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<br /> ~ <br /> .~R' • <br /> <br /> Ordinance 213 sTructure, or portion thereot, constituting or containing E. Land Reclamation <br /> (continued) a non-conforming use, which has been declared unsafe In addition to ihe requiremenis set forih in this Or- <br /> Planned Unit Development Permit, final plat (if any) by ihe Building Inspector or other adminisTrative of- dinance, land reclamaTion activities are subject To ihe <br /> and general plan shall be deemed to be void, nullified ficer. requiremenis contained in ihe Arden Hills Code of <br /> and revoked unless an extension has been requested in C. Construction Approved and Begun Prior to Ef- Ordinances and amendments thereto. <br /> writing by ihe permittee and for good cause granted by lective Date F. Signs <br /> the CiTy Council. To avoid hardship, nothing in this Ordinance shall be In addition to ihe requiremenis set forih in ihis Or- <br /> SECTION IX - BOARD OF APPEALS AND AD- deemedlorequireachangeinTheplans,consirucTionor dinance, all signs are subject to ihe requiremenis <br /> JUS7MENT designated use of any building for which a building coniained in ihe Arden Hills Code of Ordinances and <br /> A. Appoiniment permit has been issued and ihe consiruction of which amendmenis ihereto. <br /> At ihe first regular meeTing of ihe Council after the hasbegunpriortotheetfectivedateofihisOrdinanceor G. Massage, Sauna, and Rap Parlors <br /> effective daTe of ihis Ordinance and ihereafter at ihe any amendmenf hereto. In addition to ihe requiremenis set forih in this Or- <br /> first Council meeting in each calendar year, ihe Mayor D. Prohibited AcTivities; Non-Conforming Use dinance, all massage, sauna and rap parlors are sublecT <br /> shall appoinT a Board of Appeals and AdiusTments. The No non-conforming use shal I be changed to a different to the requiremenis contained in ihe Arden Hills Code of <br /> Board shall consist of not more ihan five nor less than non-conforming use, enlarged, intensified, increased, Ordinances and amendmenis ihereto. <br /> ihree residenis of ihe City, and ihe Mayor shall appoinT extended to occupy a greater area of The lot on which or SECTION XI I- ENFORCEMENT <br /> one of ihe members as its chairman. The appoinTmenis building in which it is located, moved to any oTher part A. Enforcing Officer <br /> shall be submitted To The Council and shall become of the lot on which or building in which it is located, 1. 7his Ordinance shall be adminisTered by ihe Ad- <br /> effeciive upon approval of the Council by a majority - constructed, reconsiructed, siructurally altered or ministrator and enforced bythe City Council which may <br /> vote of ihe entire Council. Vacancies during ihe remodeled (except as provided in ihe next paragraph insTitute inihe name of The City any appropriate actions <br /> calendar year shall be filled by appoinimenT of ihe hereof). or proceedings against a violator as provided by law. <br /> Mayor with approval of the Council by a malority voTe E. Repairs, Maintenance and Interior Remodeling; 2• The adminisirator, appoinied by ihe Council shall: <br /> of ihe entire Council. Non-Conforming Use a. Determine if applications comply wifh the <br /> B. Organization and Procedures Ordinary repairs, maintenance and interior requiremenis of ihis Ordinance. <br /> 1. EstablishmenT of Procedures remodeling not involving structural alieration of ihe b. Shall cause Building Inspector fo conduct in- <br /> The Board may establish iis own rules of procedure, building constiTUting or containing a non-conforming speciions of buildings and ihe use of land to determine <br /> which shall not be inconsistent with or conirary to The use, are hereby permitTed. compliance with ihe requiremenTS of ihis Ordinance. <br /> staTUTes of the State of Minnesota or the ordinances of F. Restoration; Non-Coaforming Use c. Maintain current and permanent records of this <br /> fhe City. A building or siructure constituting or containing a Ortlinance,including but notlimited to,ihe zoning map, <br /> 2. Appoiniment of Additional Officers non-conforming use hereafter damaged or destroyed by amendmenis, special use permits, variances, appeals <br /> The Board may appoint such furiher officers as it any cause may be resTored if ihe fair market cost of and applications. <br /> deems necessary, including a Vice-Chairman and such restoration would be less ihan fifty percenT (50 d. Receive, file and fonvard all applications for ap- <br /> Secretary. percent) of ihe fair markei value of such building or Peals, variances, special use permiis and amendmenis <br /> 3. Voting siruciure on ihe daTe immediately prior to ihe date on To ihe appropriate official bodies. <br /> Each member, including the Chairman, shall be which such damage or desiruction occurred as deTer- B. Fees <br /> entitled to vote on all questions. mined by the Building Inspector. 1. The fees for the various applications of ihis Or- <br /> 4. Records G. Discontinuance of Non-Conforming Use dinance shall be established by ihe City Council. Such <br /> The Board shall keep written records of its minutes, If a non-conforming use is discontinued or ceases to fees may be reviewed and revised by the Council <br /> its proceedings, and ihe findings and determinations exisl for any reason for a one (1) year period, ihe Periodically. <br /> made by it on all maTters referred to it. building or siructure constituting or containing ihe non- 2. The required fee is payable at the time of ihe filing <br /> 5. Hearings conforming use, or the land upon which the non- of ihe application with ihe Zoning Administra*or. Ap- <br /> The Board may hold hearings as it deems necessary conforming use is being conducted, shall ihereafter be Plications shall not be placed on ihe Planning Com- <br /> wheneverit determinesihat adjoining property owners used in conformance wiTh ihe regulations of this Or- mission's agenda unless ihe appropriate fee has been <br /> or other residenis in ihe CiTy should be advised of ihe dinance applicable to Yhe zoning district in which it is paid; however, no fee shall be charged for discussion <br /> proceedings or given an opportunity to