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<br /> . <br /> <br /> <br /> Ordenance 213 (continued) shall be maintained. A violation of any condition set 6. Indication of iocation, size, and iype of storage <br /> forih inThe Permit shall be a violaTion of this Ordinance facilities for the storage of irash and waste materials. <br /> 4. Plans for drainage, erosion conirol, sedimentation and shall be cause for revocation of the Permit. In the 7. Drainage plan of the proposed site. <br /> control; and event Thai the Council proposes to cancel or revoke a 8. Location of uTilities. <br /> 5. Location of utilities. Speciai Use Permit, except where such permit expires b. Lighting Plan <br /> d. Lighting Plan at a cerTain time by its own terms, the Council shall The lighting plan shall show the location and type of <br /> The lighting plan shall show the location and type of cause writTen notice ihereof to be given to the occupier any exterior lighting to be used to illuminate the <br /> any exTerior IighTing to be used to illuminate the and owner, and ihey shall have an opportunity to be proposed site. <br /> proposed site. heard, but no furiher notice need be given. c. Planting Plan <br /> e. Planting Plan 13. Administrative Records The planting plan shall indicaTe the location, size and <br /> The planting plan shall indicate the location, size, and The Administrator shall maintain a recprd of al I tYpe of proposed plant materials to be used on the site. <br /> type of allproposed planting materialsio be used on the Special Use Permits issued, including information on d. Siructural Plans <br /> site. the use, location, conditions imposed, Time limits, 1. Elevation drawings or illusirations indicating the <br /> f. STructural Plans review dates, and other such information as may be architecTural ireatment of all proposed buildings and <br /> l. Elevation drawings or illusiraTions indicating the appropriate. sTructures. <br /> archiTectural treatment of all proposed buildings and I1 shall be the responsibility of the Adminisirator to 2. General floor plans of all proposed buildings and <br /> strucTures. advise the Council of any expiring Time limit, prior To structures. <br /> 2. General floor plans of all proposed buildings and expiraTion and-or violation of any Special Use PermiT. 3. Type of use, number of employees, users or oc- <br /> siructures. D. Variances cupanis expecTed. <br /> 3. Type of use, number of employees, users or oc- 1. Aqherence to the provisions ot ihis Ordinance is 4. Type, location and treatment of interior and ex- <br /> cupanis expected. required except for special cases which arise because of terior mechanical devices, such as vents, exbausi fans, <br /> 4. Type, location and ireatment of inTerior and ex- the configuration of a parTicular parcel. A variance or air conditioners, elevators. <br /> terior mechanical devices, such as venis, exhaust fans, variances may be granted from specific provisions of 5. Design layout and size of al I proposed signs. <br /> air conditioners and elevators. ihis Ordinance because such land factors as length of a 6. Outline specificaTions for the proposed structures. <br /> 5. Design layout and sizeof all proposed signs. side of a lot, the shape of the lot or the unusual Terrain 2. Referral to Planning Commission <br /> 6. Outline specifications for the proposed siruciures. prohibit reasonable developmenY equivalent To ihat Upon the receipt of the application and the <br /> 3. Referral to Planning Commission which would be permitted without variance on a similar documenYationrequired,TheAdminisiratorshall place <br /> Upon the receipt of the application and the six (6) size lot located in the same disTrict, bui which lot has no the matter on the agenda for the Planning Com- <br /> copies of the documenTation required by the previous unusual configuration. mission's next regularly scheduled meeting unless such <br /> paragraph, the Administrator shall place the matter of p. In no case shall the graniing of a variance impair meeting is within seven (7) days of such receipt. In the <br /> the application on the agenda for the Planning Com- the healih, safety, comfori and general welfare of the event the application is received by the AdminisTrator <br /> mission's next regularly scheduled meeTing unless such Public wiThin seven (7) days of the next regularly scheduled <br /> meeting is within seven (7) days of such receipt. In the , nor will iT be conirary to the intent and purpose of the Commission meeting, it shall be piaced on the Com- <br /> event the application is received by the Ad m inistrator Comprehensive Plan, the Official Map, or this or <br /> any other Ordinance of the City. mission's agenda for the next subsequent regularly <br /> within seven (7) days of the regularly scheduled 3. Variances normally relaTe to the dimensional scheduled meeting ihereof. <br /> Commission meeting, it shall be placed on the Com- 3. Referral to Others <br /> mission's agenda for the next subsequent scheduled Provisions ofthe Ordinance such