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<br /> <br /> ..i <br /> <br /> " i <br /> } <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MIMMESOTA Soc1bn 3.. Amandmeef of 5111 V1.6, 01 Ord. No. M, <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY as AmMded, by 0.st0ing a Ddinition o1 •'NestauranY" <br /> UTY dF AROEN MILLS TMrNe. Subdivision 6 of SecYion vl 01 Ord. No. 99, as <br /> ORDINAMCE NO.1N amended, is herilby amanded by insertiny arter the . AN ORDINAMCE AMEqDIMG ORDINAMCE NO. If, de(ialiion of "Research" end before the definition of <br /> . .'lS 4ME.MDED, THE ZONING ORDINANLi, BY "RHt Home° contiinetl tharein a deFlnition M <br /> tHAiVGINO THE DEFINtT10N OF 116RIVE,IN ^ResfauraM" which reWS as follows: <br /> 0U51NESS", ADDING OEFIf11TICMf OP Ratau?aM <br /> "RESTAURItNT" AND "FAfT i00D A buslnest estsblishment whose principai business Is RkSTAUitANT", AOOING ••FAfT FOOD <br /> RESTAURANT" AS R SPECtAL YfE, AMD SU~- ihe preperation, yervlce antl xle W tood end beveraqes <br /> STITUTiNG "CITY" FOR "VIll~OE" WMEIIEV[R COn~~' by cuatomers while seated af fables or <br /> TNE SAME APPEARS ~n1ers lotated within the buildnq on the premises. <br /> fedbn,11. AmenOmenl o/ Sfctlon 111.?.].a. 01 Oro. No. <br /> The COUntii pi tht CiYY Of Ardln Mill? f1rCeIM t aS All'1f11ded, Oy Makinq SaiC Grovisfon ApplluDle to <br /> Saction 1. AmenOmarf of Stqion VI,6. N Ord. No, M "•Fast Food Reslwran?". Subdivisipn F.J,a of Orcf. No. <br /> bY ChaM+n9 the Deffnitlon of °Drir*-In OwlMad" as amended, ishereby amenderl so tnat ii is eninlea <br /> CaMaineE 7Aerein. The Ge1}nitbn OI "d?Ive-in aM reeds as follows: Dusiness" s!1 forih in Subdivisfon 6 M Settlon VI., en- 3. AOriPanN CNMfs br GraMfM Spetial Use <br /> lifled "•Rulm and DNinitions", ia amenCW in iri en- Iermiff /ar Drire-In Swinetses, Fast Footl <br /> ?irety to read es fotlows. RestauraMS, aM Automobile Servfu SLtans. Becsuse <br /> Qrivs-in luslnQSS ttlvtin bus;nesses, teat fontl restaurants, and - <br /> AnY businlSS EslebliShmeM oHerinq 10 cuftOmtrl A aWOr»obile service stetiorts <br /> present cerTein unusuel <br /> ServiC! OI COTmOdiPilS SUCh e5, f0r lEAmQIe bUt Iqt by prpblRTS, the COUnCiI And fh! PIanninQ COmfBiESipn, in , <br /> • way o( Ilmitation, prepared tood, beversqes. snd OaIry addIfion to thepeneral criteria mumeroted ebove, fhall - <br /> 'producfs, eilher collectlvely or individwlly, whlch la cpnsVCer antl be quided by (In the cese oa eppllutions <br /> primerily or exUusively iaid out, deslqned, equlpped fpr Orive-in businesses or fest +000 restaurants) anA - <br /> ahtl operaled so ss to albw ifs cuslomKS to purcHof, shall make specilic findinys (in the cesr af epplications receive and conwme f;f sppliceble) wch sarvlce or Iw automobile strvice stat+onsi ;n reparE to the <br /> - <br /> commod+nes wirnout nnvino +o emer the ouiiaino on " lpllowinq 9uidelines enci criferis for eech use: premfses ot the establishmeni antl uswlly wfillo (e) Drivo-In Wslnoisot antl Pas1 Food RNhulenfi. ~ <br /> remaininp in fhelr sutomobilp. 9y wey of Illustratlon, No drivt,in bvsinesso% iqi fsoa restauranT shall be <br /> but wi}AOUf limitetion. Crivein buslnassas ineluEifq Me Iptated w;fhin 400 feM of a public, pnvele or perpcAiel <br /> followinq: drivi in restaurents o? cNes, drfvo-Fn Sdppl, s church, a public recreation aree, or eny <br /> theatery, drivein banks, drivein liqupr siOrot, arM rgyidentially ioned pvroperfy. <br /> tlrivein iAUntry or Cry deeninq Htabliahmentc. ii. Notlrive in busin?ss or lesr fovd restauronf shell De <br /> Grocery stores, con(ectionary stores, druq srorea, or lpca}b yrifhin 1,720 IineAI 1!!t Oi fhe bOUnAefllS Of <br /> - restauranig whlch vffer "tskeNOme" Motl arrvicq as nnoMer one - an incidentel part W iheir businesa shall not be con• Ili No d+rv,e in busmess or last food restaureM shalV <br /> siderld drive-in busineSSes. be located ce+ ine siic if the probeble resvlt W fu[h <br /> If i3 vetOqnized thAt