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<br /> v. Location ot ufilities. hearing on the application, to each owner of property An amended Special Use Permit applica4ion shall be d. Liphling Plan situafed wholly, or partly within 350 feet, oi fhe property administered in a manner similar to that required fpr a
<br /> The iighting pVan shall show the location and type of 1o N'hich the application for Special Use Permit relates. new Special Use Permit. Such applications shall include
<br /> any exterior liphting fo be used fo illuminate ihe c. Recortl of Notice. re-appticafiorts tor Permits ihaf have been denied,
<br /> proposed site. A copy of the notice antl a list of the names antl atl. revoked, or have expired; renewal of temporary per-
<br /> e. Plantiny PNn dresses fo which the notice was sent shall be attestetl to mits; requesfs for changes in conditions; and such other
<br /> The planting plan shall indicate the location, si=e, antl by the Zoning AtlminisTrator and shall be made a part of instances as are providetl for in this Ordinance.
<br /> type of all proposed planting materials to be used on the the records of the proceedings. 72. Periodic Review.
<br /> site. d. Failure oi Written Notice. q p¢riotlic review of the Permit and its conditions
<br /> f. Sfructural Plans The failure to give mailed notice to individual shall be mainfained. A violation ol any condifi0n set
<br /> i. Elevation tlrawings or illustratiorts indicating,the prcperfy owners shall not invalidate the proceedings, torih in the Permit shall be a violation oi this Ortlinance,
<br /> architecfural ireatment of all proposed buildings antl provided a bona fitle attempt to comply with ihis sub- and shall be cause for revocafion of the Permi}. In the
<br /> siructures. ' division has been made. event thal the Council proposes to cancel or revoke a
<br /> ii. General floor plans of all proposed buildings and 1. Public Mearing. Special Use Permit, except where such Permlt expiles
<br /> structures. 7Ae Planning Commiss7on sha71 conduct the public at a certain Time by its own terms, the Council shail
<br /> iii. Type of use, number of employees, users or oc. hearing. The applicant or his representative shall be cause writien notice ihereo( to be given to the occupier
<br /> cupants expected. given the opportunity to appear before the Planning and owner, and they sha1V have an opportunity To be
<br /> ~ iv. Type, locafion and freafinent of interior and ex- Commission to enswer questions or give explanations heerd, but no furiher notice need be given.
<br /> terior mechanical devices,such as venfs, exhausifans, regartling ihe proposed special use. The Planning 13. Administrative Records.
<br /> air conditiononers, antl elevators. Commission may adjourn the public hearinp to ifs next The Zoning Atlministrator shall mainfain a recortl of
<br /> v. Desi9n laYOUt antl sizeaf all proposed signs. meeting, either regular or special, and may continue its all Special Use Permits issued, including information on
<br /> vi. Outline speciiications tor the proposed siructures. study and consideraYion of the applicafion at meetinqs the use, location, conditions imposed, time Ilmifs,
<br /> 3. Relerral to Planning Commission. - subsequent to the meetin9 aT which the public hearing review tlafes, and such ofher information as may be
<br /> Upon the recept ot the applicatlon and the six copies of was initielly held. Upon completion of the public appropriate.
<br /> ihetlocumeniation required by the previous Paragraph, hearing and its stutly and cansiderafion of the ap- It shall be the responsibility of the Zoning Ad-
<br /> ihe Zoning Adminisirator shall place the matter of the Rlication, the Planning Commissian shail submit Ifs minisirafor to advise the Council of any expiring fime applicafion on the agenda for the Planning Com. Wriften report, containing its findings,_conclusions, antl limif, prior to expiration and-or violafion of any Special
<br /> mission's next regularly scheduled meeting unless such recommendations as tu the apAlication, to the Council. Use Permlt.
<br /> meeting is within seven days ot such receipt. in the No Special Use Permit shall be grantetl by the Council Section 4. Amendement ol Section VI11, Subdivision A
<br /> event the application is received by the Zonin9 Ad- unfil a public hearing has been heltl thereun by the of Ordinance No. 99, the Zoning OrdinanCe. Subdivision
<br /> minisirator within seven tlays oi the next regularly Commission, and the report of the Commission h95 been A, entitled "Enforcing Officer and Penalfy", of Section
<br /> scheduled Planning Commission meeting, if shall he received by the Councll. V111, entitled "Enforcement", is hereby amendetl in its
<br /> placed on the Planning Commission's agentla for the 8. Action by the Council. entirety to read as follows:
<br /> next subsequenf scheduleU meeting thereoi, (either `Nithin sixfy (60) tlaYS following the dafe of the receipt A. Enturcing Officer antl Penalty.
