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<br /> <br /> ~t <br /> k <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA change in fhe permiffed use such as, for exemple, R. Drive•In Businasses and Automobik Strvip <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY siructural alteratfon, enla?qement, or Intenslticetlon Siafions: <br /> VILLACiE OF ARDEN HILLS Mereof, or similar chanqe rqt speciticelly permlfted by 1, q lot fo be used for drive-in business or automobllQ <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 171 fhe Permit, shall require sn smended Permit, and all service station purposes shall be lantlscaped af least 30 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 99, Prxedures shall apply as if a new Permit were belnq fhe followinq depihs from each lot Ilne; THE ZONING ORDINANCE BV CHANGING THE requested; provided, howevsr, that when wch chan9es a, 40 feet from the front lot Iine ezcept for approved <br /> PROVISIONS RE SPECIAL USE PERMITS, ADDING are dkemed fo be InslpnIficenf by the Zoniny Ad- access tlrive; <br /> A PROVISIpN PRESCRIBING PERFORMANCE minisfrafor ihe requiremanri of s public hearlnq and b.lOfeetfromeachslde lotline;and <br /> STANDARDS FOR DRIVE-IN BUSINESSES AND PlanningCommisSionconSideraflonmaybewaive0and c. 15 feet from each rear lot line. <br /> AUTOMOBILE SERVICE 5TATIONS AND AMEN. ?he mstter referred directly fo the Council 1or con• x. Elecironic amplificafion devicea wch as, for <br /> DlNG THE PROVISION RE ENFORCING OFFtCER Sidcration and ecfion. example, but not Ilmlted to, loud speeken, auforrabile <br /> AND PENALTV; AND REPEALING ORDINANCES 6. Automafic Expiratlon. service order devlces, drive-in theeter car apesken, <br /> NO. 152, 130, AND SECTIONS l(c) AND (d) OF OR- In ihe event a Speclel Use Permit does no} contain as end slmilar instruments shall not be located On such lot <br /> DINANCE NO. 138 e special cenditlon a time Ilmit, it shall aufomatically nrfthin 50 feet of any adiacent lot repardless of uss or <br /> The Villape Councll of ihe Village of Artlen Hills does expire and become vold slx (6) months from end affer zaning disfrict. <br /> hereby ordain as follows: ihe date on whlcA it wss pranfed unleu the use lor 3. The parking area of such lot shall be pevetl with <br /> Section 1. Amendment of Sedion I11, Subqivislon F. of which !t was qran4ed has been wbatantfelly esteblished Mphalt or concrete to speciflcations approveC by Me <br /> ~ OMinance No. 99, fhe Zonin9 Ordinance. Subdivision F., orconsfruMedor unless, upon wriften application mede Councll. <br /> entitled "Speciel Uses General StatemenY•, of Section by the person or firm to whom ihe PermiT was prented A. All curbing required by ihe Cauncll on such lot shall <br /> I I I., entitled "District Provisions", is hereby amended within such slx months fha Council ahall heve extended be cpncrefe, and a box curb not less than six Inches <br /> in its entiretY to reed as follows: the expiratipn dete ot such Permit (or an additlonal above grade shall separate the publlc riyhf-of•way frOm <br /> F. Special Use Permits. perfod, not to exceetl slz monThs. If ihe use for which frye motor vehicle service areas, exeep4 sa approved <br /> 1. General Statement. any Special Use Permit has been pranfeH haa cesesd or Mtrances and exits. <br /> I1 is recoqnized ihat cerfain uses of land, alihouyh has boM discontinued Mr a perlod W ninety (90) con• S. Adequafe area shall be designed for sraw storape <br /> yenerally compatible with fhe basic use classitlcation of secutive days, the Permit shsll autortyfically expire such that clear visibility shall be a}fordetl }rOm