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<br /> O rd i na nce 2 1 3 (con ti n u ed) 3. General Plan of consiruction relating each proposed use and siruc-
<br /> a. Application, DocumeniaTion and Administrative ture To the consiruction of the various services and
<br /> land planners, landscape architecis, registered ar- Procedure facilities as may be required herein. Said component
<br /> chifecTS, engineers and surveyors to prepare plansfor Within six (6) months afTer obtaining concepT ap- shall include estimated completion dates and shall
<br /> ai! Planned Unit Developmenis; proval or within such extended period of time as the specify the proposed order of requesT for utility release
<br /> d. Preservation and enhancemenT of desirable site Council has agreed to or as an alternative to submitting or authority to occupy completed structures so as to
<br /> characteristics and open space; a concept plan for approval,the applicani for general provide a basis for determining the adequacy of the
<br /> e. More efficien4 and effeciive use of land, open space plan approval of a Planned Unit DevelopmenT shall relaTed services and facilities for each separate con-
<br /> and public facilities; and complete and submit to the Zoning Adminisirator an siruction phase.
<br /> f. Effectuation of policies and standardsaf the Arden application on such forms as are provided by the Ad- 7. Additional Componenis
<br /> Hills Comprehensive Development Plan. ministrator together with the required fee and six (6) The General Plan of Development may include as
<br /> 2. Concept Plan (OpTional) copies of the documentaTion required in Section VI I I. C. additional componenis; A Recreation Component; a
<br /> a. OpTional Procedure 2. ollhis Ordinance plus the additional documentation Public Building Component, providing for consideration
<br /> An applicaTion desiring approval of a Planned Unit required herein-below in the nexi subparagraph hereof for adminisirative and public safety quarters; and such
<br /> Development has 4he optian of first applying for concept With respect to developmenT tracisfive or more acres in other ComponenTS indicated by the nature of the par-
<br /> approval fhereof and than proceeding to obtain general size or of such complexity that more detailed and Ticular proposed development.
<br /> plan approval, or may insteatl apply in the firsT instance complete plans are warranted. He shall also include in S. Coniractual ComponenT for general plan approval without first having to obtain said documentation, in addition to the documentation This component shall contain any and all proposals
<br /> concepT plan approval. required by said Seciion V I I I. C. 2., a written statement for homeowners' agreemenis, convenants and
<br /> b. Applicafion, Documenta4ion and AdministraTive that the general plan is in conformity wiih the plan as resiricYions proposed for the development and-or
<br /> Procedure conceptually approved by the Council, or if ii is noT in management proposals and plans for the development,
<br /> The applicant for concepT approval of a Planned Unit contormity with the plan as conceptually approved by and any other agreemenis or contracis affecting the
<br /> Development shall complete and submi4 to the Zoning the Council, he shall specify in said written statement owner or owners of individual units or of the entire
<br /> AdminisiraTOr an application on such forms as are all the deviaTions from the concept plan. proiect proposed under the general plan procedure.
<br /> provided by the Adminisirator Together with the The adminisirative procedure thai the City shall d. Denial of Application for General Plan Approval
<br /> required fee and six (6) copies of the following follow in processing such application shall be ihat In the event the Council denies the application for
<br /> documentation: procedure set forih in Section VI 11. C. of this Ordinance General Plan approval, it shall furnish the applicant
<br /> l. Ownership Report in itsentireTy plus the addiTional requiremenis provided with a wrilTen document advising him of the denial and
<br /> Ownership Report which complies with Section VI I I hereinbeiow in ihis subsection G. of Seciion VII I of ihis specifying the factual bases and reasoning upon which
<br /> B. 2. a. of ihis Ordinance. Ordinance. For purposes ofihis subsection G.of Seciion the denial was predicated.
<br /> 2. Survey VlllofThisOrdinance,ihephrase"Special UsePermiT" e. Resubmission oi a Denied Application
<br /> Survey which complies with Section VIII B.2.c. as used in Section VIII. C. shall be deemed and mean No application for general plan approval and a -
<br /> 3. Site Plan "Planned Unit Development Permit," and upon the Planned Unit Development Permit which has been
<br /> Site plan showing the locaTion of all existing and Council's approval of the applicant's general plan, it denied by the Council shall be resubmitted for a period
<br /> proposed siructures on the entire development tract, shall grant and issue a Planned Unit Development of at leasT one (1) year from the date on which said
<br /> including all portions ihereof lacaTed in an adlacent Permit. application was denied.
