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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br /> , <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MIMNlSOTA ~cfion Amendmg"f of fect:on Vi.6. 01 Ord. No. t1, <br /> COUNTY OF RAMS@Y ac Ameeded, hy AtlQfnp a Dellniflon o1 "RedwraM" CITY OF ARDEN NILLS TMrofo. Subdrvision 4 ot Srcfion YI. d Ora- No 99, a3 <br /> ORDINAMCE NO. lq amenytd, ;s hereby amentled by insertinp etter the <br /> . AM ORDINANCE AMENDING OROIMA-MCE MQ. M, de}inItlort of "Researtb" end before the defir,ition oi <br /> AS AMENOED, TME IONfNO ORDINANC[, OY °Resf Home" confainetl 1hKein • definitiort of CNANOING TN& pEFINITION Of "pR1VE-IN ^Resfaurant" which rNds ss follows. - <br /> BUSfNE34", ADDINO D[fiNIT10NS OF ReiUurant "RESTAURANT^ ANO "FAfT FOOD A buSintss estsblishment wtio6e principal 4asinats is <br /> RESTAURANT", AODIHG "FAlT FOOD the preparation,serviceandseleMfoodendbeverapes <br /> RESTAURANT" AS A SVECIAL U3E, AND SW- to De conwmetl by customen whiie seeted af *eble3 ur <br /> STITUTING "UTY" FOR "YIILAY!^ WMEREV[R cpuMen locatoid wifhm the bailtliny on the premises. ' <br /> TME SAME AVPEARS Sed1on,41. AmMAmentof Sedien tN.f.7.a. e1 Orb. Ho. <br /> The Council Of tlte Gify of ArOen MiUt ordains: M, as Amendsd, by Makinq SaiA Provlflon Applltible to . Sfctien 1. Amsndnttet o/ Setlion Y1.1. N OrA. No. M ^Fast Fooq NetNuraM". Subdivision F.3.a. of Ortl. No. . <br /> py Changing the DNfnition ol "Drlv%-In SYSiMU"' as amended, is hereby amended so that it is eMifled <br /> CoMaiMO TlNrein. The dNinifbn pi •'ErWe-in snd reWS as folbws: <br /> butinesl" sM torih in Subdivisiae 6 M Settbn V1., en- 3. AdOlfialai Critarla hr GraMlny Special Use ti/1e0 "Rules and DMinitions", is smended (n iri en. Ifrenifs ter Drlvo-In 6us{nstsls. Fast Food . <br /> tirety TO rled es fOIIOwS: RItfatHrOMf, &M Aa11tlA10bIN Slrvlce Stationt. Beciuse <br /> Drive-in Susiness drlve-in businesscs, Iesf foot7 restauranis, and <br /> Any bu5inH5 lStablilhminf OffNl/fq 10 C1rifOmlA A automoble service statlons present certain unusual . <br /> service or commoditics such af, lor example but not by ppplfms, the Council and th'e Plannfnq Commissior, i++ - - <br /> • way of Ilmitstion, pre0arad food, bevers9M, snd dalry ~~~ion to the 9eexral criteria enumereted ebove, thsl! . <br /> producis, either toilectivaly or indivitlwlly, wh1[h if cpnsitler and be quided by (in the use of epp11u4)ons <br /> primarily or exclusively leld ou6 deslqnod, equlppW fOr d?ive-in busineSSes or lest toad reafauranfs) snd arrtl Oplrelltl 50 es ro aHOW its cuftORlMS fo DurchMl, shall mske sp9ci(ic tifldirps (in the U3! OI eppiications <br /> receive ana consume (ii spDllcable) wch service w lor automobile service sfeUOns) in reparA fo ine commatlities wfihout hnvinp to entN the bu+ltliny an the lpltOwinq quidelinas en0 cri}eria for each ute: - <br /> premisos ot the esrablishment antl u3wlly whilg (4) Orive-In tusl4efus and Fast FooA Rntaurants. <br /> remaini^4 m ihNr automobiles. By wa of Illuffration, ~ <br /> Y i. No Arivein twsinessvr fpf fwa realaurant shall be ~y <br /> but withoui 1im41stion, drive-in busineya" incluElrp the located wifhin e00 feN0 ot s puGlic, prwate or parocnisl <br /> foUOwinp: drivtrin resfauraMs or ufilips,. driw-In qcfppl, a thurc4 a pubiic recreafion aree, w erty <br /> iheeters, drive-in benks, tlrive-in lipuor sto?es, an0 residenfislW zoned property <br /> Mive in laundrY or dry deaninq establifhmonls, ii No tlrive in busineu or fest food restaurenf shalt be <br /> GrOCMy stores, confectionary YfOfes, dru4 s10flf, a lpca}ed ryifhin 1,740 IirBel leff Of the bOUndaNts Of <br /> restsuranfs whlch offer "takehame" foocl servica os arofhel one <br /> an lndqantal part oi their business fhall npl be Con, li! No dnve in bus;ness or fesf food restauraM srsll <br /> sideretl drive in busirt,etses. Ue {pcefeq on the site if the probsDle resull W such <br /> it +3 recoqnizetl fhat aufomobile service slNions Ng Ipcafion woalA be uhreasonablY to incresse freihc . <br /> dt"iVt~in buSinRlSCS wifhin the 1nlMlrlp p1 Me fOr"qinp vpiume on neerby atreets. - i <br /> flcneral defmition, but they are exclu0ltl trom the ~v Na arrvc in bixinsss w Nst iood reslaureM shell <br /> ;Jef inifiOn as used herein slnce Ihey are irNib afW be bcaflG on a Iot of I!