as,but notlimited to, <br /> building setback lines, lot area requirements and the The Adminisirator shall also refer copies of the ap- <br /> meeting ihereof, (either Special or Regular). like. Variances in use ihaT are not PlicaTion and required documentation in support ihereof <br /> 4. Referral to Others permitted in the <br /> disirici shall not be permitted. to other City officials who have an interest therein in <br /> The Adminisirator shall also refer copies of the ap- q, The Council may impose conditions in the granting accordance wiTh the required adminisirative <br /> plication and required documentation in support ihereof of variances to insure compliance and to protect ad- disiribution schedule. <br /> to other Cify officials who have an interest iherein in jacent 4. Planning Cammission Review <br /> accordance with the adminisirative distribution Properties. <br /> 5. Variance to heighT of sirucTure may be granted in The Planning Commission shall review the ap- <br /> schedule as from time to Time is established and accordance to VI B.3.b. plication and supporiive documeniation. The applicant <br /> maintained by the Adminisirator. 6. Procedure or his represeniative shall be given the opportunity to <br /> 5. Planning Commission Review The appear before the Commission to answer <br /> The Planning Commission shall review the a Procedure for the granting of variances is as questions or <br /> P- follows: give explanations regarding the proposed use. The <br /> plication and documentation in support Thereof and a. An application for a variance shall be filed with ihe Commission shall submit its report, containing its <br /> upon finding them To be complete, with the ownership Administrator stating the exceptional conditions and findings, conclusions, and recommendations as to the <br /> approved by the Atiorney, shall insiruct the Ad- peculiar difficulties claimed. Also submitted at ihis application, within ninety (90) days of receipT of full <br /> minisiraTOr to schedule a public hearing with all time shall be the required fee and supportive documentatian, to the Council. <br /> reasonable prompiness after such deTermination. documenTation as may be deemed necessary. No Building Permit for permitted principal uses in <br /> 6. Official Notice of Public Hearing b. The application shall be referred to the Board of Business or Industrial DisTricis shall be granted by the <br /> a. Pubiished Notice Appeals and Adjusiment for study concerning the effect Council until the report of the Commission has been <br /> The Adminisirator shall cause to be published in the on the character and developmeni of adjacent received and cohsidered by the Council. <br /> official newspaper of the City aT leasf ten (10) days but praperties. The applicanT may request to appear before 5. Action by the Council <br /> not more ihan ihirTy (30) days prior to the date of the the Board in order to answer questions and ta explain Within ihirty (30) days following the date of the <br /> public hearing on the application for a Special Use the request. The Board may hold public hearings as it receiptoftheCommission'sreporl,TheCouncil shallacT <br /> Permit, a nofice describing the proposed use and site deemsnecessarywheneverifdeterminesthatadjoining upon the application. The Council may, only upon <br /> iherefore and setiing for}h the location, time, date and property owners or other residents in the City should be Written request by the applicant, extend its time for <br /> purpose of such hearing. advised of the proceedings or given an opportuniTy to consideration and action. Nathing in this paragraph <br /> b. Mailetl Notice appear thereafter. shall prohibiT the Cauncil from holding such hearings as <br /> In addition to the notice required above, a similar c,yyithinihirty (30) days of receipt of application,the it deems necessary within the ihirty (30) day period <br /> notice shall be mailed by the Administrator ai least ten goard shall prepare a report of iTS findings and following the receipt of the report of the Commission. <br /> (10) days prior to the date of the official public hearing recommendations following its consideration of the Council aciion may include approval, approval with <br /> on the application, to each owner of properTy siTuaTed applicaTion. conditions, denial in whole or in parT, tabling for a <br /> wholly, or partly wiihin Three hundred and fifty (350) d. The reparT of the Board shall be sent specified period of time, or referral back to the Plan- <br /> feet of the properTy to which the application for Special simultaneously to the Planning Commission and the ning Commission for iTs furiher consideration of the <br /> Use Permit relates. Council. This report shall be considered by the Com- application and repori to the Council wi4hin a specified <br /> c. Record of Notice mission ai its nexT regular meeting after receipt of the Period of time. The applicanT shall be notified in writing <br /> A copy of the notice and a lisT of the names and ad- report, or aT such special meeting