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<br /> Arden Hills Zoning Ordinance
<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA B.-Rezonings ordinance or regulation impose greater resTrictions
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY C. Special Use Permits than this Ordinance, the provisions of such staTute,
<br /> CITYOFARDEN HILLS D, Variances other ordinance or regulation shall be conirolling.
<br /> ORDINANCEN0.213 E. Site Plan Review D. DefiniTions
<br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARDEN HILLS OR- F. Struciure Relocation 1. Acre-A quantity of land containing 43,560 square
<br /> DINANCE NUMBER 99, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, G. Planned Unit Development Permits feeT or 160 square rods in whatever shape and pattern
<br /> IN ITS ENTIRETY BY CODIFYING PRIOR AMEND- SECTION IX - BOARD OF APPEALS AND AD- (e.g. circular, square, iriangular, irregular, broad, or
<br /> AMENDMENTS TO THE PROVISIONS A. Appointment 2. Acre, NeT - One (1) acre of land, as finally built
<br /> REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, THE LOCATION B. OrganizaTion and Procedures upon, minus the following:
<br /> AND 7HE USE OF BUILDINGS AND 7HE C, Powers Two-ihirds (2-3) of ihat portion of the acre en- .
<br /> ARRANGEMEN7 OF BUILDINGS ON LOTS IN THE SECTION X- NON-CONFORMING USES AND compassed wholly or partially by wetlands, lakes,
<br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS,MINNESOTA: ADOPTING A STRUCTURES sireams, poiholes, swamps and marshlands; iwo-thirds
<br /> ZOING MAP: ENACTING ADMINISTRATIVE A. Intent (2-3)ofihatportionofiheacreencompassingwhollyor
<br /> PROCEDURE FOR ENFORCEMENT: REPEALING B. Unsafe Buildin9 or Siructure partially soil, the top seven (7) feet of which will not
<br /> INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES: AND IMPOSING C, ConsTruction Approved and Begun Prior to Ef- bear 1500 pounds per square fooT; one-half (1/2) of ihat
<br /> PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. Fective Date porTion of the acre encompassing wholly or parTially
<br /> ZONINGORDINANCE iNDEX D. Prohibited Activities; Non-Conforming Use hills, mounds, or slopes ihat drop at a rate of iwelve
<br /> PART I: E. Repairs, MainTenance and Interior Remodeling, percent (12 percent) or more per every fifteen (15) feet
<br /> ESTABLISMMENTOFORDINANCE Non-Conforming Use ormoreofdisiance;andiheentireareaofsireeTS.
<br /> SECTION I- 71TLE, PURPOSE AND INTENT F. Restoration, Non-Conforming Use 3. Administrative Officer - The Zoning Ad-
<br /> A. TiTle G. Discontinuance of Non-Conforming Use ministrator, Building Inspector, iheir deputies or
<br /> B. Purpose and Intent H. Amortization of Non-Conforminq Use assistanis, and any other officials of the City charged
<br /> SEC710N li - RULES, SCOPE, INTERPRE7ATION I. Prohibited Activities; Non-Conforming Building withorenga9edintheadminisirationof ihisOrdinance
<br /> AND DEFINITIONS J. Restoratfon; Non-COnforming Building or any portion ihereof.
<br /> A. Rules of Consiruction K. Consiruction of Single-Family Dwelling and Ac- 4, qdminisirator - The Zoning AdminisiraTor.
<br /> B. Scope cessory Buildings on Non-Conforming Lot 5. Agricultural Uses - Uses customarily associated
<br /> C. Interpretation SECTION XI - SPECIAL PROVISIONS with the growing of farm produce and the raising of
<br /> D. Definitions A. Mobile Home Parks farm animals for general use; but not including
<br /> SECTION 111 - MINIMUM COMPLIANCE B. Swimming Pools livestockraisingandfeetling (feedlois),furfarmsand
<br /> REQUIREMENTS C. Mining kennels. A. Compliance with ihis Ordinance D. Soil Processing 6.Alteration-AsappliedtoabuildingorsirucTure,a
<br /> 8. Requiremenis not to be Reduced E. Land Reclamation change or rearrangement in the sTructural paris or in
<br /> C. Temporary Dwellings F. Signs the existing facilities, or an enlargement, whether by
<br /> SECTION IV -ZONING MAP AND BOUNDARIES OF G. Massage, Sauna, Rap Parlors extendin9 on a side or by increasing in height, or the
<br /> ZONING DISTRICTS SECTION XII - ENFORCEMENT moving from one location or position to another.
