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<br /> ~ <br /> <br /> 'o <br /> AIR POLLU?!ON COV'11RU1. IIU.}:5 ,1YC.8 A18 1'OLLU'fltlA i;U.ti'fNUI. Il1:Lt:ti APC 8 <br /> (iv) Propane gas ihawing torches or olher deviccs causing miaimal allow opcn barning in ihose arcas in which open burning is prohibited by <br /> ~ pollution shall be used when practicable. other laws, rcgulations or ordinances. <br /> (gg) Opcn burning 0f materials pursuant to paragraph (t)(1)(ee), (11), _____.__,,(i) Recreational Fires, Fires set for recreational, ceremonial, food prep- <br /> (gg), (hh), (ii), and (jj) shall be conducled in accord~~r,cc with the folloNving aration, or social purposes are permitted provided only wood, coal, or char- <br /> additional restrictions: coal is burncd. <br /> (i) The location of the burning shall not bc Avithin 600 fect of an Q) Disc:rscd Shadc Trce Oncn Burning Sites. Open burning of diseased <br /> occupied residence other than those lueated on the property on which the shade trees shall be pcrmitted provided no reasonable, altcmate method nf <br /> burning is conducted. disposal cxists as determincd by the Agency, a permii is obtained pursuant <br /> (ii) L1ils, rubbcr and other similar smake producing materials shall to this rcgulation, and the open burning is cunducted in accordance with <br /> not be burned or used as starting matcrials, the requircmcnts of this regulation and the conditions of the pezmit. <br /> (iii) The burning shall not be conducted within one mile of any (1) Site Location, The sites sha11 be located in accordance with the <br /> airport or landipg strip, unless approved by the Director. following conditions or as approved by the Directar of Air Quality: <br /> (hh) Open burning of materials pursuaut to paragraph (f)(1)(ii) sh:al (aa) Not Icss than 1,000 fcet from an occupicd buildinn. <br /> also onty be conducted under controlled burning methods approved by the (bb) Not less than 1,000 fcct from a public roadway. <br /> (cc) Not fess than one mile from an auport or landing strip. <br /> Director, <br /> (ii) The burning is.conducted under such othet reasonable conditions (dd) Not Iess than 300 feet from a stteam. <br /> as the permit issuing authority may impose. (ec) Not within wetland, <br /> (2) Sitc Prcparation. Thc site sh111 be prcpared in accordance with the <br /> (3) Permit Issuers. In addition to the Agcncy, the follawing persons following: <br /> are authorized to accept applications and issue open burning permits: (aa) Access to the site shall be controlied by a ga:e wbieh shall be <br /> (aa) A Departmcnt of Natural~ Rcsourccs forest oflicer-for locations locked whcn an attcndant is not on duty. <br /> within his jurisdiction. (bb) Aprroach roads to the disposal site and access roads on the site <br /> . (bb) A local Dcpartment of Nniural Resourees Pire WarQcn fur [uca- shall be maintaineJ so that they shall be passable at all specified times. <br /> tioas within his jurisdiction. (cc) A pcrmancnt sign identifying the opcratiqn indicating the hours <br /> (CC) Upon apprnval of the Agency, a local pollution control agcncy and days the site is open for use, rates, the penalty for non-conforming <br /> for locaUans wilhin ds jurisdiction. dumping and o(hcr pcruncnt information shall bc posted at the site entrance. <br /> • (dd) A person(s) designuted by the county board of commissioncrs (Jd) Surface water drainage sball be diverted around and away from <br /> „ and r:ppxovcd by the Dii-cctor for lncations within the county but outside the opcrating arca and ash storage arcas. <br /> the corporatc limits of citics within the county, (3) Sitc Opcration. The site shall be operated in accordance witli the <br /> (ec) Upon the approval of the Dircct4r, eithcr a fire chicf or a person following condilions: <br /> designated by a township or city for locations within the jurisdiction of said (aa) Only diseased sliade trees and/or tree trimmings shall be disposed <br /> govcrnmcntal unit, of on the sitc. <br /> (ft) A Rcgion;il Director of the Agency or an employce of the Agency (bb) Qualified persoonel for general direction and operation of the <br /> authorixed by the Directos, who may in their discretian refer the applicaiit site shall he on duty at all times while the site is open for use and for the <br /> to a lucal permit issu+ng authority. duration of any fire on the site. <br /> (4) Permit Denial. Any permit application submiUed pursuant to this (cc) Burning sUall be conducted only wUen weathcr conditions are <br /> regulation shall be denied if: - such that a rniisance, health or safery bazard wdl not be created. <br /> (aa) A reasonable, practical alternative method of disposal of the (acl) Prior notice shall be given to the local fire authority of the tima <br /> materinl is available. and duration of each fire. <br /> (bb) A nuisance condition would result from the burning, (cc) .Adcquaic dust control shall be provided oa the site and on the <br /> (5) Permit Revocation. Any perniit is subject to revocation at the dis• roads Ieading to the site. <br /> cretion of the Director, 1 Department of Natural Rescurces Forest Ofricer, ((n Ash resiciue shall be collected on a periodic basis and disposed nf <br /> the local fire marshal or fire chief, or the permit issucr, i`.': in an Agency-permiued sanitary landfill. <br /> (aa) A reasonable practicsl method of disposal of the matcrial is <br /> fonad; (4) Site Temiination. The site shall be terminated in accordance with <br /> (bb) A fire hazard exists or dcvelops during the course of the burn• the followinS: <br /> ing; or (aa) All materials extraneous ta the site shaII be removed aad disposed <br /> (cc) Any af the conditions of the pcrmit arc violated. of in an apprupriate manner. <br /> (g) LiaUility. Exemption to conduct open burning or the granting of an (bb) The site shall be returaed to a state equal to its surroundings. <br /> open burning permit under any provisions of this regu{ation docs not excuse IJuly 7, 1469; amendcd Juac S, 1970; amended Septcmber 14, 1971; <br /> a pcrsun from the consequences, damages or injuries which may result amcadcd Msuch 12,1976; amendcd May 1319761 <br /> thcrefrom. <br /> (h) Conllicting Laws. Nothiag in this regulaGon shall be construed to <br /> / <br />