~ . ~ t'~ogs ent 4~ti ~e[ner ~vticu ruuuc,
<br /> whkh sa+11 form a tisht and flac• or iaterfermee with
<br /> r" ~ ~ iiio 3~n=, eratiaa ot tLe se~raSe s7~•
<br /> ~~~g $o~bdivision C(,~radd. IIaless Mhmwise (6) Aay watm or wast~s •
<br /> M~eh Oh~
<br /> , ~i:ed, all bouse u~?en ehaN have a oy~ed eolide d
<br /> ~ ~p~DC3~ OP ~H ~ade o1 aot hss ehan 9 ineh p~ foot. A qoantirty that uonroal aetattiaa~ ~
<br /> ~?ORDIPiANC NG TF[~ `rade of ~1L ~ch P~ foot ahoaM be need pe~se is rMnired to handle such malwlal~ ;
<br /> O~ATMIY ~R B NICIlAL wha~a pnetietl. The pa~ t'apend' at the sewage tratmmt plant
<br /> ~~jV aya'Tp~(• REQU[R- bie tar tcstallation oE the rew~er ahall Any aduioua or mskdorons s+s a
<br /> G N ONS 'ti'O HE llADd 'FO r]+eet gredes before oonst*uetion P~e~ w~bstaace caWble d aeating a ya?iic
<br /> ~pY S~I ITARY bt:W~.M Wherever possible, the wnaediag eewa ~r.
<br /> i SySTiLMF ING FOR TH6 lS shall ~na t6e btdlding at an ekvatiee ' (S) Greatei al and eand intereepom
<br /> g
<br /> ' ANCE OP PBRLlITS FOR AND S11P' which ia below the 6asemm4 Iloot o! tueL / thall be provided whm in the opioiws~tot!
<br /> ~ VISIO_I~.O! AiJ. CONNECI'IOlts 'HO bnildi~ag the Village PluatbJaR faaoeetor, s a!
<br /> N'
<br /> ~{g MunICIP SANITARY SEW `~.1~ 3nbdivisios D. Ali~nmrnG No eonaecb neeessar~ (or the proper haadlin f
<br /> ~ PBIN(3 CER]'pllr ing xwer ehsll omtam beads or a omn- teid ~vaatee contaimng srax m e~esslR "
<br /> ' gYSTEMi
<br /> ,g Tp«A~ ~jp ~TF(pps 'I'Q YL bination of brnda which at aay pm nt shall amoaat, or an{ iatlammable wa~. ~ell
<br /> S FOR aA1D COTiNECTIOIiSS 63- be greater thsn torty-ii~e (4S) deRr~a. or other harm nl in ~~mts; t~t `
<br /> ~T and no more than 4wo bendt, nBardlas weh iaterceptors ahall aot be r~i+ed
<br /> ~ . L131~ING 7'IOTIS /1D TO for
<br /> ~ 1.YM A,ip qNDS pp qA 2 ~o( ~le, ahall be permitted in any siagle private dwelling imkts which dieeharge '
<br /> T M Y SE DISpp~ ED OF BY 1 J xwer oonneetion, aacrpt whue eleanouts ~amly normal wastee the*efrw~• Sueh /*e-
<br /> pg~jyQjl~IClppy aANI7'~~i~Y ~ are crostraeted at eaeh pa nb tad in •se and oil intercepters ehall be od rYb
<br /> WER S i PROHIBi7'ING manner •s directed b9 the vllage Plumb- stential canstruction water tight aed A'
<br /> SCHAItCE OF APFY TYPE OR KIM Ing I o e p e c t a. N d e o n n e c t i a g s e wer s6all eq iu~ with eaeify removsbfe eovvs
<br /> ~ ~g wez wwTexs tr~ro ~be laid parallel to any bearing watl or which, whrn bolted in p1aeq shall De sas• ~
<br /> 1lUf~iLCIPAI. SANITARY sEWEIt footing unlese {nrther distant than three tight and ~vater-tight. All Sre~ee. a1 and
<br /> ; TgM- PRFSt,RIBINC RATES ~L feet trom any such besring wall or foot sand interceptora shall be maiataiaed by ,
<br /> a{~AapII FOR DISPOSAL `3ERVILlc5 i No conneeting snrer shall be laid the owner, nt his nqxnse, in aontisaoai•
<br /> ~ AND PRESC1tIBIlYC P6NALTIRS POK w~thin twenty teet aE an7 acisting wetl, ly -ffi-irnt operati~n at all times.
