<br />
<br />
<br /> No. iS, and amendments thereto, parging, three-eighths inch (3/8 In edrlition to the pmvisions con-
<br /> aince such areas are apeciYically aet in) thick, troweled onto masonry i;sined in the Uniform Building Code with
<br /> forth in the Zoning Ordinanee. walls from top of footinga to the reapect to sir conditioning and refrig-
<br /> (c) For the purpose of computing finish grade line. eration work, the following standards
<br /> minimum areas of dwelling honaes One or more coata of bituminoua shall apply:
<br /> only those rooms having a ceiling materials sprayed, brushed or (1) It shall be unlawful for owners,
<br /> height of 7 feet or more will be traweled onto maeonry walls, in contractora, or workmen to lath
<br /> considered. The ares of "sPlit level" secordance with the recommenda- over or in any way conceal any
<br /> or "split entry" housea shall be com- tiona of the manufactwrer there- piping, outlet boxea, or other part
<br /> puted on the basis of the lsrgeat of, from the footinga to the finish of s refrigerating or sir condition-
<br /> horizontal area of the structure. grade line. ing system until insgection hae
<br /> When one habitable area lies direcb E%CEPTION: Foundation damp been made thereof, and due notice
<br /> ly above another habitable area proofing as renuired by Para- has been given oP approval by the
<br /> only the ]argest of those areas may Srsph 3 of thia section may be Heating Inapector. Whep any ob-
<br /> be used to compute areas as des- omitted, with the approval of the etruction has been placed so as to
<br /> cribed in this Section. Building Official, in areas where conceal any piping or part of the
<br /> N. In Section 1501, Division 1 there- wel]-drained soils exist and where inatallation before the Heating In-
<br /> of, the words "1000 sq. ft." shall be the average subaurface water liea spector has made an inspection
<br /> changed to "750 sq. ft." more than eight feet (8 ft.) below thereof, said inapector may remove
<br /> 0. In Section 1502 the words "1000 the basement floor. or cauae to be removed any such
<br /> sq. ft." in the fifth line of the first V. That Table No. 28-A on page 282 lath or obstruction which may
<br /> paragraph thereof shall be changed to shall be deleted in its entirety and the conceal the work so that proper
<br /> 760 aq. ft." following table aubstituted therefor : inspection may be made. Upon
<br /> P. That immediately after Section
<br /> ~ 1505 the following Section shall be TA$LE NO. 28-A
<br /> added: Foundationa For Stud Bearing Walls
<br /> Section 1506 - Driveways: Minimum Requixements
<br /> Driveways for oehicular use shall be -
<br /> of a minimwm width of nine feet Number Nominal Thickness bIin. Width & Compr.
<br /> (9 ft.) and shall be constructed of of of Concrete Blocks Depth Depth of Strength
<br /> crushed rock, bituminous cement, or Stories Crawl Bsmt. Slab of Footings of
<br /> concrete. A'.ove Space on Ftgs (in inches) Footing
<br /> Q. That Section 2202 shall be deleted in Foundation Grade Selow Mix
<br /> its entirety and the following substitut- Grade (P.S.I.)
<br /> ed therefor : 1 S" 8" 42" 16"x8" 2000 LBS.
<br /> Section 2202 - Sheathing: 12" 42" 20"x8" 2000 LBS.
<br /> All stud framed buildings shall 2 12" 12" 12" 42" 201lx8" 2000 LBS.
<br /> have exterior wal]s covered with 3 or more To be compwted on the Basis of this
<br /> solid sheathing as provided by the Code and approved by Buitding Official.
<br /> various requirements of this code. NOTE : Occupancy Group J: Build- completion of the work, it shall
<br /> When stud apacing is sixteen inchea ings may be conatructed in accord- be the responsibility of the li-
<br /> (16 in.) on centers, or less, one of ance with revised Section 2806 Par- censee to notify the Hesting In-
<br /> the following materials shall be 8gragh B3 mhen detached from all sPector and reguest an inspection.