<br /> A. Zoning Map A. Enforcing Officer 7. Alley -A minor public or private way which isused
<br /> B. Boundaries oE Zoning Districts B. Fees
<br /> primarily for vehicular service access to the back or
<br /> C. Annexed Territory C. Violations and Penalties side of a lot abutting on a sireet.
<br /> D. Vacated Sireets SEC710N XIII - EFFECTUATION B. Animals, Domestic - Common household pets,
<br /> E. Zoning and Comprehensive Development Plan A. SeparabiliTy such as dogs and cats, or other animals kept for
<br /> PART II: B. Ordinances Repealed amusement, companionship, decoration or interest.
<br /> ZONING DISTRICTS AND REQUIREMENTS C. Effective Date 9. Animals, Farm - Cattle, horses, goats, sheep,
<br /> SECTION V- DISTRICT PROVISIONS swine, fowl, bees, fur bearing animals and similar
<br /> A. Establishmeni of Disiricis The City Council of Arden Hills, Minnesota, ordains: animals normally associated with farming.
<br /> B. Designation of Zoning DisiricTS SECTION I- TITLE, PURPOSE AND INTENT 10. Apariment-A roomorsuite of rooms located in a
<br /> C. Permitted Principal Uses A. Title oneortwo-famirybuildingoramultipledwelling,which
<br /> R-1 Single Family Resitlential Districi This Ordinance shall be known, ciTed as and referred shall include a bath and kitchen accommodations, in-
<br /> R-2 Sir.gle Family and Two-Family Residential to as the Arden Hills Zoning Ordinance except as tended or designed for use as an independent residence
<br /> Disirict referred to herein where it shall be known as "ihis by a single family or individual.
<br /> R-3 Townhouse and Low Density Multiple Dwelling Ordinance." 11. Appeal - An application for the review of an or-
<br /> DisTrict B. Purposes and Intent der, requirement, decision, determination or in-
<br /> R-a Multiple Dwelling District This Ordinance is enacted for the following purposes: terpretation of ihis Ordinance made by an ad-
<br /> B-1 Limited Business DisTrict 1. To promote the general public health, safety, minisiraTive officer in the application and-or en-
<br /> B-2 General Business Disirict comfort and general welfare of the inhabitanis of the forcement of ihis Ordinance.
<br /> L-1 Limited Indusirial Disirici CiTy of Arden Hills, Minnesota; 12. BasemenT - Thai portion of a building between
<br /> L7 General Industrial Disirict 2. To promote the character of and preserve and floor and ceiling, which is partly below and partly above
<br /> D. Purpose of Districis enhance the properties and areas within the City; grade but so located that the vertical tlistance from
<br /> E. Land Use Chart 3. To divide the City into zones or disTricis on the basis grade to the floor below is less ihan the vertical distance
<br /> F. Disirict RequiremenTS of the use, location, consiruction, reconsiruction and from grade to ceiling.
<br /> PART II I: alteraTion of land and siructures for residence, business 13. Board - The Board of Appeals and Adiusiment
<br /> GENERAL REGULATIONS and indusirial purposes; established by ihis Ordinance.
<br /> SECTION VI - GENERAL REGULATIONS 4. To provide adequate light, air, privacy and safety; 14. Boarding House - A building other than a hotel,
<br /> A. Accessory Uses and Siructures 5. 7o prevent the overcrowding of land by undue where for compensation and by pre-arrangement for
<br /> 7. Time of Consiruction conceniration of population; definite periods, lodging and meals are provided for
<br /> 2. Height 6. To promote the proper use of land and siructures; ihree (3) or more persons, but not exceeding five (5)
<br /> 3. Location 7. To fix reasonable standards To which buildings, persons.