as the Commission of the Council's action. <br /> dresses to which the noTice was sent shall be attested !o shal I deem proper. In the event the Council denies in whole or in part the <br /> by the Administrator and shall be made a part of the e. The Planning Commission shall consider the a application, ii shall furnish the applicant with a writien <br /> records of the proceedings. plication and report its tindings and recommendations documeni advising him of the denial and specifying the <br /> d. Failure of Written Notice tothe Council within ihirty (30) days of iis receibt of the factual bases and reasoning upon which the denial was <br /> The failure to give mailed notice to individual goard's report. predicated, <br /> property owners shall noT invalidate the proceedings, f. The reporTS of the Planning Commission and Board 6. Resubmission of Denied Applications <br /> provided a bona fide aitempt to comply with ihis sub- of Appeals and Adjusfinent shall be placed on the No applicaTion which has been denied by the Council <br /> aivision has been made. agentla of the Courcil at its next regular meeting after shall be resubmitted for a period of ai leasT six (6) <br /> 7. Public Hearing the applicatipn has been considered 4y the Commission. monihs from the date on which said application was <br /> The Planning Commission shall conducT the public AT such meeting the Council shal I consider the report of denied. <br /> hearing. The applicant or his represenTative shall be the Board and the repori, if any, of the Commission 7. Expiration of Buifding Permit Approval <br /> given the opporTunity to appear before the Commission thereon. In the absence of a report from ihe Com- Building Permit approval shall automatically expire <br /> To answer questions or give explanations regarding the mission, ii shall be conclusivel and becomevoid one (1) year from and after the dateon <br /> Proposed special use. The Commission may ad ourn the Y presumed PhaY the <br /> ~ Commission has no objection to the Board's report and `ti'hich the Council granted such approval if the Building <br /> public hearing to its next meeting, either regular or recommendation. PermiT has noT been issued by the Building Inspector. <br /> special, and may continue its sTudy and consideraTion of g. In considering applications for variances, the The Council may extend the expiration daTe of such <br /> the application aT meetings subsequenT to the meeting Council shall consider the advice and recommendations PermiT approval for an additional period not to exceed <br /> at which the public hearing was initially held. Upon of the Board and the Commission and may grant the six (6) monihs upon written application by the person to <br /> compleTion of the public hearing and iTs sTudy and variance if ii de4ermines ihat the variance is per- Whom the Permit approval was granted. <br /> consideration of the application, the Commission shall missible in accordance with the foregoin4 standards. 8. Per7odic Review <br /> submit iTS written reporT, containing iTs findings, Variances may be denied by mofion of the Council and A Periodic review of the permit and its conditions <br /> conclusions, and recommendaYions as to the ap- such motion shall constitute a finding and deter- shali be maintained. A violation of any condition set <br /> plicaTion, To the Council. mination That the conditions required for approval do forih in the permitshall be a violation ot ihis Ordinance, <br /> NoSpecial Use Permit shall be granted by the Council not exist. No applicaTion for a variance which has been and shali be cause for revocation of the permit. In the <br /> unTii a public hearing has been held Thereon by the denied wholly or in parT shall be re-submiited for a event ihaT the Council proposes to cancel or revoke a <br /> Commission, and the repori of the Commission has been Period of six (6) months from the daYe of said order of Permit, the Council shal I cause written notice ihereof to <br /> received by the Council. deniaL be given To the uccupier, and owner shall have an op- <br /> 8. Action by the Council h. It is contemplated ihat any work involved or Portunity To be heard, but no furiher notice need be <br /> Withinsixty (60) daysfollowing the date of the receipt required by reason of a variance will tre commenced 9iven. <br /> 9. Adminisira4ive Records <br /> of the Planning Commission's report the Council shall Prompiiy and concluded wiTnin a reasonable time. The Zoning Administrator shall maintain a record of <br /> act upon the application for a Special Use Permii. The Accordingly, all variances shall be granfec! on the aIl oermits issued, including informaTion on the use, <br /> Council may, only upon wriTTen request by the ap- automaTic condiTion that such work shall commence <br /> wlocation, conditions imPosed, time limits, review daTes, <br /> plicanT, extend its time for consideration and acTion. q iihin six (6) monihs after the gran?ing of the variance <br /> majority of ihe full Council shall be re uired To grant a and toncluded