<br /> municipality. b. OTher Requirements Applicable ta Planned Unit f. STa9etl DeveloPments
<br /> 4. Written SfatemenT Development Permit It is recognized ihat certain Planned Unit Develop-
<br /> A written statement by the land owner setting forih In making its decision as To whether to approve the menis may involve the staging of consiructian over a
<br /> the following: applicanYS general plan and grant a Planned Unit subsiantial period of time. If the Planned Unit
<br /> a. The size of the developmeni iract; Devefopment Permit to him, the City Council shall be Development is proposed to be devefoped over a period
<br /> b. The nature of the applicanT's interest iherein; ~ 9uided by the provisions of Section VII. A. B. and C. which will exceed iwo (2) years, the applicanT may
<br /> c. The density of land use to be al located to the paris After the Planned Unit Development Permit has been request general plan approval of the entire project and
<br /> of the area to be developed; granted, ihe provisionsof Section VII. D. E. and F. shall ihefirststage thereof and permission to submit detailed
<br /> d. The function, ownership and manner of main- be applicable to such Planned Unii Development information respecting each successive stage of the
<br /> tenance of common open space; PermiT and the Planned Unit Development to be con- development as the same is reached. Detailed plans
<br /> e. The feasibility of proposals for the disposition of sTructed in accordanceTherewith, and any references in shall be submitted for approval to compleTe the
<br /> sanitary wasTe and storm water; said Seciion VII. to "Special Use Permit" shall be requirement of the general plan for each stage, in ac-
<br /> f. The period of time within whith the deveiopment deemed tor purposes of ihis Section VIII. G. to mean cordance with the approved Consiruction Order
<br /> tract will be developed and a staging schedule; "Pianned Unit Development Permii." Component forming a parT of the Planned Unit
<br /> g. The required modifications in the zoning and c. AddiTional Documentafion Required for General Development Permit. Said Construction Order Com-
<br /> subdivision regulations otherwise applicable to the Plan for Larger Complex Areas ponent shall be made a required part of the documen-
<br /> development Tract; and 1. Land Use Componeni tation necessary for general plan approvals of ihis sort.
<br /> h. The reasons why, in the developer's opinion, the A land use component shall consist of a map or maps g. Final Plat
<br /> modifications from the sirict application of the zoning setting forih the disiribution, locafion and extenT of the Unless the requirement for a final plat has
<br /> and subtlivision requiremenis otherwise applicable to area of land devoted to each category of land use specifically been waived by the City Council in its
<br /> the development iract and the Planned Unii Develop- existing and proposed as part of the general plan of issuance of the Planned Unit Development Permit, the
<br /> ment in general would be in the public interest and developmenT including, but not limited to, the existing permittee of such Planned Unit Development Permit
<br /> would be consisTent wiTh the City's Comprehensive and proposed coverage of area by bui Idings and streets. shall, not later ihan Three (3) monihs after the date of
<br /> Development Plan and the general purpose and intent of Said map or maps shall encompass not only ihat portion the Council's approval of his general plan and graniing
<br /> ihis Ordinance. of the development tract located wiThin the City but also of such Permit, proceed to seek the City Council's ap-
<br /> Affer submission of the application and documen- any portionthereof located in an adiacent municipality. proval of his final plat of the developmeni iraci or a
<br /> tation requiretl above, the City of Arden Hills shall Said componenT shall also contain a description portion ihereof by following the procedure and
<br /> follow the adminisYrative procedure for obtaining a statemenTOfobiectivesprinciplesandsTandardsusedin providing the documentation required for final plat
<br /> Speciai Use Permii set forth in Section V I 11. C.3., 4., 5., its formulaTion. approval in the City's Subdivision Ordinance. In the
<br /> 6 and 7. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed To 2. 7raffic and Parking Component evenT the permittee fails to commence such proceeding
<br /> forbid or discourageinformal consultations between the A iraffic and parking component shall consist of a to obtain final plat approval within said ihree (3)
<br /> applicant and the City Planner prior to the filing oi an map or maps seTting forih the general location and monihs period, the final plat, Planned Unit Develop-
<br /> application for concepT approval provided no statement exient of all iransportaTion and parking facilities ment Permit, and general plan shall be considered void,
<br /> or represenTation made by said Planner shall be binding exisTing and proposed as part of the general plan of nullified and revoked unless an extension is requested in
<br /> upon the City of Arden Hills. development of the entire development iract including writing by the permittee and for good cause granted by
<br /> c. Action by Council any portion ihereof located in an adjacenT municipality. the City Council. Upon approval by the CiTy Council, the
<br /> Wifhirsixty (60) daysfollowingihe dateof the receipt In addiTion, it shall include, amang oiher ihings, final plat shall contain on its face a cross reference to
<br /> of the Planning Commission's report, the Council shall documenTaTion, daTe or expert testimony in sufficient the previously approved Planned Unit Development
<br /> act upon the application for concept approval. The detail to show the impact of iraffic expected to be permitandihegeneralplanmadeapartihereof.
