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< <br /> . . , <br /> <br /> <br /> ; <br /> STAT'S QF MI NNESOTA? l <br /> coUNTr oF xAMsEr ~ <br /> ; <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HII.L3 ; <br /> <br /> ORDINANOE NUMM 4ct i <br /> <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE REf3[JLATING THE OPERATION OF TFiE M[1NICIFAL SANI- <br /> ~ TAR7L sEWER SYSTEM: REQiJIRING CORNECTIONB TO BE MADE TO THE MUNICIPAL <br /> SANITARY SEWER 3Y3TEM t PROVIDINa FOR THE I83UAN(:E OF PERMITS FOR AND <br /> 3UPERVI3ION OF ALL CONNECTIOPIB TO TAE MQIIJICIPAL SANITARY SFWER SY3TEM: <br /> PRESCRIBTNf3 CERTAIN MATERIALS AND ME?FDDS TO BE USED FOR SAID CONNEC_ <br /> TIONS: E3TABLISHINa RECULAT70NS A3 TO TYPE3 AIQD KINDB OF WASTES THAT <br /> 1dAY BE DI3POSED OF BY THE U3E OF THE M[JNYCIPAL :3ANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: <br /> PROHIBITINa TFIE DISCHARaE OP" ANY TYPE OR BIND OkP SURFACE WATER3 INTO TAE MUNICIPAL SARITARY SEWER SYSTEM: PAESCRIBIIQCF RATES AND CAARGE3 FOR <br /> DI9P03AL 9ERV'lCEB AND PRE9CRIAIN6 PENALTIES FOR TAE VIOLATION OF 3AMEa <br /> The Village Counail ot the Villags of Arden fIille doee hereby <br /> ordain as follvws: <br /> <br /> SECTI dN 1. GENERAL OP'ERATI0N. <br /> <br /> The entire mun3. oipa]. eanitery aeMer syatem ahall be operated ae <br /> a public utility and aonvtnignae fram Mhiah revenuee will be 8erived, <br /> » eub3eot to the prov9.sione ot tbis Ordinanoe. <br /> 3ECTION P, CCN*?ECTIOPI3 WZTH 9EWER RFQUIRED. <br /> 3ubQivision A. An,y baxilding ueed !or human habitation and looa.ted <br /> r on property adjeaent ta a sexer main, or in e platted block through <br /> whioh the system Q~~enfla, ehall be aonnected to the mnnicipal eanitary <br /> ' sewer syetem withln. two yeare trom the date on ahich a oonneotion Se <br /> available to euoh, ~ <br /> Subdivisian B. Al1 buSldinge hereaftsr conetruated wtthin the ~ <br /> village ot Arden Hil.~.e on property acl3daent to a sewer main or in <br /> platted bloak througra tihich the muniaipal eenitary sever eystem extende, <br /> shall be providefl vi:,h a conneetion to the seMer syatem for the diepoeal <br /> of al l human wa s t e~i<. <br /> ~ <br /> AECTION je 9I:r-P~_a?V~'3Z0v OF BEWER CONNECTION3., <br /> The Village Plumbin,g Inspector shall euperviee sll sewer connectione <br /> - ma,de to the mnniaipal aangtary sexer eystem and eaaavation Por the pur- ; <br /> poee of inetalling or repairing the same. <br /> sECTioN 4. PEXAxx =o <br /> Any pereon desirsng d oUnneation to the municipal sanitary sexer <br /> ~ eyetem shell apply to fi~e Village for n permit therefor. The applioa- <br /> tion shall be 8u'bai3%,ed or» blanks turnSshed by the Village Clerk and - <br /> ehall be accompanl.ect 1~y piqne, epeoificatione end eueh other lnforma- <br /> - tion se Ss deBirec~ V!7~-1,_Pge Plvmbin410.00). Inepeator, together with a <br /> parmit a,n8 tnspeat!~:)n f__o ~C '~a+n Dollare All coats and ea- <br /> peneee incidenb Lo Inn ^;`„~~t~on and oanneetions ehall be borne by <br /> the owner, and tte indemnifg the Village ror aay loee or <br /> damage that may, d.:_ ~-Indireatly, be ocaasioned by the inetalla- <br /> tionof tha eever o. 'Inoluding reetoring etreete and etreet <br /> snrfacee. <br /> Permite for -_vj.°net~tlons w111 be leaued only to the property <br /> owmer or to a neracy, ;~;AC:eYIBed Y'or eneh aonnectione under tha pro- <br /> ~ vialons of the Ardee~ ~'P1,11djag Code, Ord3nance Number lb ae amended. <br /> SECTION 5, C0N5'3m";'~ ~TT0X REQiIIREMENTB. <br /> 3ubdivis7:on A. Materia2eo All pipe ehall be Caet Iron Soil P3pe, <br /> conforming to the A.S.T.M. Standard 3peoifiaatione A-74-62; Vitri. <br /> tied alazed ClaT °exer Fipe, aontorming to A.S.T.M. Standard Speaifi- astions C-13-44t: or Asbesto$ Cement Huilding Sewer Pipe, conforming <br /> to the epecifications ot "Transite" Aebeetoe Cement sever All <br /> pipe used shall be a Ieaet foar inait diameter pipe, eaaept that whan <br /> Vitrified (3lazed Clay Sevsr Pipe Se usad, it eha11 be at leaet aiz ~ <br /> inoh diameter pipe. <br /> ~ <br /> a , <br /> a <br />