<br />
<br />
<br /> ~
<br /> Ordinance 213 (tontinued) 55. Garage, Truck - A builtling which fs usea or Im or more and removal thereot trom the slie.
<br /> tended To be used for the storage of motor irucks, iruck 85. Mobile Mome - Any type of iransportable
<br /> private and public, of the city and its environs and may Trailers, iracTors and commercial vehicles exceeding siructure or vehicle not drawn by its own power with
<br /> include, but is noT limited to, the following; statemenis one-ton rated capacity. permanently atfached undercarriage and wheels which
<br /> of policies, goals, standards, a land use plan, a com- 56. Grade - The lowest point of elevation of the is designed, constructed, and equipped for use as a
<br /> munity faciliTies plan, a transportation plan, and finished surface of the ground, paving or sidewalk single family dwelling place, living abode, or living
<br /> recommendaTions for plan execution. Within the area between the building and the property quarters, suitable for occupancy during the eniire year,
<br /> 29. Council - The City Council. line, or when the property line is more than five (5) feet which contains the same waTer supply, waste disposal,
<br /> 30. Day Care Facility and Residential Facility- Day from the building, between the building and a line five and elecirical conveniences as immobile housing. It is
<br /> Care Facility means any facility, public or private, (S) feet from the building. the intention of the Council ihat ihis definition shall
<br /> which for gain or oTherwise regularly provides one or 57. High Water Mark - Means a mark delineating the include "mobile homes" as defined in Sec. 327.14, Subd.
<br /> more persons with care, iraining, supervision, highest water level which has been maintained for a 2 of Minnesota Statutes Annotated.
<br /> habilitation, rehabilitation, or developmenial guidance sufficient period of fime To leave evidence upon the 86. Mobile Home Park - Any premises on which areon a regular basis, for periods of less ihan 24 hours per landscape. The normal high water mark is commonly parked two or more occupied mobile homes, excluding
<br /> day, in a place other ihan the person's own home, in- that point where the natural vegetation changes from premisesonwhich mobile homes are soldfor removal To
<br /> cluding buT not limited to family day care homes, group Rredominantly aquatic to predominantly Terresirial. anoiher site.
<br /> family day care homes, day care ceniers, day nur- 58. Home OccupaTion - An accessory use of a 87. Non-Conforming Building - A building lawfulty
<br /> series, nursery schools, daytime activity centers, day residential structure for any gainful occupation or existing as of the effective date of the adoption of ihis
<br /> ireaTment programs and day services. professionwhich (1) is engaged in by an occupant of the Ordinance, or amendment hereto, which under the
<br /> - ResidenTial Facility means any facility, public or Premises, (2) is, in respeci to the residential siTe, provisions of ihis Ordinance could not be built because
<br /> private, which for gain or otherwise regularly provides conducted entirely within the dwelling, (3) does not of resiricTions on heighT, selbacks, yards, lot coverage,
<br /> one or more persons with a 24 hour per day subsiiTute occupy more ihan 33 percent of the gross floor area of floor area ratio, or other characteristics of the building
<br /> for care, food, lodging, iraining, educaTion, supervision, the dwelling, (4) does not require any special enirance or iTS locaTion on the lotwhere iTexisis.
<br /> habilitation, rehabilitation, and ireatmeni ihey need, into the siructure, and (5) has no exterior evidence of 88. Non-Canforming Use - A building, siructure or
<br /> but which for any reason cannot be furnished in the the accessory use. Any activity resulting in traffic, use of a building, siructure or parcel of land, or a por-
<br /> person's own home, including but not limited to, state noise, light, fumes, and odors to such an extenT ihat it is tion ihereof, lawfully existing as of the effective date of
<br /> insTiTutions under the conirol of the Commissioner of noticeable ihat the property is being used for non- the adopiion of This Ordinance or amendment hereto -
<br /> Public Welfare, fosTer homes, residential ireatment residential purposes shall not consTitute a home oc- as a maTter of right or by permii - which is noi per-
<br /> centers, maternitY shelters, group homes, residential cupation. miited in the zoning district in which it is located.