<br /> Council may, only upon written request by the ap- 9enerated by the proposed development over the course h. Development Agreement and Bonding to Assure
<br /> plicanT, extend its time for consideration and acTion. A of its growth and expansion upon the curreni and periormance and Conformance to General Plan
<br /> maiority of the full Council shall be required To grant ProjectedTraffic in surrounding sireets; to demonstrate To assure that all improvemenis to be consirucfed as
<br /> concepi approval. Nofhing in This subseciion shall Sheadequacyofparkingtacilitiesinlightofexistingand part of the approved general plan are completed in
<br /> prohibit the Council from holding such additional Projected population of the development; and to show accordance with the terms and conditions of such plan,
<br /> hearingsas itdeemsnecessarywithinihesixty (60) day adequacy of sireeis providing access to and from or each phase ihereof as outlined in the Consiruction
<br /> period following the receipi of the reporT of the Com- proposed and existing parking facilities. Said com- Order Component, the City Council at the time of its
<br /> mission. ponent shall also conTain a descriptive statemenT of approval of said general plan or any final plaT required
<br /> Council action may include approval of the concept objecfives, principles and standards for its formulaTion. thereby, whichever is later, may require the permittee
<br /> plan as submitted, approval of the concept pian subject 3. Population Component to enter into and file with the Adminisirator a
<br /> io specifiesi condiTions noT included in the plan as sub- A population component shall coniain a descriptive Devetopment Agreement with the City and a corporate
<br /> mitted, denial of the concept plan as submitted, tabling statement of the standards of population density and surety bond guaranteeing the faiihful performance of
<br /> for a specified period of time, or referral back to the building intensity for the various proposed land uses, the permittee's obligations under said Development
<br /> Planning Commission for its furiher consideration and including esTimates of fuTUre population characteristics Agreement and the completion of all improvements
<br /> report fo the Council wiThin a specified period of time and change with the planned community correlated provided for in said general plan in a penal sum equal to
<br /> noi To exceed sixty (60) days from the daTe of such re- with the oTher componenis of the general plan of one hundred and iwenty five percent (125 percent) of the
<br /> referral. The applicant shal I be notified in writing of the development. The supporting data shall include, bui not cosT of such improvemenis as estimafed by the CiTy
<br /> Council's acTion. be limited to, dwelling (housing) units per acre for the Engineer, which Agreement and bond shal I be filed with
<br /> d. Concept Approval Subject to Specified Canditions various residential uses proposed; and square footage the Adminisirator no later ihan ihirty (30) days after
<br /> In the event concepi approval is granted subject to by type for the various non-residential facilities in- such requirement has been made by the CiTy Council. In
<br /> specified conditions, the applicant shall, wiThin forty- cluding sufficient data to calculate iraffic generation, the event the permiitee has failed to enter into said
<br /> five (45) days after receiving the written notice of the parking requiremenTS, water consumption, sewage Agreement and to file the same along with said bond
<br /> Council's decision, noTify in writing the Council of his needsandihe n2cessary capacityof related utilities and with the Adminisirator by the expiration of said ihirty
<br /> refusal to accept all of said condiTions in which case the services traditionally rendered by public and private (30) days period, the Planned Unit Development Per-
<br /> Council shall be deemed to have denied concepT ap- organizations for a population of such size as is mit, final plai (if any), and approved general plan shall
<br /> proval of the plan. In the event the applicant does not so Proiected for the completed, planned development. be deemed void, nullified and revoked unless an ex-
<br /> notify the Council within said period of his refusal to 4. Subdivision Design Component tension is requested in wriTing by the permittee and for
<br /> accept all of said condiTions, concept approval of the Iniheevenithedevelopmentiractistobesubdivided, gootl cause granYed by the City Council. The Develop-
<br /> plan with the specified conditions shall star,d as gran- the developer shall submit a subdivision design com- ment Agreement may provide for several bonds
<br /> Ted. ponent, otherwise, such component shall not be covering separate aspecis of the Planned Unit
<br /> e. Deniaf of Aoplication for Concep4 Approval required. A subdivision desi9n componeni shall contain Development, the aggregate of which shall total one
<br /> In the evenf the Council denies the application for a descriptive siatement of the principles governing the hundred and fwentyfive percent (125 percent) of allihe