<br /> 4. Home Occupation structures and land shall conform for the benefit of all; 15. Boulevard -That portion of a street lying between
<br /> 5. Accessory Retail Sales 8. To prohibit the use of buildings, sirucTures and the lateral line of the roadway portion ihereof (i.e., the
<br /> 6. Number in ResidenTial DisTricts lands ihaf are compatible with ihe intendetl use or back of the curb or curb line) and the right-of-way tine
<br /> 7. Size of Certain Accessory STructures development of lands within the specified zones; ihereof which may contain within its boundaries a
<br /> B. Exemptions to the Minimum Requiremenis 9. To promote the safe and efficient movemeni of sidewalk or portion of driveway.
<br /> 7. Setbacks people and goods; 16. Buildable Area - The space remaining on a lot
<br /> 2. PermitTed EncroachmenTs 10. To facilitate the provisions of public services; after the minimum open space and setback
<br /> 3. Height 11. To IimiT congestion in the public sTreets and requiremenis of ihis Ordinance have been met.
<br /> C. Additional Minimum Requiremenis for Drive-In protect the public health and welfare by providing for 17. Building Inspector - The Term "building in-
<br /> Businesses, Fast Food Resiauranis and Automobile the off-street parking of vehicles and vehicle loading spector" as used in ihis Ordinance shall mean the
<br /> Service Stations areas; building inspector provided for in the Building Code.
<br /> 1. Location of Drive-In Businesses and Fast Food 12. To protect againsT fire, explosion, noxious fumes, 18. Bulk - The Term used to indicate the size and
<br /> Restaurants offensive noise, vibraTion, dust, odor, heat, glare, other setbacks of buildings or siructures and location of same
<br /> 2. Standards for Drive-I n Businesses and Fasf Food pollution and hazards in the interest of the publ ic healTh, wiTh respecY to one another and includes the following:
<br /> Restauranis comfori and general welfare; and a. Size and height of buildings or siructures;
<br /> D. Areas Without Sanitary Sewer 13. To define and limit the powers and duties of the b. Location of exterior wal Is at all levels in relation to
<br /> E. Design STandards adminisirative officers and bodies provided for herein. lotlines,sireets orio oiher buildings orsiructures;
<br /> 1. Off-Public Street Parking SECTION II - RULES, SCOPE, INTERPREATION c, Gross ftoor area of buildings or siructures in
<br /> 2. Landscaping-Planiing AND DEFINITIONS relafion to lot area (flour area raTio);
<br /> 3. Drainage A. Rules of Construction d. AIl open spaces allocated to buildings or siruc-
<br /> 4. Off-Sfreet Loading The language seT forth in the Text of this Ordinance tures; and
<br /> 5. Lighting shall be interpreted in accordance with the following e. Amount of lot area per dwelling unit.
<br /> 6. Access Drives rules of construction: 19. Bulk Materials - Uncontained solid matter such
<br /> 7. Fences, Wails and Hedges 1. The singular number includes the plural and the as powder, grain, stone, sand, sulphur, etc., That has a
<br /> 8. Screening pluralincludes the singular. tendency to become airborne.
<br /> 9. Exterior STOrage 2. The presenP tense includes the pasT and fuTUre 20. Building - A sfructure which is designed and
<br /> 10. Bulk Liquid STOrage tenses and the future includes the present. suitableforthe habitation or shelTer of human beings or
<br /> 11. Traffic Conirol 3. The word "shall" is mandatory while the word animals, orihe shelTer or storage of property, or is used
<br /> 72. Resiridions on Location of Non-Residential "may" is permissive. for irade or manufacture.
<br /> Uses in Residential Disiricts 4. The masculine gender indudes the feminine and 27, guilding,ACCessory -ASUbordinatebuilding,ihe
<br /> 13. Aesthetics neuter. use of which is incidental to ihat of the principal
<br /> F. Performance Standards 5. All measured distances expressed shall be To the building or use of the lot.