<br /> used as exterior walI sheathing: other Occupancy Group buildings. The Heating Inapector is empower-
<br /> (1) Wood shiplap boards, not less W. That Paragraph B3 of Section ed to make or cauae to be made
<br /> than eleven-sixteentha inch (11/16) 2806 shall be deleted in its entirety and swch tests as he shall deem neces-
<br /> in thicknesa and not more thsn }he following substituted therefor: sary to ascertain the condition of
<br /> twelve inches (12 in.) in width. A detached one story frame bwilding the piping, tubing, fittings, and
<br /> Sach boards shall be graded not
<br /> less than No. 4 by the atandards of Occupancp Group J Division I, other apparatus used in the par-
<br /> established b9 the Code. which does not exceed seven hun- ticular system. If upon inspection
<br /> (2) tiegetable fiber boarda or sheets dred fifty sqware feet (750 sq. ft.) the Heating Inspector shall be of ,
<br /> not less than one half inch M ia.) in area may be canstructed without the opinion that the syatem as
<br /> thickness and complying with IIni- frost footings or sub-aurface founda- conatructed is unsafe or hazard-
<br /> form Building Code Standard No, tions when the following conditions ous, or is in a condition danger-
<br /> 22-1-61. are met: ous to life or property, he ahall
<br /> (3) Douglas Fir Plywood not less A. The building must be located a forthwith give written notice to
<br /> than one-half inch ('/a in.) in thick- minimum of ten feet (10 ft.) dis- the owner or uaer of the syatem,
<br /> ness and complying witb Uniform tance from all other Occupancy and said system shall not there-
<br /> Building Code Standards No. 25-11- Group bvildings, after be operated until necessarp
<br /> 61. EAC'EPTIONS: In cases where such repairs have been made and the
<br /> R. That the following shall be added location is impractical or impossible sYStem has been aDProved by the
<br /> as a foot-note to Table No. 24-J on page the Building Official may grant var- Heating Inspector.
<br /> 159. iance with Council or Variance Com- (2) With reference to mechanica] re-
<br /> NOTE: All exterior foundation walls mittee approval when fwture attach- frigeration systems as provided
<br /> extending more than forty-two inch- ment to other buildings ia not prob- herein, the Safety Code for Me-
<br /> es (42 in.) below finished grade 'able. In no case shall such variances chanical Refrigeration, ASA B9.1-
<br /> shall have a minimum thickness of reduce the minimum requirementa set 1968, is hereby adopted as the
<br /> twelve inchea (12 in.). down by more than fifty percent atandard setting forth accepted
<br /> S. That the following words shall (50%)• engineering practices and require-
<br /> be deleted from Paragraph B4 of Sec- B. AlI organic matter and soil con- ments, and tbe proviaiona thereof
<br /> tion 2607. taining organic matter shall be re- are hereby incorporated herein by
<br /> "Except for one storp detached moved from the building aite. referenee, in accordance with stat-
<br /> ute
<br /> buildings of Occupancy J, where C. A minimum of four inches (4") .
<br /> twenty four inch (24 in.) spacing of sand, gravel, rock, or other ma- ~3) Each Person, fixm ar contractor
<br /> may be used." terial approved by the Building Of- obtaining a permit herewnder for
<br /> That Paragraph C of Section 2507 ficial, shall be placed under all con- installation of a gas or oil-fired
<br /> shall be deleted in its entiretp. crete having a thickness of less heating furnsce, or gas or oil-
<br /> T. That Table No. 25P on page 189 than four and one half inches fired heating boiler, shall submit
<br /> shall be deleted in its entirety and the (4i/~"). a test record to the Village upon
<br /> following table substituted therefor: D Concrete shall be PAUred mono- forma provided by the Village for .