the <br /> a particular zoninp disirict, shoultl not be permitted end become wid at the end of wch ninety (90) day property fo any public sfreet. <br /> penerally end as a matter of right to be IocateC in Period• 6. Asuitable screeniny (enceshall be erected elorq all <br /> every eree included wifhin fhe zoninq disfrict be- 7. Speeial Uiei Which May Se Yermlfhd In 2onlny property lines except ihose which are alw pub(IC ripht- <br /> ceuse of hazards inherent in ihe use Ifself or speclel Districts. of.wey lines. Said fence shall be of a type and destyn <br /> problems which its proposed location may present. The following Ilst Is a tabulafion of each particulsr use approved by ihe Council. Planflnq of e fype approved by <br /> Such a use of a particular site may, neveriheless, be of land which, altAouph yenerally compatible with the ?he Council may also be required in addltlon lo or In Ilsu <br /> specificelly permifted bY means of a Speclal Use basic classlficetion of tAe partlcular zonlnq dlstrlct of fencinq. <br /> Permit, pranted by the Council, after ihe procedures under which it is Ilsted below, shall only be permitted fo <br /> set forth in ihis Ordinance have been cOmplled wlth be locafed on a slte In Mat ioMnq distrlct after the 7• The desi9n ol all siructures shall be compatible <br /> and fhe Council, on }he basis of ihe quldellnes and CWncii has qrenfed a SpeNai Use Permit therefor wlfh other sfructures in the surroundlnp araa. <br /> criterla sei torih in ihis Subdivision, has determined pursuant to ihe provlslons of ihis SubCivislon. Thls Ilsf B. No permanent or temporary signs vislble from the <br /> that The facts antl circumstances of the particular of possible permifted uses in the varlous toninp distrlcts PubIic streef shall be erected withouf approval from the <br /> cese warranT granting the Permit. The Permit shall shall be consideretl exclusivs to The end tAet no buildirp CounNl. <br /> be pronted solely for ihe proposed use ot a particular or site in a partlcular xoninp tlistrlct ahell be authprized 9. No site plan shall be approved which propoSes <br /> site, not for a particular person or firm. by Special Use PermiT fo betlevoted }oa usewhich is not anything on such lot which in any way might constitute <br /> 2. General Criteria For Granting S{iecial Use Per- desipnetl for that particular dlstrict herelnbelow, a haxard to vehicular or petlestrian circulation. No <br /> miTS. a. In ReaideMfal Oistrleff: access drive shall be wlthin 50 feet of intenectiny sireet <br /> In determinq whether ta grant a Special Use Permit i. Institutional houslrp; curb Iines. for ihe proposed use of a pariicular site, ihe Council il. ChurUes, Wrivate uhools, publlc schools snd 10. Access to ublic sireets or other ublit ways shall Shall consider ihe factual findings, concluslons, end ~rochlal sthools; be from at least fwo points on the subject premises. <br /> recom ili. Greenhouses and seasonel business~s (retail end 11. With respect to automobile servlce statlons, sny <br /> mendaTions of ihe Planning Commisslon, es <br /> contained in its whplesale); buildinq proposed to be used as a service station shall be <br /> report, and both shall consider the <br /> eNeCt Of ihe pfOpOSetl u5e upon ihe healfh, Safety Iv. Swimminq pools (includinp sll assxlafed or ac consirucTetl and maintained as required by fhe rulas <br /> , <br /> convenience, morals, and general welfare of ihe own- cessory siructures); and reyulations of The Stafe Fire Marshal qovernlrg fhe <br /> ers and xcupenfs of surrountling lantl, In particular v. GoII courses; hendliny, storaye and fransportatlon of flemmable <br /> and ihe community as a whole, In generel, includiny, v'• Fences arross Mont yards exceedlnq 21h feet in Ilquids. Every facillty, whether undergrountl or abOVe <br /> buf not limifetl to, ihe following factors: existinp height; qround end whether indoors or ouf of doon, for fhe <br /> and anticipated iraffic and parking condl4ions; nolse, v'i• Resitlenca housinp two or moro famille3; handllnp, storsye, and movement of flammable IlQuids <br /> plare, odors, vibration, smoke, tlust, air pollutlon, vill. Accessory strudures oMer than ihoae Ilsted es shall likewise be consiructed and mslntalned In ac• <br /> heef, Ilquid or soltd wasfe, entl oMer nutsance char- Permittetl; cordancewlthiherulesendrequlatlonsofthe5tateFire <br /> scteristics; drainage; population denslty; vlsuel and , 'x. liome xcupatlons; Manhal. <br /> land use compatibility with uses of, antl structures X• Public uses; Seefbn 3. Amendment of Seetlon V. Subdivitlon C ol <br /> on surrounding land; adJoininy lend values; snd tbe xi, lylpblle Home parks. Ordinance No. ff, the Zonin9 Ordinanee. Subdlvision C, <br /> or0erly tlevelopment ot ihe nelghborhood and the b. In LfmitW lusinoss Dlshlets: enfiTled ~~Speclal Use Permih", of Seci(on V, eMffled <br /> Villape wtfhln ihe general purpose and Inte~t of thls Institutional housing; "~Administration", is hereby ementletl In Its entlrety to Ortlinance and ihe Comprehensive Plan. 1t . Clubs end lodpes, non.prpflt; read as rollows: <br /> _ 3. Addttional CrHerla For Grantiny Spacial Use lii. Nlorfuarles: C. Sp~cial Use Permit~. <br /> Permlts For Drive-In Buslness and Automobile Servlca 'v• Privete colleyes snC Instllkions; The procedure for issuance of Speclal Use Permlb <br /> Statlons. v Seasona~ ~~nesses% shall be as follows: <br /> Becsufe drive-in businesses and automoblle servlce vi. Reside^c°S housi^q Mro am°re tamllies. 1. Application. <br /> statlons present certain unusual problems, ihe CWncll c• In Ratall Busineu Disfrlets; The applicanr ror aSpecial Use Permlt shall till <br /> and Me Planninq Commisslon, in addifion to the general Muslc, dance or business schools; out antl submit to the Zonlnq Adminishator an <br /> criteria enumeratetl abovE, shall consider antl be 't. Automobileservlcestafions; applfcationtogetherwithiherequlredteeandsixcoples <br /> puidetl by (in ihe cese of application for drlve,ln II'• ~lvbs and lodqes, npn•proPlt; of Medocumentetion required by fhe nezt ParaprepA In <br /> businesses) and shall make specific findings (in ihe 'v. Commerclal recrsatlon; this Subdivision. <br /> caSe Of application for automobile service stations) in v' FUe~ ~les' 2. DOeuminfation RYqufred. <br /> reqard to Me foliowing yuidelines antl criterla for each vi• Mortuaries; . The appficant shalf ffle alap wIM the requfred ap• <br /> use: vli. Restauronts wlih Iiva enterfainment and denclnq; alcatlon fee Me following documentation to wpporf hb <br /> a. Drive•In Buslnesses. viii. Veterinary cllnia or oHites; application for a Special Use Permit unlsss, In the <br /> I. No drive-in business shall be located withln 100 feet ix. Motels. op{nion of fhe Zoninp Administrstor, csrtbin oi the <br /> of e public, private or parxhial school, a church, a d. In 6entral Susln~st Dlstriefs: fellowiny tlocuments, or paris thereof, can be walvad <br /> public recreation area, or any residentially zoned L Clubs and lodpea, non-prMH; untll turther request: <br /> prope"y, ii. Car weshes; a. Ownerahip Report. <br /> ii. No drive-in business shall be located on a street Ill. Veterinery tllnics Or officas; The ownership report shell show the apparen4 recOrd <br /> other than one designated es a