<br />
<br /> determining the maximum weight for watercraft manufactured for
<br /> penalties imposed by Chapter 361. Failure to give such notice of sale in Minnesota, 19 feet and under, except canoes, kayaks, and
<br /> transfer of ownership shall terminate the license without further sailboats, shall be the reeommended practices for watercraft load
<br /> action. Every notice of transfer of ownership shall also be accom- capacity Project H-5 (adopted) or Project H-5a (proposed) contained
<br /> panied by the duplicate license fee and, upon receipt thereof, the in the American Boat and Yacht Council Incorporated publication
<br /> commissioner shall issue a duplicate license. "Safety Standards for Small Craft 1971-72".
<br /> Subd. 9. Dealer's license. Distinguishable licenses shall be (c) Formula for Determining Mazimum Horsepower. The for-
<br /> issued to any dealer, upon application and payment of the appro- mula for determining the maximum horsepower for watercraft
<br /> priate fees as provided in Subdivisions 2 and 3, and any watercraft manufactured for sale in Minnesota, 19 feet and under, shall be
<br /> owned by the dealer, may, subject to all of the provisions of Sections the "Recommended Practices and Standards Covering Safe Power-
<br /> 361.01 to 361.28, be operated thereunder on the waters of this state (ng of Small Crafti° Project P-11 (proposed) contained in the Ameri-
<br /> for demonstration purposes or any other purpose incident to the can Boat and Yacht Council, Incorporated, publication "Sa£ety
<br /> usual and customary conduct of the business of manufacturing, ti Standards for Small Craft 1971-72".
<br /> selling or trading of watercraft.
<br /> Subd. 10. Watercraft owned by state or political subdivision. NR 204 - WATERWAY MARKERS.
<br /> Distinguishable licenses shall be issued without the payment of (a) Generally. Except as hereinafter provided, or as otherwise
<br /> a fee for watercraft owned by the state of Minnesota or a political provided by law, all waterway markers placed in or upon the waters
<br /> subdivision thereof upon application therefor. of the state by public authority or under a permit issued by the
<br /> Subd. 17. Suspension or revocation of license. The commis- sheriff of any county for the purposes hereinafter set forth shall
<br /> sioner may suspend or revoke the license of any watercraft rented, have the form, size, lighting, reflectorization and coloration pre-
<br /> leased, or hired, or offered for rent, lease, or hire which does not scribed therefor.
<br /> comply with the standards of safety for such watercraft which the (b) Channel Marker Buoys
<br /> commissioner shall prescribe, or for which the owner thereof fails (1) Every channel marker buoy shall have the external form
<br /> to keep a record of the name and address of the person renting, of a flat-topped cylinder having a circular transverse cross-section
<br /> leasing, or hiring such watercraft, the identification number not less than 9 inches and not more than 15 inches in diameter.
<br /> thereof, the date and time the person takes possession, and the All such markers must extend at least 36 inches above the water.
<br /> expected time of return thereo£ Such record shall be preserved (Z) Where channel marker buoys are placed to indicate the loca-
<br /> for at least six months. tion oF a well-defined boating channel, an all black buoy and an
<br /> Subd. 12. Exemptions. No license hereunder shall be required all red buoy shall be placed in opposition to each other to indicate
<br /> for the following described watercraft: the course of the channel is located between them. In Aowing water,
<br /> (a) Watercraft which is covered by a license or number in full the red buoy shall be situated on the right side of the channel
<br /> force and effect pursuant to federal law or a federally-approved when facing upstream. A green flashing light shall be used in con-
<br /> licensing or numbering system of another state, and which has junction with a black buo.y if it is to be lighted. When reflectorization
<br /> not been within this state for more than 90 consecutive days, is used with a black buoy, it shall be green in color and no less
<br /> the aforesaid 90 consecutive days shall not include days in which than a 4-inch wide strip shall completely surround the buoy and
<br /> a watercraft is laid up at dock over winter or for repairs at any r shall be located at the top of the buoy. Number designations shall
<br /> Lake Superior port, or any other Minnesota port. be odd. A red flashing light shall be used in conjunction with a
<br /> (b) Watercraft from a country other than the United States red buoy if it is to be lighted. When reflectorization is used with
<br /> which have not been within this state for more than 90 consecu- a red buoy, it shall be red in color and no less than a 4-inch wide
<br /> tive days, the aforesaid 90 consecutive days shall not include . strip shall completely surround the buoy and shall be located at
<br /> days in which a watercraft is laid up at dock over winter or the top of the buoy. Number designations shall be even.
<br /> for repairs at any Lake Superior port, or any other Minnesota (3) To indicate a watercraft should pass to south or west, where
<br /> port. there is no well-defined channel, a buoy shall have the top surface
<br /> (c) Watercraft owned by the YJnited States, a state, or a politi- and upper 5 inches colored red and the remainder colored white.
<br /> cal subdivision thereof. If the buoy is reflectorized it shall be done with a white strip, no
<br /> (d) Ship's lifeboat. less than 4 inches in width,, that completely encircles the buoy
<br /> (e) Watercraft which has a valid marine document issued by aod it shall be placed directly under the red top. A white quick-
<br /> the bureau of customs of the United States government or any flashing light shall be used if the buoy is lighted.
<br /> federal agency successor thereto.
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