<br /> 59. Hotel-Motel - Any building, or group of buildings, 89. Nursery - Any land usetl to raise irees, shrubs,
<br /> programs, or schools for handicapped children. flowers, and other live lants for sale and commerce.
<br /> 31. Density - The number of dwelling units permitTed having six (6) or more guest rooms intendedor designed -PUrltlin
<br /> bythisOrdinance onone (1) acre (i.e. 43,560 square feet to be renTed or hired ouT to be occupied, or which are 90. MulTi pose Bu g- See Use, Principal.
<br /> of land). occupied for sleeping purposes by guests. 91. Office(s) - A room, suite of rooms, or a building
<br /> 32. Density, Net - The number of dwelling units 60. Houses of Worship - A building, together with its conTainin9 rooms or suiTes of rooms in which persons
<br /> ermitted by this Ordinance on one (1) net acre of land. accessory buildings and uses, where persons regularly conduct commercial activities, provide professional
<br /> p
<br /> 33. Density Transfer -The relocation of housing units assemble for religious worship. services, or carry on occupations and where goods are or square fooTageof building area computed on one parT 61. Indusiry - Uses such as the manufacturing, not siored, produced, sold at retail or repaired, im
<br /> of a building site To another part of the site resulting in compounding, processing, packaging, ireaTment, cluding buT not limiTed to the following: financial in-
<br /> an increase in density to the iransfer area for the assembling,orwarehousingorproducisandmaterials. stituTions, executive and adminisirative offices,
<br /> purpose of preserving open space,forested areas, en- 62.InstituTional Housing - StudenT orfaculty housing business offices such as insurance, real estate, sales
<br /> vironmenTal or terrain features deemed worih of for four (4) or more persons on renial basis, rest home, and similar offices, professional offices such as offices
<br /> Y
<br /> preservation by the Planning Commission and Council. hospital, sanitorium, nursing home,convalescent home, of engineers, surveyors, architecis, accountanis, at-
<br /> -
<br /> 34. Density Zoning - Density Zoning shall be in- orphan home. torneys and bookkeepers and similar offices but ex
<br /> terpreted as the provision of lot areas smaller ihan the 63. Junk Yard-- An open area where waste, used or cluding medical clinics.
<br /> minimum requirement of ihis Ortlinance under con- second-hand materials are bou9ht, sold, exchanged, 92. Off-sireet Parking Areas- Siructures or areas of
<br /> ditionswhereby the Total number of dwelling units is not stored, baled, packed, disassembled or handled. In- 9round used for the siorage or parking of motor
<br /> greater than the amount permitted under normal cluding, but not limited to, scrap iron and other metals, vehicles. condiTions. paper, rags, rubber, tires, and bottles. A junk yard 93. Open Sales Lot-Any land used oroccupied for the
<br /> 35. Dog Kennel - A siructure sPeci4ically designed includes a motor vehide wracking yard but does not purposes of buying and selling any goods, materials, or and used for the harboring of ihree (3) or more dogs ihai include uses establ ished entirely within enclosed merchandise and for the storing of same under the open
<br /> sky prior To sale.
<br /> are more ihan six (6) monihs old. buildings.
