<br />
<br />
<br /> tinal inapection after erection. feet E.D.R. or fractional gart accordance with the 4ollowing sched-
<br /> (f) In addition to the above feee hereof. uleas
<br /> (except on dwellings) remote con- (S) Hot Water Radiators - The Valastion OP Planned Constractiam
<br /> trol, aignal circuita and circuits minimum permit fee shall be $1.00, Fces
<br /> of leas thsn 50 volta shall be com- with a charge of 60c per each Firat $10,000.00 $17.00
<br /> puted at $2.00 per each ten open- radiator in exceas of 2 included in For each additional $1,000.00
<br /> ings or devices of esch system plue one aPSlication, from $10,000.00 through
<br /> 50c for each additional ten open- (4) Warm Air Heating Syeteme - $25,000.00 1.60
<br /> inga or devices or fraction thereof. The permit fee shall be $4.00 for For each additional $1,000.00
<br /> (g) For the installation of appli- the installation oP a warm sir from $26,000.00 through
<br /> ancea, motora, lighting, etc., not heating syetem. $50,000.00 126
<br /> otherwise covered by thie aection Portable Incu?eratore For each additional $1,000.00
<br /> and which consistute a aeparate No domestic Bortable incinerators from $50,000.00 through
<br /> instellation, the fees outlined in shall be inata]led withovt firat ob- $100,000,00 _ .76
<br /> Subdivision 8 hereof shall apply taining a Bermit therefor from the For each additional $1,000.00
<br /> and in no case lesa than the fees Administrative Clerk purauant to ap- in exceas of $100,000.00 $.60
<br /> in Subdivision 1 hereof. plication made iapon forme supplied NOTE: For comDUting the above
<br /> (4) For the review of plana and apec- by the Administrative Clerk, and ac- fees, a fractional part of esch $1,
<br /> iiications of praposed inatallationa companied by a permit fee ot $2.00 000.00 valuation shall be conaidered
<br /> there shall be a minimum fee of for each such incinerator. as a full $1,000.00.
<br /> $20.00 up to snd ineluding $20,- 3heet Metel Work 2. Any number of buildings may be
<br /> 000.00 of eatimated electrica] in- No sheet metal work shall be per- built from an aPproved plan Dro-
<br /> etallation cost, plus 1/10 of 1% formed without firet obtaining a vided that s permit is obtained with-
<br /> on any amount in exceas of $20,- permit therefor from the Adminis- in six (6) months of the date of ap-
<br /> ~ 000.00, to be paid by persona or trative Clerk on application Porms Proval and Provided that thia code
<br /> firms requeating the review. to be provided by the Clerk, which shall not have been changed or mod-
<br /> (6) For each re-inapection requeated $pp]ications shall be accompanied ified in any way affecting the Plan
<br /> by a correction order, a fee not by fees as followa, to-wit: between the date of aweh approval
<br /> exceeding the original fee and not A permit fee shall be charged for and the aubaequent iasuance of a
<br /> to exceed $3.00 per inapection shall the installation af any sheet metal Permit.
<br /> apply only when so specified on work, with the fee to be $2.00 for 3. All proposed buildinge which shall
<br /> said correction order. For re- the firat $500.00 probable cost or be wholly owner by a governmental
<br /> quested apecial inapection not cov- fractional part thereof, and an unit or governmental subdivision
<br /> ered sbove, the fee shall be $5.00 additional fee of $1.00 for each shall be exempt from the plan check-
<br /> per hour minimum, including trav- additional $500.00 probable cost ing fee provided that the designing
<br /> el time, plus 7iFzc per mile. or fractional part thereof. Prob- grchitect or engineer shall submit
<br /> (6) Al] electrica] installationa which able cost shall be determined in evidence to the Building Official to
<br /> involve the concealment of wiring accordance with the Provisions of aubstantiate that the provisions oL
<br /> or equipment shall have a"rough- Paragraph G of this Section 4. this Ordinance will be followed when
<br /> in" inspection grior to conceal- auch grovisions are applicable.
<br /> Air Conditioning and Refrigeratian
<br /> ment, and the electrical inspector Work 4. The plan checking fee shall be
<br /> shall be dulq notified five days in naid by the Village to the Build-
<br /> advance to It shal] be unlawful for any person,
<br /> permit him to make firm or corporation to begin the 1IIg Official, or to a person, form,
<br /> such inspection. partnerahip, corporat3on or organiza-
<br /> (7) 80% of the fees collected for installation, alteration or repair of tion designated by the Building Of-
<br /> electric wiring as provided here- any air conditioninq or refrigerat- ficial who shall perform the actusl
<br /> ing system in the Village of Arden
<br /> under shall be paid to the Elec- checking of such plans.