ihorouqhfare or buslness iv. Commerclal recrcatlon; ownws of the property which Is the Sublect of fhe sp- - <br /> xrvice roed on ihe Comprehensive Plan. v. AufoTObtIE service f16tlMlf; pllcafion, anE ihose within 350 feef of ihe oVter IImHs <br /> M. A drive-in bustness shall mi be located on the vi• Drive•in businsssn. fMrepf. If fhe applicant is rat fhe record owner W fhe <br /> site if ihe probable result of such Ixation woultl be e. In Limifed Induttry DlsMlets: prppKty, wrliten consent of ihe owner shall slw be fo unreesonebly increase traffic volume on nearDy i.Storage,utllization,ormanufscturlnpofexplaslvas, piloy <br /> resldential streets. dynamite, or flammable yases and Ilquids; b. Survey <br /> iv. No drive-In business shall be located on a lof o( less il• Open storege, where asld storape Is acceaory use; The wrvey shall contain the followlnq data: <br /> than 24,000 sq. fi. M. Railroad storaqe and swltChinq, yards and rall 1. The date, rarih polnt, map scale, nsme and etl- <br /> b. AutomoDlle Servlce Stations. l'^es% dreu of fhe applicant, owner, operator, surveyor, 'i. The tlesirability of operation of an sutomobile lv• Automobile aervlce s/afions; "tneer, end deslqner fncludinq their licenae numbarf ~ <br /> service station at ihe proposed location with reference v. Restauronis; and seels; ' <br /> fo whether it wil I cause an unreasonable disturbance of ~i. Refuse, frash, or yerbage dlsposal, Incineratbn, or It, p correct lepal descriptlon of the wblKt propKty <br /> peece and quiet in the neighborhood. reduction; nmods and certlfied to by a registered land wrvsyor; ~ <br /> ii. The vli. Trensportatla~ terminals as accesfory uaas; probability of interference with Traffic or ihe III. Depiction of all water cou[ses, lakss, mKfhp, ,-i <br /> .a <br /> creation of unreasonable iraffic hazards by reason W vllt. Commerclal recreatlon. wooded areas, rock outcrops, powsr trenspor}atbn <br /> Me proposed operation, and in connection with ihls a f• I^ all Distriets: pplyandlines,yasllnes,slnqletrseswltha diamolerof ~y <br /> determinafion shall be matle as to whether ihe roads I. Ferms; ~ NyhT (8) inches or more as measured thne (7) fest S <br /> immediately adiotning and secondarily serving the Golf courses and country clubs; pbove Me bese of fhe trunk, snd any oMer slpnlfic~M <br /> III. Broadcestinp or receptlon antenna or tvwOra owr <br /> proposed location are adequate to handle fhe proposed exlatinp features. <br /> freffic. 45 feet In heipht (measured trom averaye 9rad* lweD; lv, pel;neatlon W topopraphyo?wbIKlPrapertY wlfh <br /> iii. The iv. Public xhoOls: ...s.-'•": <br /> probability pf interference with the ri9h}s of contour Infervals of nof more ihan fwo (4) fN1 and <br /> surrounding property owners by reeson of fraffic, noise v. Rellroad Iines; supplementals ot one (1) foot In exfrsmely ilat ahp, <br /> or lighting at ihe proposed site. vi. Utlllty sub-stetions; the datb for which shsll be derlwd from 1M IiMh <br /> Iv. The suitability of an automobile service staTion on vi I. Externel storaye not accefsory to a prfnclpal use, yMeral sdjustment of 1929; 4 <br /> fhe proposed stte with relation to the projected future except ihose currenfly belrp u5ad for constrvctlon on v. The locatlon, rlyht-of-wsy wldM, dlmNnlOn, and <br /> development of ihe surroundinq property as proposed or me premises ("currently" meenlrq wlMin a perlod W nama ot exlstlnq or dedicated sMeeta or othK au411t <br /> projetted in ihe Zoning Ordinance or ihe Com- )8 monihs); wsys, and perks and other pubfi[ Isndb pKm~ ~ <br /> prehensive DeveloPment Plan. vlii. Excavatinq business -sand, yrovel, blatk