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<br /> Ordinance 213 (continued) P•m. and 7:00 a.m. or the City as a whole.
<br /> 5. Lighting b. Applicability
<br /> providing assurances ihat neighboring land useswill be a. DirecTion The foregoing consideraTions shall be applicable to
<br /> compatible. These standards are also designed to In all disiricis lighting shall be so arranged as to any permit applications other ihan detached dwelling
<br /> preventandeliminatethoseconditionsihatcauseurban direct light away from adjoining lots and public streets. units.
<br /> blight. All future developmenT shall be required to meet Direct or sky-reflected glare, from floodlighTS or high F. Performance Standards
<br /> or exceed these standards. The standards shall also temperature processes such as combusTion or welding, 1. Maintenance
<br /> apply to existing development where so stated. shall not be directed at any adjoining lots. In all districis, all buildings, siructures including
<br /> Before any applications for development or con- b. Concealment or Hooding of Source fences, and required landscaping shal I be maintained so
<br /> siruction under ihis Ordinance or the Building Code are The sourceof illuminateshall be hooded, concealed or as not to be unsightly or present harmful healih or
<br /> approved, it shall be determined that the proposal will conirolled in a manner so as not to be visible from ad- safety conditions.
<br /> bein conformance with the standards unless a variance loining lots or sireets. ~2. Refuse
<br /> has been granted. It shall be the responsibility of the b. Access Drives a. Cantainment
<br /> applicant to demonsirate such conformance. a. ProximiTy To Lot Lines In all disirict, all waste materials, debris, refuse or
<br /> l. Off-Public STreet Parking Access drives may be placed adlacent to property garbage shall be kept in an enclosed building or be
<br /> a. Area lines, except ihaT drives consisting of crushed rock or property screened and contained in a closed container
<br /> For the purpose of Shis Ordinance, a parking space other non-finished surfacing shall be no closer ihan one designed for such purpose.
<br /> shall be not less ihan three hundred (300) square feet (1) footto any side or rear lotline. b. Noxious Weeds and Objectionable Plant Growih
<br /> per vehicle of standing and maneuvering area. In- b.ProximitytoResidenceorOTherPrincipalBuilding Landshallbekeptfreeofnoxiousweedsandunsightly
<br /> dividual spaces shall be at least nine (9) feet in widih. No access drive shall be closer ihan Three (3) feei to or objectionable plant growth.
<br /> b. Access any single or iwo-family residence nor closer than five c. Interpretation
<br /> AIl off-sireei parking spaces shall have access (5) feeT to any other principal building. AIl exterior storage notincluded as accessory to the
<br /> driveways and access directly to public sireets. Curb 7. Fences, Walls and Hedges permitted or special use or otherwise premitted by the
<br /> cu15 for uses other than single-family homes shall be Fences, walls and hedges shall be permitTed in any Provisions of This Ordinance shall be considered to be
<br /> approved by the Council. Curb cuts along arterial and Yard subject to the following: refuse.
<br /> collector roads shall be held ai a minimum wherever a. Height of Solid Walls in General d. Compliance Deadline
<br /> possible. Solid walls in excess of forty iwo (42) inches in height Existing uses shall comply with ihese provisions
<br /> Any residential lot which has frontage on a local or are prohibited. wiThin sixty (60) days following the effective date of ihis
<br /> collecior sireeT and a major or minor arterial (as b. HeighT of Fences in General Ordinance.
<br /> definedbylheComprehensivePlanofArdenHills) shall Fences in yards other than front yards may noi ex- 3. Vehicle Parking .
<br /> gainaccessonlyfromthelocalorcollecTOrsireei. ceed six (6) feet in height. a. Inoperable Vehicles
<br /> c. Surface antl Drainage c. Height of Fences ansl Solid Walls in Front Yards Passenger vehicles and irucks ihat are in an
<br /> Off-street parking areas shall be improved with a Fences and solid walls in excess of ihirty six (36) inoperable condition shall noi be parked ouTdoorsin the
<br /> durable and dustless surface. Such areas shall be so inches in height in front yards are prohibited. CiTy for a period exceeding seven (7) days.
<br /> graded and drained so as to dispose of al I surface water d. Openness of Fences "Inoperable" shall mean incapable of movement under
<br /> accumulation within the area. Such surface for single Fences shall be aT least thirty percent (30 percent) itsown power and inneedof repairsora iunkyard.