eufOmobile servite ftofion5 are IOUTior+ vroutd be unreesonably to mcresse trslflt <br /> arive-in buslnesses within the mesnfnp of Tho /orpoinp vpiume on n"rby sfr"ts. <br /> 9Meraf definition, but ifiey sre axcluCed /rwn INg W No er ive in wrsmess or fast f0od restaureni shell <br /> dlfinifiOfl AS VSld he/lifl slnce They are }1'N?W NW pe IpCiittf on 8 10t 6f 4M! }hDl1 24:000 SqUSre feet. • ' - <br /> deNrred uparateiy in This Ordinante. Sadfoa S. AmenOitcrM W Sectian of Ord. Stctlon 1. AmendmeM of SMion VIA. ol OM. Mo. M, Mo. N, as AmreAed, Dy Apdiny TheroTO ^Fast Fooa . as AmenOed, Dy AOOfno a Dlllnltbe M"Fqf FoaA RnfavNMf". SubGivosion FJ,d vi o1 Section IU, a! . Ref1aunM". Subdivlsion6 of Sectlon V 1. M OrA, No. 99, Ord. No 44, as nmmc4ea, i1 hereby amendld fv roetl as <br /> as Ammded, is hereDy emendetl by Insertlnq afftr the t01lOws. . clefinitlon ol "Farm Animsls" snd befOre the tle}inltlon vl, priveIn Bvsin2ssr, anC Fas! Fpod Resteurants. - <br /> of "Ftoor Area" contained therein a dNinlfion W"Faif ggt{qn 4. A07MMnifrA OI Sadisq IV.a.aed R.I. of . <br /> FOOd RrstauronP` whlch reeds as followi: OrO. No. 91, as Ameed?0, EY MaYiay SuM Provisionf Fast Food ReslouranHS Applkablo to "Fnt Footl Restawonts". Subdivisions <br /> Any rrstauranf which meah a nur»ber al the R. snel R.1 oi Sec4uon IV, of Ord No 99, es amentlrd, <br /> FoUowinq requirements: customeaily provVda quVCk . are herehy amentletl so es to reeC as roROws service of fo0d end-or beveraqn lo Hs custOmen; dtKS (Z, pryye_q~ ~~~infts", Fas1 Feo@ R?stwnnts antl <br /> to its cuttamers a limiTetl, i4nGUtllzed mmv p/ Au?omoMle flrvice Sfatlons. - iner.pensive tooe end-or beverapra; servp- Ifs 1. A iot ro be usM Mr dr,ve-+n busineas, fasf footl <br /> customers irom a counter Iocetecf wifhin the bulldinq on restsurant or automobile service stetion Durpoefs eMll . <br /> the premisss nnd does not customerily oker tabl• Dr Iandscaped at least to thr tollowfnq depths from each - <br /> service: ailows cuEtomers to conwme ihNr ordars p1 tof Iine. <br /> food end-or beveraqes st tebles or counters wlMln tha a. 20 feet from Me froM Iot line excepi for epprovetl . <br /> nuilGirp, !r TMir aufomoblles psrkatl on the promism, Kcog3 driw: or awey from the premises as the cusbnerf ch0ftf; b. 10 fMt #rom escn siGe lof I ine; and <br /> Packeqes end Sarvef e subsfsntfal proportbn p ih Med t. 15 feH +rom aach reAr lof line. - <br /> antl-or beveraqea in diSposeDle wrappMS, ca+lalners. SoCt?on 7. AmendmerA of OrE. No. as AmenOed, DY <br /> cartons, boxes an4 bsqs; provides a number o/ trph, SwbslNUtln/ ^Clfy" for "VIIIaN" Wbpever the Same --Itttx, or qerbreqe uns in the perklnq arw and w!IhM Aypean. NTKewr the word "vil! <br /> the builtlinq on the premises for the dspOail 01 tM No. 99, as tlmonMrl, safd word sl~a~be tlittleta0 and tM Oisposeble pocAaqirp in whlch the foo6 iM-of vWrtl "Ci1y" shall bc substitutad tAerelor, <br /> bevereoes sre proviefed; preperes and cookl a ub- SMIien Efheflw Oah. Tnls Ordlnence shall take <br /> stsntieai proporiian of ffs rocxf Fn wlurne, in sGvance of effect and be In for,# tram and aHer iri pesasqa snd <br /> orders by cusMmtr:. and wwlly in antklDetiai of puplfution. <br /> pred7[fed volumes ol tustOTers a1 cMaln fiTes M M1 pasaea by the Countil of the Ciry d ArCM Nilis fhlS <br /> day: specifiCS fhF 1ltms ol foatl end,of bfvNp" oMKad yfh day pf June, 1975. tn restomers on slpn:, placerds. polfw's, vislancait, c+r Nenry J. Crepeeu, Jr., - - <br /> Coarft pofted in consplcuous places throuphovf tM µeyor <br /> puiidtnq rathlr fhen on printed manus ylvon fo fllt Aftlsi: ChNlotte McNiMh, . <br /> cvtlomera: and penerates a h7ph volums and raplC }law ClwkAAminbfrator - <br /> o1in sntl out IrNt}c tecause W ifs aWck lerv1ce nwde W (Bullafin lune 12, `.a73) . <br /> oper at ia+. <br /> ~ <br /> K r~. <br /> / <br /> ~ J <br /> <br /> r. _ . . . . , . . . . . . - - a",~ <br /> a <br /> ~ ~ . • ~ , ~~~4. , 4 ~r <br /> ~ A <br /> 11- <br />