<br /> the punpoae of recording the BTU
<br /> TABLE NO. 25-P input and out put of said aystem,
<br /> ROOF SHEAT$ING the type of heat, and heat loss,
<br /> Minimum Maximum Span Allowed and other relevant information,
<br /> Thickness (in inchea) Doug. Fir* Softwood-Plywood« including the orsat readings. Said
<br /> (in inehes) Swan Boards Plywood Groups I and II reports shall be filed witL the Ad-
<br /> 1/2 Not allowed 24 24 ministrative Clerk and submitted
<br /> 5/8 Not allowed 32 28 to the Heating Tnspector for ap-
<br /> 11/16 16 proval immediately wpon comple-
<br /> 3/4 16 36 32 tion of all work for which a ger-
<br /> 25/32 16 mit is grantec).
<br /> Section 5. This Ordinance shall take
<br /> *NOTE: Plywood must be laid over lithically to a minimum of fowr effect and be in force from and sfter
<br /> two or more spana with face grain inch (4 in.) thickness, with thick- ita passage and publication.
<br /> perpendicudar to supports. ness increased to eight inches (8 Passed by the Village Council of
<br /> - U. That immedistely after Section in.) for a width of six inchex (6 Arden Hills this 23rd day of May, 1966.
<br /> 2629 the following Section shall be add- in.) around entire perirneter of Robert E. Nethercut, Mayor
<br /> ed: slab. Concrete shall have a twenty Attest:
<br /> Section 2630 - Waterpraofing and eight (28) day compressive strength Lorraine E. Stromqwist
<br /> Damp Proofing; All basements and of three thousand pounds (3000 lbs.) Administrative Clerk habitable spaces below grade leve] ner s4uare inch (P.3.I.)
<br /> shall be damp proofed or water- All edges of slab sball pro]ect a
<br /> proofed as hereinafter prescribed, so minimum of three inchea (3 in.) be-
<br /> sa to adequately protect against tbe low the finish grade. When the peri-
<br /> infiltration of dampness, moisture meter thicknese of slab exceeds twen-
<br /> or water. ty four inches (24 in.) in depth,
<br /> 1. Foundation Draina. In those the edges of the slab shall be de-
<br /> areas where the average aub-sur- $igned as grade beama integral with
<br /> face water table is leas than three the slab.
<br /> feet (3 ft.) below the bsaement P. One half inch (~/z in.) by eight
<br /> floor, or where the nature of the inch (8 in.) bolts ahall be Placed
<br /> soil presents a aubsurface drain- along the perimeter of slab, spaced
<br /> age problem, foundation drain not mare than six feet (6 ft.) apart
<br /> tile ahall be installed. All such nor more than eighteen inches (18
<br /> installations shall be approved by in.) from cornera or door openinga.
<br /> the Building Official prior to X. ThBt Paragraph E of Section 2806
<br /> swch inatallation. shall be deleted in its entirety and the
<br /> 2. Waterpronfing. In those areas, following substituted therefor:
<br /> where the average sub-surface wat- FOUNDATION PLATES AND
<br /> er table is not more thsn six SILLS :
<br /> inches (6") below the basement Foundation plates shall be bolted
<br /> floor a membrane shall be inatall- when they aerve as sole glates for
<br /> ~ ed so as to prohibit the passage stud walls. Bolts shall be one half
<br /> of moisture or dampnesa into the (1/2 in.) by seven inch (7 in.) im-
<br /> basement or habitable area. All bedded five inches (6 in.) and spac-
<br /> installations proposed under this ed not more than six feeL on cen-
<br /> paragraph shall be approved by ters.
<br /> the Building Official prior to such Y. That the words "twenty feet (20
<br /> installation. ft.)" in Psragraph B of Section 2901,
<br /> 3. Damp Proofing. In thoae areas shall be deleted and the words, "twen-
<br /> where the average sub-surface ty-four feet (24-ft.)" anbstituted therc
<br /> water table lies more than three for.
<br /> (3 ft.) below the basement floor Z. Sectiona 6003 and 6004 are de-
<br /> only damp proofing shall be re- leted in their entirety.
<br /> quired. Such @amp proofing shall Section 6.
<br /> conaist of one of the following: STANDARDS ON AIR CONDITIONING
<br /> One coat of Portland cemeat AND REFRIGERATION WORK
<br />