<br /> family homes may include crushed rock, while all oTher open for the passage of light and air. b. Parking in Residential DisTricts
<br /> uses shall utilize a water sealing material as approved e. Barbs or Spikes on Fences Parking in residential districTs shall be limited to the
<br /> by the City Engineer. No fence shall have barbs or spikes at any point less use of the occupants of ihose residences and iheir
<br /> d. Location Than six (6) feet above the ground, except where the 9uesis.
<br /> All cff-sireet parking spaces herein required shall be fence is used for agricultural purposes. c. On Public Sireet Parking
<br /> located according to the tollowing: f. Placement of Fences along LoT Lines On public sireei parking shall-nol exceed six (6)
<br /> 1. Spaces required for one and Two-family dwellings Fences may be placed along lot lines provided no 'continuous hours.
<br /> shal I be on the same lot as the principal siructure. damage of any kind results to the abutting property. tl. Commercial ly Licensed Vehicles, Trailers and
<br /> 2. Spaces required for multiple-family dwellings shall 9. Direction af Fence Facing Cabs
<br /> be on the same lot as the principal siructure served or ThaTsideof ihefenceconsideredTObe iheface (facing No commercially licensed motor vehicle or irailer
<br /> wiihin Two hundred (200) feet of the main enirance if not as applied To fence posis) shall face an abutting lot. wiTh a rated gross weight exceeding 7000 pounds shal I be
<br /> located on the same lot. B. Screening parked or stored in a residential area except when
<br /> 3. Spaces required for business and indusirial uses a. Residential Disiricis loading, unloading or rendering a service.
<br /> shall be wiihin eight hundred (800) feet of the main Screening shall be required in residential disiricts e. Number of Parking Spaces for Hame OccupaTion
<br /> enirance To the principal bui Iding served. where: No home occupation shall be permitted which creaTes
<br /> d. No off-sireei parking space with the excepiion of 7. Ofif-sfreet parking areas contain more Than four (4) a need Por more ihan ihree (3) parking spaces at any
<br /> driveway shallbe wiihiniwenty (20)feet of right-of-way parking spaces That are within ihirty (30) feet of an 9iven time in addition To the required spaces for the
<br /> line of any public sTreet. adjoining loi. dwelling uniT.
<br /> S. No off-sireet parking area coniaining four or more 2. The driveway to a parking area of more ihan six (6) f. Parking on Boulevards Prohibited
<br /> spaces shal I be closer ihan five (5) feet from the side or parking spaces is within fifteen (15) feet of an ad joining No motor vehicle shal I be parked upon the boulevard
<br /> of any public sireet.
<br /> rear lot lines. lot.
<br /> e. JoinT Facilities b. ProximiTy to Residential Lot g. Parking SeTback from Intersections
<br /> The required off-sireet parking spaces for two or Screening shall be required where: Parking shall be set back from sireet intersections as
<br /> more uses may be located joinTly on the same loi or in T. Any business or indusirial use is adjacent to any follows:
<br /> the same siruciure when: zoned residential, along the boundary of any such l. 20 ft. from crosswalk of any uncontrolled in-
<br /> 1. The number of spaces provided is equal to or residential lot; tersecTions.
<br /> greater than the sum of the separaTe requiremenis for 2. Any business, parking lot or indusirial use is across 2. 30 ft. from crosswalk of any controlled in- ,
<br /> each use; and the sireet from a residential disirict, but noT on That side TersecTions.
<br /> 2. The joini facility is within four hundred (400) feet of of a business or indusTrial use considered to be the fronT. 3. 20 ft. from any intersection without a marked
<br /> each use to be served; and c. Mechanical Operating Equipment crosswalk.
<br /> 3. It can be demonsiraTed thaT there will be no sub- Screening shall also be provided where mechanical 4. Exterior Storage
<br /> stantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the operating equipment is located on the ground or on the a. Residential Disirict
<br /> uses to be served; and roof of the premises, such screening shall be con- In residential disiricTS, all materials and equipment
<br /> 4. A properly drawn legal insTrument, executed by the siructed and located so as to prevent direct view of said shall be stored wiihin e building or be fully screened so
<br /> parties involved, is filed with the City and the proper equipment. as noi to be visible firom adjoining lots, except for the
<br /> d. Types ol Screening following: Laundry drying and recreational equipmenT;
<br /> CounTy office, if deemed necessary by the City At-
<br /> torney, which provides for such mutual parking The screening required in Yhis section shall consist of consiruction and landscaping materials currently
<br /> agreemenT which shall not be terminated withouT the a fence, wall or landscaping area subject to the ap- (within a period of iwelve (12) monihs) being used on
<br /> approval of the Council. proval af the Council. Landscape plan!ing may be the premises; agricultural materials and equipment if
<br /> f. Off Sireet Parking Spaces Required required in addiiion tothe screening fenceorwall, these are used or intended for use on the premises; off-
<br /> Dwellings - 2 spaces per dwelling unit. e. Corner Lot sTreet parking of passenger cars and pick-up irucks.