<br /> concepi approval, it shall furnish the applicant with a proposed subdivision of land including lot design for {mprovemenis to be consiructed and completed by the
<br /> writTen documeni advising him of the denial and variousproposedlanduses.ThiscomponenTwill include permittee pursuant to the approved general plan, in
<br /> specifying the factual bases and reasoning upon which all of the documentation necessary for preliminary plat which case each said bond required by such Develop-
<br /> The denial was predicaTed. approval as found in the Subdivision Ordinance of the ment Agreement shall be filed along therewiTh within
<br /> f. Resubmission of a Denied Applica4ion City of Arden Hills, unless waived by the Planning the period above-stated. It may also require guarantee
<br /> No application for concept approval which has been Commission or Council. This component shall be in bonds in the penal sum of one hundred percent (100
<br /> denied by the Council shall be resubmitted for a period sufficient deTail so ihat it can serve as the basis for percent) of the cost of completed improvemenTS, as
<br /> of ai least six (6) monihs from the date on which said determining the conformity of any site plan to the estimated by the City Engineer, to guarantee such
<br /> application was denied. general plan of deveiopment. improvemenis for whatever lengths of time are
<br /> g. Effect of Concept Approval S. Services and Facilities Component specified iherein. The release of any bond or any portion
<br /> Concept approval shall in no way bindihe City Council A services and facilities component shall contain ihereof shall either be governed by the terms and
<br /> to subsequent approval of the general plan and issuance map(s) setting forTh the general location and extent of provisions of such Development Agreement or shal I be
<br /> of a Planned Unit Development Permit pursuanT any and all existing and proposeo sysTems for sewage, based upon the recommendation of the City Engineer or
<br /> thereto. A plan which has been given concept approval domesTic water supply and disiribution, refuse disposal, C;fy planner and approval thereof by the City Council.
<br /> as submitted or which has been given concept approval drainage, local utilities and rights-of-wap, easemenis, i. Open Space Easements and CovenanTs
<br /> wiih conditions which have been accepied by the ap- tacilities and appurtenances necessary iherefore. In To assure the City of the continued maintenance of
<br /> ~,ticanT, provided the applicant has noT defaulied nor addition, it shall indude a grading plan showing in any open space, recreational areas, common areas and
<br /> violated any of the conditions of the concept approval, sufficienT detail the amount and type of fill or ex- the like which are proposed to be ownetl and maintained
<br /> shal I not be modified or revoked nor otherwise impaired cavation to be used To accomplish the grading of the by a homeowners' association to be formed by the
<br /> by aclion of the CiTy pending an application for general development iract; or portion ihereof, the contours of permittee will not be devoted to purposes other ihan
<br /> plan approval, without the consent of the applicant, the areas to be graded, and provisions made for storm ihose Por which ihey were originally inTended, the City
<br /> provided an aFPlication for general plan approval is water drainage sothat the City can assess ihe impact of Council may require ai the time of its approval of the
<br /> submitted to the City in the manner hereinafter such grading upon the remainder of the development general plan or its approval of any final plat required
<br /> provided within six (5) mcnths of the daTe on which ?ract and the surrounding neightmrhoods. Said com- ihereby, whicheverislater,ihatihe permittee execute
<br /> concepT approval of the plan was granted by the ponenishallalsocontainadescriptivestatemenisetiing and grant to the City Open Space Easements and
<br /> Council. The Council may, only upon written request by forth objecTives, principles and siandards used for its Covenants, approved by the City Council at the time
<br /> the applicant, extend ihis six (6) monihs' period. In the formulation, as well as a detailed statement describing such requiremenT is made, which shall be filed by the
<br /> evert the applicant shal I fail to file said application for the proposed ownership, method of operaTion and permittee wiThin ihirty (30) days afTer the City Council
<br /> general plan approval within said six (6) monihs period, maintenance of each such service and facility. has made such requirement. In the event the permittee
<br /> upon the expiration of said period of Time the concept 6. Consiruction Order Component has failed to execute said Open Space Easemenis and
<br /> apprcval of his plan shall be deemed to have been A consiruction order component shall contain a map Covenanis and to file the same with the AdminisTrator
<br /> revoked and nullified. or maps setting forih the proposed chronolo9ical order by the expiration of said ihirtY (30) days period, the
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