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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> AIR POLLCT[ON CU1"I'N01. NI Lk5 JI'f,.8 AIH POLLUIll15 1:O\'I'NUI, {t1:64:5 ,1YC 1 <br /> (iv) Propane gas thawing torches ar other dcvices causing miaimal allow opcn burning in those arcas in which opea burning is prohibited by <br /> ' pollution shalt be used when pructicable. othcr laws, regulations or ordinanccs, <br /> (gg) Open burning of materials pursuant to paragraph (f)(I)(ec), (1f), i) Recreational Fires, Fires set for recreational, ceremonial, food prep- <br /> (gg), (hh), (ii), and (jj) shallbe conducted in accordanee with the following aration, or social purposes are pennitted provided only wood, coal, oc char- <br /> additional restrictions; coal is burncd. <br /> (i) The location of the burning shall not be within 600 fcet of ap (j) Diseascd Shade Trce Opcn Burning Sites. Opea of diseased <br /> occupied residence other than those located on the pr4perty on which the shade tmes shall be permitted provided no reasonable aftcrnate method of <br /> buraing is conducted, disposat cxists as determincd by the Agcncy, a permit is obtaincd pursuant <br /> (ii) Oils, rubber and other similar smoke producing matetials shall to this ccgul,ition, and the open burning is conduc[ed in accordance with <br /> not be burned or uscd as stacting materials, the rcquircmcnts o[ this rcgulation and the condiiions of the permit. <br /> (iii) Tlle burning shall not be conducted within one mila of any (1) Site Location, The sites shall be located in accorilance wikh the <br /> airport or ]anding strip, unless approved by the Dircctor, following contlitions or as approved by the Director of Air Quality: <br /> (hh) Open burning of materials pursuaut to pzragruph (fl(1)(ii) shall (a1) NoC lcss tltan 1,000 feeC from an occupicd building. <br /> also only be conducted under controAcd burning methods approved by the (6b) Not less than 1,000 fcct from a public roadway. Director. (ce) Not lcss than one mile from an auport or landmg sttip. <br /> . <br /> (ii) The burning is.conducted under such other reasonable conditions (dd) Not less than 300 feet from a strcam. <br /> as the permit issuing authori[y niay impose. (ce) Not within wedand. <br /> (3) Permit Issuers~ In addition to the Agency, the follow'rng persons (2) Site Prcl~~aration. The site shall be prePared io accordnnce with the <br /> following: <br /> are authorized ta accept applications and issue open bl,rning permiLs: (aa) Access to the site shail be controllcd by a gate which shall be <br /> (aa) A Department of Natnral, ltesources Yorest officet-for locations lockcd tvhen an attendant is nat on duty. <br /> withia his ju[isdicuon. (hb) Approach roads to the disposal site and access ronds oo the site <br /> (bb) A loctil Department of Naiural Resources Fire Warden for loca• shall be maint;iined so that tuey shall be passable at all specifiel times. <br /> tions within his jnrisJiction, (cc) A pcrmancnt siga idcntifying the operation irrJicating the hours <br /> (ee) Upon approval of the Agency, a local pollntion eontrol agency and days the sitc is open for use, ratcs, the peoalty for non-confarming <br /> for locations wnhin ns jurisdiction, ~ dumping anJ othcr pcrtment information shall hc posteJ at the sitc enuance. <br /> ' (tld) A pcrson(s) design;ded by the coimry bo;ird of commissioncrs (dd) Surfacc water drainage shall be divertcd around and away from <br /> and Rpprovcd by the D'uector fur locations within thc county but outsidc the opcrating arca and ash storagc areas. <br /> the corporate limns of citics within the counly. (3) Sile Operatiun. The sile shall be operated in accordance wit!? the <br /> (ce) Upon Ihe approval of the Dircctor, cithcr a fire chicf or a pcrson foHowing conditions; <br /> designated by a township or city for locations wilhin the jurisdiction of said (aa) Oniy diseased shade trees and/or uee trin-imings shall be disposed <br /> govcrnmcntal unit. of on the sitc. <br /> (lp A Regional Director of the Agency or nn employce of the Agency (bb) Qualified personnel for general direction and operation of the <br /> aulhorized by the Director, who may in their discretion rcfcr the apphcant site shall hc on duty at all times while the sitc is open for use and fur the <br /> to a lucal pennit issuing authority. duration of any fire un the site. <br /> (4) Permit Denial. Any permit application submitted pursuant to this (cc) ?urning shall be conducted offl~ :vhen weather couditions are <br /> regulation shall be denied if; _ <br /> (aa) A reasonable, prpetical alternative method of disposal of the such that a nuisancc, health or safety hazard :,,,i not be created. <br /> material is available. (dd) Prior aoticc shall be given to the local fire authority of the time <br /> (bb) A nuisancc condition would result from the burning. and duration of cach fire. <br /> ( <br /> Permit Revocation. Any permit is subject to revocation at the dis• ec) A~lequate dust control shaIl be provided on the site and on the <br /> t(5) <br /> roads lcading to the sitc. <br /> cretion of the Director, 1 Dcpartment of Natural Resaurces Forest Oificcr, (m Ash residue shall oe collected on a periodic basis and disposed of <br /> ' the Iocal firc marshal or fire chief, or the permit issucr, i.; Jn an Agcncypcrmit:cd sanitary ]andfill, <br /> found; (aa) A reasonable practicsl method of disposnl of the matcrial is (4) Sitc Termination. The site sha116c terminated in accordance with <br /> (hb) A fire ha2ard exists or develops during thr, coarse of the bum- the followin;: <br /> ing; or (aa) All materials cxttaneous to the site shall be removed and disposed <br /> (cc) Any of the conditions of the pcrmit arc violated. of in an appropriatc mannet. <br /> (g) Liability. Exemption to conduct open burning or the granting of an (bb) 7he sicc shall be returned to a state equal to its surrouadings. <br /> open burning permit under any provisions of this regulation docs not cxcuse [July 7, 1969; amendcd Juac 5, 1970; amended Septembcr 14, 1971; <br /> a pcrson from the consequences, damages or injurics which may result amcndcd March 12,1976; emended Mmy 131976] <br /> therefrom. <br /> , (h) ConAicting Laws, Nothing in this regulaGoa sha!l be construed to <br /> 1 <br />