<br /> 36. Drive-In Business - Any business establishment 64. Land ReclamaTion - The deposiTion of 400 cubic 94. Open Space - An unoccupied space open to the
<br /> offerin to customers a service or commodities such as, Yards or more of earih maTerials on a site. SkY~
<br /> 9 65. Landscaping - Planiings such as irees, grass, 95. Parking Space - A land area of not less ihan Two
<br /> for example but not by way of limitation, prepared food, shrubs. hundred (200) square feet, exclusive of driveways and
<br /> beverages, and dairy producis, either collectively or
<br /> individually, which is primarily or exclusively laid out 66. Loading Areas - Any area where trucks are aisles, of such shape and dimensions and so prepared as
<br /> ,
<br /> designed, equipped and operated so as to allow its maneuvered and parked, for the purposes of loading or to be usable for the parking of a motor vehicle, and so
<br /> customers To purchase, receive and consume (if ap- unloading protlucts, materials or equipment. located as To be readily accessible to a public street or
<br /> plicable) suchserviceorcommoditieswiThouthavingto 67. Lodging House - A building where lodging is alley. Truck loatling and unloading space shall not be
<br /> enTerihebuildingonihepremisesoflheesTablishment Providedforcompensationtomorethanfive(5)persons indcPedeTrian Wa A ublicor private
<br /> and usually while remaining in iheir automobiles. By in coniradistinction to hoTels open to iransienis. 96. Palhway Y- P
<br /> way of illusiration, buT without limitation, drive-in 68. Loi Area per Family - The lot area per family is Way, running across or located within a platted IoT or
<br /> businesses include the following: drive-in restauranis the loT area required by ihis Ordinance to be provided block or an unplatted parcel of land, used primarily for
<br /> or cafes, drive-in iheaTers, drive-in banks, drive-in for each family in a dwelling. pedesirian iraffic.
<br /> - liquor stores, and drive-in laundry or dry cleaning 69. Lof, Corner- A lot situated at and abutting on the 97. Person - Any individual, firm, parinership,
<br /> establishmenTs. intersection of iwo (2) or more sireeis having an angle corporaTion, company, associaTion, ioint stock
<br /> Grocery stores, confeciionary stores, drug stores, or of intersection of not more than 135 degrees. A lot association or body poliTic; includes any irustee,
<br /> restauranis which offer "take home" food services as abutting upon a curve sireet shall be deemed a corner receiver, assignee, or ofher similar representative
<br /> an incidental part of iheir business shall not be con- lotiffhetangenisto the curve aTits poinis of beginning ihereof.
<br /> sidered drive-in businesses. within the lot or at the points of intersection of the side 98. Personal Services - Services customarily ren-
<br /> It is recognized That automobile service stations are lot lines with the sireet line intersect at the interior dered for compensation in a building where stock in
<br /> drive-in businesses within the meaning of the foregoing angle of less than 135 degrees. A corner lot shall irade is neither stored on the premises nor sold over the
<br /> general definition, but ihey are excluded from the maintain iront yard requiremenis for each sireet counter at retail, induding such services as apparel
<br /> definition as used herein since ihey are Treated and fronfa9e. repair, alteration and cleaning; hair styling, irimming
<br /> defined separately in ihis Ordinance. 70. Lot Coverage - The total al lowable amount of lot and cutTing; beauTy services; photographic services;
<br /> 37. Dwelling - A building, or portion thereof, area, expressed as a percentage, which may be covered and other services of a similar naTure.
<br /> designed or used exdusivery for human habitation, and by a principal use and its accessory sirucTUres. 99. Planned Unit Development - The development of
<br /> consisTing of one or more dwelling units. 71. Lot Depth - The mean horizonTal distance bet- a Tract of land in a unified manner, pursuant to a
<br /> 38. Dwelling, Multiple-family-A dwelling containing ween the mean front road and the mean rear lot line. development plan specifically approved by the City.
<br /> ihree (3) or more aitached dwelling units which have The greater frontage of a corner IoT is its depih, and iTs 100. Public Uses - The use of any lot, parcel of land
<br /> access to the outside ihrough a common hall or poinT of lesser froniage is its widih. and any siruciure or building thereon exciusively for
<br /> eniry. 72. Lot Line- A property boundary line of any lot held Public purposes by any deparTment or branch of
<br /> 39. Dwelling, Single Family - A dwelling consisting in single or separate ownership pr separately 9 der oefdistricis, wihout reference excluding
<br /> of one (1) dwelling unit, described; except ihat where any portion of the lot In pedent sch
<br /> 40. Owelling, Two Family - A dwelling consisting of exTends inTothe abutting sireeT or alley, the lot line shall ownership of said IoT, parcel of land, building or
<br /> two (2) dwelling units. be deemed to be the sireeT or alley line. structure.