appear located items. <br /> fhereafier. H. AmorTization of Non-Conforming Use C. Violatians and Penalties <br /> C. Powers A building consiituting or containing a non- 1. Any person, firm, corporation, or voluntary <br /> The Board shall have The following powers: conforming use shall be torn down and removed from association which violaTesor refuses to comply wiTh any <br /> 1. Appeals the lot on which it is located, or converted to a con- of ihe provisions of ihis Ordinance shall be guilty of a <br /> To hear appeals where it is alleged That there is an forming use, by the end of a reasonable period of misdemeanor for each day of violation, and upon <br /> error in any order, requirement, decision, or deter- amortization ihereof; in no case less than 5 years after conviction ihereof shall be subject To a fine of not more <br /> mination made by an administraTive officer in ihe notification by ihe City Council. than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and-or im- <br /> application and-or en(orcement of ihis Ordinance, and prisonmenT noT to exceed ninety (90) days. <br /> report its findings and determination to the Council for f. Prohibited Activities; Non-Conforming Building 2. In ihe event of a violation or a Threatened violation <br /> its aciion. No nomconforming building shall be increased, of this Ordinance, ihe Council, in addition fo other <br /> 2. Variances enlarged or altered in a way which augmenis its non- remedies, may insTifuTe appropriate actions or <br /> To hear requesis for variances from ihe literal conformity. proceedingsTO prevent,resirain,correct,or abate such <br /> J. ResTOration; Non-Conforming Building violations or ihreatened violations and it shall be ihe <br /> provisions of ihis Ordinance in instances where iheir In The event a non-conforming building is hereafTer duty of ihe Attorney to institute such action. <br /> siricten;orcemenTwouldcauseunduehardshipbecause desfroyed by any cause, it shall not be restored or <br /> SECTION XI11 - EFFECTUATION <br /> of rircumstances unique to ihe individual property reconsiructed excepT in conformity with ihe applicable A. Separability <br /> under consideration, and to recommend ihe granting of <br /> such variances only when it is demonstrated That such requiremenis of ihis Ordinance. It is hereby declared to ihe intention ihaT The several <br /> action will be in keeping with ihe spiriT and intent of ihis K. ConsTrucTion of SingleFamily Dwelling and Ac- provisions of this Ordinance are separable in ac- <br /> Ordinance. cessory Buildings on Non-Conforming LoT cordance with ihe following: <br /> 3. Referrals A singfe family dwelling and customary accessory 1. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjud9e <br /> The Board shall consider such other matters as may buildings, may be erected in any disirici in which single any provision of ihis Ordinance to be invalid, such <br /> be referred To it by The Council, Planning Commission, family dwellings are permitted on any single lot of judgement shall not affeci any other provision of This <br /> Zoning Administrator or as required by other or- recordatTheeffectivedateofadoptionoforamendment Ordinancenoispecifically included insaid juiigement. <br /> dinances. to this Ordinance, provided Thai al I other requiremenis 2. If any couri of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge <br /> 4. Effect of DeTerminations are met for ihe disTrict inwhich iT is located. invalid ihe application of any porTion of ihis Ordinance <br /> Thefindings and determinationsof ihe Board shall be SECTlON XI - SPECIAL PROVISiONS To a particular property, building, or other siructure, <br /> advisory only and shall have no binding effect. The A. Mobile Home Parks such judgemenT shall not affect the application of said <br /> Council may take such action on ihe findings and In addition to ihe requiremenTS set Forih in ihis Or- provision to any other property, building or sTruciure <br /> recommendationsof ihe Board as itdeems proper in ihe dinance, mobile home parks are subject to ihe noT specifically included in said iudgement. <br /> circumstances. requiremenis contained in ihe Arden Hills Code of B. erdinance,; Repealed <br /> SECTION X - NON-CONFORMING U3E5 Ordinances and amendments ihereto. 7he following ordinances are hereby repealed: <br /> BUILDINGS AND LOTS B. Swimming Poals Ordinance No. 99, and all ordinances repealed <br /> A. Intent In addition to ihe requirements set forth in ihis Or- ihereby; ordinances 113, 123, 130, 136, 738, 139, 146, 148, <br /> A non-conforming use may be continued subject to ihe dinance, swimming pools are subject to the 752, 173, 174, 188, 196, 197, 199, 201 & 202. <br /> provisions of ihis Section, but it is ihe inTent of ihe Or- requiremenis cortained in ihe Arden Hills Code af C. Effective Date <br /> dinance not to encourage its survival because of its ordinances and amendmenis ihereto. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after its <br /> incompatibility with permitted uses in ihe zoning C.Mining adoptionbyTheArdenHillsCityCounciiandpublication <br /> district inwhich it is locaTed. A non-conforming building In addition To ihe requiremenis sei forih in this Or- in ihe New Brighton Bulletin. <br /> may continue to exist so long as it is used for purposes dinance, mining activifies are subject to the Adopted by ihe Arden Hills City Council ihis 28ih day <br /> permitted in The zoning disirict in which it is locatetl requiremenis contained in ihe Arden Hills Code of of February, 1980. <br /> because iTS incompaTibility is merely technical in Ordinances and amendmenis ihereto. Attest: <br /> D. Soil Processing Charlotte McNiesh <br /> nature. In addi4ion to ihe requiremenTS se4 forth in ihis Or- Clerk Adminisirator <br /> B. Unsafe Building or Structure dinance, soil processing acfivities are subject to the Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. <br /> Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed To prevent requiremenis contained in the Arden Hills Code of Mayor <br /> the resToratipn to a safe condition of any building or Ordinances and amendmenTS ihereto. <br /> (Bulletin: March 6, 1980) <br /> Page Ten <br />