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. . . - . . . . . . . : z. <br /> <br /> <br /> PBge 3 <br /> 0rdtnance Number 49 ~ <br /> <br /> 3ubdivision G. Connections at "Y" only. Every connecting set-yer ~ <br /> . ehall be conneeted to the muhicinal sewer system at the "Y" or sewer ~ <br /> aonnection stubs designQted for the pronerty served by the connectionp ; <br /> exoeot wher4 otherteige exnressly authorized by the Plumbing Insnector <br /> _ iihieh authorizaLion shPll be in witing. Connections so authorized <br /> by the Plumbing Insnector shall be made only under hts d3rect suner- ~ <br /> vision and in such manner as he may direct, 1 <br /> Subdivielon H. Tunneling,, Tunneling Por distancea of not more ~ <br /> than six Peet is nerraiesible in yards, courta or drivevays of any build- <br /> ing site, ',Then ninee are driven, the drive nine shall be a.t least ; <br /> one aize larger than the nine to be laide ~ <br /> Subdivieion I. Inflenendent syetems, ~ <br /> (I) The drainage snd -olumbing system of eACh neT,r building and ; <br /> oP new ~.York installed in An exiating building shFll be senarate from <br /> P.nd indenendent oP that oP any other builc3lng excent as nrovided for <br /> in Para~,?ranhe 2 Pnd 3 of this SubdivisionD <br /> (Z) Aere one building stands to the rear of another building <br /> on an interior lot end no nrivate semer is available or can be construc- <br /> ted to the rear building through an adjoining Plley, court, yard or <br /> driveT.ray, the buildlng drain from the front building may be extended <br /> to the rear buildirrp; and the ••,hole will be considered as one building <br /> draine T•.'here suah a building drain ie extended, a cleanout shall be <br /> protiided immediately inside the rear ws.ll of the front building, x <br /> (3) T-lhere adjoining nrooerty o*•,ners desire to construct a common <br /> sewer connection to service both nronerties such ol..mers may make written <br /> an-licstion to the Vlllage Council for nermiselon to conetruct such <br /> . joint service c onnection. The Gouncil may grant suah a pernit if it <br /> determinee that the constructi.on of euah joint connection is reasonable <br /> and warranted under the exieting oonditions, and if indenendent <br /> connectione were to be eonstructed) the minimum length of each such <br /> connection liould be at leaet one hundred (100) feet from the Droperty <br /> line abutting the municipsl sewere - <br /> ' Subdivision J. Renair of nublic Right of ?Jay. <br /> No conneation to the municipal eanitary sel•rer system ahPll be finm <br /> aI7.y H.n^I'09ed unLil all etreets, navements, ourbs and bouleqards or <br /> other nublic im rov m <br /> o e ente theron have been restored to tl:eir former <br /> ~ eondition to the sptisfRCtlon oS the Villabe Plumbing Insnector, <br /> SECTION 6, TYI ES OF 1-7ASTES F"~OPI-1ITED, <br /> li Subdivision A. It shall be un1avyPu1 to diecharge any of the follow- <br /> ing described c,raters or -yastes into the municioal 8anitary se*.-Yer <br /> systeme " <br /> (1) Any liauld or va.vor having a temnerature higher than 150 <br /> degrees Fahrenheit, <br /> (2) Any water or i.iaste conteining more than one hundred narta <br /> ner m3111on by wetght of fat, oil or grease, <br /> (3) Any gssollne, benzene, nantha. Pus1 oi1 or other inflammable ; <br /> or exPlosive licuid, solid or gsa, (4) Any garbage that has not been ~ronerly shreddede <br /> (5) Any ashes, einders, eand, mud, straw, shavings, metp1, glassD <br /> rage, feathers, nlastios, 7-yool, manure, or any other solid or viscous <br /> ~ subatance crnable of causing obstruction to the tloi•Y in sewers or other <br /> interPerence -ith the nroner oneration of the syeteme <br /> (6) Any *-Yaters or wastee containing ausoended solide of such <br /> ' oharaoter and cuentity that unuaual attention or exnense is reauired <br /> to handle su <br /> ch materials at t!: <br /> e sewage treatment plant <br /> (7.) Any noxlous or am2odoroue gas or subatance c~~pble of creat- <br /> ing a nublic nuisancee ~ <br /> (9) Grease, oil and sand interoeotore shall be orovided •<~henp Sn <br /> the oninion of tre ViZlage Plumbfng Insnector, they are necessa.ry for <br /> the nroner landling of lieuid ~•7sstes containing grease 1n excessive <br /> : amount, or any inflamn7able ~~lastes, sand or other harmful inr ;rediente= <br /> ~ excent thst such interceptora shpll not be reauired for nrivate dTiell- <br /> ina utnits 7•ahich discharge only normn.I raestcs therefroma Suoh gresae <br /> and oil intercentore shall be of subetantiel constructian, viater tight <br /> ; 8nd equipred tr3th eesily removable coverg which, when bolted in -olaeep ' <br /> sha11 be gas-tight and water-t3ght. All greaee, oil and eand inter- <br /> ~ ae~tors shell be mt~intr~ined by the owner.~ at his exnense, in continuous- <br /> ~ ly efficient oneratian at all timeso - <br /> , <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br />