<br /> Churches, iheaters, audiToriums, mortuaries, and On corner lots, nothing shall be placed or allowed to b. BoaTS, Trailers and Utility Vehicles
<br /> oTher places of assembly - 1 space for each 3 seats or 9row in such a manner as to material!y impede vision Boats, Trailers and utility vehicles are not permitted
<br /> for each 5 feet of pew lengih, based upon maximum between a height of Two and one-half (21/2) and ten (10) excepiThose less than iwenty (20) feeT in lengih, which
<br /> design capacity. feet above the centerline grade of any ad jacent sTreet if are permittesl if siored in the rear yard more Than ten
<br /> Business and professional offices- 1 space ior each Wiihin fifteen (15) feet of any intersecting sireet right- (10) feeTfrom the lot line and are inconspicuous.
<br /> 250 square feet of gross floor space. of-way line. 5. Electrical and Radiation Emissions
<br /> Medical Clinics - 4 spaces for each doctor or dentist 9. Exterior STOrage No activites shall be permiTted fhat emii dangerous
<br /> plus one space for each 250 square feet of gross floor All permitted exterior storage shall be screened from radio-activity beyond an enclosed area. There shall be
<br /> space. view, excepi maTerials and equipment being used for no electrical disturbance adversely affecting the
<br /> Retail Sales - 1 space for each 150 square feet of on-site consiruciion. operation at any point of any equipment other ihan ihat
<br /> gross reTail sales floor space. 10. Bulk Liquid Storage of the creator-of such disiurbances.
<br /> Motels, hotels, and TouriST homes- 1 space for each a. Special Use Permit 6. Emission ar CreaTion of Noise, Otlors, VibraTions,
<br /> dwelling unit plus 7 space for each employee. All bulk storage of liquids or gas of a volatile nature Glare, Smoke, Heat, Toxic or Noxious Fumes
<br /> Restauranis, Taverns, and bars - 1 space for each 3 shall require a Special Use Permit in order ihat the Emission or creation of noise, odors, vibrations,
<br /> seats. Council may have assurances that fire, explosion or glare, dust, smoke, heat and Toxic or noxious fumes
<br /> Servicestations-3spacesforeach enclosed bay plus 9round conlaminaTion hazards are not present. shall conform to such standards as are from time to
<br /> 1 space for each full-time employee during any work b. Dyking for Certain A4ove Graund Stora9e Tanks time esTablished by the Minnesota Pollution Conirol
<br /> shift. All above ground liquid storage tanks having a A9ency. None of These shall be at a level ihat is ob-
<br /> Bowling alleys - 5 spaces per lane plus additional capaciTy in excess o4 iwo hundred (200) gallons shall iectionable to surrounding properties.
<br /> spaces as required for relaTed uses. have dyking around said Tanks, suitable sealed, with the 7. Proximity of Residential Dwellings to Freeway
<br /> Oiher business and industry - 1 space for every one capacity of holding one hundred and fifteen percent (115 No developer shall locate a residential dwelling of
<br /> and one-half (lYz) employees (based upon maximum Percent) oi the tank capacity. whatsoever kind in an area adjacent to a freeway wiTh a
<br /> planned employmeni during any work period) or 1 c. DisconTinuance o1 Hazardous Existing Storage 9reater noise magnitude ihan 70 dba as designated on
<br /> space for each 1000 square feet of floor area, whichever Tank the applicable noise level map of the Minnesota
<br /> requirement is the greater. Any existing storage tank ThaT constitutes a hazard to DeparimenT of Transportation unless he has firsi ob-
<br /> ihe public safety shall be discontinued. tained written approval by said DeparTment of land-
<br /> Uses noT specifically noted above including public d. Screening scaping or other screening measures which have the
<br /> uses - Parking space requiremenTS shall be deter- All storage tanks shall be screened from view and effect of abating the noise level in the area to 70 dba or
<br /> mined by the Council upon advice from the Planning conform to the required setbacks. less.
