the fo±esl sys!em ...........................................83.00 <br /> Council resolution, a performance bond shall be value ot all consiruction work tor which the psrnr+it is ForthefirsifixtureorfixTUreopening....... ....55.00 <br /> required as a condiTion precedenT to the issuance of the issueq, as well as all finish work, painTiny, roofing, Foreach addiTional fixture or fixture opening ...82.50 <br /> Building Permit. The amounT of such bond shall be electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, For inspection of a changeover from cesspool or drain <br /> determined by the Council; providetl, however, thaT in elevators, fire-extinguishing sysTems and any other fi21d sewage system To municipal sanitary sewer <br /> no evenT shall the Council require a bond less ihan one permanenT work or permanent equipment. hundred Twenty-five percent (125 percent) of the required improvemeni as esTimaTed by the Landscape TOTAL VALUATION FEE <br /> Inspector or other Inspector under whose jurisdiction <br /> the improvemeN falls, or }heir respective Deputies. $1.00to5500A0 g5.00 <br /> (j) Endorsement of Plans and Specifications. When S501.00 to $2,000.00 .$5.00 for the first S500-00 pius $1.00 for each additional $100.00 or fracTion fhereof, to <br /> the appropriate InspecTOr issues the permiT, he shall and including 52,000. <br /> endorse in wriTing or sTamp on boTh sets of plans and 52,001.00 To $25,000.00 $20.00 for the first $2,000.00 plus $4.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction ihereof, <br /> specifications (if required) -"APPROVED". Such to and induding $25,000.00. <br /> approvetl plans and specifications shall not be changed, $25,001.00 toS50,000.00 g772,00 for the first 825,000.00 plus $3.00 for each addiTional $1,000.00 or traction <br /> modified or altered without authorization from such thereof, to and indudiny $50,000.00 Inspector, and the City Council in the evenT the CiTy S50,007.00 TOS100,000.00 .,...._$187.00 for ihe fir,t S50,000.00 plus $2.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction <br /> Council originally approved such plans and thereof, to and ;ociudiny $100,000.00, <br /> specifications, and all work shall be tlone in accordance $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 g287.00 for the ?irst S'16,000.00 plus $1.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction <br /> with approved plans and specifications. Thereof, ?e and ir,cluding $500,000.00. <br /> (k) ReTention of Plans. One set of approved plans, $500,001.00 and up .............5887.00 for the firs* S500A00.00 plus $7.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fradion <br /> specificaTions and computations shall be reTained by the ihereoi, <br /> appropriate Inspector for a period of not less than <br /> ninety (90) days from the daTe of the completion ot the (b) Plan-checking Fees. When the vaiuatien !;i °ne ~ <br /> work covered iherein, and oneseT of approved pfans and proposed consiruction exceeds One Thausand Do!lars sysiem or changeover from well to municipal waTer <br /> specificaTions shall be returned to the applicant, which ($1,000.00), and a plan is required to be suhm;t?er7 by sysiem _....................$8.00 <br /> set shall be kepT on the premises on which the work is subsec}ion (e) of Section 9 hereof, a piaro-chec?;:ny iea AAinor repair work requiring a total of no more ihan <br /> being pertormed at all times during which the work shall be paid To the Buildiny lnspector at the Yime ot Three Hundred Dollars (8300.00) for labor and <br /> auThorized Thereby is in progress. submitting plans and specificatians for r_hecking. The materials, with labor being based upon currenT charges <br /> Plans, submi}ted for checking, for which no permiT is plan-checkin9 fee s'riail be paid To the Clerkof rnaster p!umbers in the Twin Cities area and <br /> issued, and on which no action is taken by the applicanT Adminisirator at the time of submitting plans and materia!s being based upon the current retail charges <br /> for ninety (90) days, shall be returned to the last known specificaTions for checking. 7he plan-checking fee for therefor in the Twin Cifies area may be made wiThout a <br /> address of the applican}. To renew action on said plans, buildings of all ocrupancy types wiTh the exception of perrni?. <br /> a payment of a new plan-check fee shall be required, buildingsofGroupsiandJO:cupanciesfnrwhichthere (j) Gas Appliance Permit Fees. The permit fee for <br /> (U Issuance of Builqing Permif for Part of Builtlin9. shali be no pfan-checking fees charged - shall be one- aiterafions of or addifions to or original installations of <br /> The Building Inspector may issue a permit for the half ('%s) of the Bui;ding PermiT fees. machines, devices, heaters, ranges, refrigeraTOrs or <br /> consTruction of partof a builtling or struciure before the Where plans are incomplete, or changed so as to oiher appllances requiring the useof manufactured gas, <br /> enTire plans and specifications for the whole building or require additional plan-checxing, an atltliTional plan- natural qas or liquid peTroleum gas shall be as follows: <br /> sirucTure have been submitted or approved provided ch2ckiny -ie,e s'r:ail he charged at a rate established by For each machine, device, heaTer, range, refrigerator <br /> adequate informaTion and detailed statemenis have the Building IrspecTOr. cr n;hPr appliance requiring,the use of manufactured <br /> been filed wmptying with all perTineni requiremenfs of Anv nurnber of bui!dings may be built from an cc- e~as, •ia'.ura! gas or liquid petroleum gas ...........