<br /> 41. Dwelling Unit - One or more rooms which are 73. Lot Line, Front - The boundary of a lot abuTting a 101. Public Waters - Means a body of water capable
<br /> arranged and designed as living quarters for one (1) sTreet. On a corner lot, the shortesT sireet lot line shall of subsTaniial beneficial public use. This shall be con-
<br /> family equipped with complete cooking, bathing, Toilet, be the fronf lot line, sirued to mean, for the purposes of ihese regulations,
<br /> sleeping and heaTing facilities, but excluding mobile 74.LotLine,Rear-Thelotlinemosinearlyparallel TnybodyofwaterwhichhasihepotenTialtosupportany
<br /> homes. To and mosi remote from the fronT lot line. ype of recreational pursuiT or water supply purpose. A
<br /> 42. Dwelling Unit, Attached - A dwelling unit which is 75. Lot Line, Side - Loi lines other than front or rear body of water created by a private user where there was
<br /> lot lines. no previous shoreland, as defined herein, for a
<br /> joined to one or more other dwelling uniTS. desi nated rivate use authorized b the CommissioneY
<br /> 43. Dwelling Unit, Detached- A dwelling unit which 76, Lot, Interior - A lot oTher than a corner or of Natural Resources shall be exempt.
<br /> is not loined To any other dwelling unii, and is located on reversed corner lot. 102. Railroad Right-of-way - A sirip of land with
<br /> a separate lot with the siructure surrounded by open 77. Lot, Reversed Corner - A corner IoT, the rear of
<br /> space and having a separaTe point of entry. which abuis upon the side of anoiher lot whether across iracks and auxiliary facilities for irack operation, bui
<br /> 44. Earih Sheltered Home - A dwelling consiructed an alley or not. noi including depofs, loadinq plaitorms, staTion, irain
<br /> so ThaT 50 ercenT, or more, of the exterior surface of the 78. LoT (Of Record) - A parcel of land described by sheds, warehouses, car shops, car yards, locomoTive
<br /> completed buildin9, excluding garages or other ac- metes and bounds measurements, reference to a shops, or water towers.
<br /> cessory buildings, is covered wiih or bears against Registered Land Survey or plat, or other means and 103. Research- The use of any lot, parcel of land and
<br /> earth. separated from other parcels or portions by said any structure or building locaTed ihereon for the pur-
<br /> 45. Easement - A right or privilege in favor of a description, as of the effective date of This Ordinance or poses of siudying or investigating facis not readily
<br /> person or a governmental authority to use a parcel of approved by the City as a IoT subsequenT to such date, available, such as, for example, medical, chemical,
<br /> land or portion thereof for a specific purpose. and which is occupied by or, under this Ordinance and elecfrical, meTallurgical, or other scientific research
<br /> 46. Elecironic Towers - A structure which is higher other applicable Ordinances, is suitable for occupancy but excluding the manufacture or processing of
<br /> in elevalion ihan its diameter, and is used for iram bY one (1) prindpal building or used TogeTher with any materials or goods for sale. Research with animals
<br /> smission, relay or emission of elecTronic waves. accessory buildings or uses and such open spaces as are considered a separate category.
