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#181 Regulating use olake Johanna
City Council
#181 Regulating use olake Johanna
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<br /> <br /> (4) To indicate a watercraft should pass to the north or east, (a) Any canoe, kayak, or sailboat used by a nonprofit organiza- <br /> where there is no well-defined channel, a buoy shall have the top tion where a substantial part of the usage is in teaching water- <br /> surface and the upper 5 inches colored black and the remainder craft safety, $2 for three calendar years. <br /> colored white. If the buoy is reflectorized, it shall be done with (b) Any watercraft which is rented or leased or offered <br /> a white strip no less than 4 inches in width that completely encir- for rent or lease, $3 for three calendar years for each watercraft <br /> cles the buoy and it shall be placed directlq under the black top. 19 feet in length or under, measured from transom top to point <br /> A white quick-flashing light shall be used if the buoy is lighCed. of the bow; $25 for three calendar years for each watercraft over <br /> 19 feet <br /> (c) Other Navigational Buoys. A buoy indicating that a water- , measured from transom top to point of the bow,. Any <br /> craft should not pass between it and the nearest shore shall have motorboat which is hired or offered for hire, with an operator, <br /> a flat top and shall have a square transverse cross section measur- $25 for three calendar years. <br /> (c) For each watercraft 19 feet in length or under, measured <br /> ing not less than 9 inches nor more than 15 inches on a side and r from transom top to point of the bow, $5 for three calendar years; <br /> ahall extend at least 36 inches above the surface of the water. for each watercraft over 19 feet, measured from' transom top <br /> Each such buoy shall have a white top surface and a white vertical to point of the bow, $10 for three calendar years. <br /> stripe on each side extending medially from top to bottom of a (d) Dealer's license $15 for three calendar years, regardless <br /> width equal to one-half the width of each side. The remainder shall of the number of watercraft owned by such dealer. <br /> be colored red. White reflectorization may be used on a minimum (e) Duplicate licenses or transfer of a license may be obtained <br /> of the upper four inches of the white vertical stripe. Red reflectori- at a cost of $2. <br /> zation may be used on a minimum of the upper four inches of <br /> Subd. 5. Disposition of receipts. All money received by the com- <br /> the red vertical stripes. A white quick-flashing light shall be used missioner shall be deposited with the state treasurer and shall <br /> if the buoy is lighted. be ezcpended only as may be authorized by law for administration <br /> (d) Mooring Buoys. Every buoy placed in the waters of the state and enforcement of Chapter 361, inspection of watercraft, and <br /> for use in anchoring or mooring watercraft may be of any practi- acquisition and development of sites for public access to the waters <br /> cable size or shape, but must have at least S inches extending above of this state. <br /> the waterline. No anchoring buoy may have a diameter of over <br /> Subd. 6. Expiration, renewal; new licenses. Licenses issued <br /> 20 inches if circular or a length or width of more than 20 inches hereunder shall expire on December 31 of the year of expiration <br /> if some other shape. No mooring or anchor buoy may be placed and may be renewed in the manner provided for original issuance. <br /> in any public water if it obstructs access to any public or private No new license shall be issued for any watercraft which has pre- <br /> property or creates a navigational hazard. Every such buoy shall viously been licensed under Chapter 361 except in accordance.with <br /> be colored white and shall be encircleti by a visible blue band at this section, unless notice of abandonment of such watercraft shall <br /> least three inches wide. Mooring buoys must have a minimum total have been given as hereinafter required at least one year prior <br /> of 16 square inches of white reflectorization, part of which must to the date of application for such new license or unless the applica- <br /> be visible from any direction. Mooring buoys, if lighted, shall show tion is accompanied by satisfactory pmof that the watercraft has <br /> a flashing white light. <br /> (e) Regulatory and Informational Signs. been continually outside this state at least one year prior to such <br /> (1) No regulatory or informational signs may be placed in or date. Any holder of a license shall notify the commissioner in writ- <br /> upon the waters of the state except by public authority or under ing within 30 days if his address no longer conforms to the address <br /> appearing on hia license, upon such form as the commissioner shall <br /> a permit issned by the sheriff of the county. All such signs shall <br /> prescribe <br /> be colored white except as hereinafter provided. , . <br /> (2) Every sign giving information for the convenience of water- Subd: 7. Loss or deStruCtion, dupliCate IiCense. Upon receipt <br /> craft operators shall bear a two-inch wide orange-colored band of affidavit of loss or destruction of a license issued hereunder, <br /> forming an upright rectangle measuring at least 14 inches in together with the duplicate license fee, the commissioner shall <br /> height and width, outside dimensions. issue a duplicate license. <br /> (3) Signs indicating danger to watercraft shall bear an orange- Subd. S. Transf@r of Ownership, deStruCtion or ebendonment <br /> colored band of two-inch width forming an upright diamond at least of watercraft. Within 15 days after the transfer of ownership, or <br /> 14 inches in outside width, and such signs shall bear a printed any part thereof, other than a security interest, or the destruction <br /> statement of the source of danger. or abandonment of any watercraft, written notice thereof shall be <br /> (4) Signs indicating controlled water areas in which boating, given to the commissioner in such form as he shall prescribe. Every <br /> fishing, water skiing, skin diving, or other water activities are owner or part owner of a watercraft to whom ownership is trans- <br /> ferred shall, upon failure to give such notice, be subject to the <br /> 30 7 <br />
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