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<br /> Ordinance 213 (continued) (15) feet of the inTersecting street rights-of-way.
<br /> 3. Height
<br /> IANDUSECHART a. Excep4ions
<br /> ZoningDistriets Height limitations shall noi apply to church spires,
<br /> R-1 R-7 R-3 R-< B-7 &4 1-1 1-4 belfries, cupolas and domes; monumenis; chimneys
<br /> Accessory Uses other than normal S 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 and smokestacks; flag poles; public and private utility
<br /> Agriculture P P P P 'P P P P faciliTies; iransmission towers of commercial radio
<br /> Boarding House 5 5 5 S - - broadcasting stations; television antennae and parapet
<br /> Clubs andlodges P P - - walls extending noT more ihan four (4) feet above the
<br /> CommercialRecreation - - - - - P P P. limiting height of the building, except as hereinafter
<br /> Day Care or Resldential Facility provided.
<br /> (10orfewer) P P P P - - Roof-mounted mechanical equipment, either
<br /> (overl0) - 5 5 S S screened or completely enclosed, shall be excepied
<br /> Dog Kennels - - - - - S - - from the height limitations if the endosure (or en-
<br /> Drive-in Business - - - - - S - - dosures) does not occupy more Than 30 percent of the
<br /> Earrh Sheltered Homes . . . . . . . . . S 5 - - - - - - roof area and does not extend more ihan 12 feei above
<br /> Elecfronic Towers 5 S 5 S 5 5 5 P the roof upon which it is located.
<br /> Garage,7ruck - - - - - - 5 S b. Variances for Certain Structures
<br /> Home Occupation 5 5 S S - - - - Any sfructures, other than as noted above, ihat is
<br /> Hofel/Morel - - - - - P - - proposed to exceed the height limits imposed by
<br /> Houses of worship S 5 S 5 - - provisionsof This Ordinance may be permitted by a
<br /> InsliTutionalHousing 5 5 5 5 - - - - variance, provided it is determined that:
<br /> Land Reclamafion 5 S S 5 5 5 5 5_ 1. Adequate fire protection and other safety features
<br /> Manufacturing and Processing . . . . P P are to b2 provided; and ,
<br /> Medical Clinics - - - - 5 P - - 2. The heighYand bulk of the sirucTure will not desiroy
<br /> Mining 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 a scenic or oTher appropriate view, nor willit shui off
<br /> Mobile Home Parks 5 5 - - IighT and air from surrounding properties, or otherwise
<br /> Morfuaries - - - - 5 - - be detrimental to the public welfare; and
<br /> Moforized Vehicle Sales - - - - - 5 - 3. The proposed structure will not exceed a floor area
<br /> Multiple Family Dwellings D D - ratio Of 0.5; and
<br /> Nurseries S 5 5 5 - - - - 4. The proposed siructure will have setbacks equal to
<br /> Offices . . . . . . . - - - - P P P P or greater than the height, and the distance between any
<br /> Personal5ervices - - - - P - - two Principal buildings musi be no less than one-half
<br /> Public Uses . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 ('/z) the sum of the heighis of the iwo siructures.
<br /> Research P S P P C. AdOitional Minimum Requiremenis far Drive-In
<br /> ReseorchAnimals 5 5 5 Businesses, Fast Foad Restaurants and Automobile
<br /> Restaurants - - - - - P 5 S Service Stalions
<br /> Res+auronrs, Drive-in - - - - - S - - Because drive-in businesses, fast food restaurants
<br /> Restaurams, Fast Food - - - - - S - - and automobile service stations present certain unusual
<br /> RefailSales - P problems, ihey are hereby required To meet the
<br /> ServiwStations...................................... - - - - - 5 5 5 following requirements in addition to the general
<br /> Schools, General Education S 5 S 5 - - - - requiremenis applicatile to ihem in the zoning district in
<br /> Schools,SpeuolEducation - - - - 5 S - - which They are To be located:
<br /> Single Family Aftached Dwellings 5 5 D D - - - - 1. Location of Drive-in Businesses and Fast Food
<br /> Single Family Detached Dwellings P P P P - - - - ResiBUranTs
<br /> SingleFamilyDwellingUnderDensifyZoning............ D D D D - - - - a. proximity to Schools, Churthes, Public
<br /> Two Family Dwelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . S S P P - - - - Recreational Areas and Residential Lots
<br /> Mixed Residenrial7ypes . . - - D D - - No drive-in business or fasifood restaurant shall be
<br />
<br /> SoilProcessing S ' S S 5 5 S 5 S IoCdted within four hundfed (400) feei of a publiC,
<br /> utility Distribufion Lines P P P P P P P P private or parochial school, a church, a public
<br /> Utility Subsration - - - - - - 5 5 recreaTion area, or any residentialty zoned properiy.