$5.00 <br /> ihis Ordinance, the provisions of any other applicable p:•ove, plan provided ihat a Building Permit is obtained For a valuaTion of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or <br /> Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, arsd any other within one hundred eigh?y (180) days of the da4e of ic5s on'ne cosi of repair or installaTion charged `or gas <br /> laws antl rules and regulations relevant ihereTo. The c;.sproval and provided ihat this Ordinance shall noi piping ~sr each additional branch pipe if such is required <br /> holder oi such permit shall proceed at his own risK havH been changed or rrodified in any way affer.ting iha for The iristallaTion of any appliances included under the <br /> withoutassurance thaTThepermitforiheen?irebuildiny pian be?ween the date of such approval and the sub preceding paragraph hereof .............55.00 <br /> or siructure will be granted. sequent issuance of a permit. For each additional Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) <br /> (m) Validify of Issued Permif. The issuance or Applications for which no Builtling Permit is issued valljatior of the cost of such repair or installation, an <br /> granting of a permiT or approval of plans and within one hundred eighty (180) days Eollowing the date atltliTional fee of ..................................52.00 <br /> specifications shall not be construed to be permiT for, or oS applicaTion shall expire by limitation and plans (k) Gas and Oil Burner Permit Fees. The permit fee <br /> an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of submiTTed for checking may thereafter be returned to for any installation, alteraTion or repair of gas burners, <br /> this Ordinance, the provisions of any other applicable the applicant or destroyetl by the Building Inspector. furnace or boiler equipment, or oil burners shall be as <br /> Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, and any other The Building Inspector may extend the time for acTion follows: <br /> laws anq rules and regulations applicable ihFreTO. No by the applicant for a period not exceeding one hundred For each installaTion of oil and gas burners or <br /> permiT presuming to give authority To violaTe or cancel eighty (180) days upon written requesT by the applicant at7erations ihereof which involve a BTU inpuT of 200,000 <br /> the provisions of This Ordinance,The provisions of any showing that circumsTances beyond the conirol of the orless._ .........................................57.50 <br /> oTher applicable Ordinances of the CiTy of Arden Hills, applicanT have prevenTed acTion from being Taken. In For each addiTional 100,000 BTU's or fraction Thereof <br /> and any laws and rules and regulaTions applicable order to renew action on an application after expiraTion, beyond theoriginal 200,000 BTU's, an additional fee <br /> ihereto, shall be valid, excepT insofar as the work or use the applicanT shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan- of .....................57.25 <br /> which it authorizes is lawful. checking fee. In no event shall the permit fee exceed a maximum of <br /> The issuance of a permif basetl upon plans antl (c) Reinspection Fee. Excepi as efsewhere provided One Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($175.00) for each <br /> specificaTions shall noT preven} an Inspector, or his herein to the contrary, whenever it becomes necessary uniT proposed to be installed or altered. <br /> Deputy, from Thereaf}er requiring the correcTion of for any Inspector, or his Deputy, To reinspect any work (U Sfeam, Hot WaTer, or Warm Air HeaTing System <br /> errors in said plans and specifications or from found To be taulty or defective during an earlier in- Permit Fees. The permiT fee for any installaTion of or <br /> • prevenring the worK being carnetl on ihereuntler when speciion, a reinspection fee of iFe sum of Ten Dollars atlditions and alterafions Toa steam or hot water system <br /> in violation of This Ordinance, the provisions of any ($10.00) shall be paid by the permittee. or a uniT heater shall be as follows: <br /> other applicable Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, (d) Double Permit FeeS. Any person who shall For the construction or installation of any warm air <br /> or any oiher laws and rules and regulaTions applicable commence work of any kind for which a permit is furnaceduciworkwhich involvesa BTU inputof 200,000 <br /> . . . . . <br /> ihereto. required by ihis Ordinance,The provisions of any pther orless $15.00 <br /> . <br /> (n) Permit Posting Card. The permiT posting card applicable Ordinanc?of the CiTy of Arden Hills, or other For each additional 100,000 BTU's or fraciion ihereof <br /> issued wiTh the permit shall be postetl and con- applicable laws antl rules and regulations without firsT over and above the original 200,000 BTU's for the com <br /> spicuously displayed at the iob location. In the event a obtaining the necessary permit therefor shall, when sTruction or installation of such warm air furnace ducT <br /> permittee fails so To post and display such card, the subsequently securing such permit, be requiretl to pay work, additional feeof $2.00 <br /> Inspector, or his Depufy, shall order the stoppage of any double the fee required for such permit. For the insiallaf'ron or replacemeni of each steam or <br /> work being done pursuant To such permiT. Upon the (e) Permit Fees for Demolition, Wrecking, hot water sysTem which involves a BTU input of 200,000 <br /> issuance of such an order, such permit shall be Relowtion and Moving of Buildings. Th2 Rermit fee for or less ..515.00 <br /> suspended unTil the card is properly posted and the demoliTion, wrecking, relocation and moving of For each addiTional 100,000 BTU's or fraction Thereof <br /> displayed and a tee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) shall have buildings shall be computed on the basis of One Dollar over and above the original 200,000 BTU's for the in- <br /> been paid. ($1.00)foreachonethousandcubicfeet(1,000cu.ft.),or stallation or replacement of such sTeam or hoT water <br /> (o; Expdration of PermiT. Every permi4 issued under part ihereof of endosed space, wiTh a minimum fee of sysTem, an additional feeof _.......52.00 <br /> This Ordinance shall expire by limiTaTion and become Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for Occupancy Groups A For each unit heaTer which imolves a BTU inpuT of <br /> null and void if the work auThorized Thereby is not Through J, with the excepTion of I, and Ten Dollars 100,000 orless ....................................57.50 <br /> commenced within one hundred twenty (120) days from ($70.00) for Occupancy Group I. For each additional 100,000 BTU's or fraction ihereof <br /> the date of such permiT, or if the work authorized (f) Permit Fees for Installation and Consiruction of over and above the original 100,000 BTU's for such unit <br />