<br /> ' THE VIOI.M'iON OF SAME. escept 'n manner specircally approved by Subdivision B. It ehall be ffilaw[al to,
<br /> 1`he Villa~e Cuunoil di the Vill~ge of the Village Plmqbn6 Inspector, discharge into the misnicipal sanit~
<br /> ~ Arden Hi11s dats haeb7 ordsla p/ol- Subdid"on E. Trenching and BaeNitl- wwer system any indnstrial wades aolp~
<br /> Iws: iag. All accavatiou ehaR be opea-treea6 the prior approval of the vll~age Plwnb-
<br /> SEClTON 1. GENF4AL OPERA'lSON. work ~mlesa dhenrise authorized by the ina Insnertor is obtained. 1'he V111y~
<br /> The mtire mmicipal wmt¦ry sgwf Vitlace Plumbi Iaspeetor. The foanda- PlvmMag In~pcceor shall approve the
<br /> nstem ehall. be opertted ae Y n~ilie fki!- tioa in the tr~ ahall be farmed ?n charge o( industrisl vastes when, 4n hie
<br /> j iand eonMienee from whieb rewl~~ euch manner ae to prevmt anp snMe- op mwn, the proposed wutes will aol be ~
<br /> ~ ~ aettlin of :he pipea. EI the tone- of an ~mnswl amamt or eharaeter. Whee,
<br /> will be deri~ed, enbjeet to the pro~ida~e i. Rrm earth, the esrth shall
<br /> d this fhdimana. in the opinion o( the Village Plmnbiaq
<br /> SECPION Z CO'NDTFCTIOIPS WTRH pe pared or n~oMed to 61ve a htll rf inspeetor, the proposed wattes atr el ~u sup ~ SEWER REQL~IRED. M the bwer third -of each pipe. Bellioles vnustlsl amovnt ar character, the vlhee
<br /> P.
<br /> 3abdivis aball be dng to imv~ ample ~see !or Plumbing Inepector may approve seeA j~
<br /> 1 ~
<br /> ~ iqa A. A~r boildint tNei br ~n` foi belnts. Gre mutt 6e e~cee'eised in waaten, rar
<br /> ~n halwtakioa and loeated ao piqpe*- peu p?ovided the ~ a~ro~al of
<br /> t~ ~d'acmt to a sewv main, or in ¦ bscl~ll~nqow the omter line ot the tfie G+auc~l of the Vi Il a~e ~f Roa.~ilk
<br /> ~ platt~ bkmk throath which the qstte~ p~pe in, crder M din h ProPeT ~PPa and of the Camcil oE the Cty of Rt.
<br /> t° Hackfillms shall be Placed in layers and Paiil s ained.
<br /> v, shfll be mnnected to tfie mu~ici- F~lidty tamped or peeked ap to ar loot St~bdiv~n C. I hall he law6ul M
<br /> ~ ~tend 7 eewer syetam wltb~ two
<br /> l eani4~`
<br /> ~ear~ from the 6ate on whieh a eaefaeti• above the pipn Backfilling eha11 not be dixharqe c.r cauee to be di ha ed inM .
