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. ~ <br /> <br /> ~ Sectton 4. Establtshment of Limits of Districts in <br /> Whlch Storaqe of Flammable or Combust ble L qu ds and BuIk Storaae <br /> of Liauefied Petroleum Gases and Storaae of Explostvgs and Blast <br /> Ina Aaents are to be Prohibtted. <br /> <br /> (a) Distrlcts in Which Storage ot Flammable or Combust- <br /> lble Li ulds !n Outside Above round Tanks is to be Prohiblted. <br /> The Itmtts referred to n ectton 79.501 cf he re o e, n whtch <br /> storage.of flammabls or combustible Iiqulds in outslde, aboveground <br /> tanks is prahtbited, ere horeby astabllshed as fallows: <br /> R-t, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Resldentia! Dlstrlcts <br /> B-1 and B-2 Buslness Dlstrtcts (b) Otstrtcts in Which New Bulk Plants for Flammable or <br /> <br /> Combustfble LI ulds ars to be Prohibited. The 11mIts In whlch nw <br /> bulk plants for flammable or commust ble Itqulds, as regulated by Art(cle 79, Olvtstan 14 of the Flre Code, are prohiblted, aro hereby <br /> <br /> established as follows: <br /> R-I, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Residentlal Districts <br /> 9-I and B-2-Businoss Distrlcts <br /> I-I Industrlel Dlstrict <br /> <br /> (c) Districts In whlch Bulk Sto ra e of L) uetied Petroleum <br /> Gases Is to be Prohib ted. ho m ts re erred to n Sect on <br /> 82. 105(e) of ths Ftre Coda, In which bulk starege of Ilquefied <br /> petroloum gases Is prohibited, except as allowed by Speclal Use <br /> Parmits heretofore approved and In effect, In accordance with Sec- <br /> tion YI, E, 10 of the Zoning Cods, prior to the enactment of thts <br /> ordtnance, are hereby ostablished as tollows: <br /> R-I, R-2, R-3 end R-4 Residentlal Dlstricts <br /> B-I and B-2 Bus i ness DI stri cts <br /> (d) Dtstricts In Which 5toraqe of Explosives and Blastinq <br /> Anents are to be Prohtblted. The (imits reterred to in Sectlon <br /> 77.106(a) of the Ftre Code, In whlch storage of•explosives and <br /> blasting agents are prohlbited, are hereby ssteblished as follows: <br /> R-I, R-2, R-3.and R-4 Restdentlal D[stricts <br /> . B-I and B-2 8ustness- Dlstficts <br /> I-I Industrlal Dlstrict <br /> <br /> Section 5. New Materlals Processes ar Occu ancles Which <br /> May Requlre Pe rmits. The 8utldlrig Inspector, oning Admin strator, <br /> end the Fire Chlef shall ect as a committse to determine end specify, <br /> aftar glving affected persons an opportunity to be heard, any new <br /> materials, processes or occupancles, which shall requtre permtts, in <br /> additton to those now enumerated (n the ftre Code. The Fire Chiet <br /> shall post a Itst ot such new materlafs, processes or accupancles in <br /> a conspicuous plmce in his office and !n the City Hall and shall <br /> dlstrlbute coples thereot to tnterested persons. <br /> Section 6. Establtshment of Permtt Fees. Th• C(ty <br /> Councll may from t me to time estebl sh by resolution permlt fees <br /> for varlous permlts requtred under the Fire Code, or by the commlttae <br /> constituted by the prevlous section hereof, which feas shall be <br /> unlformly and conslstently appiled to psrmitteas. <br /> Section 7 A eals. Whenever the Fire Chlef shall <br /> disapprove an appl cat on or refuse to grant a permit appited for, <br /> or when it is clalmed that the provlslons of the Fire Code or this <br /> Ordlnance do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the <br /> Fire Code or this Ordinance have been misconstrued or wrongly <br /> tnterpreted, the appilcant may appeal trom the decision of the Fire <br /> Chlef to the CI#y Council within thirty (30) days from the date of <br /> the decfslon eppeaisd. <br /> <br /> -2 - <br />