<br /> 47. Exterior Storage - The sTOrage of goods, required by ihis Ordinance. 104. Residential Recreation Uses - Play apparatus
<br /> materials, equipment, manufactured producis and 79. Lot, Through - A loT which has a pair of opposite such as swing sets and sltdes, sandboxes, poles for nets,
<br /> similar items not fully enclosed by a building. loT lines abuiting two substantially parallel sTreets, and pirnic Tables, lawn chairs, barbecue stands, and similar
<br /> 48. Famiry - An individual, or iwo or more persons which is not a corner lot. On a ihrough IoT both sireet equipment or siructures but not including electronic
<br /> relaTed by blood, marriage or adopTion living together linesshall befront lot linesfor purposes of applying this Towers, iree houses, swimming pools, playhouses ex-
<br /> Ordinance. ceeding iwentY-five (25) square feet of floor area, or
<br /> as a single household uniT; or a 9roup of persons living sheds ufilized for storage of equipment.
<br /> together as a single housekeeping unit. 80. Lot WidTh - The mean horizontal distance bet- 105. Rest Home - A private home for the care of the
<br /> 49. Floor Area - The sum of the gross horizontal area ween the side lot lines at the fronf set-back I ine. aged or infirm or placeof resi for ihose suffering bodily,
<br /> of the several floors of a building measured from the 81. Manufacturing and Processing - All use5 which
<br /> exterior walls, induding basements and attached ac- include the compounding, processing, packaging, mental or emotional disorders. Such a home does not
<br /> cessory buildings. Treaiment, or assembly of producis and materials. containequipmeniforsurgicalcareorforThetreatment
<br /> 50. Floor Area, Habitable - Floor area as defined Generally, These are indusiries dependenT upon raw of tlisease or injury, nor does it indude materniTy, care
<br /> above, exduding all areas occupied by cellars, garages, materials refined elsewhere. Such uses indude but are for mental illnesses or infirmities; includes nursing
<br /> porches, aTtics, siairways and storage, uTility and not limited to the following: lumber yard; machine home.
<br /> heating rooms. shops; products assembly; sheet metal shops; plastics; 106. Restaurant - A business establishmenT whose
<br /> 51. Floor Area Ratio- The ratio obtainetl by dividing elecTronics; general vehide repair; body work and Principal business is the preparation, service and sale of
<br /> the sum of a building's floor area by the amount of lot painTing; conTractors'shops and storage yard; food and food and beverages to be consumed by customers while
<br /> area. non-alcoholic beverages; signs and displays; printing; seafed attables or counters locafed within the building
<br /> 52Frontage-TheuninTerruptedfronibountlary line publishing; fabricated metal paris; appliances; onThepremises.
<br /> of a lot, or the length of such line, which abufs on a cloThing; textiles; used auto parts. 107. ResTaurant, Fast Food - Any restaurant which
<br /> sTreet. 82. Medical Clinic-A building, sTructure or premises meets a number of the following requiremenTS:
<br /> 53. Garage, Private - An accessory building or in or on which physicians, denTis4s, chiropractors, Customarily provides quick service of footl and-or
<br /> portion of the principal building which is intended and osieopaths and the like diagnose and treat the ills of beverages To iTS customers; offers to its customers a
<br /> usedforihe storage of the private passenger vehiclesof their patienis, excluding hospitals. limited, standardized menu ot inexpensive food and-or
<br /> the family or families who reside upon the lot upon 83. Metes and Bounds - A meThod of properiy beverages; serves its cuslomers from a counter located
<br /> which the same is located. descripTion utilizing directions and distanc es com- Wiihin the building on the premises and does noT
<br /> 54. Garage, Repair - A building or space for the mencing from and terminating at an easily identifiable cusTOmarily offer service at the Table by waiter or
<br /> repair or mainTenance of motor vehicles but not in- point. waitressiheir orders offood and-or bevera9es attables
<br /> cluding factory assembly of such vehicles, auto 84. Mining - The extraction of sand, 9ravel or other or counters within the buildin9, in their auTOmobiles
<br /> wrecking establishmenis, or iunk yards. material from the land in the amount of 400 cubic yards Parked on the premises, or away from the premises as
<br /> the cusTOmers choose; packages and serves a sub-
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