<br /> ~o . ir evailable to eaeh bpildleg. aane tmtil the stetion to be bs~lled has the municipal e er st , dt er di- a
<br /> $nbdivlaia~ B. All buildiags heeeaker been inepeeted qad spproved by the Vil- reetly .,r ind ect , an s aR-
<br /> la P1tm.Ding Inspeetor. faee or gronn trr o n type.or ind,
<br /> ~ aoaatrncted withis the Village of ArAm %y~iviabn F. IIie d Old Aeose Sew- or Kater dise a f ny air
<br /> Hilb on prepeft~ t"to ~ ~ewa* Ki, Old hocse eeve*e er Ponione there- tioninR aeit s9stem.
<br /> , main er io a plaeted k teros~ff Wtie6 ot may be approved (or use by the Vil• SE('CIAN TA~iPERIN(: WITH
<br /> t fi e a~ p n k#Oal samltary ~sewer n~ e~c- la~ pl~~g I ys p e e o o T h e Vi l lag~e M T T T d I C I P A T. S E W E R S Y S? E M P R O I- ~
<br /> ; tmdi, shall be ptwieed with • en~na+eti- plnmbina Inapector may re qnest that the B1TED.
<br /> on to the snver eystem for ttie di~al ad s~ ~~avated for the pnrpoqe of No Mr6M1 %hail malicioasly, willhrlly, .
<br /> e( sfl human wa {acilltatinR tnYpecton . Ne cesapool o[ or negli¢mtly break, damapte, destroy, ma-
<br /> SEC[TONERVISaOPl dF SLrW- sePtic tank shall be conneeted to aey sew- cover, detace or tamper mth aey etrne- ~
<br /> ~ E Th eW Village P1~fbing In~p~sr ahall ~ n~nectio"e. I[ eny pnrtiua ef a honre ture. appurtenance or eqvinment which ia
<br /> ~ rttpervise all se~er ennett{oeo aalde to ~'r is laid aerosa er over any exiating a nar+ ~I the municinal a'~ver systeny.
<br /> e ~Qp~ ~~ic tank, auch eeuExwI or SECTinN R. f'ERTAT~I CANNECI`[-
<br /> the .anicipsl wnitary sewer r:atun and
<br /> ,j septie tank shall tiret be pmnpeA clean ONS PROHIBI'TED.
<br /> _ aocavaNnn for the pnrpose r.f inrtallins ~
<br /> tnd filled with earth to the earrotmdias No bui+dirt¢s located on property Ities
<br /> ' or rmairiee the nme. grotm x~
<br /> ; S~'.Cf10N 4. PERaiI?S. d level. Where a conneetinR aewer ontside the limite ot that part o( the VU-
<br /> ` An7 ~ereon desiring a conneetien tn is lsid across or over aay acleting eeee- lage of Arden Hitlp de.a~.ibed in O'di-
<br /> the mtmidpal sanitar~ sewer aysted~ oh~ll poo i ar septie tank, only Cart Iron Soil nance No. 11532 af the Ctv oi St. Paal _
<br /> Piye, ccfilorming M the A.S.T.M. Stan- and Ordinnnce No, 293 0( the VinAqe e{
<br /> • apply to the Village for a permit there- rd gpeci{icaticm A-74-12. aha`1 be vaed Roseville thall be conaected to that tr+r• +!F
<br /> 1or. ''he applieatien ahsll be sa6mitted ~ that po rtion oF the conaeeting aewer rion of the eanitarv eewer stem of the
<br /> _ m blaaka furniahed by. the Village Qerk whicn ia laid acroee r+r over the e~cisting Vill.ip. df Ar~lm Nilla c17xxrRinA into
<br /> ' aed ehall be aeoanpamed by plane, tpe- chspoel or atptie taak. the Roaeville-St. Peul Sanit,rv Sevn
<br /> 4 tiflentione and such other infcxmatlon as Sobdivision G. f'oenectionc +s Sqqtem, unlesa exrxess nnthorizatiat tor
<br /> is devired by the village Plambin Ia- lr, gven, coneecting eewsr shall be coa- ~h rnonection ic firat obtained fmm the '
<br /> f apectrn, toRether ~vith a permit ~ in- nected to the mmicipal rewer s7etem at Cnuncila o[ the Village ot Arden Fiilla. the
<br /> 't specHon fee of Tm Dollars (lIO.OA). All / the Y" or eewer mnneeNau stnbs deeiq- Village df Roseville, and the C~ty ot 3t.