<br /> Hills without first obtaining a per-
<br /> Erica] Inspector ae compensation 6. Plana for all proposed bwildinga,
<br /> mit therefor from the Adminiatrative
<br /> for his inspection aervices, with except those of Occupancy Groups
<br /> auch fees to be prorated among the Clerk, with application for such Per. I and d, shall be prepared by or un-
<br /> mits to be made on forma provided
<br /> inspecting officials on the same der the supervision of an architect
<br /> bsais as provided herein for fees by the Clerk and to be accompanied or engineer who is regietered by
<br /> by fees as hereinafter pmvided.
<br /> to be Paid to the Building Offic- the State of Minnesota.
<br /> ~a~ (1) Permits for aid conditioning or J. The following shall be a@ded to
<br /> refrigeration work in Arden liills gection 304(d) 3:
<br /> Gas Appliance Permita shall not be required on the fo]-
<br /> (1) No alterationa or additions in, or lowing: This inspection may be omitted for
<br /> original installations of, machinee, A domeatic inatallation of 16 cubic buildings of Occupancy Groupe I and
<br /> devices, heaters, ranges, refrig- feet or leas; J.
<br /> erators, or other appliances requir- (b) One or two family dwellinga serv- K. Immediately after Section 509 the
<br /> ing the use of manufactwred Bas, ed by one condenaing unit where lollowing aection shall be added:
<br /> natural gas or liquid petroleum the combined groas cubic feet of 8ection 510: Inenlation and Vapor
<br /> gas shall be done without firat both cabinets ia 16 cubic feet or Barrier. All the buildings and or
<br /> securing a permit thereof on ap- leas ; Parts of buildinga of wood frame,
<br /> plication forme to be obtained (c) Any rePrigeration compresaor un- or wood-fired masonry conetruction
<br /> from and filed with the Admin- der one-half horae Dower. and claseified as Oecupancy Groupe
<br /> istrative Clerk, which applicationa (d) Any plug-in package-type refrig- A 8nd I shall be so ineulated as to
<br /> shall be accompanied by Yees se eration or freezer wnit. conPorm to the following proviaiona:
<br /> #ollawe: (2) permits por work is provided here- a) All ceilinga below an wnheated
<br /> (a) A permit fee of $2.00 shall be in upon private reaidencea bq the space shall have a maximum coef-
<br /> charged Por each machine, device, resident or the home owner shall ficient of heat tranafer (U value)
<br /> heater, range, refrigerator or other be granted by the Clerk onty after of fifteen hundredtha (0.16).
<br /> appliance requiring the uae of the Aeating Inapector has satis- b) The calculated heat lose 4or any
<br /> manufactured gas, natural gae or fied himself, upon proper inquiry, given room through the vertical ex-
<br /> liquid petroleum gas. that the applicant ie competent terior walls shall not exceed thirty
<br /> (b) A permit fee of $1.00 shall be to perform the work which is the BTL78 ner hour. (30 BTL7)
<br /> charged for gas piping or each subject of the germit. c) The calculated heat loss throubh
<br /> additional branch pipe if awch is (g) In casea hereunder where per- floors over unheated apace shall
<br /> required for the inatallation of mits are required permit feea on not exeeed fifteen BTUs per hour.
<br /> any appliances included under the sir conditioning and refrigeration (lb BTU)
<br /> preceding paragraph (1), work shall be charged in accord- d) The total calculated heat loas
<br /> Gae Bnmere or Gas Barner EqaipmenT. ance with the following achedule: through ceilinge, walls and floors
<br /> and Oil Burnera (a) $3.00 for each 80,000 BTfT rating
<br /> (1) No gas burners, gae burner eywig- per unit, or fractional part of as provided in Subaections (a), (b)
<br /> and (c) above, shall not exceed fifty
<br /> ment, or oi] burners shall be in- said 30,000 BTUs. STUs per hour (50 13TL7) per aquare
<br /> atalled, altered, or repaired with- (b) $1.00 for esch 10,000 BTU rating
<br /> out first obtaining a pertnit there- or fraction thereot thereafter on taot of the total area under con-
<br /> for from the Adminiatrative Clerk each unit after the initisl 30,000 $ideration.
<br /> on applications to be made on gTUs, e) All wall, ceiling, or floor swr-
<br /> forms provided by the Adminiatra- (c) Upon alteratione and repaira af- faces requiring the inatallation o4
<br /> tive Clerk, which aHBlicationa shall ter original inetallation, $3.00 for ~nsulation under the proviaions of
<br /> be sccompanied by fees as fol- each $600.00 or fraction thereof this aection shall also be furniehed
<br /> lowa.. to-wit: of actua] cost or, i4 no actual cost with a vapor barrier. Thia vapor
<br /> (1) Permit feea of $4.00 each figurea are available, nDOn the barrier shall have a maximwn vapor
<br /> shall be charged for installatione reaeonable value of labor and ma- tranamieaion of 1 perm ae deter-
<br /> mined by ASTM methods. Vapor bar-
<br /> or alterationa involving a BTU terial utilized. riera when required shall be in-
<br /> gas inyut of 400,000 BTU or leas, (d) Where permite are required here- etalled between the heated apace
<br /> and a fee of $4.00 plue $1.00 for under apon work which cannot be and the interior face of the inaula-
<br /> each 400,000 BTUa of gas input evaluated under (s) and (h) here- tion.