<br /> Commission. 11. Traffic Conirol B. Lake Front Lots
<br /> 2. Landscaping-Planting a. Avoidance of Hazards by ChannelizaTion All loTS having frontage on a body of water must be
<br /> a. In all disiricts all developed uses shall provide and Thetraffic generated by any use shall be channelized mainTained in accordance with the following:
<br /> maintain a landscaped area according to minimums in and conirolled in a manner that will avoid iraffic a. LocaTion of Principal Buildings and Landscaping
<br /> the Disirict RequiremenTS Chari. Planting wiThin such hazards. No principal building shall be located within seventy
<br /> area shall be subiecT to approval of ihe City Council. b. Regulation of Internal Traffic Flow five (75) feet of the high waterline and at IeasT sevenih
<br /> b. In all disTricis all developed uses shall provide and Traffic, internal to PUDs, subdivisions, commercial five percent (75 percenT) of said seventy five (75) feet
<br /> maintain a landscaped yard along all sireets. This yard and indusTrial siTes, shal I be so regulated as to insure its shall be landscapedor lefi in its natural state.
<br /> shall be kepT clear of all siructures, siorage and off- safe and orderly flow b. Maintenance of Waterfront Area
<br /> sireeT parking. ExcepT for driveways, the yard shall 12. Resirictions on Location of Non-residenTial Uses in The waterfront area shall present a neat and not
<br /> exiend along the entire frontage of the lot and along boTh Residential DisiricTS unsightly appearance from the water and shal I be
<br /> streets in the case of a corner lot. Such yard shal I have a In the granting of Special Use or Planned UniT protected from adverse conditions affecting the public.
<br /> minimum depTh of at least twenty (20) feet from the Development Permits for non-residenTial uses to be For the purpose of ihis provision "adverse conditions"
<br /> righT-of-way line. bcated in a residential districi on a site of one (1) acre shall be interpretetl to utilization of more ihan Ten
<br /> c. Areas less fhan ten (10) feet in widih, or isolated or more, the Council shall not permit access from ihat percent (10 percent) of the shoreline for docks or other
<br /> and lessihan five hundred (500) square feet in size, shall site to a cul-de-sac or local sireet and also shall not accessory buildings or siructures, grading or otherwise
<br /> not be included in landscape area requiremenTs. permit any structure or hard surface area to be con- removing natural cover from the lake front area or ,
<br /> d. Quantity and character of landscaping, as siructed on said site closer than one hundred (100) feet accumulation on the lake fronT area of debris, the
<br /> originally approved, shall be mainTained in perpetuity. from any adjacent residential lot. creation or maintenance thereon of safety hazards, cut
<br /> 3. Drainage la. AesThetics or fill which change the natural shoreline, maintenance
<br /> No land shall be developed nor shall any use be per- a. Evaluation of Impact of heal4h hazards Thereon and similar conditions.
<br /> mitted ihat results in water run-off causing flooding, or The proposed design, scale, massing, materials, c. Location of Accessory Buildings or Siructures
<br /> erosion on adjacent properties. AIl drainage shall be height and other aspecis of the subject malTer of any Accessory buildings or sTructures shall be located
<br /> properly channefed into a storm sewer, water course, permit requested hereunder shall be evaiuated by the behind the high waTerline.
<br /> ponding area or other facility as approved by the City planning Commission and the Council with respecT to 9. Animals
<br /> Engineer and the Rice Creek WaTershed DistricT where siructures and properiies in the surrounding area. To a. Location of Buildings or 54rucTures Having
<br /> iT has jurisdiction over the matter. This end, the Planning Commission and the Council shall Animals
<br /> 4. Off-sireet Loading consider, prior to the issuance of any permit hereunder, Any building in which farm animals are kept shall be
<br /> Off-sireet loading space shall be provided in con- Whether the appearance of the subjecP maTier is so ai located a distance of iwo hundred (200) feeT or more
<br /> nection with any use which requires the receipt or variance with the siructures and properties in the from any lot line. Any open siructure in which farm
<br /> disiribution of materials by Truck. Where noise from surrounding area asto cause a substantial depreciation animals are kept shall be a distance of four hundred
<br /> such loading space is audible in a residential disirict, in ihe, property values in the surrounding arza or to (400) feei or more irom any lot iine.
<br /> the acTivity shall terminate between the hours of 7:00 unreasonably deiract from the appearance of the area b. Maximum Number of Animals per Single Family
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