<br /> 9 eoets and espenses ineident to the instal- ratecl for the /ievtie*tp eerveA by the eon• Panl.
<br /> : Iation snd ednneetione tfiall be by li - ~Kdon, aceept where othenrise acp ~F.C,'CT
<br /> reea~9 nN 9. ENTRY LTPON PRIVAT'E
<br /> the o~oner. aad the owner s6a11 bornelndemnif~ v,.~ authnrized bv the Plumtring Ina.r-rtnr PROPERTY
<br /> l the Vi»aqe for anq loss or demaRc that whieh tuthorication shtll be in writinR• Thc Villsge PlttrnbinR Inapector of the
<br /> ; may, direetly or indireetly, be aoeaeiened E' Connectione so sutfioriaad bv the Ylumb- Villarce af Ardm Hilla and nther dalp '
<br /> ` hv the inrtallatian of the sewer oeeoee- inR Inspector shall be msde only under aathorized employees of the Villxgen o(
<br /> ' tinn, incfwling restoring streets and atreet his 3irect snpxrrisien and in saeh man- Ardrn Hills and Rneeville anA of rs. !';to
<br /> ner as he tnaz~ direet. ot St. Paul, bearing nroper eredeetlslel
<br /> . Prrmit. for saefi eonnections aill be Suhdivi=ion H. Tunnelir.4, Tunnding fnr and identification, shall at reaxonable
<br /> ieaned enly to tfie pro0erty nwner or to diltances d not more than six feet ia times be rermitteA to rnter annn all pm-
<br /> i a peroon duh lieeared for euch aoonec- permiseible in yardsj oou*ts ar driveways perties crmnected to that portion o{ the
<br /> : ticme ander the nroviaiane of the Arden a[ any Auilding stte.. Whm pipes are muniaipal eanitary sewer syatem dia• ~
<br /> S Hi11A Building Cade, (kdinance Number driven, the drive pipe shall be at least c]urging inta the Roaeville•St. Paal 3an-
<br /> ~ 16 sR amended. one si:e larger thap the pipe to be laid. itary Sewer System for the porpou o( in-
<br /> ~ 3FCITON S. CONSTRUCI'ION RE- Svbdiveion L Iqdepdnd+ent Sistems. apeMion, observatirm, meastttement, sam• ?
<br /> ; QLJIRFMLNTS. (1) The draiaa ~e and plumbm` eystem , pling and testing in eonneetion wit1~ the
<br /> $nbdivisioa A. Materlale. All pipe ahali o( each new bu+ldm~r aad eE aew Work in- operation of the munieipal eanitaro aew. '
<br /> ` be Caet Iron 3d1 Pipe. mdlOnning to tfie ntalled in aa adstinR bidldisg shall be v system. The Vi]taRe Plnmbing In+nee-
<br /> A A.3.T.M. Standard Speeitieatione A•71- eeparate irttm and independmt d that of tor of the Village of Ardm Iii11e aml oth-
<br /> } 62: V'itri(ied Glazn1 Cla? Snrer Pipe, any other bdilding o~eyt aa provided for er etrth~ri7ed emniovices of the V;~1aoe
<br /> aoaformina to A.S.T.M. Standard Speei- in Para~raphe 2 and ! o( thie Snbdivisicm. Arden Nilts rhall at rearnable tim.s be
<br /> fiestimi C-13-14T: th AsbeaWs C.ement (2) Where one building stmds !o the permitted to enter vpan all nraneniea aer-
<br /> Bvild:na Scwer P;ne, can(orminR to the ~ rear oE anothet baildinil on aq interior lat ved bv that pnrtion of the mimicinel vn• 1
<br /> epeei6catione nt "Transite" Asbestos Ce- and uo private sewer is available or ean itary -ewv system net discharpring into
<br /> ment Sesm Pine. All pipe nwd shall be be ~onstructcd to the rear bnild'mg thro- the Roseville-St. Pavl Saditary 9ewer
<br /> at ltast fow inrh diameter TMne, nccept f, ttgh an adjoininqalley, conrt, vard er System for the ptrposes provided for fn ,
<br /> thst wheu VitriRed Glazed C1ay S~'er .s s dnveway, the Dvilding drsin (rom the front this srrtien.