{s inen 21,000 Squsre (l2t, • ' - . <br /> defined separstely in tAis Ordinence. Sectbe S. amenOivwenA o1 Sectlon III.FJ.ii of Ord. Secrion 7. AmenOmlM of Stctlqi VI.{. of Ord. No. M, Mw M, •s ArnowArd, ey Abdirp TAento "Fast Footl . <br /> as AmenAOd, EY Ad01na • DHinNfen o1 "Fnt food qestauranH". Subaivrsion F 7-d vl. w Sedion IIL M . Res/auraM". Subdivision 6 of Secfbn VI. ol Orq. No. 99, prtl. No. 49, ss emendrd, is hereby smended to res0 n . <br /> as amerided, is hereDy amendad bY inaertlnq after the Wllows. <br /> aefinifion of "Farm Animals" and before the detinltlon vl, prive-in Businesses anq Fasi Food Resteurants. <br /> 04 "FlOpf ArlA" COnteinEd fhlflin i f/lliNflOft M"Faft S"t1on 6. AmMdMent W Slct{MI IV.R. and R.1. Of <br /> Footl RestaureM" whfch reads as lolltwfQrA. No. 1t, as AmendeA. Oy MaMie9.SucA ProvisJOnf <br /> Fatt FooA RntaunMS AppAlcaD1e to "Fas1 FaoO ResfwraMs". Subdivisions Any resfauran/ wfikn mecis a numbsr of the Rantl R 1. o/ Seclion iv. o( Ord No. 99, es amentled, fo+lowinp requirsmenir. cualomaFlly prpvldes pufck . are hereby amenGed so ss to reW es MHOws service W food end-or Deverapss Fo Iri cusfomers; offen R, prlvt_i,~ busInes"s, Fast Fopd ResUunnis antl to :ts customers s IimitW, stmndardlxatl merw of Aubmo011e Strvice 4Nftei <br /> inexpensive fopd entl-or heveraqes; servesits 1 q lot fo tr! us9d for drive in busineaa, fest food - <br /> cusfomers 1rom a counter IocataH withirt the buildirq on resteuraM or suMmobile aervi[e stal)on purposos shsll the premises and doet not cvstomarily oHer tabie Na Iandscped at least to the tollowmg tleptns from each serviCe; nllovn customerf fo consume iheir orNr1 Of bf line!ood sntl-or bevarspes st tables or counfen wtMln tM a, p teet from the tront iot Ilne except for approvetl <br /> Guildirq, in ihlir automobllls parketl on the p?ornisA, Kcess Wlve; ' <br /> or er!ey from the pramises es the cusbnwrs cASw; b. )0fett fromeechsideloxtine; and packsyes and serves a subsfantial proportbnof Ih Ma0 c, 75 feet from each rear lot line, <br /> end-or bevvteyes in CiiposaDie wrappers, tOMNnK?, fecflon 7. Amir"menl o/ O?A. No. M, as AmorMfA, Oy - <br /> cartons, boKqs and beps; Oravides a numbtr d trYh, Suestltvtlep "Clfy" ior "•Vfllage" Wherwer fht Some <br /> Iltter, or Qarbaqa cona in fht parkirp arNS sn0 wifhM ApNarc. Whtrover the word "Villa9e" appearc in Ord. <br /> Me buildinq on the premitef for the dsposit of 1M <br /> No. 99, as amenAed. saltl word sf+atl bt Geieted snd the <br /> OisRosable packeQinp in whlch 1M tood sind-or wwd "CiTy" shsll pe wbstituhA MMetor. <br /> bevereqes are providatl; prspary snd cookt r wb SMien 1. EfhNire Deh. TMa Ortllnance shall iske <br /> stanfiel proportion oF irx fooC in wlume, in advance Of aryKt and pe In lorce trom an0 a/ter ih psasaqe !nd <br /> orders by cintomers, and usualry in aniftlpafion Qf puplicarypn, <br /> predictetl volumes W cusfomers at carfaln times Cf /he paySCtl py iht C9UM11 p1 Mf City d ArMrn Hills Mis <br /> . aY; SplCNiK 4h! itYm3 OI fOOd enC-M blVKaq! OHKetl 9th QeV pl JW1l, 1775. <br /> ta customerS on slyni, pl4urtls, ppsfen, vilancp. Of Henry J Crepeeu, Jr., <br /> Dwrds postad in conspicuous pleces fhrwahout the µaya <br /> Dultdlrp, retAer Men on prinfsd rhsmit plvM fo fAt Attest. Chsrlotte McNiesh. cuotomerl, entl peneratd a hlqh votume snA rapld }bw Uerk-kdminINrstpr <br /> of in enG out fra/fic Wcause ol ils quick 3ervlu mode W t BWietln: June 14, 19151 <br /> oparotion. _ <br /> 1 <br /> _ r <br /> ~ <br /> `'V ' <br /> ~'s a <br /> <br />