<br /> UtilityTransmission S 5 S S S S S S b. Proximity to Other Establi5hmeni5 '
<br /> vererinary Clinic and Offices - - - - 5 - - No drive-in business or fast food restaurant shall be
<br /> Warehousin - - - - - P P. located within one thousand ihree hundred iwenty
<br /> 9~~""""'~""~"~""~~~~~~~"~'""~ (1,320) feef of the boundaries of another one.
<br /> P - Permitted c.-Unreasonable Traffic Volume
<br /> D - PlannedUnirDevelopmenfPermif No drive-in business or fast food restaurant shall be
<br /> 5- Special Use Permif locaTed on the site if the probable result of such location
<br /> . would be unreasonably to increase iraffic volume on
<br /> DISiRICTRFQUIR@MENTS R-1 R-2 R•7 R-4 0-1 8-2 1•1 1•2 nearby Sifeel5.
<br /> 1. Minimum Lot Area (square " d. SiiC Of LOi
<br /> foofage Per Dwelling Unir No drive-in business or fast food resiauranT shall be
<br /> Single Family 14,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A located on a lot of less ihan iwenty four ihousand
<br /> iwoFomily 14,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A (24,000) square feqt. .
<br /> 2. STandards for Drive-in Businesses, FasT Footl
<br /> 2. Minimum Lot Area - Non-residenlial Restauranis antl Aufomobile Service Stations
<br /> Uses (permitted by Special Use or a. Landscaping
<br /> P.U.D.Permft) 14,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 73,000 13,000 30,000 24,000 A lot to be used for drive-in business, fasT food
<br /> resTaurant or automobi le service station purposes shall
<br /> 3. Minimum Lot Dimensions (feet) be landscapetl at least fo the following depihs from each
<br /> WidthatFroniBuildingLine/Depth - 100/130 100/130 100/130 100/130 lot line:
<br /> SingleFamily 95/130 85/120 85/170 85/120 - - - - 1. Twenty (20) feet from the front lot line excepT for
<br /> Twofamily 95/130 85!120 85/120 85/120 - - - - approved access drive; -
<br /> 2. Ten (10) feet from each side lot line; and
<br /> 4. Moximum Building Bulk Requirements/Net Acre 3. FifteE/1 (15) feei from rear loi line.
<br /> Hei9ht (leetabove 9rade) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . 35 35 35 35 35 35 45 b. ElettroniC DeviCes
<br /> FloorArea Ratios (F.A.R.) . . .3 .3 .3 .3 .7 .8 .6 .8 Elecironic devices such as loudspeakers, or tlevices,
<br /> Lot Coverogeby Sirucfure (perceni) 25 25 25 25 35 40 30 40 drive-in iheater car speakers, and similar insirumenis .
<br /> shall not be located within fifty (50) feet of any ad iacent
<br /> 5. Minimum LondscapeLotArea(percenr)............. 65 65 65 65 25 25 35 25 lot re9ardless of use or zoning disiric4.
<br /> c. Curbing
<br /> 6. Minimum Setbacks (feet) All curbing required by the Council shal I be concrete,
<br /> FrontYard 40 40 40 40 50 50 55 50 and a box curb notless ihan six (6) inches above grade
<br /> RearYord shall separate the public righi-of-way from the mofor
<br /> Prinupal.................................. 30 30 30 30 20 20 20*" 20 vehicle service areas,except atapproved enlrances and
<br /> Accessory 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 exiTs.
<br /> SideYardlnterior d. Snow Sforage
<br /> Principal 10' S* 5* 5* 20 20 20•t 20 Adequate area shall be designed for snow siora9e
<br /> Accessory 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 such That clear visibility shall be afforded from the
<br /> Side Vard Corner 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 SO property To any public sfreet.
<br /> LakeshoreHighWaterMark.................. 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 e. SCreeniflg
<br /> Boundary of Residemial Zoning District . N/A N/A N/A N/A 75 75 75 75 A suitable screening fence shal I be erected along all
<br /> property lines excepT ihose which are also public right-
<br /> 7. P. U. D. 8 S. U. P. Maximum Dwelling Unit of-way Iines. Said fence shall be of a type and desi9n
<br /> Den0y!Net Acre 3.11 3.96 4.5 12.0 N/A N/A NiA N/A approved by the Council. PlanTing of a type approved by
<br /> the Council may also be required in addition to or in lieu
<br /> "Aggregate Minimum 25' in R-1, Aggregate Minimum 15' in R-2, R-3 and R-4 of feflCifl9.
<br /> "But in no case less ihan Y building heigM. f. DBSign
<br /> The design of all sTructures shal I be compatible with
<br /> SECTION VI - GENERAL REGULATIONS arbors, irellises, and detached outdoor living rooms other structures in the surrounding area.
