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• r~~, <br /> ~ <br /> M <br /> P <br /> T <br /> , . ; ' - . r , ' . . 4 <br /> Z <br /> W , . . . . <br /> wvM0 AW XBOULATaVIN': <br /> irc r <br /> 3uMIYT~~A ~ W~~TwW <br /> ~ .PC i Addl!K~F, t ; <br /> ' CHAPTER EICHT: AtC 9 ment to dstermine whether adequate refuae oollection aervice Is ikyaoAk <br /> APC 8 Open Burning Restrictione within i;s jnrisdicdon or part thereof, and to report said determinatioa qo tfe ; <br /> ~ (a) Refuse burning resuicGons Agency. ' <br /> (aa) All cities, villages, boroughs and townships in Anolca, Cttvw, <br /> (1) No person shall dispose of refuse by opea buming, or cause, suffer, Aakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott or WashinYton counties havin~g <br /> allow or pern?u open burning of refuse. In areas where na refuse collection tioas m excea o# 5,000 persoos uxording to the most recent o <br /> ~tPOPUUmate <br /> - service is available on the effective date of this regulation, as amended, open or federal ceasus, Bnding of !he Municipal Commissioa, or esiimate et the <br /> buming on residenGal premises, of refuse originatiag from dwelling units on Metsnpolitan Council. <br /> premues shall not be u? violation of this section until such refuse collection service becomes available, bat no later than three yeus from the effective (bb) Atl ciGes, villages, boroughs and townships in Anoka, Carvu, <br /> date of this reguiation, or at some earlicr time as hereiuafter provided. Dakote, Aennepin, Ramsey, Scott ot Waslungton Counties having poputa. <br /> ti ons of ]ess tban 5,000 petsons, as deBned in subsxtioa (ea), which ar~ <br /> (2) Except as 6ereafter provided in this paragrap6, where any township, conziguous to citiea, villagees, barougba, or tpwos6ipa haviag populaUoas in <br /> without regard to location, has a total population of less than 2,500 persons ezcess of 5,000 persons as defiaad in rubsection (aa). <br /> aceording to the most ra;ent officiat atate or federal ceasua, 8ading of the <br /> M unicipal Commission or esGma;e of the Meuopolitan Council, persons A11 cities, villages, baroughc, and townships in countros o~et <br /> dwelling within said towpship may dispose of refuse originating from dw•ell• lhan those specified in subsection (aa) having populaiiona m exceuet:-1(J.COQ <br /> i <br /> ng units on residential premises within said township by open burning on persons, according tn the most recent, official state or federal eeaa~p, ee <br /> said residential premises. However, persons dwelling within those portions Sndings of the Municipal Commission. <br /> of such townships baving a populauon density in excess of 100 occupied (dd) All cities, villages, boroughs, and townships in countm. odwt <br /> dwelling units per square mile, as determined by the Director or by the thae those apecified in subsection (aa) having populations of lesa tlva 10,400 <br /> township gavernment with approval of the Director, shall be required to persons aa defined in subsection (cc) above, wb-ich are contiguoue tb <br /> comply with all provisions of this regulation, including but not limited to villages, borou;hs, or townshipa having populations in excess pf ! <br /> subsectiens (a)(1) and (4). A dwe!ling shall be occupied foc the p u r poses of persons as d e fine d in su b section (ce) a b ove. <br /> this regulation if it is occupied as either a seasonat or a permanent dwelling. . <br /> Refuse ori matin from dwellin units shall iaclude for the (i) Upon a determinatioa that an eilequate nfuse collectioa aq'vkp. <br /> K Purpoaes ot is ava~ahle in a local govornmeutal unit or pcution thereof, open balca6g <br /> this subsection, household rubbishgleaves and other natural matter, not in- will thereafter be prohibited in t6e area in which service is so avaitpbte. <br /> cluding gazbage and other putrescible solid wastes, which emannte from a Where a detercnination is made that an adeeejuate refuse collection savice is <br /> dwelling unit. Refuse from agricultural operations shall not be disposed of by not available, it shall be the dury o# each; govemmental unii, withiu aix <br /> open burning under this regulaGon, except as provided in subsection (d)(5). months of such determination, to provide an adequate refuse collecdon <br /> (3) Without regard to location, where any township, having a popula- service. A refuse collection service shall be coasiderzd adequate if it mats <br /> :ion in cxcess of 2,500 persons according to the most recent official state or ~e requirements of Minnesota ~ollution Control Agency Regulatiou SW 3 <br /> fzderal census, finding of the Municipal Commission or estimate of the and all other applicable standards and regul~Gons of the Agency. <br /> bfetropolitan Council or any ciry, viliage, or borough, withouf tespeM to (ii) Determinations as to ihe availability or non•availability of refuse <br /> ' the total population of said city, villege, or- borou$h, has a population collectioa setvices, as requued in this regtiladon, shall be reporied in wrkIog <br /> density of less than 100 occupied dwelling units per square mile in a portion to t6e Agency within ten days after said dekrminations are made. Said t'e. <br /> of said city, village, borough or township, as determined by the municipal ports shall describe the number, kinds, and: ownership of refuse collactiou <br /> goverrment with approval of the Director, persons dwel!ing within said pcr- equipttunt available at the time of said determination, the incidence anl <br /> uon may dispose of refuse originating from dw•elling units on residential nature af refuu collection service available at said time, md such other <br /> premises by open burning on said residential premises upon application by mformatiun as the Agency staff shall request. <br /> ' said city, village, borough or township and with the approval of the DirecWt. In the case of a governmental unit which origiaally determinq thai te(uu <br /> Said portions must be in excess of 2 square miles of coatiguous area. A collection service is not available, upon said governmental unit theteaftet <br /> dwelling shall be occupied for the purposes of this regulation if ii is occupied providing such refuse collection, as required in subsection (i) alwve, said <br /> as either a seasonal o: a permanent dwelling. govemmental units shall report said proviszons of servia to the Agency <br /> Rc+.use originatin; from dtiveIling units shall include, for the purposes of wnhin ten days after said provisions of service. Said report ehall deamie <br /> this subsection, household rubbish, leaves and other aatural matter, not in- the number, kinds, and ownership of refuse collection equipment servi~ et ' <br /> cluding garbage and other putrescible solid wastes, which emanate from a the basis of ;he refuse collecdon service so pmvided, the ineid~c~ ~d ' <br /> dwelling unit Refuse from agricultural operutions shall not be disposed of by nature of service so provided, and such otper iaf~metion ~u the Ag~Cy <br /> staff shaH requesG <br /> opcn burning under this regulation, exceptAs provided in subsection (d}(S). <br /> „ (4) Within 3 months of the effective date of thu re~tion aa ~~e a local governmentai unit 1~ reported 'nformatioa W the A r~ <br /> . ~ reiating to the aveilabflity or provision of servtca sa aforaaid, the A <br /> v' ac?ended, it shall be the dury of each of ttie following unib ot lxal Qover~ iuform the lecal govemmeBW ua~ ~ n~ ia~Oram~tiqn <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> ; <br /> 82 <br /> _ , . <br />