within one (1) year afier such graniing. and such oiher information as may be appropriate. <br /> q This condition need not be specifically sTated within It shall be the responsibility of the Adminisirator to <br /> Special Use Permit. Nothing in ihis paragraph shall <br /> prohibii the Council from ho!ding such additional the variance, and this is noi intended to limit the advise the Council of any expiring time limit and-or <br /> hearingsasitdeemsnecessarywiThinihesixiy (60) day authoriTy of the Council wiTh respect to imposition of violation. <br /> other or difterent time limitations {f deemed proper in F. Structure RelocaTion <br /> period following the receipt of the reporT of ihe Com- <br /> the particular case. Any house or other siructure to be moved onto a <br /> mission. <br /> Council action may include approval in wholeor part, It shall be the responsibility ef the Adminisirator to aacant lot in Arden Hills shall fully comply wiih all <br /> denial in whole or part,?abling for a specified period of check on ihese time limitations or any other limitations PPlicable provisions otthis Ordinance and the Building <br /> time, or referral back to the Commission for its furiher contained in the variance and advise the Council of any Code. Applicanf shall submit documentation and allow <br /> consideration and report to the Council within a breach 9hareof. Breach of the limitations, whether inspeciion to ensure compliance with all applicable <br /> specified period of time not to exceed sixty (60) days COntainzd herein or specifically in the variance itself codes. <br /> from the date of such referral. The applicant shall be shall be grounds for cancelling the variance. G. Planned Unit Development Permits <br /> Site Plan Review 1. Purpose and InTenT <br /> noTified in writing of the Council's action. E. The issuance of a Building Permit for any permiTted The purpose of ihis subsecTion G is to encourage, <br /> 9. Denial of Special Use Permit <br /> In the event the Council denies in whole or in pari the Principal use, or the modification o4 any sife im- preserve ~,~elfare of and ihe imcitrove izens of the the C healihit, of A safety ardennd Hill general <br /> s b <br /> application for a Special Use Permit, it shall furnish ihe Provement listed herein for any established use, wiThin Y Y <br /> applicant wiYh a writTen documenT advisin4 him of the any Business or Indusirial zoning district shall require encouraging the use of contemporary land planning <br /> denial and specifying the factual bases and reasoning the following site plan review procedure: principles and coordinated community design through a <br /> upon which the denial was redicated. 1. Documeniation R2quired planning and design technique hereinafter referred to <br /> p The applicant shalf file along with the required ap- as the "Planned Unii Developmeni" or "PUD," which <br /> 10. Re-submission of Application Denied romotes the develo ment of land in a unified manner <br /> No application for a Special Use Permit which has Pl ication and fee, six (6) copies of the following docu byfreatingtheentir developmenTasasingleeniityand <br /> been denied by the Council shall be re-submiTted for a mentation to the Adminisirator: relaxing the sirici application of s4antlard zoning and <br /> period of at least six (6) monihs from the date on which a. Site Plan subdivision requiremenis. The iollowing provisions are <br /> said applicaTion was denied. The site plan shall contain such information as may <br /> 11. Amendments of 5 ecial Use Permit be deemed necessary or desirable inciuding, buT not intendetl to ensure }haS the Planned Unit DevelopmenT <br /> P limiied to the following: technique is properly and effectively utilized. it is in- <br /> An amended Special Use Permii application shall be 1. A ploi plan or survey, tlrawn to scale by a registered tended ihai ihese provisions will foster: <br /> administered in a manner similar to that required for a surveyor, delineating site dimensions inc!uding lot lines a. Flexibility in land development to benefii from new <br /> new Special Use Permit. Such applications shall include and setbacks therefrom. technology in building design and consiruction and in <br /> a re-applications for PermiTS ihat have been denied, p. Lowtion of all buildings and siructures on and land development. <br /> revoked, or have expired; renewal of temporary per- Withinonehundred (100) feetofiheproposedsite. b. Variety in the organization of site elemenis, land <br /> mits;requesisforchangesinconditions;andsuchother 3. Location of all buildings, heights, and square uses (non:resideniial and residential), building den- <br /> instances as are provided for in This Ordinance. footage. sities, and building and dwelling types; <br /> 12. Periodic Review <br /> A periodic review ef the Permit and its conditions 4Curb cuts, driveways, parking spaces. c. Higher standards of site and building design <br /> 5. Off-sTreet loading areas. ihrough the use of trained and experienced professional <br /> Page Eight <br />