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<br /> . , <br /> 'r.Page 4 <br /> <br /> Ordinance Number 49 ~ <br /> ~ <br /> Subdivlelon B. It shaZl be unlawtul Lo discharme into the muni- ~ <br /> c1na1 eanitary ee*•yer system eny industrial T-iFStes unlesa the prior j <br /> apnroval of the Village Plumbing Insneator ie obtainede The Village ` <br /> Plumbing Insnector sha11 anprove the diecharge of Induatrisl wastee ~ <br /> when, in his oninion, the nronoaed waetes t•yill not be of an unuaual <br /> a.mount or chAracters I•!hen, in the oninion of the Village Plumbing ; <br /> inspeator, the nro^osad wartee are of an unueual amount or character; <br /> the Village Plumbing Insneotor may a-oprove such wastes, nrovided the <br /> nrior e.-,;Droval of the Council of the The Vi11Age of Roseville and of . <br /> ~ the Counail of the CiLy of 5t. Paul is obtainedo <br /> ` Subdivision C. It shall be unla,•~ful to discharge or cauee to be <br /> discharged intQ the municiptil seryer system, either directly or inm <br /> directly, any roof, atorm, surface or ground *.•later of any type or k1nd, <br /> or water discharged from any air conditioning unit or syetem. <br /> SrCTION 7, TA"PERING '1ITH '"UNICIPAL SYST'~''' MOHI'?ITT:D. <br /> No nereon shall maliclously, !aillfully, or negli,ently breakr <br /> dampge, deetroy, uncower, deface or tamner *-?ith any etructure9 annur- <br /> tenance or eruinment -hich is a nArt of the municiral eeuer eystemo <br /> SECTION 9e CFR'''AIN CON'TrCTIOVS P710F.I9ZT7Ds ; <br /> No buildings laoated on nronerty lyina outside the lio3ta of tihat <br /> nert of the Village of Arden vills deacribed in Ordinance Noe 11532 <br /> of the City of St. r81i1 ATld Ordinanee Nos 293 of the V1118ge of Roae- ~ <br /> ville shall be connected to that nrotion of the ePnitery se*-rer system ~ <br /> of the VSllage oP i:den N111e disahar6lng into the Roseville P Sto Paul <br /> Sanitary SeTrer System, unlees exnrese authorization fnr euch, ::un;,eo- <br /> tion is flrst obtained from the Councils ot' the Vi11Age of A*Alen "si.1s, <br /> . the Viliage of Roeev9.12e$ and the City of 9t, ?'aule <br /> SECTIQN 94 F'+'TRY 11t?'ON T'"qIVRTE P=10pERYY' <br /> The Village 'lunbing ine_,4atnr of the Vi L.•_agwe rf Arden Nills and <br /> other duly authorized em--~ioyees )f 'agQq oP Aa•den L111s and Roae- ~ <br /> ville and of the City af St, "au1., SEarlt,, -?',:,^pI' eredentials and iclenti- <br /> tication, shall at reasonable times be nermitted to enter upon aIl ~ <br /> -7ronertiea connecteQ to that nortion of the municinal eanitary eewer ~ <br /> system dischar;ing into the Roseville-Ste Faul Sanitary gewer Syetem for <br /> the nurnose oP 2nsnectionE obcervetion, mePSUrement, eampling and test- <br /> ing in connection wtth the oneration of the municlnal sanitary sewer <br /> syetem, The Vi11Pge Plumbing Insnector of the Village of Arden Hille <br /> i and other authorized emoloyees ot' the Village of Arden Hilla ehall ai. <br /> - <br /> reasonable times be ~oermitte8 to enter unon all nronertiee served ~ <br /> by thet T)ortion of the municinRl sanitary se?•yer systeo not diacharging <br /> into the Roaeville-:ata Paul Sanitary SeTier 5ystem for the purnoses ^ro- <br /> vided for in this section, <br /> ~ <br /> SECTION 100 'tAI'VTFNANCE 0-7 SE'•TER, <br /> Each nronerty o,•?ner erall be resnonsible at all times for the main- <br /> tenence of his eekrer connection to the municinrl sanitary ser?er eyatemp <br /> Pnd she 11 heve tt-e obligetion to keen said connection in good renPirp <br /> I to the end that there shall be no -interferenuts _.-truction ta the <br /> eecaer syatem a.s a1-yhili, nci• she.?:? Lhare ''ia .!ny 7io3i,tlon of thie Or- <br /> iinance, the relevent CrdinPnces of Roseville and St. I'aul, a.nd the <br /> 1P,:re of tre Sts-te oP "innesota. The Plumbing Inanector is authorized <br /> to mpke such insnections of the sei-ier connections a8 he may deem necm <br /> essary to accornnlish this *+urnose, and t!~e nronerty o-rner shnll be <br /> resnonrible for carryinr7 out such instructions as the nlumbing In- <br /> srector deems neceesrry to accomolish this nrunose. <br /> SFCT?ON lle 7.4'''ES A"'D Ct?A~I(3ES. <br /> (This 3ection is reserved for the Schedule of Ratea and Charges <br /> •ta be inserted herein by Amendment. ) <br /> SECTICN 12s T.'. "4 LTI~3. 4ny nerson r;uilty of violating any rrovision of this Ordinanee <br /> shrll be guilty of n misdemePnor Rnd unon conviction 'Chereof shp_11 be <br /> nunished by v fine of not to exceed One I'undred Dollare (6,100,00) <br /> or by imnrisonment in tre county for a neriod not to exceed Ninet,,' ' <br /> (90) dayso or by bathe ~ <br /> , <br /> ~ <br /> . <br />