<br /> Pioe is veed. it shall be at leaet six iach / building may be utmded to the rear SE('T'ION 10. MAI`QTE9TANCE OF
<br /> dixmeter PiM• bnilding end, the whole ~vill be eooaidered ' SEWER.
<br /> Snbd;vinion B. Tointa and Connectithts. aa one bnildrng drain. Where sach a bu- Each nrnperty owner shall be respoa-
<br /> (I) Cast Imn Sbil Pine. ilding drain ia extended, a ckanout shall sible at all times for the maintmance ef
<br /> ae ahall be made be provided immediatell inside the rear his vewer cennection to the mimicipal san-
<br /> Jdnts for Cast Iron . Pi
<br /> 'ldtn. itar s
<br /> ron bm ewer t
<br /> by {irst inserting a roll of hemp or jttte waal of the f t 8 Y sys em, and ahall have the
<br /> II~, 4 (3) Where adjoininR PraPn't7 -tts obli~qation to keep said ccmnection in Rood
<br /> and taeronsh19caniking it into place; thla desire to eonatntct a rnmmon se~ver con- repair, ro the md that there shall be no
<br /> rhall be folloaed by pure moltrn lead nectim to service bdth ptvpertieR anch inter(erence or obstrnctieo to the oewer
<br /> we11-eaulkcYl not lese than one inch deep, ownns may make writtrn sppliettion to s;stem as a w~hole, nor shall there be an7
<br /> or bv drivinR iato plaee an appio~ed me- 4he Villagt Comcil for permission m oon- ~~olatirn o( this Ordinaneq the nleraat
<br /> I~ chanieal jant struM Such joint senice tmneetion. The Ordinancea ot RoL eville and St. Paul, Pnd
<br /> ~ (2) Vitrificd Glazerl Cla7 Sewer Pine Couueil may Srant wch a permit it it the laws of the State of Minneseta. 17ic
<br /> ~ - Te p~ninR Vitri(ied Gla:ed C~av Seever determines that the aonsdvetbn nF anch Plumb+ng Inspector is authoriaed to make
<br /> Pioe Ehe spitot df ooe otpe ehall be catt- joint eonnectioa in nasoanDle aad war- such inspections o[ the sewer coonections
<br /> fnlly centered in the bell of tfie next pipe. ranted under the rxistins ooaditloaa, and as he may deem necessary to acaomplith
<br /> I~ Jola;s ahr11 be firmly pwked aith aak- H indepetideat eennct#ons were to be oon- this pmpdse, end the property owner ahall
<br /> me or jMe in sueh a menner as not to rtructed, the minimum Imgth of eacA be responsible for car*~nR out et~ch in-
<br /> diatmb the alignmmt d the pipe, aad In seeh eonr.eetion wontd be at kast one atructims as the Plnm6ing Ieepeetar
<br /> sach • way as to rxrmit the compoend te handred (100) (eet froa~ the, yroperty line deems necessary to aoodnplisb this p~a-
<br /> have th. ~er~ateat unobstrnrt.d an.faee aMntinR the mmicipa1 sewet.
