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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Legal Notice -ilh leakproof Uodies of eas-ily cleanahle <br /> construction and campletely covered with <br /> metal. Vehicles shall be so operated that <br /> STATE OF MINNESUTA contenty do npt xFill or drip upan street5 <br /> COUNTY OF RAM3EY or alleys ar otherwise create a uuisance. <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS SECl'ION 5. Licensing of Collectors. <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 43 Subdivision I. No persron, firm or cor- <br /> AN ORDINANCE REGUL.4TING THE poratian shall collect garbage o'r ather <br /> STORAGE, COLLECTION, AND D14- refuse within the village without first <br /> POSAI. QF GARBAGE AND OTHER having applied for and received a license- <br /> REFUSE. as herein provided. <br /> The Village Comicil of the Village of Subdivision 2. Any person, firm, or <br /> Arden Hills does hercby ordlain as fvl- carporatian de&iring a license to callect <br /> IcYws: garbage or other refuse within the villagz <br /> SECfIQN I. Aefinitions. Subdivision shall make applicatian far the same ta I <br /> 1. Far the purpase of this ardinance the the village clerk upon a form prescribed <br /> term "garbage" means all putrescrible by the villagc cauncil. The app]ication I <br /> wastes, mcluding animal offal and car- shall set farth: (a) the name and address <br /> cagses of dead ammals btxt exclurling of t?ie arFticant; (b) a iist of the equip- <br /> human excrea, sewage and other water- ment which he prapases, ta use in such <br /> carried wastes. collectian; (c) the place or places to which <br /> Stebdivsian 2. The term "other ref- each kind of waste is ta be hauled; (d) <br /> use" means ashes, glass, crdckery, tin the manner in which said waste is to' be <br /> cans, papmer', baxes, rag~s, bld c~loRh~ing dha~se~d af; (e) a schedule~ af fees to be <br /> and ittrture and all similar non-putre- Sed hy the licensee wifhin the villag , <br /> scible wastes; Uwt dacS nat include any (f) the agreement of the applicant tq <br /> material, such as earth, sand, brick, stone, abide by the terms of this ordinance and <br /> plaster or other similar snbstances, that al] rv,les ^nd regulations then ar there- <br /> may acewrnwlate as a result of construc- after made by the council and/cr the <br /> tiar~tiuns. village health officer; and (g) such oth:,r <br /> Wa,ON 2. Deposit of Garbage and informatian as the cauncil rnay direct. <br /> Refuse Restricted. Na person shall de- Said app!ication shall be submitted tJ:c <br /> ' posit or cause ta be degosited any garbage health officer of the village (or investiga- <br /> or other refuse npon any vacant lo't or tian and report. If the health officer <br /> other tract of land, whether platted or finds that the apFlicant is resPonsble and <br /> unplattad, or upon, any graund appu*teuant has praper equipment for such callection, <br /> to any building in the Village of Arden and that no nuisance is liab!e to be creat- <br /> Hills except in the manner provided by ed by the granfing of said liceuse, he <br /> this ordinance. No persons excegt a cal- shall endarse his approval upon the ap- <br /> lector duly licensed by the Village sha11 Plicatioit. The application shall then be - <br /> callect or in any manner interfere with submitted ta the village ~rouncil und, if <br /> garbage and other refuse placed in can- approved, shall Ue referred to the village <br /> - tamers frn• collectidn ar interfere in any clerk foz issuance of the licznse. The <br /> manner with conYainers for garbage or council r,iay, if it deems the pub!ic inter- <br /> other refuse. est will best be served thereby, refuse <br /> SEC'rION 3. Storage of Garbage and to issue any license or limit the nwnber <br /> ' Otfier Reduse. Eacept as otherwise pro- of licenses and may issne licenses cover- <br /> vided in this sectian all garbage and 'nB °'nlY Part o-f the village. A;icense <br /> - o'ther refus~e shall be kept in rust-resis, fee of T'welve Dollars ($12,.00) per year <br /> tant, water-tight, nonabsorbent and easilv shall atcomgany the application and upon <br /> washable cantainexs which are equippcd Sranting the license such fee shall be de- <br /> with a bail ar handles and cavered with Pusited in the general fund of the village. <br /> close-fitting lids. Insafar as practicatrle, If the license is denied such fee shall be <br /> all garbage shall be drained o£ liquids refunded to the applicant. Na license is- <br /> Pnd wraol,ed m Par, rs. Containers shall sued hereunder shall be for a longer pe- <br /> havz a capaciky of less than 10 nor ridd than one year and all licenses issved <br /> more than 30 gallons and shall he pro- hereuvder shall expire on the 30th day of <br /> vided in swfficient number to hold all June. The council may revake any ]i- <br /> f arbage and o4her refuse aceumulating cense issued hereunder for failure of the <br /> etween callecfums. Insofar as practica- licensec tn carry aut the duties impose3 <br /> ble, baxes, papers, tree euttings, aed odd upon him hereby, or his agreements in hi;. <br /> articles shall be crushed and placed out- applicatiah, oT for any other r_atrse, ypon <br /> side of svch containers in krundles noY reasanable notice and hearing. No part <br /> exceedin$ three feet in length and 50 any hsuch erev~acatian aand e no refunded <br /> liense ~ isn <br /> pauwashed nds m and wzight. treated All with a disicontainersnfshallectant sued hereunder sha11 be trans~ferable. Ap- <br /> e <br /> b ptication for ~enewal of anas often as necessary ba prevent nuisance. y such ]icense <br /> Such comtainersshall be kept in an ao shall be made in the same manner and <br /> cessible ]ceation for collectian and shall shall bc accoyupanied by the same fee as <br /> be kept in a location on the owners prem- the or~~ig inal application. <br /> ises that is as nom-conspicuous as preacti- SEG"T'ION 6. Penalty, AIIy- persan, <br /> cable From adjaining premises firm, or corporati~on vialating any pro- <br /> SEGTIaN 4. Collection . of Garb vision of this drdinance shall be <br /> age a misdemeanor and u guilty of <br /> and Other Refws~e. Subdivision 1. Col- of shall lye piyn~sh,d n conviction there- <br /> ]cction shall he made at least once each Y a fine of not mare <br /> wcek by a duly license.d, collectar.Each than $ 100 ar imprisonment in the <br /> person having such garbage or refuse for iail far n~at more than 90 days. county <br /> callectian shall arrange for the collec- SECTION 7. This ardinance shall be <br /> tion thereoi with a licensed collector and Published forthwi4h in tihe afficial village <br /> shall pa newspaper and shall be effective frorn and <br /> therefor yat su his ch scoaheduled' lleckor not rates. to exceed after its passage and publication. Subdi Yaased by the Camcil aE the Village of <br /> visian 2. All garbage or ather Arden Hills this 29 day of Julch, ~ Ma <br /> refuse shall ha transported on the streets Robert O. Ashba 959. <br /> or alleys in the village only in vehicles' Attest: Yor <br /> Lorraine E. Strarnquist, Clerk <br /> :;g+st 6, 1959 100 sligs <br /> TIiE €i47bi~ rRi!ts t w . . <br /> ~ <br />