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#181 Regulating use olake Johanna
City Council
#181 Regulating use olake Johanna
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<br /> <br /> respect by machinery, including watercraft temporarily equipped restricted, limited or otherwise subjected to special rules or regula- <br /> with detachable motors. tions shall bear a two-inch wide band forming a circle at least <br /> Subd. 9. Underway or in use means any watercraft in operation 24 inches in outside diameter. The limitation, restriction, prohibi- <br /> or use when not securely Fastened to a dcek or other permanent tion or regulation effective within a controlled area shall be printed <br /> inside of the orange-colored circle. Signs designating State Game <br /> mooring. Refuges or spawning areas shall not be subject to the provisions <br /> Subd. 10. Commissioner means the commissioner of natural of this order. <br /> resources acting directly or through his authorized agents. <br /> Subd. 11. License means the authentic document used to desig- • (5) Signs directing all watercraft to keep out of a specific water <br /> nate the numbers assigned a watercraft and to renew same. area shall bear a two-inch orange-colored band forming an upright <br /> Subd. 12. Waters of this state means any waters capable of sub- diamond at least 14 inches in outside width, dissected vertically <br /> and horizontally by an orange-colored strip two inches wide. Signs <br /> stantial beneficial public use, and any waters to which the public ` designating State Game Refuges or spawning areas shall not be <br /> has access, which are within the territorial limits of this state, subject to the provisions of this order. <br /> including boundary waters. <br /> Subd. 13. HorSepowe~ means the power rating established for (6) Signs indicating winter ice dangers to persons, motor vehi- <br /> a motor by the manufacturer thereof, or, if no rating is so estab- cles, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, ice boats, or any other con- <br /> lished, then the rating established by the commissioner. veyance used to transport persons over the ice on public waters <br /> of the state shall bear a two-inch wide orange-colored band forming <br /> 361.03. WATERCRAFT LICENSES. an upright diamond at least 14 inches in outside width and such <br /> signs <br /> Subd. 1. General requirements. Except as hereinafter provided, shall bear a printed statement of the source of danger. <br /> no person shall after July 1, 1959, operate, or give permission for Where used, the signs shall completely line the perimeter of the <br /> the operation of, any watercraft for which a license fee is prescribed ice hazard at intervals not exceeding 75 feet and shall be at least <br /> in Subdivision 3 on the waters of this state unless a license for 48 inches above the ice. <br /> such watercraft has been issued and is in effect in accordance with Such signs must be removed from the ice, by whomever placed, <br /> Sections 361.01 to 36128. The license number assigned a water- not later than April 1, each year. <br /> craft shall remain the same ifcontinually renewed, and the licensee (7) No person shall operate any motor vehicle, snowmobile, all- <br /> of each watercraft shall purchase the watercraft license numbere terrain vehicle, ice boat, or any other conveyance used to transport <br /> assigned and affix same as may be prescribed by the commissioner. persons over the ice on public waters of the state within 150 feet <br /> Subd. 2. A lication, issuance, of a diver's warning flag (described in NR 206 (a) (6) <br /> pp reports. Application for registra- (g) Written material on any waterway marker sign shall be <br /> tion ar reregistration shall be made to the commissioner of natural printed with black letters at least 2 inches in height, on a white <br /> resources, the commissioner of public safety or an authorized deputy background. Alllettering shall be placed inside the area enclosed <br /> registrar of motor vehicles in such form as the commissioner of public by the orange band, except the explanatory material appearing <br /> safety shall prescribe, and shall state the name and address of every <br /> owner of the watercraft and be signed by at least one owner. Upon receipt on signs indicating an area prohibited to watercraft shall be placed <br /> of the application and the appropriate fee as hereinafter provided, such outside of the orange band. <br /> watercraft shall be registered and a registration number assigned which (9) Every waterway marker driven into the bottom of a lake <br /> shall be affixed to the watercraft in such manner as the commissioner of or stream, or attached to a post so driven, shall extend at least <br /> natural resources shall prescribe. Each deputy registrar oFmotor vehicles 30 inches above the surface of the water. The surface of the water <br /> acting pursuant to section 16833, shall also be a deputy registrar of shall be considered to be the normal high water-mark during the <br /> watercraft. 'fhe commissioner of natural resources in agreement with the local boating season. <br /> commissioner of public safety may prescribe the accounting and pro- (10) Any sign may be reflectorized or fluorescent provided that <br /> cedural requirements necessary to assure efficient handling of registra- ~ the entire displayed surface thereof is uniformly reflectorized or <br /> tions and registration fees. Deputy registrars shall strictly comply with fluorescent. <br /> these accounting and procedural requirements. A fee of 50 cents in addi- (lll The reflectorized material required by all sections of these <br /> tion to that otherwise prescribed by law shall be charged for each water- rules shall retain 8011 of its dry weather reflective signal strength <br /> craft registered by the registrar or a deQuty registrar. The additional fee w.hen submerged in water. shall be disposed of in the manner provided in section 16833, subdivision <br /> 2 (12) Whenever an emergency situation requires that immediate <br /> . <br /> Subd. 3. Fees for license. The fee for each watercraft license warning be given of any hazardous condition on any waters of the <br /> issued after December 31, 1971 for the following periods, or por- state, any available object or apparatus may be utilized as a tem- <br /> tions thereof, shall be as follows: porary waterway marker to give such warning until the emergency <br /> 6 31 <br />
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