<br /> special or regular). of the Planning Commission'S reporf, the Council shall This Ortlinance shall be atlministered by the Zoning
<br /> 4. Referral to Others. act upon the applicafion for a Speciel Use Permif. The qdministrator antl enforcetl by the Village Council
<br /> The Zoning Administrator shall also refer copies pf Council may, oniy upon writfen requesl by the ap- which may institute in the name of the Village any
<br /> the applicafion antl required tlocumentation in support pl'canf, exTend its time for consideration and action. A appropriate acfions or proceeding5 against a violator as
<br /> thereot Yo otner Village officials who have an inierest maiority of the tull Council shali be required to grani a providetl bY law. Any person, firm, corporafion, or
<br /> iherein in accordance wi}h the adminisirative Special Use Permif. Nothing in this Paragraph shell voluntary association which violates ar refuses to
<br /> distribution schedule as trom time to lime esTablished PrQhibit the Council from holding such additional cpmply with any of the provisions o( ihis Ordinance
<br /> and maintained bY the Zoning Adminisirator hearingsas it deems necessary within ihesixty (60) day shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor, and upon convic4ion
<br /> 5. Planning Commissicn Review. period following the receiAt of the report of the Com- ihereof shall be subject to fine of not more fhan $300,00
<br /> The Planning Commission shall review the ap. mission. ror every offense to imprisonment not t0 exceCd ninety
<br /> plication and documentafion in support ihereaf and Council acfion may include approval in whole ar part, (qp) days, or boTh. Each Cay ihai a violafion is per.
<br /> upon finding ihem to be complete, with the ownership denial in whole or part, fabling for a specifird periotl o( mitted to exisf shall constitute a separate offense.
<br /> approved by the Aftorney, shall, insiruct the Zoning time, or referral bark to the Planning Commission for Section S. Repeal of Section 111., Subdivislon D,
<br /> Atlministrator to schedule a public hearing with all its further con5ideration and report to the Council paragraph 17 of Ordinance No. 99, the Zoning Or-
<br /> reasonabie prompiness affer such determination. W ithin a specifietl periotl of Time nof to exceed sixfy (60) dinance.Paragraph 17, entiited "Service Stat{ans", of
<br /> 6. Official Notice of Public Hearing. days from the date o( such re-referral. The applicant Subdivision D, entitled "Exceptions and Additiais to
<br /> shall be ratified in wrlting of the Councfl's aclion. Minimum Requirements", of Section 111, entitled
<br /> a. PuDlishetl Notice 9. Danial ol Special Use Permit. "•District Provisions", is hereby repealed in its entlrety.
<br /> 7he Zoning Atlministrator shall cause to be published In the event the Council tlenles in whole or in part the Section 6. Ordinances Repealed. Qrdinances Nos. 152
<br /> in the official newspaper of the Vilfage at leasf ten (10) applicatton tor a Spetiaf Use Permit, it shell furnlsh the
<br /> days but not more ihan ihirty (30) days prior to the date antl 730 and Sections 1(c) and (tl) of Ordinance No.
<br /> applicant with a written document advising him of the 138 are hereby repealed.
<br /> of fhepublichearingontheapplicafionfora Special Use denial and specifying fhefactual bases and reasonfnp SecTion 7. Eftective Date. This Ordinance shall be
<br /> Permit, a notice describing the proposed use antl slte upon which the denial was predlcated. eNecfive from and after ifs passage and publicatlon.
<br /> iherefor and sefting forih the location, time, date, end 10. Re•Su6mica{on of Applicstion Denied, Passed by the Council this B day of October, 1973.
<br /> purpose of such hearing. No applicafion for a Speclal Use Permit which has Henry J. Crepeau, Jr.
<br /> b. Mailed NoTice. been denied by the Council shall be re-submitted for a ATTEST:
<br /> In addition fo ?he notice repuired above, a similar period of at least six (6) monihs from the date on which Charlotte McNiesh
<br /> notice shall be mailed by the Zoning Administrator at said applicdtion was denied. Cterk.Atlmini5lratoY
<br /> least ten (10) days Prior to the cfate o1 the official public 71, pmendemBnts of Speclal Use Permit. (Bulletin: Oct. 25, 1977)
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