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<br /> ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> LEGAL NOTICE <br /> VILLAGE OR ARDEN HILLS <br /> COUNTY OF' RAMSEY I <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> ORDINANCE NUMBER 9 <br /> ' AN QRBINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES <br /> AND REGULATIONS FOR THE OPER- <br /> ATION OF MOTOR,BdATS IN PUTtLIC <br /> WATERS AND LICENSING GAMES <br /> AND EXHTBLTIONS IN PUBLIC WA- <br /> TERS. <br /> The Village Council of tHe Village oE <br /> Arden Hills does hereby ordain as follows: <br /> SECTION ONE ' <br /> Defiaition <br /> The words "motor-boat" as used in this , <br /> ordinance include every vessel propeRed by' <br /> machinery vpon any of thc public waters <br /> witlain the limits of the Village of Arden f <br /> Hills. <br /> SEGTION 'TWO I <br /> Standard of Care ~ <br /> Subdivision I. No motor-boat shall be <br /> operated on any public watere within .hd <br /> Village of Rrden Hills at a speed greate[ ~ <br /> - than. is reasonable ~or proper haSing due <br /> itegard to the safety of other boaYs and I <br /> Ipersons upon or about such waters. R ~ <br /> ~iubdi~ision 2. The operator of any <br /> ~ motar-boat passing within three httndred ' feet (300) ~of a shoreline vpon which or <br /> in the vicinity of whi any person is I <br /> fishing or swimming sh 1 operate such boat' ! <br /> at its lowest speed. The oFerator oF any <br /> motorlboat shal also operate such boat aC , <br /> - its lowest-speed when passipg or approach- . <br /> ing within three hundred feet (300) o{ any, <br /> uther occupied boat. <br /> Subdivision 3. In the event that any <br /> motor-boat passes within three hundred; <br /> feet (300) of any other occupied boat at a I <br /> - speed such that the backwashor waveg~ <br /> created therEby upset, capsize, or overturns <br /> lother boat, the apresenceroEe such wave'S ori <br /> backwash shall be deexned prima. facie~ <br /> evidence" that the operator pf themotOT-~.. <br /> boat is in violation of this ordinance;, ' <br /> SECitIdN THRLE ' <br /> Water Skii and SurFboarding <br /> N. motor-boat shall be used for the pur- <br /> pose of water skii g or surfboarding on any, <br /> waters within -th~e Village of Arden Hilis. <br /> unless the boat iE operated in such a inan- <br /> ner thaY neither the boat, the skiier, nor <br /> : ~ the Surtboard rid r eome within three hun- ; <br /> dred feet (300) f the, soreline, docks, <br /> swimmers, or oth r boats while such skiier <br /> ~or suriboard ride -is skimming the surfac6 of the water. I <br /> SECTION FdUR <br /> Liemising Gamas and Exhi6itions <br /> ' Subdivision L No motor-boats shall en- ` <br /> in any form of racing, game of tag, i <br /> game of follow-the-leader, nar any oYher , <br /> stunting or exhibition except in tbt casc <br /> of a boat race ar exhibition licensed as i <br /> hereinafter provided. ~ <br /> Subdivision 2. Any prerson or organiza- ! <br /> tion that wisbes fo sponsor a. motor-boatl <br /> rnce, show,-,.or eachibiUon on -any public ~ <br /> waters within the Village shall make writ- I <br /> ten applicatian to the Vi118ge Cterk [or a ~ <br /> license to conduCt such race, show, or ex- <br /> hibitian. Such applicat'ioa shall 4'hclude l <br /> the date and place af the proposed race, <br /> show, or exhibition;,the names and addreSS- <br /> es of the sponsoring individnals, or if the <br /> . sponsor in an organization, the oificers or _ <br /> members of the organization who will be irt <br /> charge o[ and res,Ironsitle Eor the perForm- <br /> i ance; and the name of at least, one deputy eriff or police officer of tlyden H,ills, en- <br /> tgcd ; 4Y the sgDnsos as,a ~tard at, arieh <br /> er-ent: The appIicarion shall be accompan- <br /> ; ied by a Flive Dollar ($3.00) fee; and t$r ~ <br /> C1erk shall pxomptly present such applicd- <br /> tirni to the Village Council Eor its consid- <br /> . erationr - I ` - - <br /> Subdivision 3. ,The Council or its dulq <br /> I appointed representabives shall make an <br /> investigation for the pui7iose of deteimin- <br /> ing whether the holding of such race, shp w; <br /> or exhibition will unduly endanger psfbliC <br /> safety or persQns or propecty within the, V'illage o[ Arden H.ills: If it shall appear <br /> to the satis£action uf the Conncil that the <br /> event will be conducted in a safe and pru- <br /> dent manner,.the Conncil shall direct the <br /> C7erk to issue a license 'therefor. <br /> SECTION FIVE ~ <br /> Statutes AdoPted by AeRerence - <br /> For the purpose oE regulating theopera-- <br /> tion of motor-boats upon the public waters <br /> within Arden Hills, the provisions of the <br /> 1945 Minnesota Statutes Annotated, O'Sec• <br /> tions 361.22 to 361.26, inclnsive, are ~ <br /> her€by adopted and by this reference made, <br /> a pait of this ordinance as completzly as <br /> if set farth in full herein. A copy of said <br /> Sections 'is on f'tle with the Village Clerk. ~ <br /> SECTION SIX <br /> Violatioma <br /> ',Anyperson who vi.olates any pravision <br /> o# this ordin2nce shall bz guilty of a mis- y <br /> demeanoi' and upon conviction thereaf ahall <br /> be punished by a Fine of not more than ~ <br /> One Hundred Doltars ($100.00) or impris- <br /> onment for not more than thirty (30) days <br /> or both. <br /> This ordinance -siall _ be 'effkctive ;rom <br /> and after the date of its publ'ttation. <br /> Passed by the Village Couttcil of Arden <br /> Hilis this 26th day of July, 1954. <br /> ROBER'T O. ASHBACH <br /> Mayor . <br /> Village Seal <br /> Attest : <br /> SffiRLEY D. LUDLOW, <br /> Clerk <br /> Publ. in the Rose Tribune Aug. 5, 1954 <br /> 25 Slips <br />