Olrt. <br /> bulldlnas and structures, esssminis, SsctfOn arW Cor. ` <br /> 4. Imposiflon of ConEltions in Grantin9 of Speclal Use sod, or rock; porafe IInaS withln fhe aubjlcf propsrty and wI*M <br /> Parmlf. ix. land reclamafion, minlnp and wll procealnp; aCisfancsof350feetoflheouterlimlhtherapf. - <br /> In ihe flranting of a Special Use Permit, ihe Council x. Armorles, convMtlon hells, and slmllar um; vl. OMCriptions, refermce tief an0 elavatlong of IN <br /> may impose such special canditions, in addltion to the xi. Overhead and underprountl utllltiss not inclWetl poKh marks; <br /> as part of en approvetl and Wflcially recor0ed wb• <br /> ~neral conditlons and requiremenis of this Ordinance vli. Locsffon of all monumerYh, exiffinp st 1h*flrtlf~l <br /> ~ tlivision; <br /> . to which every Special Use Permit shall be subject, as it tM wrvey antl those which the wrveyor fhdl MYt . " <br /> deems necessary to serve antl protect ihe health, sefety, xii. Privete or seml-publlc and pubtic outi0lo0r loc,ted at me wrners a me sunleer p.op.rry; WW - <br /> recreation areas anE uses desiqned for use by more N+Mn convenience and general welfare of fhe community. 30 persons af any one time. Rehrence to and relafia~5 of munklp~l Such cOnditions may include, amon9 other ihinps, a ~h~P. towNY a settlon IlMf ~o Ilnes 0/ tM !Y~ ,.k <br /> time limit wiihin which ihe 8• Issuance of BuilAlnq PK11111 ONOry Sp~tIN 11N , <br /> permitted use, or a portion proqxty by Aisfanca, anylet, radii, IManal Y~1~, <br /> Permlt ProhlbiteU. ~a~ ~ft ~ fhereofi, or improvements in connection therewith are fo poinfs snd curvaturos, fsnq~nt Oesrl <br /> No Bulldlng Permlt shall be Iswed for em YN 111 • <br /> be establlshed, consiructed, comp!eteA, or commen[ed all arts. and a requirement ihaf ihe zonfnp olstrlct whfch requfres Me tssusoce d• - ra <br /> person or firm to whom the t. SIte Plan <br /> Special Use Permit has been granTed deposit with fhe Use Permit be(ore It can be Iocs1W In a YIK The sMe pan shall caMain suM IMOrmeflpl p nw <br /> district untll after the Speclal U0e PKmlf 1O rN1 <br /> Village either cash or a pertormance bond In e sum be desmed n~cesfary or dsilrabla Includirg, pYf Ipf , <br /> pranted bY ihe Councll. <br /> equal to 125 percent of the estimated cost, as tleter- Itmffetl to, the followinp: <br /> 9. Limitatlon on Iscwoeo d~1 Use RM~pM. ~ ~~~M~ a` <br /> minetl by The V illage Engineer, of improvements to be A Special Use Permit may nNlhw b* kfY« if fIN Locafion o} all exitt aeW <br /> consiructed in accordance wlih ihe Permit to Inwre aMUCfurq on antl wlMin 3~ fNl of /M OulN INnIM ~I d <br /> purpose of qraMinq sn sdjustrViYnt Ot vpINk71/OA1 tl» <br /> comptetion thereof within 1he time limit speNfiad in fhe flre wb~ed property, slafp wrMh ttqlr MI~N~„ 1NM~1M provislons ot thh Ordln~nce nOr lir ply N? Mot <br /> Permit. The conditions so imposed by the Councll shsll tootape and dlmensiais; <br /> aufhorized herWy iOr tM yNCMIt MfIp` MMJp fpr <br /> be specifically stated in ihe Permit. yrhicp Me Permlt Is SaqAt. . Il• Locstlon of curo W?s, drIvavayi, PWOM 5. thanye in Permitted Use. and oM-ftreet loOlnp <br /> Swt <br /> After ihe S 9 ~ <br /> pecial Use Permif has been rantetl, fhe „ r III.LOCatbn,slzs,aMl fyp~ofsfar~! <br /> YP <br /> usa permitted fhereunder shall lx eatablished, cOn• Zwdm ~ storam of hafi, wp" rtiiMrfNs, p/ <br /> ducted and maintained in conformlty wIM the fKms M. Pta~q for tlrahfp~, w~lpn COIIIe04 j <br /> aon??ol <br /> thKoof. Ir~cludlrq all condltions xf forth fh~rNn. My ~ and dusf conf?ol <br /> t ifltl <br /> ltlNtVplOr~ y ~yia. <br /> ~;~i ,~r. ~ , ~ • ~ <br />