<br /> 1. Maintenance nearesttenihofafootanditsmetricequivalent. 22, Building, Principal - A building in which the
<br /> 2. Refuse 6. The werd "IOY" shall include the words "ploY", principal use of the lot on which it is located is con-
<br /> 3. Vehide Parking "piece" and "parcel" of land.
<br /> ducted.
<br /> 4. Exterior Storage 7. The words "used for" shall lnclude the phrases 23. Building Height - The vertical distance above
<br /> 5. Electrical and Radiation Emissions "arranged for", "designed for", "intended for", gradeasdefinedhereinlothehighestpointofThecoping
<br /> b. Emission or Creation of Noise, Odors, Vibrations, "improved for", "maintained for" and "occupieq for." of a flai roof or the decline of a mansard roof or to the
<br /> Glare, Smoke, Heat, Toxic or Noxious Fumes B. Scope average height of the highest gable of a piiched or
<br /> 7. Proximity of ResidenTial Dwellings to Freeway From and after the effective date of ihis Ordinance, hipped roof. The measurement may be taken from the
<br /> 8. Lake FronT Lots the use of all land and every struciure, building or highest adjoining sidewalk or ground surface within a
<br /> 9. Animals porTion of a building erected, altered with respect to five (5) foot horizontal disiance of the exterior wall of
<br /> 10. Site Grading height and area, added to or relocated, and every use the building, when such sidewalk or ground surface is
<br /> G. Vehicular Circulation Requiremenis wiThin a bui Iding or use accessory ihereto, in the CiTy of noT more ihan ten (10) feet above grade, The height of a
<br /> 1. Traffic and Circulation Arden Hills, shall be inconformitywithiheprovisionsof stepped or terraced building is the maximum height of
<br /> 2. On-Site Parking Facility ihis Ordinance. Any existing siructure and any existing any segmeni of the building.
<br /> 3. Driveway Witlths useof land not in conformity with the regulations herein 24. Business - Any occupation, employment or en-
<br /> 4. Minimum Driveway Angle to Public Sireet prescribed shall be regarded as non-conforming usesor terprise wherein merchandise is exhibited and sold, or
<br /> 5. Minimum Distance of Driveway from Streei In- structures. which occupies time, attention, labor and materials, or
<br /> terseciions This Ordinance does noT abrogate any easement, whereby services are offered for compensation.
<br /> PART I V: covenant, or any oTher privaTe agreement where such is 25. Clubs and Lodges- Bui Idings and facilities owned
<br /> ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES legally enforceable provided ihat where the regulations and operated by a corporation or association of oersons
<br /> SECTION VII - SPECIAL PRINCIPAL USES of this Ordinance are more restricfive (or impose for social, recreational, charitable, educational or
<br /> A. Purpose and Intent higher standards or requiremenTS) than such cultural purposes, bui not operated primarily for profiT
<br /> B. General Criteria easements, covenanis, or other private agreemenis, the or for purposes which are customarily associated with a
<br /> C. I mposition of Conditions: Violations Thereof requiremenis of ihis Ordinance shail govern. business.
<br /> D. Changes in Specialty PermiTied Use C. Interpretation 26. Commercial Recreation- Recreational facilities
<br /> E. Automatic Expiration In inTerpreting and applying the provisions of ihis which are operated for profit or render a service which
<br /> F. IssLance of Building Permit Before Special Use Ordinance, ihey shall be held to be the minimum is customarily considered as a business.
<br /> Permit Prohibited requiremenis for the promotion of the public healih, 27. Commission - The Planning Commission as
<br /> G. Special Uses safety, convenience and general welfare. Where the esTablished by the Code oi Ordinances, City of Arden
<br /> H. Medium and High Density Residential Uses pravisions of ihis Ordinance impose greater resiric- Hills, Chapter 20.
<br /> SECTION Vltl - ADMINISTRATION AND fions Than ihose oF any siatute, other ordinance or 28. Comprehensive Plan - A compilation of policy
<br /> PROCEDURES regulation, the provisions of ihis Ordinance shall be statemenis, goals, sTandards and maps for guiding the
<br /> A. Amendmenis conirolling. Where the provisions of any statute, oiher physical, social and economic development, both
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