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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ • <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA Lated aick leave, to prateot the employee <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY in the event of tong illneav ot accident. <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS Notwithstsnding the foregoing, the <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 110 Gouncil may, in its discretion, grant ad- <br /> AN OftDINANCE REPEALING ORD. ditional aick }eaPe pay to a Village em- <br /> NO. 106 AND AMENDING ORD. NO. ployee in the event the Cauncil finds <br /> 83, THE PDRSONNEL ORDINANCE, that extension of- the normal sick <br /> BY ADJU9TING SICK LEAV E AND aftowance is justified because of hard- <br /> VACATION BENEFITS AND GRANT- ship to the emplayee. The Council ahall <br /> ING ADDITIONAL DISCRETION TO determine the existence of the hardship, , <br /> THE COUNOIL IN CER.TAIN MAT- in its sound d3scretion, which detertnd- <br /> TERS. nation shall be final. In addition to the <br /> The Village Council of the Village of pxrticular hardship the C)ouncil ahall <br /> Arden Hills daes hereby ordain as fol- consider the length of service of the <br /> lows : ' employee, and emergeney extenaion of <br /> Section 1. Ordinance No. 106 RepeaJ- the sick leave sllawance ahall not be <br /> ed. Ordinanee No. - 106, amending Ordi- granted unless the employee has been in nance No. 83, is hereby repesled. All ac- the employ of the Village at leaat one <br /> tions taken by the Cauncil thereunder to , calendar year, whether part-time or <br /> the effective date of this Ordinance, in- full-time. The Couneil stiall also dzter- <br /> cluding actions taken in establiahing mine in the particular oase whether suah <br /> health insurance and allied insurance emergency sick leave as may be granked <br /> benefits far Village employeea, are in shall be charged againek laker aocumvls- <br /> a11 things ratified and approved. tivns af sick ]eave by the employee. <br /> Sec ion 2. Amendment of Ord' ance $ection 4. Health Inenrance And Al- <br /> , No. , Section 3, Su6divieion , Re- lied Benefits. 3ectuon 3 of Ord. No. 83 <br /> gardin Vacationa. Paxagraphs , 4 and is hereby amended to add thereto the <br /> 5 of Se 'an 3$ubdivision B f Ordin- following as Subdivision G, to-w3t: <br /> ance No 83,1h Personne Ordinence, $nbdivision G. Health Inanrance and <br /> relating vacations, are h eby reP~led Allied Benefite. The Coun-eil may, in ite <br /> and the f owing are au kituted in the e diacretion, provide health insurance ben. <br /> place of sa14 numbered anagraphe: efits far employces of the, and <br /> 3. Regula emplo9 with aervice /1n ) eny such plan or plans anfl the gayments <br /> credits for o year rough 4ive years 1 to be made by the Village thereuader <br /> shaH be eligible for o weeks (10 days) may be approved by the Council by Rea- <br /> of paid vacatian d ing each yeur after o]ution from time to time. <br /> the firat year of ployment. ~ Section 5. Amendment of Ordinance <br /> 4. Regular oyees with aervice No. 83 Regardinq Overtime Pay. Subdi- <br /> . credits for fiv ye through twenty vision D of Section 4 of Ord." No. 83, <br /> years will eligibl for three weeks regarding overtime pay, . is hereby (fifteen da of peLi vacation oom- amended in its entirety to read as fal- <br /> meneing i the sixth oP their em- lows : <br /> ployment and continuing hrough the 3nbdiviaion D. Overtime Pay. Over- <br /> twentiet year of theu emp ent. time work is work in addition to the <br /> 5. lar emyloyees who h ve accu- established schedvle for hours of work <br /> mula service credits for twen years and sha,ll only be- perfomled with the <br /> will eligible for four weeka ( enty appmval af the emPloyWs aupervieor <br /> day of paid vacation commencin in or Adminiatrative Clerk. Emplayees ahsll <br /> th r twenty-first year of employme . by paid at straighh time for all hours <br /> ection 3. Amendment ofOrdinan . worked in excess of establiehed sched- <br /> No. 83, the Peraonnel Ordinance, Relat- ules, but the Council is hereby author- <br /> ing to 3ick Leave. Paragraph 3, Subdn- nzed to establiah sueh separate schedules <br /> vision C of Ordinance No. 93, as amend- for overtime pay in any Village depart- <br /> ed by Ordinanee No. 166, is hereby met as it may term advisable in its <br /> amended in its entirety to read as fo7- discretion. <br /> 1ows: 3ection 6. Effective Date. Thia ordi- <br /> 3. Sick Teave pay will be granted ac- nance shall take effect and be in force <br /> cording to -accumulated earned service from and afber its passage and publioa- <br /> credit, after one year's employment, tfl tion, but in no evexut earlier than Jaau- regularemployees at the rate of one ary 1, 1969. - da.y per month, twelve days a year, but passed by the Council of the Village of ' <br /> in no event shall accumulated sick leave Arden Hills this Sth day of Deoember, <br /> total mare than one hundred tiays. When 1868. ' <br /> accnmulated auck leave reaehes the said Robert W. Bjornda,hl, Mayor <br /> maximum the emp1ayee wi11 comtinue to Attest: <br /> be credited with one day per month Lomaine E. Stsa¢nquie~t • <br /> banked sick leave; which may be used Adminiatrakive Clerk <br /> by him after depletion af his accumu- (Bulletin : Decenvbes 19, 1968) <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br /> > <br />