<br /> capacity for installations larger of, the permit shall be calculated f) For the purpose of determining
<br /> than 400,000 BTUs of gas input. at the rate of $3.00 for each tbe maximum coefficient of heat
<br /> (2) A permit fee of $4.00 shall be $500.00 or fraction thereof of transfer (U value) and the calculat-
<br /> charged for the installation or al- actual coat or, if no actual cost ed heat lose as referred to in thia
<br /> teration of an oil burner or oil figures are available, uyon the aection, the definitions contained in
<br /> burner eyuipment Por use in con- reaeonable value of labor and ma- the "Heating, Ventilating, Air Con-
<br /> nection with a heating syatem up terial utilized. ditioning Guide;" publiahed by the
<br /> to inpnt capacity of 3 gallone per (c) In no event shall the permit Pee American Society of Heating and
<br /> hour, plus s fee of 26c for each exceed $60.00. Ventilating Engineers, 1960 Edi-
<br /> additional gallon per hour. Allocation uf Feee to Heating Inapector tion, particularly as contained in
<br /> $t~m or Hot Water Heating Syatem 80% of the fees collected for Bae Section III, Chapter 9, and in
<br /> No steam or hot water heating sys- appliance permite, gas burnera, gsa Chapter 12 at page 141, showld
<br /> tem shall be installed, nor altera- burner equiFment or oil burnera, govern. Said Heating, Ventilating,
<br /> tiona or additione to a steam or hot eteam or hot water heating systems, Air Conditioning Guide ia hereby
<br /> water heatin$ syatem made, without yortable incinerators, eheet metal adopted by reference and incor-
<br /> first obtaining s permit therefor work, and sir conditioning an@ re- porated herein with respect to auch
<br /> from the Administrative Clerk, with frigeration work permita ahall be items as if fully set forth herein.
<br /> application to be made on #orme euB- paid to the Heating Inspector or to g) All insulation materiala and
<br /> plied by the Administrative Clerk, the deputy or suecessor inapeetor per- methods of inetalling same ahall be
<br /> and the aFPlication shall be accom- forming the work on a pro rata basis approved by the Building Official.
<br /> panied by fees as followa: as hereinbefore provided for fees L. In Section 1406(b) the words
<br /> (1) A permit fee for the con. to the Building Official, with the re, "eighty squsre feet (80 sq. ft.)" shall
<br /> struction or installation of any maining 20% of the fees cotlected be deleted and the words ` ninety square
<br /> steam or hot water aystem used to be retained by the Village to feet (90 aq. ft.)" substituted therefor.
<br /> in the conduction of ateam for partially compensate it for adminis- M. Immediately after Section 1409 the
<br /> • heat or power purpoaea shall be tratine costs hereunder. following section shall be added:
<br /> charged at the rate of 76c for I. Section 308(b) is deleted in its $ection 1410 - Minimum 3izee:
<br /> each such permit, plus an ad- entirety and the following ie subatituted
<br /> ditional charge for the apecific therefor: (a) In every dwelling houae here-
<br /> work pmvided herein. 8ection 303(6) - P1an-Cheeking Fces: after erected there shall bg at least
<br /> (2) The tota] permit fee ahall be 1. When the valuation of the pro- three (3) rooms conforming to the
<br /> $4.00 for the inetallation or re- posed construction ia ten thousand standarc2s set forth in 3ecltian •
<br /> placement of esch steam or hot dollara ($10>000.00) or more, and 1405(b). Roame uaed for living, din-
<br /> water boiler for s heating syatem when the proposed occupancy is ing, snd sleeping shall not mesaure
<br /> not exceeding 400 square feet otber than Growp I or J and a ~~g ~an aeven feet in any dimen-
<br /> E.D.R. of the rated heating caPac- plan is required to be submitted by sion.
<br /> ity of ateam radiation or its hot Section 301(c) of plan-checking fee (b) The minimum floor axess for
<br /> water equivalent. An additional shall be charged by the Village at dwelling houses shall be not lesa than
<br /> permit fee oP $1.00 shall be charg- the time of such awbmisaion. Plan the minimum establiahed by the Zon-
<br /> ed for each additional 600 aquarn checking Peea shall be computed in ing Ordinance, preaently Ordinance "
<br />