<br /> ~ hm R+od pourinq and sdhesion. JoiMe Subdivisian I. Iadet+tndent S7stems. P"SECI'fON 11. RATES AND CIiARC-
<br /> ~ shall be kmmed by meane d a hot poor• of-Waq. No eomatim ta tfie mumicipsl Eg,
<br /> ed ~aanpound naing a arPnnrstion f"JC aanitarq eewer system ehall be tinally (Thie Section ia naerved far the 3ched-
<br /> pual; and applied aceordinQ to appro~ed antil all atreete, pavementa, ale nE Rstes and Chargee to 6e ineerted
<br /> ~e munnfactemr'a recommmdatione. Joint enrb~ and boulevarde or other public fm- herein_ _b_p Amendment.)
<br /> j ~R ~P~d shall be completely neis- pronee?mts thereon bave bem reatored SECTiON 12. PENAQ.TIES.
<br /> tant to any •acid or alkaline ecr+ctitinn to t6eir former coaditiop to the ptis(ac- Any person st~tilt~ o[ violating any pro-
<br /> ;i k+tmA in ordinarv Al~VS{Ce and ahall be tion of the rlla~e Phm~bin Insp~ctor. vtaian o( thie Ordinanoe shall be gu ilty
<br /> immnne to attaek by a++v chemical. in• SECTInN 6. 1'YPES Of WAS1'ES ot a miedemeanor and npon oasT3ctied
<br /> nnA in natnral noils or by:an7 so11 bae- PROHiBiTED. thereof ahall be paniahed by • f 0( aot
<br /> teria. Care shall fie eaerri+ed in nlaei"e Snbdiviaion A. It shall be unlawfail to to ncceed One Hnndred Dollarl l100.00)
<br /> the rtmner er enake to aseure non•leak- discharge any at the lollo+vins dexribed or by imprisonment in the o0-t! 1!or
<br /> aRe during oouring nnd it ehall ne» lx re- svaters or wastea into the mmieipal ~an- a period r.ot to exceed Ninety (90~days,
<br /> , moved until the comrcrund iq saffcirntiy itary aewer eyitem: or by bath.
<br /> em1eA to be nermanmUy aec. Join±s may Aay liqvid or vapar having a tem- SECTION 13. EFFECTIVE DATE.
<br /> aleo be form'.1 be meaas et a rnt,t tma- Pe*atnrc higher than ISO degrees Fahrrn- This Ordinance ahall talee elkct and be
<br /> elin¢ mtterial nein~ a prcparatioe of s heit. in force firnn and a[ter its pawage and
<br /> "kalktite". "xaertite °AtIO.Nin~~", (i2) Any water or waste eontaininq pablication.
<br /> nr tl+eir eqnal. Pipes. be{ore nourinq, shall ` more than one htmdred yarts per million Adoptcd by the Village Cvnneil o( Ar-
<br /> be drv and dean. The Joenting material by weight of (st, ail or greaae. dm Hills this 30 da oi Novanber, 1939.
<br /> ~
<br /> -q ehall be heated ~til it has becomr qnitP Rolxrt O. Ashbach Ma~ af the
<br /> r (3) Any gaWline, benzme, naptha, fvel Villa
<br /> ; thin, thns rawsin it to Twur frKlv ancl oil or other in(lammable or acpluive li- 6e ot Ardm ~iilla
<br /> Rmonthlv. The rnm+xxmd shall be T»uml j Attest:
<br /> enntinnonslv tmtil the j~int is mmpletely 4md' wlid ~Sam' Lorcaine E. Stromqaist, Clerk
<br /> Yfl.d, leeciag no air bnbble in the selidi- (4) ~7 gg~Be that haa aot 6een of the Villeqe of Ardea Hills
<br /> ' fied mass. propc rly ahredded. Dec. 10, 1959 100 ~Ifpo
<br /> ~ (3) Aebesto. Cemmt Se~vn Pine. (s) Any ashee, cinders, aaad, mnd, TRp; gORF TB,I1tUlo1F
<br /> Jointt for Asbestos Cement Sewer Pipe straw, ahavinga, me4a1, glass, nss, !ea- ~
<br /> w
<br /> s " ~ ~ ~~~1MM1f0'Y+t~
<br /> A"
<br /> a~-
<br />