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#135 Adopt. Pollution Regulation 8
City Council
#135 Adopt. Pollution Regulation 8
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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ AIR PqLLL'T105 CO\TROL NIILE.S A1R POI.LG'CIOY Cbr7'NOL PULF.S APC S <br /> CHAPTER EICHT: APC 8 a device or equipment which has not received an Operating Permit from <br /> ' this Agcncy. <br /> APC 8 Open Durniag (e) Open Burning by Permit <br /> (a) Dcfinitions Opcn burning may be conducted if an open burning pcrmit is obtained <br /> As used in Qhis regulation the following words shall have the meanings pursuant to this regulation and the open burning is conductcd in accordauce <br /> det'incd hercin. with the requircmcnts of this regulation and the conditions of the permit. <br /> (1) "Approved waste burner" means an incinerator or other 6urner (fl Permit Applications <br /> constructed of Grc resistant material having a capacily of not ]ess than, (1) Application, Application for open burning permits may be made <br /> three bushels, a cover which is closed whcn in use, and maximvm openings in cases where fires are proposed to be set for the following putposes; <br /> in the top or sidcs no greatcr than onc inch in diamctcr. <br /> (2) "DuilJing matcrial"' mcans lumbcr, wood shakes and uthcr wood (aa) Bona fide instruction and trainiug of fire fighting personne] <br /> products but shall not include composite shingles, tar paper, insulation, wall and for the tcsting of fire esdnguishnig equipment. <br /> board, wiring or othcr similar smoke producing materials. (bb) Elimination of fire or health hazards which cannot be abated <br /> (3) "Discased shade trce" means any tree infected by Dutch elm by any uther practicable means, <br /> disease or oak wilt discase or uay trec constituting a hazard to a disease (cc) Activities in aecordance with accepted Forest or game manage- <br /> control program cstablishcd by the Dcparmicnt of Agriculture pursuant to ment. <br /> Minn. Stat. § 15.023. . (dd) Ground thawing for utility repair and conswction. <br /> (4) "Disposal facility" means a facility or site permittcd by thc Minnc• (ee) The disposal of trees, brush, grass and other vegetative matter <br /> sota Pollution Control Agency fot the intcrmediate or final disposal of solid in the development of land and right-of-way maintenance. <br /> waste. (ff) The disposal of diseased shade trecs. <br /> (5) "Garbage" mcans discardcd moterial resulting from the handling, (gs) Thc disposal of trees and brush in areas outside the Metro- <br /> processmg, storage, prcparation, serving and consumption of food. politan Arca. <br /> (6) "Mcttopolitan Arca" mcans the area inc]udcJ within the counties (hh) Activities in accordance with accepted agricultural practices. <br /> of Anoka, Carvcr, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington, (ii) The disposal of building material generated by construction. <br /> (7) "Opcn ]3urning" mcans the burning of any mattcr whcrcby the (jj) Thc disposal of building matcrial generatcd by the demolition <br /> resultant combustion products are emidcJ directly to the utmosphere with- of non-commercial or non•institutional sttuctures. <br /> out passing through an adcquatc slack, duct, or chintncy. <br /> (2) Restrictions, A burning pcrmit shaU be issucd on a prescribcd <br /> (S) "Re(usc collection scrvice" mcans a public or private operation iorm to the applicant if the burning is for one of the purposes set forth <br /> eagagcd in solid wastc colJcction and transportation. in subscction (f)(I) and the applicant agrees that all burning shall be con- <br /> (9) "Rubbish" means nonputrescible solid waste, such as paper, curd- ducted under the following circumstances: <br /> board, yard clippings and other nawral matter not including garbage. (aa) The prevailing wind at the time of the burning shall be away <br /> (10) "Wetland" means natural marsh where watcr stands near, at or from nearby residcnces. <br /> abovc the soil surface during a significant portion of most years, (bb) The burning shall be conclucted as far away as practical from <br /> (b) Open Durning Rcstrictions any highway or public road and controlled so that a trafGc bazard is not <br /> No pcrson shal] cause, sufter, allow or permit open burning. created. <br /> (c) Exemptions (cc) The burning may not be conducted during the duration of an <br /> (1) In unincorporated arcas where no refuse collection service is avail- air pollution alert, warning or emergency. <br /> able, the opcn burning of rubbish originating from singlc residential (dd) Thc recipicnt of the permit or his authorized representative <br /> premiscs may be conducted in approved waste burners. . shall be prescnt for the duration of any fire authorized by the permit. <br /> (2) In any ciry where no refuse collection service is available, the (ee) Prior notice shall be given to the local Department of Natural <br /> local unit of govcrnment may apply to the Director for pcrmission 1o Rcsourccs Forest Otficer, local fire marshal, or local fire chief of the time <br /> allnw the opcn burning of rubbish origiaating from single residcntial and location of any fire authorized by the permit. <br /> prcmiscs in approvcd waste burners. (ff) Open burning for ground thawing shall bc conducied in accor- <br /> (3) Refusc collection service shall be dccmed available as dclincatcd dance with the following additional reslrictions; <br /> in the Counry Salid Waste Management Plan, as adoptcd by the county (i) Puds and starting materials shall be of a kind which do not <br /> and approved by the Agency, generate appreciable smoke. <br /> (d) Prohibition of Salvage Operations by Open Burning (ii) Cokc used for ground thawing within 500 feet of dwellings ar <br /> (1) No person shall conduct, causc or percnit salvage operations by occupied buildings shall contain less than 1% sulfur. <br /> open burning. (iii) Ambient air quality standards for sulfur dioxide and carbon <br /> (2) No person st,all possess, ttansport or process motor ve6iclcs or monoxide shall not be exceeded at occupied residences otlier than those <br /> , sctap metals which have been reduced by open burning or incineraGon in located on the property on which the burning is being conducted. <br />
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