<br /> A. Accessory Uses and Siructures shall noi exceed five hundred (500) square feei. . 9. Signs
<br /> 1. Time al Construction B. Exceptions to the Minimum Requirements for all No permanent or temporary signs visible from the
<br /> No accessory siructure shal I be consiructed on any lot Disiricts Cou+nc IireeT shall be erected without approval from the
<br /> rior to the time of consiruction of the rinci al l. Setbacks
<br /> P P P h. Traffic Circulation
<br /> structure to which iT is accessory. a. Front Setbacks No site plan shall be approved which will in any way
<br /> 2. HeighT Where atljacent siructures have a differenT setback
<br /> No accessor siructure shall exceed the hei ht of the from ihat required herein, the front setback of a new consTitute a hazard to vehicular or petlesirian cir-
<br /> Y 9 culation.
<br /> prindpal sTructure to which it is accessory. princ~pal sirucTure shall conform to the prevailing
<br /> 3. Location setback in the immediate vicinity. The Adminisirator i. Access
<br /> No accessory strucfure shall be located nearer the shall determine the necessary fronT seiback in such Access shall be To public sireeis from aT least iwo
<br /> froni lot line ihan the principal sTructure to which it is cases. However, in no case shall a residential structure Points on the subject premises.
<br /> j. Rules and Regulations of State Fire Marshall
<br /> accessory. Accessory siructures may be located on be required to set back more ihan sixty (60) feet. yyith respect to automobile service stations, any
<br /> through lots to the rear of the principal siructure, b. Side and Rear Setbacks building proposed to be used as a service station shall be
<br /> providedthatThey are notcloserihan TwenTy (20)feetto Buildings m ay be exem pted from side and rear set- consTructed and maintained as required by the rules
<br /> eifher front loT line. An accessory sirucTure may be back requirements provided party wal Is are used and if and regulations of the State Fire Marshall governing the
<br /> located within the rear yard seiback required for the the adjacent buildings are constructed as an integral handling, siorage and Transportation of flam mable
<br /> principal siructure provided ihat the lot is noT a ihrough unit, or if residential sirucTUres are to be consiructed liquitls. Every facility, whether underground or above
<br /> lot and said accessory sTructure does not occupy more utilizin9 the "zero lot line" concept. Townhouse, 9round and whether indoors or out of doors, for the
<br /> ihan iwenty-five (25 per cent) per cent of a required , shopping center, cluster developments antl componenis handling, sTOrage and movement of flammable liquids
<br /> rear yard. ,of insiitutional facilities are examples of where ihis shall likewise be consiructed and maintained in ao
<br /> a, Home Occupation orovision would apply. cordancewithTherulesandregulationsofiheSlateFire
<br /> No home occupation shall be permitTed in any ac-
<br /> cessory siructure. 2. Permitted EncroachmenTs Marshal.
<br /> 5. AccessorY Retail Sales a. Features which are part of a principal structure, D. Areas Without Sanitary Sewer Accessory retail sales are permitted in business and including buT not limited to eaves, cornices, canopies, 1, Minimum Lot Area In areas not served by public sanitary sewers, single
<br /> indusTrial disTricTS when directly associaTed with the awnings, open porches, balconies, steps, ramps, fire andtwo-family homesshall have a minimum lot area of
<br /> principal use, and when incidental repair, processing escapes, and chimneys, may extend Three (3) feet into one acre, excepT smaller lots may be permiTted by
<br /> and storage are necessary to conduct a permitted the required front, side, and rear setbacks.
<br /> principal or special use; bui accessory use shall not b. ExTerior earih retaining siructures may encroach variance if it can be demonsirated ihat such lots will not
<br /> exceed thirTy perceni (30 percent) of ihe floor space of to within 3' of the loT line. result in any contamination of the soil, ground water or
<br /> anything else Thaf might endanger the public health.
<br /> The principal siructure, and shall be enclosed within the c. Recreational equipment, picnic tables, uncovered 2 qreas NotTO Be Served Within OneYear
<br /> principaf structure. outdoor eaTing facilities, and clothes drying equipment
<br /> 6. Number in ResidenTial Districts may be located in rear yards provided these are not less Except as provided in the previous provisions hereof,
<br /> In Residential Disiricis ihere shall be no more ihan than iwo (2) feet from any lot line. development is prohibited in areas noT served or to be one accessory siructure of a single type on any in- d. On a corner lot, nothing shall be placed or allowed served within one year.
<br /> dividual lot. to grow in such a manner as to impede vision between a E. Design Stantlards
<br /> 7. Size of CerTain Accessory STructures heighT of iwo and one-half and ten feet above the cen- The sTantlards established in ihis section are designed-
<br /> Breezeways, detached outdoor picnic shelTers, open terline grades of the intersecTing sireets within fifteen To encourage a high standard of development by
<br /> Page Five
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