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<br /> ~ <br /> ' Ordinance Number 9 (eontinued) <br /> <br /> Page #2 <br /> <br /> Seetion 4 (eontinued) e <br /> Subdivision 2e Any person or organization that virishes <br /> to sponsor a motor-boat race, show9 or <br /> exhibit ion on any public waters within <br /> the Vil1age shall make written appli- <br /> cation to the Village C Ierk for a <br /> license to conduct raee, show, or <br /> exhibitiona Sueh applieation shall in- <br /> clude the date axd place pf the proposed <br /> • raLce, sho wg or exhib i ti on; the name s <br /> and addresse s o F the sponsoring in- <br /> dividuals, or if the sponsor is an <br /> ~ flrganizatim , the officers or members <br /> of the organizatian who wi1l be in <br /> eharge of ana responsible for the per- <br /> formance ; and the name of at least one <br /> deputy sheriff or police af ficer of <br /> Ar°clen Hills engaged by the sponsor as <br /> a guard at sLich event e The appl3.ea- <br /> tion shall be actompanied by a Five <br /> Dollar ($5d00) fee 9 and the Glerk shall <br /> promptly present such application to the VillageCouncil for its eonsideration. <br /> Subdivision 3e The Council or its duly appointed repre- <br /> sentati"s shaZl make an 3.nve stigation <br /> for the purpose of determining whether <br /> the halding af such race, sho*s or ex- <br /> hibition will unduly endanger public <br /> safety or persons or property <br /> the Vil.lage of A.xaden Hi11se If it shall <br /> app,ear to the satisfaction of the <br /> C otzne il tha t the e ve nt w3.11 be e onduc te d <br /> in a safe and prudent manner,, the Ccna.ncil <br /> shall direet the Glerk toissue a license <br /> therePore <br /> SECT IC7N 5 e Statute s Adopte d by Re ference e For the purpo se <br /> of regula-t,ing Tbe opera on o mQ or- oa s upon e public waters <br /> within Arden Hills, the provisions of the 1945 Minn.esota Statutes <br /> Annotated, Sections 361s22 t0 361.26, ineiusive s are hereby adopted <br /> an.d by thiS reference a part of this ordinanee as completely <br /> as if set, forth 3.n full hereine A copy of said Seetions is on f i1e <br /> with the with the Vi 11 age C le rk o <br /> SECTICIN 6e Violations, Any person wha violates any provi- <br /> sion o s ordinanee shal-i be guil.ty of a misdeme anor^ and upon <br /> convictidn thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than -fte <br /> Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisonrnent #'or n.ot more than thirty <br /> (30) days, or both. <br /> ~ This ordiance shall be ef'fective from and after <br /> the date of its publicat ione <br /> 40 PASSED BY THE VILLAGE COUNC IL TH IS 26TH DAY QF JULY9 1954. <br /> /s/ Robert 0, Ashbach <br /> Rv er e s ac g ayor o <br /> Atte st : The Village of Arden Hills <br /> /s/ Shirley D. Ludlow <br /> Shirley,, D. u ow, er o <br /> The Villag^e of Arden Hiils <br /> <br /> Published 5 g 1954 <br />